]> WeeChat 0.1.7-cvs - User guide Fast, light and extensible IRC client Sébastien Helleu flashcode AT flashtux.org 2006 Sébastien Helleu This manual is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA This manual documents WeeChat IRC client, it is part of WeeChat. Latest version of this document can be found on this page: http://weechat.flashtux.org/doc.php Introduction This chapter describes WeeChat and pre-requisites for its installation.
Description WeeChat (Wee Enhanced Environment for Chat) is a free IRC client, fast and light, designed for many operating systems. Main features are: multi-servers connection (with SSL, IPv6, proxy) many GUI: Curses, wxWidgets, Gtk and Qt small, fast and light customizable and extensible with plugins and scripts compliant with RFCs 1459, 2810, 2811, 2812 and 2813 multi-platform (GNU/Linux, *BSD, MacOS X, Windows and other) 100% GPL, free software WeeChat homepage is here: http://weechat.flashtux.org
Pre-requisites In order to install WeeChat, you need: a running GNU/Linux system (with compiler tools for source package) "root" privileges (to install WeeChat) according to GUI, one of the following libraries: Curses: ncurses library Gtk: *** GUI not developed *** WxWidgets: *** GUI not developed *** Qt: *** GUI not developed ***
Installation This chapter explains how to install WeeChat.
Binary packages Binary packages are available for these distributions: Debian (or any Debian compatible distribution): apt-get install weechat Mandriva/RedHat (or any RPM compatible distribution): rpm -i /chemin/weechat-x.y.z-1.i386.rpm Gentoo : emerge weechat For other distributions, please look at your manual for installation instructions.
Source package All you have to do is to run in a console or a terminal: $ ./configure $ make Then get root privileges and install WeeChat: $ su (enter root password) # make install
CVS sources Warning: CVS sources are for advanced users: it may not compile or not be stable. You're warned! To get CVS sources, issue this command: $ cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.savannah.nongnu.org:/sources/weechat co weechat Execute this script: ./autogen.sh Then follow instructions for source package (see )
Usage This chapter explains how to run WeeChat, the default key bindings used, internal and IRC commands, setup file, and FIFO pipe use.
Running WeeChat Command line arguments: Parameter Description -a, --no-connect Disable auto-connect to servers at startup -c, --config Display config help (list of options) -f, --key-functions Display WeeChat internal functions for keys -h, --help Display help -i, --irc-commands Display IRC commands list -k, --keys Display WeeChat default keys -l, --license Display WeeChat license -p, --no-plugin Disable plugins auto-load -v, --version Display WeeChat version -w, --weechat-commands Display WeeChat commands list It is also possible to give URL for one or many IRC servers, as follow: irc[6][s]://[pseudo[:mot_passe]@]irc.example.org[:port][/channel][,channel[...] Example to join #weechat and #toto on "irc.freenode.net" server, default port (6667), with "nono" nick: $ weechat-curses irc://nono@irc.freenode.net/#weechat,#toto To start WeeChat, issue this command: for Curses GUI: weechat-curses for Gtk GUI: weechat-gtk for wxWidgets GUI: weechat-wxwidgets for Qt GUI: weechat-qt When you run WeeChat for the first time, a default configuration file is created, with default options. The default configuration file is: "~/.weechat/weechat.rc" You can edit thie file at your convenience to configure WeeChat (ONLY if WeeChat is not running), or you can set parameters with "/set" command in WeeChat (see )
Key bindings Key Action Left arrow Go to previous char in command line Right arrow Go to next char in command line Ctrl + left arrow Go to previous word in command line Ctrl + right arrow Go to next word in command line Home / Ctrl + A Go to the beginning of command line End / Ctrl + E Go to the end of command line Ctrl + K Delete from cursor until end of command line Ctrl + L Redraw whole window Ctrl + U Delete from cursor until beginning of command line Ctrl + W Delete previous word of command line Backspace Delete previous char in command line Delete Delete next char in command line Tab Complete command or nick (Tab again: find next