This chapter explains how to install WeeChat.
Binary packages
Binary packages are available for these distributions:
Debian (or any Debian compatible distribution):
apt-get install weechat
Mandriva/RedHat (or any RPM compatible distribution):
rpm -i /chemin/weechat-x.y.z-1.i386.rpm
Gentoo :
emerge weechat
For other distributions, please look at your manual for
installation instructions.
Source package
All you have to do is to run in a console or a terminal:
$ ./configure
$ make
Then get root privileges and install WeeChat:
$ su
(enter root password)
# make install
GIT sources
Warning: GIT sources are for advanced users: it may not compile
or not be stable. You're warned!
To get GIT sources, issue this command:
$ git-clone git://
Execute this script:
Then follow instructions for source package
(see )