
154 lines
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// This file is auto-generated by script docgen.py.
* [[option_buflist.format.buffer]] *buflist.format.buffer*
** description: pass:none[format of each line with a buffer (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)]
** type: string
** values: any string
** default value: `+"${format_number}${indent}${format_nick_prefix}${color_hotlist}${format_name}"+`
* [[option_buflist.format.buffer_current]] *buflist.format.buffer_current*
** description: pass:none[format for the line with current buffer (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)]
** type: string
** values: any string
** default value: `+"${color:,blue}${format_buffer}"+`
* [[option_buflist.format.hotlist]] *buflist.format.hotlist*
** description: pass:none[format for hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)]
** type: string
** values: any string
** default value: `+" ${color:green}(${hotlist}${color:green})"+`
* [[option_buflist.format.hotlist_highlight]] *buflist.format.hotlist_highlight*
** description: pass:none[format for a buffer with hotlist level "highlight" (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)]
** type: string
** values: any string
** default value: `+"${color:magenta}"+`
* [[option_buflist.format.hotlist_low]] *buflist.format.hotlist_low*
** description: pass:none[format for a buffer with hotlist level "low" (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)]
** type: string
** values: any string
** default value: `+"${color:white}"+`
* [[option_buflist.format.hotlist_message]] *buflist.format.hotlist_message*
** description: pass:none[format for a buffer with hotlist level "message" (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)]
** type: string
** values: any string
** default value: `+"${color:brown}"+`
* [[option_buflist.format.hotlist_none]] *buflist.format.hotlist_none*
** description: pass:none[format for a buffer not in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)]
** type: string
** values: any string
** default value: `+"${color:default}"+`
* [[option_buflist.format.hotlist_private]] *buflist.format.hotlist_private*
** description: pass:none[format for a buffer with hotlist level "private" (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)]
** type: string
** values: any string
** default value: `+"${color:green}"+`
* [[option_buflist.format.hotlist_separator]] *buflist.format.hotlist_separator*
** description: pass:none[separator for counts in hotlist (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)]
** type: string
** values: any string
** default value: `+"${color:default},"+`
* [[option_buflist.format.indent]] *buflist.format.indent*
** description: pass:none[string displayed to indent channel and private buffers (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)]
** type: string
** values: any string
** default value: `+" "+`
* [[option_buflist.format.lag]] *buflist.format.lag*
** description: pass:none[format for lag on an IRC server buffer (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)]
** type: string
** values: any string
** default value: `+" ${color:green}[${color:brown}${lag}${color:green}]"+`
* [[option_buflist.format.name]] *buflist.format.name*
** description: pass:none[format for buffer name (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)]
** type: string
** values: any string
** default value: `+"${name}"+`
* [[option_buflist.format.nick_prefix]] *buflist.format.nick_prefix*
** description: pass:none[format for nick prefix on a channel (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)]
** type: string
** values: any string
** default value: `+"${color_nick_prefix}${nick_prefix}"+`
* [[option_buflist.format.number]] *buflist.format.number*
** description: pass:none[format for buffer number, ${number} is the indented number (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist)]
** type: string
** values: any string
** default value: `+"${color:green}${number}${if:${number_displayed}?.: }"+`
* [[option_buflist.look.add_newline]] *buflist.look.add_newline*
** description: pass:none[add newline between the buffers displayed, so each buffer is displayed on a separate line (recommended); if disabled, newlines must be manually added in the formats with "${\n}", and the mouse actions are not possible any more]
** type: boolean
** values: on, off
** default value: `+on+`
* [[option_buflist.look.auto_scroll]] *buflist.look.auto_scroll*
** description: pass:none[automatically scroll the buflist bar to always see the current buffer (this works only with a bar on the left/right position with a "vertical" filling); this value is the percent number of lines displayed before the current buffer when scrolling (-1 = disable scroll); for example 50 means that after a scroll, the current buffer is at the middle of bar, 0 means on top of bar, 100 means at bottom of bar]
** type: integer
** values: -1 .. 100
** default value: `+50+`
* [[option_buflist.look.display_conditions]] *buflist.look.display_conditions*
** description: pass:none[conditions to display a buffer (note: content is evaluated, see /help buflist); for example to hide server buffers if they are merged with core buffer: "${buffer.hidden}==0 && ((${type}!=server && ${buffer.full_name}!=core.weechat) || ${buffer.active}==1)"]
** type: string
** values: any string
** default value: `+"${buffer.hidden}==0"+`
* [[option_buflist.look.enabled]] *buflist.look.enabled*
** description: pass:none[enable buflist]
** type: boolean
** values: on, off
** default value: `+on+`
* [[option_buflist.look.mouse_jump_visited_buffer]] *buflist.look.mouse_jump_visited_buffer*
** description: pass:none[if enabled, clicks with left/right buttons on the line with current buffer jump to previous/next visited buffer]
** type: boolean
** values: on, off
** default value: `+off+`
* [[option_buflist.look.mouse_move_buffer]] *buflist.look.mouse_move_buffer*
** description: pass:none[if enabled, mouse gestures (drag & drop) move buffers in list]
** type: boolean
** values: on, off
** default value: `+on+`
* [[option_buflist.look.mouse_wheel]] *buflist.look.mouse_wheel*
** description: pass:none[if enabled, mouse wheel up/down actions jump to previous/next buffer in list]
** type: boolean
** values: on, off
** default value: `+on+`
* [[option_buflist.look.nick_prefix]] *buflist.look.nick_prefix*
** description: pass:none[get the nick prefix and its color from nicklist so that ${nick_prefix} can be used in format; this can be slow on buffers with lot of nicks in nicklist, so this option is disabled by default]
** type: boolean
** values: on, off
** default value: `+off+`
* [[option_buflist.look.nick_prefix_empty]] *buflist.look.nick_prefix_empty*
** description: pass:none[when the nick prefix is enabled, display a space instead if there is no nick prefix on the buffer]
** type: boolean
** values: on, off
** default value: `+on+`
* [[option_buflist.look.signals_refresh]] *buflist.look.signals_refresh*
** description: pass:none[comma-separated list of extra signals that are hooked and trigger the refresh of buffers list; this can be useful if some custom variables are used in formats and need specific refresh]
** type: string
** values: any string
** default value: `+""+`
* [[option_buflist.look.sort]] *buflist.look.sort*
** description: pass:none[comma-separated list of fields to sort buffers; each field is a hdata variable of buffer ("var"), a hdata variable of IRC server ("irc_server.var") or a hdata variable of IRC channel ("irc_channel.var"); char "-" can be used before field to reverse order, char "~" can be used to do a case insensitive comparison; example: "-~short_name" for case insensitive and reverse sort on buffer short name]
** type: string
** values: any string
** default value: `+"number,-active"+`