completion) Any char Insert char at cursor position in command line Enter Execute command or send message Up arrow / Down arrow Call again last commands/messages Ctrl + up arrow / Ctrl + down arrow Call again last commands/messages in global history (common for all buffers) PageUp / PageDown Show buffer history F5 / Alt + left arrow Switch to previous buffer F6 / Alt + right arrow Switch to next buffer F7 Switch to previous window F8 Switch to next window F10 Remove last infobar message F11 / F12 Scroll nicklist Alt + Home / Alt + End Go to the beginning / the end of nicklist Alt + A Switch to next buffer with activity (with priority: highlight, message, other) Alt + B Go to previous word in command line Alt + D Delete next word in command line Alt + F Go to next word in command line Alt + H Clear hotlist (activity notification on other buffers) Alt + J then Alt + D Display DCC buffer Alt + J then Alt + L Switch to last buffer Alt + J then Alt + S Switch to server buffer Alt + J puis Alt + X Switch to first channel of next buffer (or server buffer if no channel is opened) Alt + digit (0-9) Switch to buffer by number (0 = 10) Alt + J then number (01-99) Switch to buffer by number Alt + K Grab a key and insert its code in command line Alt + N Scroll to next highlight Alt + P Scroll to previous highlight Alt + R Delete entire command line Alt + S Switch servers on servers buffer (if option "look_one_server_buffer" is enabled) Alt + U Scroll to first unread line in buffer Alt + W then Alt + flèche Switch to window with direction
WeeChat / IRC commands This chapter lists all WeeChat and IRC commands.
WeeChat commands &weechat_commands.xml;
Key functions Function Description &key_functions.xml;
IRC commands &irc_commands.xml;
Configuration file List of options for config file: Option Type Values Default Description &config.xml; Colors for Curses GUI are: Keyword Color default default color (transparent for background) black black red dark red lightred light red green dark green lightgreen light green brown brown yellow yellow blue dark blue lightblue light blue magenta dark magenta lightmagenta light magenta cyan dark cyan lightcyan light cyan white white
FIFO pipe You can remote control WeeChat, by sending commands or text to a FIFO pipe (you have to enable option "irc_fifo_pipe", it is disabled by default). The FIFO pipe is located in "~/.weechat/" and is called "weechat_fifo_xxxxx" (where xxxxx is the process ID (PID) of running WeeChat). So if many WeeChat are running, you have many FIFO pipes, one for each session. The syntax for the FIFO pipe commands/text is: server,channel *text or command here where server and channel are optional, but if channel is here, server should be too. Some examples: nick change on freenode to "mynick|out" : $ echo "freenode */nick mynick|out" >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo_12345 display text on #weechat channel: $ echo "freenode,#weechat *hello everybody!" >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo_12345 display text on current channel (buffer displayed by WeeChat): $ echo "*hello!" >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo_12345 Warning: this is dangerous and you should not do that except if you know what you do! send two commands to unload/reload Perl scripts (you have to separate them with "\n"): $ echo -e "freenode */perl unload\nfreenode */perl autoload" >~/.weechat/weechat_fifo_12345 You can write a script to send command to all running WeeChat at same time, for example: #!/bin/sh if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then for fifo in $(/bin/ls ~/.weechat/weechat_fifo_* 2>/dev/null); do echo -e "$1" >$fifo done fi If the script is called "auto_weechat_command", you can run it with: $ ./auto_weechat_command "freenode,#weechat *hello"
Plugins This chapter describes WeeChat plugins interface (API) and the default scripts plugins (Perl, Python, Ruby), provided with WeeChat.
Plugins in WeeChat A plugin is a C program which can call WeeChat functions defined in an interface. This C program does not need WeeChat sources to compile and can be dynamically loaded into WeeChat with command /plugin. The plugin has to be a dynamic library, for dynamic loading by operating system. Under GNU/Linux, the file has ".so" extension, ".dll" under Windows.
