335 lines
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335 lines
11 KiB
#!/bin/env python
# TinyUrl, version 3.3, for weechat version 0.1.9
# Listens to all channels for long URLs, and submits them to tinyurl.com
# for easier links.
# Usage:
# By default, any URL longer than 30 characters in length is grabbed,
# submitted to 'tinyurl', and printed in the channel for your eyes only.
# For example, you may see something like this:
# [11:21] <@lack> http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/2005/11/12/mcdona
# lds-051112.html?ref=rss
# [11:21] -P- [AKA] http://tinyurl.com/9dthl
# Now you can just cut&paste the easier, shorter URL into your favourite
# browser.
# If you want to be extra-helpful (or annoying) to certain channels you
# are in, you can actually have the script say the tinyurl.com equivalent
# of all long URLs, by adding the channel to the 'activechans' list. In
# that case, everyone in the channel would see the following:
# [11:25] <testuser> http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/2005/11/12/mcdona
# lds-051112.html?ref=rss
# [11:25] <@lack> [AKA] http://tinyurl.com/9dthl
# Configuration:
# Run '/help tinyurl' for the actual usage for setting these options:
# activechans
# A comma-delimited list of channels you will actually "say" the
# tinyurl in. By default the list is empty. Be warned, some channels
# won't appreciate extra help (or 'noise' as they like to call it), and
# some channels already have bots that do this. Please only enable
# this in channels where the ops have given you permission.
# urllength
# An integer, default value 30. Any URL this long or longer will
# trigger a tinyurl event.
# printall
# Either "on" or "off", default "on". When ON, you will see the
# tinyurl printed in your window for any channels not in your
# activechans list. When OFF, you will not see any tinyurls except in
# your activechans list.
# Requirements:
# - Designed to run with weechat version 0.1.9 or better.
# http://weechat.flashtux.org/
# - Requires that 'curl' is in the path (tested with curl 7.15.0).
# http://curl.haxx.se/
# Copyright (C) 2005 Jim Ramsay <i.am@jimramsay.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
# USA.
# Changelog:
# Version 3.3, July 4, 2006
# Catches possible error in os.waitpid
# Properly prints tinyurls in query windows
# Version 3.2, June 15, 2006
# Multiple configuration bugfixes, pointed out by Stalwart on #weechat.
# Version 3.1, June 15, 2006
# Now kills any leftover curl processes when the script is unloaded.
# Thanks again to kolter for the great idea!
# Also cleaned up /tinyurl command, added comletion_template, updated
# help text, improved option parsing logic, etc.
# Version 3.0, June 15, 2006
# Fixes "tinyurl script sometimes makes weechat freeze" issue by using
# the new timer handlers available in Weechat 0.1.9
# Also includes URL detection fix from Raimund Specht
# <raimund@spemaus.de>.
# Version 2.0, Dec 13, 2005
# Also catches https, ftp, and ftps URLs, thanks to kolter for the
# suggestion!
# Version 1.1, Dec 2, 2005
# Fixed undefined 'urlend' thanks to kolter@irc.freenode.org#weechat
# - Handle outgoing messages and replace long urls with the tinyurl
# equivalent automatically.
# - On load, check that 'curl' is installed, and fail if not.
import os, tempfile, re
import urllib
raise ImportError("You need to reload the python plugin to reload urllib")
import weechat
# Register with weechat
weechat.register( "TinyUrl", "3.3", "tinyurlShutdown", "Waits for URLs and sends them to 'tinyurl' for you" )
# Global variables
tinyurlParams = ("urllength","activechans","printall")
tinyurlProcessList = {}
# Set default settings values:
if weechat.get_plugin_config('urllength') == "":
weechat.set_plugin_config('urllength', "30")
if weechat.get_plugin_config('printall') != "on" and \
weechat.get_plugin_config('printall') != "off":
weechat.set_plugin_config('printall', "on")
# Start the timer thread and register handlers
weechat.add_timer_handler( 1, "tinyurlCheckComplete" )
weechat.add_message_handler("privmsg", "tinyurlHandleMessage")
weechat.add_command_handler("tinyurl", "tinyurlMain", \
"Sets/Gets 'tinyurl' settings.",
"[<variable> [[=] <value>]]",
"""When run without arguments, displays all tinyurl settings
<variable> : Sets or displays a single tinyurl setting. One of:
activechans [[=] #chan1[,#chan2...]]
List of channels where others will see your tinyurls.
Default: None
urllength [[=] length]
Will not create tinyurls for any URLs shorter than this.
