boolean 'on' or 'off' 'on' Set title for window (terminal for Curses GUI) with name and version boolean 'on' or 'off' 'on' Display WeeChat logo at startup boolean 'on' or 'off' 'on' Display WeeChat version at startup string any string 'the geekest IRC client!' WeeChat slogan (if empty, slogan is not used) string any string 'ISO-8859-1' ISO charset for decoding messages from server (used only if locale is UTF-8) (if empty, messages are not converted if locale is UTF-8 string any string 'UTF-8' UTF charset for decoding messages from server (used only if locale is not UTF-8) (if empty, messages are not converted if locale is not UTF-8 string any string '' Charset for encoding messages sent to server, examples: UFT-8, ISO-8859-1 (if empty, messages are not converted) string any string '' Forces internal WeeChat charset (should be empty in most cases, that means detected charset is used) boolean 'on' or 'off' 'off' Use same buffer for all servers boolean 'on' or 'off' 'off' Open new channels/privates near server integer between 1 and 2147483647 3 How many lines to scroll by with scroll_up and scroll_down string any string '[%H:%M:%S]' Timestamp for buffers integer between 1 and 10 10 Number of colors to use for nicks colors boolean 'on' or 'off' 'on' Display actions with different colors boolean 'on' or 'off' 'on' Display nicklist window (for channel windows) string 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom' 'right' Nicklist position (top, left, right (default), bottom) integer between 0 and 100 0 Min size for nicklist (width or height, depending on look_nicklist_position (0 = no min size)) integer between 0 and 100 0 Max size for nicklist (width or height, depending on look_nicklist_position (0 = no max size; if min == max and > 0, then size is fixed)) string any string '-cmd-' Text to display instead of nick when not connected boolean 'on' or 'off' 'on' Display nick mode ((half)op/voice) before each nick boolean 'on' or 'off' 'off' Display space if nick mode is not (half)op/voice string any string '<' Text to display before nick in chat window string any string '>' Text to display after nick in chat window string 'none', 'left', 'right' 'none' Nick alignment (fixed size for nicks in chat window (none, left, right)) boolean 'on' or 'off' 'off' Alignment for other messages (not beginning with a nick) integer between 8 and 64 8 Size for aligning nick and other messages string any string ':' The string inserted after nick completion string any string '[]-^' Chars ignored for nick completion boolean 'on' or 'off' 'off' Complete only with first nick found boolean 'on' or 'off' 'on' Enable info bar string any string '%B, %A %d %Y' Timestamp for time in infobar boolean 'on' or 'off' 'on' Display seconds in infobar time integer between 0 and 2147483647 7 Delay (in seconds) for highlight messages in infobar (0 = disable highlight notifications in infobar) integer between 0 and 32 3 Max number of names in hotlist (0 = no name displayed, only buffer numbers) integer between 1 and 15 12 Level for displaying names in hotlist (combination of: 1=join/part, 2=message, 4=private, 8=highlight, for example: 12=private+highlight) integer between 0 and 32 0 Max length of names in hotlist (0 = no limit) boolean 'on' or 'off' 'on' Display special message when day changes string any string '%a, %d %b %Y' Timestamp for date displayed when day changed string any string ' ' Use a marker on servers/channels to show first unread line boolean 'on' or 'off' 'off' If set, uses real white color, disabled by default for terms with white background (if you never use white background, you should turn on this option to see real white instead of default term foreground color) color Curses or Gtk color 'blue' Color for window separators (when splited) color Curses or Gtk color 'default' Color for title bar color Curses or Gtk color 'blue' Background for title bar color Curses or Gtk color 'default' Color for chat text color Curses or Gtk color 'default' Color for time in chat window color Curses or Gtk color 'brown' Color for time separator (chat window) color Curses or Gtk color 'lightcyan' Color for 1st and 3rd char of prefix color Curses or Gtk color 'white' Color for middle char of prefix color Curses or Gtk color 'brown' Color for server name color Curses or Gtk color 'lightgreen' Color for join arrow (prefix) color Curses or Gtk color 'lightred' Color for part/quit arrow (prefix) color Curses or Gtk color 'lightcyan' Color for nicks in actions (chat window) color Curses or Gtk color 'cyan' Color for hostnames (chat window) color Curses or Gtk color 'white' Color for channel names in actions (chat window) color Curses or Gtk color 'green' Color for dark separators (chat window) color Curses or Gtk color 