/bar [add barname type[,cond1,cond2,...] position size separator item1,item2,...] | [default] | [del barname|-all] | [set barname option value] | [hide|show barname] | [scroll barname buffer scroll_value] | [list] | [listfull] | [listitems] manage bars add: add a new bar barname: name of bar (must be unique) type: root: outside windows), window: inside windows, with optional conditions (see below) cond1,...: condition(s) for displaying bar (only for type "window"): active: on active window inactive: on inactive windows nicklist: on windows with nicklist without condition, bar is always displayed position: bottom, top, left or right filling: horizontal, vertical, columns_horizontal or columns_vertical size: size of bar (in chars) separator: 1 for using separator (line), 0 or nothing means no separator item1,...: items for this bar (items can be separated by comma (space between items) or "+" (glued items)) default: create default bars del: delete a bar (or all bars with -all) set: set a value for a bar property option: option to change (for options list, look at /set weechat.bar.<barname>.*) value: new value for option hide: hide a bar show: show an hidden bar toggle: hide/show a bar scroll: scroll bar up/down buffer: name of buffer to scroll ('*' means current buffer, you should use '*' for root bars) scroll_value: value for scroll: 'x' or 'y', followed by '+', '-', 'b' (beginning) or 'e' (end), value (for +/-), and optional %% (to scroll by %% of width/height, otherwise value is number of chars) list: list all bars listfull: list all bars (verbose) listitems: list all bar items Examples: create a bar with time, buffer number + name, and completion: /bar add mybar root bottom 1 0 [time],buffer_number+:+buffer_name,completion hide a bar: /bar hide mybar scroll nicklist 10 lines down on current buffer: /bar scroll nicklist * y+10 scroll nicklist one page up on #weechat buffer: /bar scroll nicklist #weechat y-100% scroll to end of nicklist on current buffer: /bar scroll nicklist * ye /buffer [action [args] | number | [[server] [channel]]] manage buffers action: action to do: clear: clear buffer content (-all for all buffers, number for a buffer, or nothing for current buffer) move: move buffer in the list (may be relative, for example -1) close: close buffer list: list buffers (no parameter implies this list) notify: display notify levels for all opened buffers localvar: display local variables for current buffer scroll: scroll in history (may be relative, and may end by a letter: s=sec, m=min, h=hour, d=day, M=month, y=year); if there is only letter, then scroll to beginning of this item number: jump to buffer by number server, channel: jump to buffer by server and/or channel name Examples: clear current buffer: /buffer clear clear all buffers: /buffer clear -all move buffer: /buffer move 5 close buffer: /buffer close this is part msg scroll 1 day up: /buffer scroll 1d == /buffer scroll -1d == /buffer scroll -24h scroll to beginning of this day: /buffer scroll d scroll 15 min down: /buffer scroll +15m scroll 20 msgs up: /buffer scroll -20 jump to #weechat: /buffer #weechat /command plugin command launch explicit WeeChat or plugin command plugin: plugin name ('weechat' for WeeChat internal command) command: command to execute (a '/' is automatically added if not found at beginning of command) /debug [list | plugin level | dump | buffer | windows] control debug for core/plugins plugin: name of plugin ("core" for WeeChat core) level: debug level for plugin (0 = disable debug) dump: save memory dump in WeeChat log file (same dump is written when WeeChat crashes) buffer: dump buffer content with hexadecimal values in log file windows: display windows tree text: send "debug" signal with "text" as argument /filter [list] | [enable|disable|toggle [name]] | [add name plugin.buffer tags regex] | [del name|-all] filter messages in buffers, to hide/show them according to tags or regex list: list all filters enable: enable filters (filters are enabled by default) disable: disable filters toggle: toggle filters name: filter name add: add a filter del: delete a filter -all: delete all filters plugin.buffer: plugin and buffer where filter is active ("*" for all buffers) tags: comma separated list of tags, for example: "irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit" regex: regular expression to search in line (use \t to separate prefix from message) Examples: use IRC smart filter for join/part/quit messages: /filter add irc_smart * irc_smart_filter * filter all IRC join/part/quit messages: /filter add joinquit * irc_join,irc_part,irc_quit * filter nick "toto" on IRC channel #weechat: /filter add toto irc.freenode.#weechat * toto\t filter lines containing word "spam": /filter add filterspam * * spam filter lines containing "weechat sucks" on IRC channel #weechat: /filter add sucks irc.freenode.