/* * test-scripts.cpp - test scripting API * * Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Sébastien Helleu * * This file is part of WeeChat, the extensible chat client. * * WeeChat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * WeeChat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with WeeChat. If not, see . */ #include "CppUTest/TestHarness.h" extern "C" { #ifndef HAVE_CONFIG_H #define HAVE_CONFIG_H #endif #include #include #include #include "src/core/weechat.h" #include "src/core/wee-string.h" #include "src/core/wee-hook.h" #include "src/core/wee-util.h" #include "src/plugins/plugin.h" } #include "tests/tests.h" struct t_hook *api_hook_print = NULL; int api_tests_ok = 0; int api_tests_errors = 0; int api_tests_count = 0; int api_tests_end = 0; int api_tests_other = 0; TEST_GROUP(Scripts) { /* * Callback for any message displayed by WeeChat or a plugin. */ static int test_print_cb (const void *pointer, void *data, struct t_gui_buffer *buffer, time_t date, int tags_count, const char **tags, int displayed, int highlight, const char *prefix, const char *message) { const char *pos; char *error; int value; /* make C++ compiler happy */ (void) pointer; (void) data; (void) buffer; (void) date; (void) tags_count; (void) tags; (void) displayed; (void) highlight; (void) prefix; if (message) { pos = strstr (message, "> TESTS: "); if (pos) { error = NULL; value = (int)strtol (pos + 9, &error, 10); if (error && !error[0]) api_tests_count = value; } else if (strstr (message, "TEST OK")) api_tests_ok++; else if (strstr (message, "ERROR")) api_tests_errors++; else if (strstr (message, "TESTS END")) api_tests_end++; else if ((message[0] != '>') && (message[0] != ' ')) api_tests_other++; } return WEECHAT_RC_OK; } void setup() { api_hook_print = hook_print (NULL, /* plugin */ NULL, /* buffer */ NULL, /* tags */ NULL, /* message */ 1, /* strip colors */ &test_print_cb, NULL, NULL); } void teardown() { unhook (api_hook_print); } }; /* * Tests scripting API. */ TEST(Scripts, API) { char path_testapigen[PATH_MAX], path_testapi[PATH_MAX]; char *path_testapi_output_dir, str_command[(PATH_MAX * 2) + 128]; char *test_scripts_dir; struct timeval time_start, time_end; long long diff; const char *ptr_test_scripts_dir; const char *languages[][2] = { { "python", "py" }, { "perl", "pl" }, { "ruby", "rb" }, { "lua", "lua" }, { "tcl", "tcl" }, { "scm", "scm" }, { "javascript", "js" }, { "php", "php" }, { NULL, NULL } }; int i, turnoff_memleak; printf ("...\n"); ptr_test_scripts_dir = getenv ("WEECHAT_TESTS_SCRIPTS_DIR"); test_scripts_dir = strdup ( (ptr_test_scripts_dir) ? ptr_test_scripts_dir : "../tests/scripts/python"); /* build paths for scripting API tests */ snprintf (path_testapigen, sizeof (path_testapigen), "%s%s%s", test_scripts_dir, DIR_SEPARATOR, "testapigen.py"); snprintf (path_testapi, sizeof (path_testapi), "%s%s%s", test_scripts_dir, DIR_SEPARATOR, "testapi.py"); path_testapi_output_dir = string_eval_path_home ("%h/testapi", NULL, NULL, NULL); CHECK(path_testapi_output_dir); api_tests_ok = 0; api_tests_errors = 0; /* load generator script */ snprintf (str_command, sizeof (str_command), "/script load %s", path_testapigen); run_cmd (str_command); /* generate scripts to test API */ snprintf (str_command, sizeof (str_command), "/testapigen %s %s", path_testapi, path_testapi_output_dir); run_cmd (str_command); /* check that there was no errors in script generation */ LONGS_EQUAL(0, api_tests_errors); /* unload generator scritp */ snprintf (str_command, sizeof (str_command), "/script unload testapigen.py"); run_cmd (str_command); /* test the scripting API */ for (i = 0; languages[i][0]; i++) { /* * TODO: fix memory leaks in javascript plugin * and keep memory leak detection enabled */ turnoff_memleak = (strcmp (languages[i][0], "javascript") == 0); if (turnoff_memleak) MemoryLeakWarningPlugin::turnOffNewDeleteOverloads(); api_tests_ok = 0; api_tests_errors = 0; api_tests_count = 0; api_tests_end = 0; api_tests_other = 0; /* load script (run tests) */ snprintf (str_command, sizeof (str_command), "/script load -q %s/testapi.%s", path_testapi_output_dir, languages[i][1]); run_cmd (str_command); /* get date/time before running tests */ gettimeofday (&time_start, NULL); /* run tests */ snprintf (str_command, sizeof (str_command), "/testapi.%s", languages[i][1]); run_cmd (str_command); /* compute elapsed time */ gettimeofday (&time_end, NULL); diff = util_timeval_diff (&time_start, &time_end); /* display results */ printf ("\n"); printf (">>> Tests %s: %d tests, %d OK, %d errors, " "%d unexpected messages, %lld ms\n", languages[i][0], api_tests_count, api_tests_ok, api_tests_errors, api_tests_other, diff / 1000); printf ("\n"); /* unload script */ snprintf (str_command, sizeof (str_command), "/script unload -q testapi.%s", languages[i][1]); run_cmd (str_command); /* check that tests were found in script */ CHECK(api_tests_count > 0); /* check that all tests are OK */ LONGS_EQUAL(api_tests_count, api_tests_ok); /* check that there was no errors */ LONGS_EQUAL(0, api_tests_errors); /* check that end of script was reached (no syntax error) */ LONGS_EQUAL(1, api_tests_end); /* * check that there was no warning/error from plugin * (if everything is OK, there are 2 messages when the script is loaded * and 2 messages when it is unloaded, so total is 4) */ LONGS_EQUAL(0, api_tests_other); if (turnoff_memleak) MemoryLeakWarningPlugin::turnOnNewDeleteOverloads(); } free (path_testapi_output_dir); free (test_scripts_dir); printf ("TEST(Scripts, API)"); }