190 lines
5.6 KiB
Executable File
190 lines
5.6 KiB
Executable File
# Copyright (c) 2003-2006 FlashCode <flashcode@flashtux.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# Build some XML code for WeeChat doc
# with weechat-curses command
@all_lang = ("fr_FR", "en_US", "de_DE");
%all_encodings = ("fr_FR" => "iso-8859-1",
"en_US" => "iso-8859-1",
"de_DE" => "iso-8859-1");
%all_types = ("fr_FR" => "type",
"en_US" => "type",
"de_DE" => "Typ",
"es_ES" => "tipo");
%all_values = ("fr_FR" => "valeurs",
"en_US" => "values",
"de_DE" => "Werte",
"es_ES" => "valores");
%all_default = ("fr_FR" => "valeur par défaut",
"en_US" => "default value",
"de_DE" => "Standardwert",
"es_ES" => "valor por defecto");
%all_desc = ("fr_FR" => "description",
"en_US" => "description",
"de_DE" => "Beschreibung",
"es_ES" => "descripción");
$warning_do_not_edit = "\n<!-- ********* WARNING! *********\n\n"
." This file is automatically built with a Perl script. DO NOT EDIT!\n"
foreach $lng (@all_lang)
create_commands ($lng, $all_encodings{$lng},
"weechat-curses -w | tail +3", "weechat_commands");
create_commands ($lng, $all_encodings{$lng},
"weechat-curses -i | tail +3", "irc_commands");
create_key_func ($lng, $all_encodings{$lng},
"weechat-curses -f | tail +3", "key_functions");
create_config ($lng, $all_encodings{$lng},
"weechat-curses -c | tail +3", "config");
print "\n";
sub toxml
$_ = $_[0];
$_ =~ s/&/&/g;
$_ =~ s/</</g;
$_ =~ s/>/>/g;
return $_;
sub create_commands
$lang = $_[0];
$lang2 = substr ($lang, 0, 2);
$encoding = $_[1];
$command = $_[2];
$file = $_[3];
print "Creating $lang2/$file.xml ($lang)...\n";
open XML, ">$lang2/$file.xml" or die "Error: can't write file!";
print XML "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$encoding\"?>\n";
print XML $warning_do_not_edit;
$started = 0;
$ENV{"LANG"} = $lang;
foreach (`$command`)
if (/\* (.*)/)
print XML "</programlisting>\n" if ($started == 1);
$started = 1;
print XML "<command>".toxml($1)."</command>\n";
print XML "<programlisting>";
chomp ($_);
print XML toxml($_)."\n";
print XML "</programlisting>\n";
close XML;
iconv_file ($lang2."/".$file, $encoding);
sub create_key_func
$lang = $_[0];
$lang2 = substr ($lang, 0, 2);
$encoding = $_[1];
$command = $_[2];
$file = $_[3];
print "Creating $lang2/$file.xml ($lang)...\n";
open XML, ">$lang2/$file.xml" or die "Error: can't write file!";
print XML "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$encoding\"?>\n";
print XML $warning_do_not_edit;
$ENV{"LANG"} = $lang;
foreach (`$command`)
if (/\* (.*): (.*)/)
print XML "<row>\n";
print XML " <entry><literal>$1</literal></entry>\n";
print XML " <entry>$2</entry>\n";
print XML "</row>\n";
close XML;
iconv_file ($lang2."/".$file, $encoding);
sub create_config
$lang = $_[0];
$lang2 = substr ($lang, 0, 2);
$encoding = $_[1];
$command = $_[2];
$file = $_[3];
print "Creating $lang2/$file.xml ($lang)...\n";
open XML, ">$lang2/$file.xml" or die "Error: can't write file!";
print XML "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"$encoding\"?>\n";
print XML $warning_do_not_edit;
$type = "";
$values = "";
$default = "";
$desc = "";
$ENV{"LANG"} = $lang;
foreach (`weechat-curses -c`)
if (/\* (.*):/)
print XML "<row>\n";
print XML " <entry><option>$1</option></entry>\n";
elsif (/ \. $all_types{$lang}: (.*)/)
$type = $1;
elsif (/ \. $all_values{$lang}: (.*)/)
$values = $1;
elsif (/ \. $all_default{$lang}: (.*)/)
$default = $1;
elsif (/ \. $all_desc{$lang}: (.*)/)
$_ = $1;
$desc = $_;
print XML " <entry>".toxml($type)."</entry>\n";
print XML " <entry>".toxml($values)."</entry>\n";
print XML " <entry>".toxml($default)."</entry>\n";
print XML " <entry>".toxml($desc)."</entry>\n";
print XML "</row>\n";
close XML;
iconv_file ($lang2."/".$file, $encoding);
sub iconv_file
print "Converting $_[0].xml to $_[1]...\n";
system ("iconv -t $encoding -o $_[0].xml.$_[1] $_[0].xml");
system ("mv $_[0].xml.$_[1] $_[0].xml");