Write a plugin The plugin has to include "weechat-plugin.h" file (available in WeeChat source code). This file defines structures and types used to communicate with WeeChat. The plugin must have some variables and functions (mandatory, without them the plugin can't load): Variable Description char plugin_name[] plugin name char plugin_version[] plugin version char plugin_description[] short description of plugin Function Description int weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin) function called when plugin is loaded, must return PLUGIN_RC_OK if successful, PLUGIN_RC_KO if error (if error, plugin will NOT be loaded) void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin) function called when plugin is unloaded
API functions
ascii_strcasecmp Prototype: int ascii_strcasecmp (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *string1, char *string2) Locale and case independent string comparison. Arguments: : pointer to plugin structure : first string for comparison : second string for comparison Return value: difference between two strings: negative if string1 < string2, zero if string1 == string2, positive if string1 > string2 Example: if (plugin->ascii_strcasecmp (plugin, "abc", "def") != 0) ...
ascii_strncasecmp Prototype: int ascii_strncasecmp (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *string1, char *string2, int max) Locale and case independent string comparison, for "max" chars. Arguments: : pointer to plugin struct : first string for comparison : second string for comparison : max number of chars for comparison Return value: difference between two strings: negative if string1 < string2, zero if string1 == string2, positive if string1 > string2 Example: if (plugin->ascii_strncasecmp (plugin, "abc", "def", 2) != 0) ...
explode_string Prototype: char **explode_string (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *string, char *separators, int num_items_max, int *num_items) Explode a string according to one or more delimiter(s). Arguments: : pointer to plugin struct : string to explode : delimiters used for explosion : maximum number of items created (0 = no limit) : pointer to int which will contain number of items created Return value: array of strings, NULL if problem. Note: result has to be free by a call to "free_exloded_string" after use. Example: char **argv; int argc; argv = plugin->explode_string (plugin, string, " ", 0, &argc); ... if (argv != NULL) plugin->free_exploded_string (plugin, argv);
free_exploded_string Prototype: char **free_exploded_string (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char **string) Free memory used by a string explosion. Arguments: : pointer to plugin structure : string exploded by "explode_string" function Return value: none. Example: char *argv; int argc; argv = plugin->explode_string (plugin, string, " ", 0, &argc); ... if (argv != NULL) plugin->free_exploded_string (plugin, argv);
exec_on_files Prototype: void exec_on_files (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *repertoire, int (*callback)(t_weechat_plugin *, char *)) Execute a function on all files of a directory. Arguments: : pointer tu plugin structure : directory for searching files : function called for each file found Return value: none. Example: int callback (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *file) { plugin->printf_server (plugin, "file: %s", file); return 1; } ... plugin->exec_on_files (plugin, "/tmp", &callback);
printf Prototype: void printf (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *server, char *channel, char *message, ...) Display a message on a WeeChat buffer, identified by server and channel (both may be NULL for current buffer). Arguments: : pointer to plugin structure : internal name of server to find buffer for message display (may be NULL) : name of channel to find buffer for message display (may be NULL) : message Return value: none. Examples: plugin->printf (plugin, NULL, NULL, "hello"); plugin->printf (plugin, NULL, "#weechat", "hello"); plugin->printf (plugin, "freenode", "#weechat", "hello");
printf_server Prototype: void printf_server (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *message, ...) Display a message on current server buffer. Arguments: : pointer to plugin structure : message Return value: none. Example: plugin->printf_server (plugin, "hello");
printf_infobar Prototype: void printf_infobar (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, int time, char *message, ...) Display a message in infobar for a specified time. Arguments: : pointer to plugin structure : time (in seconds) for displaying message (0 = never erased) Return value: none. Example: plugin->printf_infobar (plugin, 5, "hello");