Default: 30
printall [[=] on|off]
When off, will not display private tinyurls, just those
displayed publicly in your "active channels"
Default: on""",
def tinyurlShutdown():
"""Cleanup - Kills any leftover child processes"""
if len(tinyurlProcessList.keys()) > 0:
weechat.prnt( "-TinyUrl- Cleaning up unfinished processes:" )
for pid in tinyurlProcessList.keys():
weechat.prnt( " Process %d" % pid )
os.kill(pid, 9)
os.waitpid( pid, 0 )
weechat.prnt( " Cleanup failed, skipping" )
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
def tinyurlGet( name = "" ):
"""Gets a variable value"""
if name == "":
weechat.prnt( "-TinyUrl- Get all:" )
for name in tinyurlParams:
weechat.prnt( " %s = %s" % (name, weechat.get_plugin_config(name)) )
weechat.prnt( "-TinyUrl- Get:" )
if name in tinyurlParams:
weechat.prnt( " %s = %s" % (name, weechat.get_plugin_config(name)) )
weechat.prnt( " Unknown parameter \"%s\", try '/help tinyurl'" % name )
def tinyurlSet( name, value ):
"""Sets a variable value"""
if value == "":
tinyurlGet( name )
weechat.prnt( "-TinyUrl- Set:" )
if name in tinyurlParams:
if name == "printall":
if value == "0" or value.lower() == "no" or value.lower() == "off":
weechat.set_plugin_config(name, "off")
elif value == "1" or value.lower() == "yes" or value.lower() == "on":
weechat.set_plugin_config(name, "on")
weechat.prnt( " printall must be one of 'on' or 'off'" )
weechat.prnt( " value = '%s'" % value )
if name == "activechans":
vs = re.split(", |,| ", value)
values = []
for v in vs:
if v.startswith("#"):
value = ",".join(values)
weechat.set_plugin_config(name, value)
weechat.prnt( " %s = %s" % (name, weechat.get_plugin_config(name)) )
weechat.prnt( " Unknown parameter \'%s\'" % name )
def tinyurlMain( server, args ):
"""Main handler for the /tinyurl command"""
args = args.split( " " )
while '' in args:
while ' ' in args:
args.remove(' ')
if len(args) == 0:
name = args[0]
value = ""
if len(args) > 1:
if args[1] == "=":
value = " ".join(args[2:])
value = " ".join(args[1:])
tinyurlSet( args[0], value )
tinyurlGet( name )
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
def tinyurlGetUrl( url, channel, server ):
"""Starts a background process which will query 'tinyurl.com' and put the
result in a file that the timer function 'tinyurlCheck' will find and
global tinyurlProcessList
handle, filename = tempfile.mkstemp( prefix="weechat-tinyurl.py-" )
cmd = ("curl -d url=%s http://tinyurl.com/create.php --stderr /dev/null -o %s" % \
(urllib.quote(url), filename)).split()
pid = os.spawnvp( os.P_NOWAIT, cmd[0], cmd )
tinyurlProcessList[pid] = (filename, channel, server)
except Exception, e:
weechat.prnt( "-TinyUrl- Error: Could not spawn curl: %s" % e )
def tinyurlParsefile( filename ):
"""Parses the given HTML file and pulls out the tinyurl."""
turl = None
html = open(filename, "r")
for line in html:
if( line.startswith("<input type=hidden name=tinyurl value=\"") ):
turlend = line[39:].find("\"")
if turlend > -1:
turl = line[39:][:turlend]
except Exception, e:
weechat.prnt( "-TinyUrl- Error: Could not open result file %s: %s" % (filename, e) )
return turl
def tinyurlPrint( url, channel, server ):
"""Prints the new tinyurl either to just you, or to the whole channel"""
activeChans = weechat.get_plugin_config('activechans').split(',')
if channel in activeChans:
weechat.command( "/msg %s [AKA] %s" % ( channel, url) )
weechat.prnt( "[AKA] %s" % (url), channel, server )
def tinyurlFindUrlstart( msg, start = 0 ):
"""Finds the beginnings of URLs"""
index = -1
if start < 0 or start >= len(msg):
return index
for prefix in ( "http://", "https://", "ftp://", "ftps://" ):
index = msg.find( prefix, start )
if index > -1:
return index
def tinyurlFindUrlend( msg, urlstart ):
"""Finds the ends of URLs (Strips following punctuation)"""
m = msg[urlstart:]
index = m.find( " " )
if index == -1:
index = len(m)
while msg[index-1] in ( "?", ".", "!" ):
index -= 1
return index + urlstart
def tinyurlCheckComplete():
"""The periodic poll of all waiting processes"""
global tinyurlProcessList
for pid in tinyurlProcessList.keys():
(filename, channel, server) = tinyurlProcessList[pid]
(p, er) = os.waitpid( pid, os.WNOHANG )
if p != 0:
if er == 0:
tinyurl = tinyurlParsefile(filename)
if tinyurl is not None:
tinyurlPrint( tinyurl, channel, server )
weechat.prnt( "-TinyUrl- Error: 'curl' did not run properly" )
del tinyurlProcessList[pid]
except OSError, e:
weechat.prnt( "-TinyUrl- Error: 'curl' process not found: %s", e )
del tinyurlProcessList[pid]
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
def tinyurlHandleMessage( server, args ):
"""Handles IRC PRIVMSG and checks for URLs"""
maxlen = int(weechat.get_plugin_config( "urllength" ))
activeChans = weechat.get_plugin_config('activechans').split(',')
onlyActiveChans = weechat.get_plugin_config('printall') == "off"
(source, type, channel, msg) = args.split(" ", 3)
if onlyActiveChans and channel not in activeChans:
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
if not channel.startswith("#"):
channel = source.split("!", 2)[0][1:]
urlstart = tinyurlFindUrlstart( msg )
while urlstart > -1 and urlstart is not None:
urlend = tinyurlFindUrlend( msg, urlstart )
url = msg[urlstart:urlend]
if len(url) >= maxlen:
tinyurlGetUrl(url, channel, server)
# Check for more URLs
urlstart = tinyurlFindUrlstart( msg, urlend+1 )
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK