WeeChat - Wee Enhanced Environment for Chat =========================================== * FlashCode, 2006-03-03 (draft) Important release notes for 0.1.8 (draft): - it is recommended for users of version 0.1.7 (or any older), to replace values in setup file (~/.weechat/weechat.rc) : - option: log_path: replace "~/.weechat/logs" by "%h/logs" - option: plugins_path: replace "~/.weechat/plugins" by "%h/plugins" "%h" is replaced by WeeChat home (default: ~/.weechat, may be overriden by new command line arg --dir) - after installing 0.1.8 (or with /upgrade), issue both commands (if you didn't redefined these keys (alt-home/end): /key unbind meta-meta2-1~ /key unbind meta-meta2-4~ then launch again WeeChat (or issue /upgrade). Alt-home/end were used for nicklist scroll, they're now replaced by Alt-F11/F12. * FlashCode, 2006-01-14 WeeChat 0.1.7 released. Important release notes: - Ruby script plugin has been added but is experimental in this release. You're warned! - "/away" command was changed to be RFC 2812 compliant. Now argument is required to set away, and no argument means remove away ("back"). Setting "irc_default_msg_away" has been removed. * FlashCode, 2005-11-11 WeeChat 0.1.6 released. Important release notes: - incompatibility with some old scripts: now all handlers have to return a code for completion, and to do some actions about message to ignore (please look at documentation for detail) - on OpenBSD, the new option "plugins_extension" should be set to ".so.0.0" since the plugins names are ending by ".so.0.0" and not ".so" - with new and full UTF-8 support, the option "look_charset_internal" should be set to blank for most cases. Forces it only if your locale is not properly detected by WeeChat (you can set "UTF-8" or "ISO-8859-15" for example, depending on your locale). WeeChat is looking for "UTF-8" in your locale name at startup. * FlashCode, 2005-09-24 WeeChat 0.1.5 released. * FlashCode, 2005-07-30 WeeChat 0.1.4 released. * FlashCode, 2005-07-02 WeeChat 0.1.3 released. * FlashCode, 2005-05-21 WeeChat 0.1.2 released. * FlashCode, 2005-03-20 WeeChat 0.1.1 released. * FlashCode, 2005-02-12 WeeChat 0.1.0 released. * FlashCode, 2005-01-01 WeeChat 0.0.9 released. * FlashCode, 2004-10-30 WeeChat 0.0.8 released. * FlashCode, 2004-08-08 WeeChat 0.0.7 released. * FlashCode, 2004-06-05 WeeChat 0.0.6 released. * FlashCode, 2004-02-07 WeeChat 0.0.5 released. * FlashCode, 2004-01-01 WeeChat 0.0.4 released. * FlashCode, 2003-11-03 WeeChat 0.0.3 released. * FlashCode, 2003-10-05 WeeChat 0.0.2 released. * FlashCode, 2003-09-27 WeeChat 0.0.1 released.