msg_handler_add Prototype: t_plugin_handler *msg_handler_add (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *message, t_plugin_handler_func *function, char *handler_args, void *handler_pointer) Add an IRC message handler, called when an IRC message is received. Arguments: : pointer to plugin structure : name of IRC message. To know list of IRC messages, please consult RFCs 1459 and 2812 : function called when message is received : arguments given to function when called : pointer given to function when called Return value: pointer to new message handler. Note: function called when message is received has to return one of following values: PLUGIN_RC_KO: function failed PLUGIN_RC_OK: function successfully completed PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_WEECHAT: message will not be sent to WeeChat PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_PLUGINS: message will not be sent to other plugins PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_ALL: message will not be sent to WeeChat neither other plugins Example: int msg_kick (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *server, char *command, char *arguments, char *handler_args, void *handler_pointer) { plugin->printf (plugin, serveur, NULL, "KICK received"); return PLUGIN_RC_OK; } ... plugin->msg_handler_add (plugin, "KICK", &msg_kick, NULL, NULL);
cmd_handler_add Prototype: t_plugin_handler *cmd_handler_add (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *command, char *description, char *arguments, char *arguments_description, char *completion_template, t_plugin_handler_func *fonction, char *handler_args, void *handler_pointer) Add a WeeChat command handler, called when user uses command (for example /command). Arguments: : pointer to plugin structure : the new command name, which may be an existing command (be careful, replaced command will not be available until plugin is unloaded) : short command description (displayed by /help command) : short description of command arguments (displayed by /help command) : long description of command arguments (displayed by /help command) : template for completion, like "abc|%w def|%i" which means "abc" or a WeeChat command for first argument, "def" or IRC command for second. An empty string lets WeeChat complete any argument with a nick from current channel, NULL disable completion for all command arguments. Following codes can be used: Code Description %- no completion for argument %a alias %A alias and commandes (WeeChat, IRC and plugins) %c current channel %C channels of current server %f filename %h plugins commands %i IRC commands (sent) %I IRC commands (received) %k key functions %n nicks of current channel %o setup options %p default "part" message %q default "quit" message %s current server name %S all servers names %t topic of current channel %v setup option value %w WeeChat commands %y default "away" message : function called when command is executed : arguments given to function when called : pointer given to function when called Return value: pointer to new command handler. Note: function called when command is executed has to return one of following values: PLUGIN_RC_KO: function failed PLUGIN_RC_OK: function successfulle completed Example: int cmd_test (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *server, char *command, char *arguments, char *handler_args, void *handler_pointer) { plugin->printf (plugin, serveur, NULL, "test command, nick: %s", (arguments) ? arguments : "none"); return PLUGIN_RC_OK; } ... plugin->cmd_handler_add (plugin, "test", "Test command", "[nick]", "nick: nick of channel", "%n", &cmd_test, NULL, NULL);
handler_remove Prototype: void handler_remove (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, t_plugin_handler *handler) Remove a handler. Arguments: : pointer to plugin structure : handler to remove Return value: none. Example: plugin->handler_remove (plugin, my_handler);
handler_remove_all Prototype: void handler_remove_all (t_weechat_plugin *plugin) Remove all handlers for a plugin. Arguments: : pointer to plugin structure Return value: none. Example: plugin->handler_remove_all (plugin);
exec_command Prototype: void exec_command (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *server, char *channel, char *command) Execute a WeeChat command (or send a message to a channel). Arguments: : pointer to plugin structure : internal name of server for executing command (may be NULL) : name of channel for executing command (may be NULL) : command Return value: none. Examples: plugin->exec_command (plugin, NULL, NULL, "/help nick"); plugin->exec_command (plugin, "freenode", "#weechat", "hello");
get_info Prototype: char *get_info (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *info, char *server) Return an info about WeeChat or a channel. Arguments: : pointer to plugin structure : name of info to read: Info Description version WeeChat's version nick nick channel name of channel (NULL for a server or private) server name of server away "away" flag weechat_dir WeeChat home dir (by default: ~/.weechat/) weechat_libdir WeeChat system lib directory weechat_sharedir WeeChat system share directory : internal name of server for reading info (if needed) Return value: information asked, NULL if not found. Note: result has to be free by a call to "free" function after use. Examples: char *version = plugin->get_info (plugin, "version", NULL); char *nick = plugin->get_info (plugin, "nick", "freenode");
