
153 lines
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// This file is auto-generated by script docgen.py.
// tag::infos[]
| Plugin | Name | Description | Arguments
| fifo | fifo_filename | name of FIFO pipe | -
| guile | guile_eval | evaluation of source code | source code to execute
| guile | guile_interpreter | name of the interpreter used | -
| guile | guile_version | version of the interpreter used | -
| irc | irc_buffer | get buffer pointer for an IRC server/channel/nick | server,channel,nick (channel and nicks are optional)
| irc | irc_is_channel | 1 if string is a valid IRC channel name for server | server,channel (server is optional)
| irc | irc_is_nick | 1 if string is a valid IRC nick name | server,nickname (server is optional)
| irc | irc_nick | get current nick on a server | server name
| irc | irc_nick_color | get nick color code (*deprecated* since version 1.5, replaced by "nick_color") | nickname
| irc | irc_nick_color_name | get nick color name (*deprecated* since version 1.5, replaced by "nick_color_name") | nickname
| irc | irc_nick_from_host | get nick from IRC host | IRC host (like `:nick!name@server.com`)
| irc | irc_server_isupport | 1 if server supports this feature (from IRC message 005) | server,feature
| irc | irc_server_isupport_value | value of feature, if supported by server (from IRC message 005) | server,feature
| javascript | javascript_eval | evaluation of source code | source code to execute
| javascript | javascript_interpreter | name of the interpreter used | -
| javascript | javascript_version | version of the interpreter used | -
| lua | lua_eval | evaluation of source code | source code to execute
| lua | lua_interpreter | name of the interpreter used | -
| lua | lua_version | version of the interpreter used | -
| perl | perl_eval | evaluation of source code | source code to execute
| perl | perl_interpreter | name of the interpreter used | -
| perl | perl_version | version of the interpreter used | -
| php | php_eval | evaluation of source code | source code to execute
| php | php_interpreter | name of the interpreter used | -
| php | php_version | version of the interpreter used | -
| python | python2_bin | path to python 2.x interpreter | -
| python | python_eval | evaluation of source code | source code to execute
| python | python_interpreter | name of the interpreter used | -
| python | python_version | version of the interpreter used | -
| relay | relay_client_count | number of clients for relay | protocol,status (both are optional, for each argument "*" means all; protocols: irc, weechat; statuses: connecting, waiting_auth, connected, auth_failed, disconnected)
| ruby | ruby_eval | evaluation of source code | source code to execute
| ruby | ruby_interpreter | name of the interpreter used | -
| ruby | ruby_version | version of the interpreter used | -
| spell | spell_dict | comma-separated list of dictionaries used in buffer | buffer pointer ("0x12345678") or buffer full name ("irc.freenode.#weechat")
| tcl | tcl_eval | evaluation of source code | source code to execute
| tcl | tcl_interpreter | name of the interpreter used | -
| tcl | tcl_version | version of the interpreter used | -
| weechat | auto_connect | 1 if automatic connection to servers is enabled, 0 if it has been disabled by the user (option "-a" or "--no-connect") | -
| weechat | charset_internal | WeeChat internal charset | -
| weechat | charset_terminal | terminal charset | -
| weechat | color_ansi_regex | POSIX extended regular expression to search ANSI escape codes | -
| weechat | color_rgb2term | RGB color converted to terminal color (0-255) | rgb,limit (limit is optional and is set to 256 by default)
| weechat | color_term2rgb | terminal color (0-255) converted to RGB color | color (terminal color: 0-255)
| weechat | cursor_mode | 1 if cursor mode is enabled | -
| weechat | date | WeeChat compilation date/time | -
| weechat | dir_separator | directory separator | -
| weechat | filters_enabled | 1 if filters are enabled | -
| weechat | inactivity | keyboard inactivity (seconds) | -
| weechat | locale | locale used for translating messages | -
| weechat | nick_color | get nick color code | nickname
| weechat | nick_color_name | get nick color name | nickname
| weechat | pid | WeeChat PID (process ID) | -
| weechat | term_color_pairs | number of color pairs supported in terminal | -
| weechat | term_colors | number of colors supported in terminal | -
| weechat | term_height | height of terminal | -
| weechat | term_width | width of terminal | -
| weechat | totp_generate | generate a Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) | secret (in base32), timestamp (optional, current time by default), number of digits (optional, between 4 and 10, 6 by default)
| weechat | totp_validate | validate a Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP): 1 if TOTP is correct, otherwise 0 | secret (in base32), one-time password, timestamp (optional, current time by default), number of passwords before/after to test (optional, 0 by default)
| weechat | uptime | WeeChat uptime (format: "days:hh:mm:ss") | "days" (number of days) or "seconds" (number of seconds) (optional)
| weechat | version | WeeChat version | -
| weechat | version_git | WeeChat git version (output of command "git describe" for a development version only, empty for a stable release) | -
| weechat | version_number | WeeChat version (as number) | -
| weechat | weechat_dir | WeeChat directory | -
| weechat | weechat_headless | 1 if WeeChat is running headless | -
| weechat | weechat_libdir | WeeChat "lib" directory | -
| weechat | weechat_localedir | WeeChat "locale" directory | -
| weechat | weechat_sharedir | WeeChat "share" directory | -
| weechat | weechat_site | WeeChat site | -
| weechat | weechat_site_download | WeeChat site, download page | -
| weechat | weechat_upgrading | 1 if WeeChat is upgrading (command `/upgrade`) | -
// end::infos[]