#weechat * weechat sucks /help [command | option] display help about commands and options command: a command name option: an option name (use /set to see list) /history [clear | value] show buffer command history clear: clear history value: number of history entries to show /input return | complete_next | complete_previous | search_next | delete_previous_char | delete_next_char | delete_previous_word | delete_next_word | delete_beginning_of_line | delete_end_of_line | delete_line | clipboard_paste | transpose_chars | move_beginning_of_line | move_end_of_line | move_previous_char | move_next_char | move_previous_word | move_next_word | history_previous | history_next | history_global_previous | history_global_next | jump_smart | jump_last_buffer | jump_previous_buffer | hotlist_clear | grab_key | scroll_unread | set_unread | set_unread_current_buffer | insert [args] functions for command line Cette commande est utilisée par les associations de touches ou les extensions. /key [key [command [args]]] | [unbind key] | [reset -yes] bind/unbind keys key: display or bind this key to a command unbind: unbind a key reset: restore bindings to the default values and delete ALL personal bindings (use carefully!) /layout [[save | apply | reset] [buffers | windows]] save/apply/reset layout for buffers and windows save: save current layout apply: apply saved layout reset: remove saved layout buffers: save/apply only buffers (order of buffers) windows: save/apply only windows (buffer displayed by each window) Without argument, this command displays saved layout. /plugin [list [name]] | [listfull [name]] | [load filename] | [autoload] | [reload [name]] | [unload [name]] list/load/unload plugins list: list loaded plugins listfull: list loaded plugins (verbose) load: load a plugin autoload: autoload plugins in system or user directory reload: reload one plugin (if no name given, unload all plugins, then autoload plugins) unload: unload one or all plugins Without argument, this command lists loaded plugins. /proxy [add proxyname type address port [username [password]]] | [del proxyname|-all] | [set proxyname option value] | [list] manage proxies add: add a new proxy proxyname: name of proxy (must be unique) type: http, socks4 or socks5 address: IP or hostname port: port username: username (optional) password: password (optional) del: delete a proxy (or all proxies with -all) set: set a value for a proxy property option: option to change (for options list, look at /set weechat.proxy.<proxyname>.*) value: new value for option list: list all proxies Examples: create a http proxy, running on local host, port 8888: /proxy add local http 8888 create a http proxy using IPv6 protocol: /proxy add local http 8888 /proxy set local ipv6 on create a socks5 proxy with username/password: /proxy add myproxy socks5 sample.host.org 3128 myuser mypass delete a proxy: /proxy del myproxy /quit quit WeeChat /reload [file [file...]] reload configuration files from disk file: configuration file to reload Without argument, all files (WeeChat and plugins) are reloaded. /save [file [file...]] save configuration files to disk file: configuration file to save Without argument, all files (WeeChat and plugins) are saved. /set [option [value]] set config options option: name of an option value: new value for option New value can be, according to variable type: boolean: on, off ou toggle integer: number, ++number ou --number string : any string ("" for empty string) color : color name, ++number ou --number For all types, you can use null to remove option value (undefined value). This works only for some special plugin variables. /unset [option] unset/reset config options option: name of an option (may begin or end with "*" to mass-reset options, use carefully!) According to option, it's reset (for standard options) or removed (for optional settings, like server values). /upgrade [path_to_binary] upgrade WeeChat without disconnecting from servers path_to_binary: path to WeeChat binary (default is current binary) This command run again a WeeChat binary, so it should have been compiled or installed with a package manager before running this command. /uptime [-o] show WeeChat uptime -o: send uptime on current channel as an IRC message /window [list | -1 | +1 | b# | up | down | left | right | splith [pct] | splitv [pct] | resize pct | merge [all] | page_up | page_down | scroll | scroll_up | scroll_down | scroll_top | scroll_bottom | scroll_previous_highlight | scroll_next_highlight ] manage windows list: list opened windows (no parameter implies this list) -1: jump to previous window +1: jump to next window b#: jump to next window displaying buffer number # up: switch to window above current one down: switch to window below current one left: switch to window on the left right: switch to window on the right splith: split current window horizontally splitv: split current window vertically resize: resize window size, new size is <pct> percentage of parent window merge: merge window with another (all = keep only one window) page_up: scroll one page up page_down: scroll one page down scroll: scroll number of lines (+/-N) or with time: s=seconds, m=minutes, h=hours, d=days, M=months, y=years scroll_up: scroll a few lines up scroll_down: scroll a few lines down scroll_top: scroll to top of buffer scroll_bottom: scroll to bottom of buffer scroll_previous_highlight: scroll to previous highlight scroll_next_highlight: scroll to next highlight refresh: refresh screen For splith and splitv, pct is a percentage which represents size of new window, computed with current window as size reference. For example 25 means create a new window with size = current_size / 4 Examples: jump to window displaying buffer #1: /window b1 scroll 2 lines up: /window scroll -2 scroll 2 days up: /window scroll -2d scroll to beginning of current day: /window scroll -d