get_dcc_info Prototype: t_plugin_info_dcc *get_dcc_info (t_weechat_plugin *plugin) Return list of DCC currently active or finished. Arguments: : pointer to plugin structure Return value: linked list of DCC. Field Description server IRC server channel IRC channel type DCC type: 0 = chat received, 1 = chat sent, 2 = file received, 3 = file sent status DCC status: 0 = waiting, 1 = connecting, 2 = active, 3 = finished, 4 = failed, 5 = interrupted by user start_time date/time of DCC creation start_transfer date/time of DCC transfert start addr IP address of remote user port port used for DCC nick remote nick filename file name local_filename local file name size file size pos position in file start_resume start position after interruption bytes_per_sec number of bytes per second since transfert start Note: result has to be free by a call to "free_dcc_info" function after use. Examples: t_plugin_dcc_info *dcc_info = plugin->get_dcc_info (plugin); for (ptr_dcc = dcc_info; ptr_dcc; ptr_dcc = ptr_dcc->next_dcc) { plugin->printf_server (plugin, "DCC type=%d, with: %s", ptr_dcc->type, ptr_dcc->nick); } if (dcc_info) plugin->free_dcc_info (plugin, dcc_info);
free_dcc_info Prototype : void free_dcc_info (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, t_plugin_dcc_info *dcc_info) Free memory used by a DCC list. Arguments: : pointer to plugin structure : pointer to DCC list returned by "get_dcc_info" function Return value: none. Example: plugin->free_dcc_info (plugin, dcc_info);
get_config Prototype : char *get_config (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *option) Return value of a WeeChat config option. Arguments: : pointer to plugin structure : name of option to read Return value: option value, NULL if not found. Note: result has to be free by a call to "free" function after use. Examples: char *value1 = plugin->get_config (plugin, "look_set_title"); char *value2 = plugin->get_config (plugin, "freenode.server_autojoin");
set_config Prototype: int set_config (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *option, char *value) Update value of a WeeChat config option. Arguments: : pointer to plugin structure : name of option to update : new value for option Return value: 1 if option was successfully updated, 0 if an error occured. Example: plugin->set_config (plugin, "look_nicklist", "off");
get_plugin_config Prototype: char *get_plugin_config (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *option) Return value of a plugin option. Option is read from file "~/.weechat/plugins.rc" and is like: "plugin.option=value" (note: plugin name is automatically added). Arguments: : pointer to plugin structure : name of option to read Return value: option value, NULL if not found. Note: result has to be free by a call to "free" function after use. Example: char *value = plugin->get_plugin_config (plugin, "my_var");
set_plugin_config Prototype: int set_plugin_config (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *option, char *value) Update value of a plugin option. Option is written in file "~/.weechat/plugins.rc" and is like: "plugin.option=value" (note: plugin name is automatically added). Arguments: : pointer to plugin structure : name of option to update : new value for option Return value: 1 if option was successfully updated, 0 if an error occurred. Example : plugin->set_plugin_config (plugin, "my_var", "value");
Compile plugin Compile does not need WeeChat sources, only file "weechat-plugin.h". To compile a plugin which has one file "toto.c" (sous GNU/Linux): $ gcc -fPIC -Wall -c toto.c $ gcc -shared -fPIC -o libtoto.so toto.o
Load plugin into WeeChat Copy "libtoto.so" file into system plugins dir (for example "/usr/local/lib/weechat/plugins") or into user's plugins dir (for example "/home/xxxxx/.weechat/plugins"). Under WeeChat: /plugin load toto
Plugin example Full example of plugin, which adds a /double command, which displays two times arguments on current channel (ok that's not very useful, but that's just an example!): #include <stdlib.h> #include "weechat-plugin.h" char plugin_name[] = "Double"; char plugin_version[] = "0.1"; char plugin_description[] = "Test plugin for WeeChat"; /* gestionnaire de commande "/double" */ int double_cmd (t_weechat_plugin *plugin, char *server, char *command, char *arguments, char *handler_args, void *handler_pointer) { if (arguments && arguments[0] && (arguments[0] != '/')) { plugin->exec_command (plugin, NULL, NULL, arguments); plugin->exec_command (plugin, NULL, NULL, arguments); } return PLUGIN_RC_OK; } int weechat_plugin_init (t_weechat_plugin *plugin) { plugin->cmd_handler_add (plugin, "double", "Display two times a message", "msg", "msg: message to display two times", NULL, &double_cmd, NULL, NULL); return PLUGIN_RC_OK; } void weechat_plugin_end (t_weechat_plugin *plugin) { /* nothing done here */ }
Scripts plugins Three plugins are provided with WeeChat to use script languages: Perl, Python and Ruby.