'yellow' Color for highlighted nick (chat window) color Curses or Gtk color 'default' Background for chat window color Curses or Gtk color 'yellow' Color for unread data marker color Curses or Gtk color 'magenta' Background for unread data marker color Curses or Gtk color 'default' Color for status bar color Curses or Gtk color 'cyan' Color for status bar delimiters color Curses or Gtk color 'white' Color for current channel in status bar color Curses or Gtk color 'yellow' Color for window with new messages (status bar) color Curses or Gtk color 'lightmagenta' Color for window with private message (status bar) color Curses or Gtk color 'lightred' Color for window with highlight (status bar) color Curses or Gtk color 'default' Color for window with new data (not messages) (status bar) color Curses or Gtk color 'white' Color for window with new data (status bar) color Curses or Gtk color 'blue' Background for status window color Curses or Gtk color 'black' Color for info bar text color Curses or Gtk color 'blue' Color for infobar delimiters color Curses or Gtk color 'white' Color for info bar highlight notification color Curses or Gtk color 'cyan' Background for info bar window color Curses or Gtk color 'default' Color for input text color Curses or Gtk color 'white' Color for input text (channel name) color Curses or Gtk color 'lightcyan' Color for input text (nick name) color Curses or Gtk color 'cyan' Color for input text (delimiters) color Curses or Gtk color 'default' Background for input window color Curses or Gtk color 'default' Color for nicknames color Curses or Gtk color 'cyan' Color for away nicknames color Curses or Gtk color 'lightgreen' Color for chan owner symbol (specific to unrealircd) color Curses or Gtk color 'lightgreen' Color for chan admin symbol (specific to unrealircd) color Curses or Gtk color 'lightgreen' Color for operator symbol color Curses or Gtk color 'lightmagenta' Color for half-operator symbol color Curses or Gtk color 'yellow' Color for voice symbol color Curses or Gtk color 'lightmagenta' Color for '+' when scrolling nicks color Curses or Gtk color 'blue' Color for nick separator color Curses or Gtk color 'white' Color for local nick color Curses or Gtk color 'cyan' Color for nick color Curses or Gtk color 'magenta' Color for nick color Curses or Gtk color 'green' Color for nick color Curses or Gtk color 'brown' Color for nick color Curses or Gtk color 'lightblue' Color for nick color Curses or Gtk color 'default' Color for nick color Curses or Gtk color 'lightcyan' Color for nick color Curses or Gtk color 'lightmagenta' Color for nick color Curses or Gtk color 'lightgreen' Color for nick color Curses or Gtk color 'blue' Color for nick color Curses or Gtk color 'default' Color for other nick in private window color Curses or Gtk color 'default' Background for nicknames color Curses or Gtk color 'white' Color for selected DCC (chat window) color Curses or Gtk color 'lightcyan' Color for "waiting" dcc status color Curses or Gtk color 'yellow' Color for "connecting" dcc status color Curses or Gtk color 'lightblue' Color for "active" dcc status color Curses or Gtk color 'lightgreen' Color for "done" dcc status color Curses or Gtk color 'lightred' Color for "failed" dcc status color Curses or Gtk color 'lightred' Color for "aborted" dcc status integer between 0 and 2147483647 4096 Maximum number of lines in history for one server/channel/private window (0 = unlimited) integer between 0 and 2147483647 100 Maximum number of user commands in history (0 = unlimited) integer between 0 and 2147483647 5 Maximum number of commands to display by default in history listing (0 = unlimited) boolean 'on' or 'off' 'off' Automatically log server messages boolean 'on' or 'off' 'off' Automatically log channel chats boolean 'on' or 'off' 'off' Automatically log private chats boolean 'on' or 'off' 'off' Log messages from plugins (scripts) string any string '%h/logs/' Path for WeeChat log files ('%h' will be replaced by WeeChat home, ~/.weechat by default) string any string '%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S' Timestamp for log (see man strftime for date/time specifiers) boolean 'on' or 'off' 'on' Hide password displayed by nickserv string 'off', 'local', 'channel' 'off' Display message when (un)marking as away boolean 'on' or 'off' 'on' Show remote away message only once in private string any string 'WeeChat %v' Default part message (leaving channel) ('%v' will be replaced by WeeChat version in string) string any string 'WeeChat %v' Default quit message ('%v' will be replaced by WeeChat version in string) boolean 'on' or 'off' 'off' Display notices as private messages integer between 0 and 2147483647 0 Interval between two checks for away (in minutes, 