Sebastien Helleu 1314c8e78e Version 0.1.8
2006-03-18 09:03:14 +00:00

92 lines
4.1 KiB

WeeChat - Wee Enhanced Environment for Chat
TODO - 2006-03-18
# done
+ currently in development
- pending
? is this really necessary?
* General:
+ Windows version
# Solaris version
* Interface:
+ Gtk GUI
? Qt GUI
+ internationalization (traduce WeeChat in many languages)
- add dark colors (demi intensity)
- understand incomplete commands if unambigous (for example: /he for /help is ok)
- interpret 'old-school' special chars in messages: *bold* _underline_ /italic/
- minimal width of nick in text area
- display number of highlights since last buffer read (pink square)
- add "*" on the side of message buffer when alt-j or other meta modifier is on
- completion with tab key for all words starting with "#" by opened chans names
- completion when input line is empty should add last nick that wrote to me
# open new channels near server (not at the end of buffers)
- add filename completion (for example with /dcc send)
- have only one info_bar common to all windows
- be able to search in history and global history (as with <Ctrl+r> in bash)
* WeeChat commands
- be able to bind a key on more than one command
# be able to make an alias running more than one command
- host with "*" possible with /ignore command
- "/completion" command: do shortcuts (for example when we type "u"
in the text bar it send it to the server as "you")
- "/last": command to look for text in previous messages
- get help on config settings with /help option instead of /set option (since
many options can be displayed and help is not displayed in this case)
- "/cycle": do a /part then /join on current channel
- be able to save the current buffer with a single command
(/buffer dump /path/to/file), or to make it possible to write a script
that does so (see plugins)
- "/reconnect": reconnect to all servers, without waiting for
auto-reconnect delay after disconnection
- save hotlist when doing /upgrade
* IRC protocol:
- complete "/list" command: add regexp search, display only channels that
match regexp
- when we're away, WeeChat should log all the lines begenning by our nick.
When we come back from our away it should print it to the current window
- "/notify" and "/unnotify" command to be warn by WeeChat when a given
nick/host connect to the given irc network
- display one time away message of remote user in private (optional)
# add max number of nicks for away check (do not check away nicks on
channels with high number of nicks)
- add anti-flood mechanism, when pasting more than N lines
- add mask for /ban command, and ban types (host, nick)
* Configuration:
# be able to launch more than one command when connecting to server
# use ~/.weechat/dcc by default for DCC incoming files (and create
directory at startup if not found)
- add global username/realname, used if server values are not filled
# add command line arg (--dir) to choose weechat home dir
(~/.weechat by default)
- be able to set more than one server address for network
- save buffer numbers (order) to config file and restore them when
opened, or make it possible by script
* Plugins:
- allow print function to write on all buffers or all channels of a server
- add "outgoing" message event so scripts can edit user-input text before
it is sent to the channel
# add a timer function so scripts can do things like timeouts, delayed
processing, etc.
- allow print function to write on all buffers or all channels of a server
# allow plugins to perform actions on "highlight" messages
# get_servers(), get_channels(server), get_nicks(server,channel)
# Lua plugin
? Tcl plugin
? Php plugin (maybe if possible)
? "fish" plugin (cf http://fish.sekure.us/)
# script plugins (perl, python, ruby, ..) should load scripts in system dir,
not only ~/.weechat/xxxx/autoload/
- allow plugins to get the contents of a specified (or at least the
"current") buffer.