Load / unload scripts Scripts are loaded and unloaded with /perl, /python and /ruby commands (type /help in WeeChat for help about commands). Examples: Load a Perl script: /perl load /tmp/test.pl List all loaded Perl scripts: /perl Load a Python script: /python load /tmp/test.py List all loaded Python scripts: /python Load a Ruby script: /ruby load /tmp/test.rb List all loaded Ruby scripts: /ruby
WeeChat / scripts API
register Perl prototype: weechat::register ( name, version, end_function, description ); Python prototype: weechat.register ( name, version, end_function, description ) Ruby prototype: Weechat.register ( name, version, end_function, description ) This is first function to call in script. All WeeChat scripts have to call this function. Arguments: : unique name to identify script (each script must have unique name) : script version : function called when script is unloaded (optional parameter, empty string means nothing is called at the end) : short description of script Return value: 1 if script was registered, 0 if an error occured. Examples: # perl weechat::register ("test", "1.0", "end_test", "Test script!"); # python weechat.register ("test", "1.0", "end_test", "Test script!") # ruby Weechat.register ("test", "1.0", "end_test", "Test script!")
print Perl prototype: weechat::print ( message, [channel, [server]] ) Python prototype: weechat.prnt ( message, [channel, [server]] ) Ruby prototype: Weechat.print ( message, [channel, [server]] ) Display a message on a WeeChat buffer, identified by server and channel. Arguments: : message : name of channel to find buffer for message display : internal name of server to find buffer for message display Return value: 1 if success, 0 if an error occured. Examples: # perl weechat::print ("message"); weechat::print ("message", "#weechat"); weechat::print ("message", "#weechat", "freenode"); # python weechat.prnt ("message") weechat.prnt ("message", "#weechat") weechat.prnt ("message", "#weechat", "freenode") # ruby Weechat.print ("message") Weechat.print ("message", "#weechat") Weechat.print ("message", "#weechat", "freenode")
print_infobar Perl prototype: weechat::print_infobar ( time, message ); Python prototype: weechat.print_infobar ( time, message ) Ruby prototype: Weechat.print_infobar ( time, message ) Display a message in infobar for a specified time. Arguments: : time (in seconds) for displaying message (0 = never erased) : message Return value: 1 if success, 0 if an error occured. Examples: # perl weechat::print_infobar (5, "message"); # python weechat.print_infobar (5, "message") # ruby Weechat.print_infobar (5, "message")
add_message_handler Perl prototype: weechat::add_message_handler ( message, function ); Python prototype: weechat.add_message_handler ( message, function ) Ruby prototype: Weechat.add_message_handler ( message, function ) Add an IRC message handler, called when an IRC message is received. Arguments: : name of IRC message. To know list of IRC messages, please consult RFCs 1459 and 2812 : function called when message is received Return value: 1 if success, 0 if an error occured. Examples: # perl weechat::add_message_handler ("privmsg", my_function); sub my_function { weechat::print ("server=$_[0]\n"); ($null, $channel, $message) = split ":",$_[1],3; ($mask, $null, $channel) = split " ", $channel; weechat::print ("mask=$mask, channel=$channel, msg=$message\n"); return weechat::PLUGIN_RC_OK; } # python weechat.add_message_handler ("privmsg", my_function) def ma_fonction(server, args): weechat.prnt("server="+serveur) null, channel, message = string.split(args, ":", 2) masque, null, channel = string.split(string.strip(channel), " ", 2) weechat.prnt("mask="+mask+", canal="+channel+", message="+message) return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK Note: function called when message is received has to return one of following values (prefixed by weechat::" for Perl, "weechat." for Python or "Weechat." for Ruby): PLUGIN_RC_KO: function failed PLUGIN_RC_OK: function successfully completed PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_WEECHAT: message will not be sent to WeeChat PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_PLUGINS: message will not be sent to other plugins PLUGIN_RC_OK_IGNORE_ALL: message will not be sent to WeeChat neither other plugins