0 = never check) integer between 0 and 2147483647 0 Do not check away nicks on channels with high number of nicks (0 = unlimited) integer between 30 and 2147483647 60 Interval between two checks for lag (in seconds) integer between 0 and 2147483647 1 Minimum lag to show (in seconds) integer between 0 and 2147483647 5 Disconnect after important lag (in minutes, 0 = never disconnect) boolean 'on' or 'off' 'off' Create a FIFO pipe for remote control string any string '' Comma separated list of words to highlight (case insensitive comparison, words may begin or end with "*" for partial match) boolean 'on' or 'off' 'on' When off, colors codes are ignored in incoming messages boolean 'on' or 'off' 'on' Allow user to send colors with special codes (%B=bold, %Cxx,yy=color, %U=underline, %R=reverse) boolean 'on' or 'off' 'off' Automatically accept incoming dcc files boolean 'on' or 'off' 'off' Automatically accept dcc chats (use carefully!) integer between 1 and 2147483647 300 Timeout for dcc request (in seconds) integer between 1024 and 102400 65536 Block size for dcc packets in bytes (default: 65536) string any string '' Restricts outgoing dcc to use only ports in the given range (useful for NAT) (syntax: a single port, ie. 5000 or a port range, ie. 5000-5015, empty value means any port) string any string '' IP or DNS address used for outgoing dcc (if empty, local interface IP is used) string any string '%h/dcc' Path for writing incoming files with dcc (default: user home) string any string '~' Path for reading files when sending thru dcc (when no path is specified) boolean 'on' or 'off' 'on' Convert spaces to underscores when sending files boolean 'on' or 'off' 'on' Rename incoming files if already exists (add '.1', '.2', ...) boolean 'on' or 'off' 'on' Automatically resume dcc transfer if connection with remote host is loosed boolean 'on' or 'off' 'off' Use a proxy server to connect to irc server string 'http', 'socks4', 'socks5' 'http' Proxy type (http (default), socks4, socks5) boolean 'on' or 'off' 'off' Connect to proxy in ipv6 string any string '' Proxy server address (IP or hostname) integer between 0 and 65535 3128 Port for connecting to proxy server string any string '' Username for proxy server string any string '' Password for proxy server string any string '%h/plugins' Path for searching plugins ('%h' will be replaced by WeeChat home, ~/.weechat by default) string any string '*' Comma separated list of plugins to load automatically at startup, "*" means all plugins found (names may be partial, for example "perl" is ok for "") string any string '.so' Standard plugins extension in filename, used for autoload (if empty, then all files are loaded when autoload is "*") string any string '' Name associated to IRC server (for display only) boolean 'on' or 'off' 'on' Automatically connect to server when WeeChat is starting boolean 'on' or 'off' 'on' Automatically reconnect to server when disconnected integer between 0 and 65535 30 Delay (in seconds) before trying again to reconnect to server string any string '' IP address or hostname of IRC server integer between 0 and 65535 6667 Port for connecting to server boolean 'on' or 'off' 'off' Use IPv6 protocol for server communication boolean 'on' or 'off' 'off' Use SSL for server communication string any string '' Password for IRC server string any string '' Nickname to use on IRC server string any string '' Alternate nickname to use on IRC server (if nickname is already used) string any string '' 2nd alternate nickname to use on IRC server (if alternate nickname is already used) string any string '' User name to use on IRC server string any string '' Real name to use on IRC server string any string '' Custom hostname/IP for server (optional, if empty local hostname is used) string any string '' Command(s) to run when connected to server (many commands should be separated by ';', use '\;' for a semicolon) integer between 0 and 5 0 Delay (in seconds) after command was executed (example: give some time for authentication) string any string '' Comma separated list of channels to join when connected to server (example: "#chan1,#chan2,#chan3 key1,key2") boolean 'on' or 'off' 'on' Automatically rejoin channels when kicked string any string '' Comma separated list of notify levels for channels of this server (format: #channel:1,..) string any string '' Comma separated list of charsets for server and channels, to decode ISO (format: server:charset,#channel:charset,..) string any string '' Comma separated list of charsets for server and channels, to decode UTF (format: server:charset,#channel:charset,..) string any string '' Comma separated list of charsets for server and channels, to encode messages (format: server:charset,#channel:charset,..)