add_command_handler Perl prototype: weechat::add_command_handler ( command, function, [description, arguments, arguments_description, completion_template] ); Python prototype: weechat.add_command_handler ( command, function, [description, arguments, arguments_description, completion_template] ) Ruby prototype: Weechat.add_command_handler ( command, function, [description, arguments, arguments_description, completion_template] ) Add a WeeChat command handler, called when user uses command (for example /command). Paramètres : : the new command name, which may be an existing command (be careful, replaced command will not be available until script is unloaded) : fonction appelée lorsque la commande est exécutée : short description of command arguments (displayed by /help command) : long description of command arguments (displayed by /help command) : template for completion, like "abc|%w def|%i" which means "abc" or a WeeChat command for first argument, "def" or IRC command for second. (see ) Return value: 1 if success, 0 if an error occured. Examples: # perl weechat::add_command_handler ("command", my_command); sub my_command { weechat::print("Server: $_[0], arguments: $_[1]\n"); return weechat::PLUGIN_RC_OK; } # python weechat.add_command_handler ("command", my_command) def ma_commande(server, args): weechat.prnt("server:"+serveur+" arguments:"+args) return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK Notes: function called when command is executed has to return one of following values (prefixed by "weechat::" for Perl, "weechat." for Python or "Weechat." for Ruby): PLUGIN_RC_KO : function failed PLUGIN_RC_OK : function successfully completed
remove_handler Perl prototype: weechat::remove_handler ( name, function ); Python prototype: weechat.remove_handler ( name, function ) Ruby prototype: Weechat.remove_handler ( name, function ) Remove a handler. Arguments: : name of IRC message or command : function Return value: 1 if success, 0 if an error occured. Examples: # perl weechat::remove_handler ("command", my_command); # python weechat.remove_handler ("command", my_command) # ruby Weechat.remove_handler ("command", my_command)
command Perl prototype: weechat::command ( command, [channel, [server]] ); Python prototype: weechat.command ( command, [channel, [server]] ) Ruby prototype: Weechat.command ( command, [channel, [server]] ) Execute a WeeChat command (or send a message to a channel). Arguments: : command : name of channel for executing command : internal name of server for executing command Return value: 1 if success, 0 if an error occured. Examples: # perl weechat::command ("hello everybody!"); weechat::command ("/kick toto please leave this channel", "#weechat"); weechat::command ("/nick newnick", "", "freenode"); # python weechat.command ("hello everybody!") weechat.command ("/kick toto please leave this channel", "#weechat") weechat.command ("/nick newnick", "", "freenode") # ruby Weechat.command ("hello everybody!") Weechat.command ("/kick toto please leave this channel", "#weechat") Weechat.command ("/nick newnick", "", "freenode")
get_info Perl prototype: weechat::get_info ( name, [server] ); Python prototype: weechat.get_info ( name, [server] ) Ruby prototype: Weechat.get_info ( name, [server] ) Return an info about WeeChat or a channel. Arguments: : name of info to read (see ) : internal name of server for reading info (if needed) Return value: information asked, empty string if an error occured Examples: # perl $version = get_info("version"); $nick = get_info("nick", "freenode"); # python version = weechat.get_info ("version") nick = weechat.get_info ("nick", "freenode")
get_dcc_info Perl prototype: weechat::get_dcc_info ( ); Python prototype: weechat.get_dcc_info ( ) Ruby prototype : Weechat.get_dcc_info ( ) Return list of DCC currently active or finished. Return value: list of DCC (see ).
get_config Perl prototype: weechat::get_config ( option ); Python prototype: weechat.get_config ( option ) Ruby prototype: Weechat.get_config ( option ) Return value of a WeeChat config option. Arguments: : name of option to read Return value: option value, empty string if not found. Examples: # perl $value1 = weechat::get_config ("look_nicklist"); $value2 = weechat::get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin"); # python value1 = weechat.get_config ("look_nicklist") value2 = weechat.get_config ("freenode.server_autojoin")
set_config Perl prototype: weechat::set_config ( option, value ); Python prototype: weechat.set_config ( option, value ) Ruby prototype: Weechat.set_config ( option, value ) Update value of a WeeChat config option. Arguments: : name of option to update : new value for option Return value: 1 if option was successfully updated, 0 if an error occured. Examples: # perl weechat::set_config ("look_nicklist", "off"); weechat::set_config ("freenode.server_autojoin, "#weechat"); # python weechat.set_config ("look_nicklist", "off") weechat.set_config ("freenode.server_autojoin, "#weechat") # ruby Weechat.set_config ("look_nicklist", "off") Weechat.set_config ("freenode.server_autojoin, "#weechat")
get_plugin_config Perl prototype: weechat::get_plugin_config ( option ); Python prototype: weechat.get_plugin_config ( option ) Ruby prototype: Weechat.get_plugin_config ( option ) Return value of a plugin option. Option is read from file "~/.weechat/plugins.rc" and is like: "plugin.option=value" (note: plugin name is automatically added). Arguments: : name of option to read Return value: value of option, empty string if not found. Examples : # perl $value = weechat::get_plugin_config ("my_var"); # python value = weechat.get_plugin_config ("my_var")
set_plugin_config Perl prototype: weechat::set_plugin_config ( option, valeur ); Python prototype: weechat.set_plugin_config ( option, valeur ) Ruby prototype: Weechat.set_plugin_config ( option, valeur ) Update value of a plugin option. Option is written in file "~/.weechat/plugins.rc" and is like: "plugin.option=value" (note: plugin name is automatically added). Arguments: : name of option to update : new value for option Return value: 1 if option was successfully updated, 0 if an error occured. Examples: # perl weechat::set_plugin_config ("my_var", "value"); # python weechat.set_plugin_config ("my_var", "value") # ruby Weechat.set_plugin_config ("my_var", "value")
Authors / Support This chapter lists authors and contributors for WeeChat, and shows ways to get support.
Authors WeeChat is developed by: FlashCode (Sébastien Helleu) flashcode AT flashtux.org - main developer Kolter kolter AT free.fr - developer Ptitlouis ptitlouis AT sysif.net - Debian packager
Contributors Following people contributed to WeeChat: Jiri Golembiovsky - czech translation Rudolf Polzer - patches Jim Ramsay - patches Pistos - patches
Get support Before asking for support, be sure you've read documentation and FAQ provided with WeeChat (documentation is this document, if you don't read all lines until this sentence, you can start again!) IRC: server "irc.freenode.net", channel "#weechat" WeeChat forum: http://forums.flashtux.org Mailing list: To subscribe: http://mail.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/weechat-support To send a mail on mailing list: weechat-support@nongnu.org Mailing list archives are available here: http://mail.nongnu.org/archive/html/weechat-support