2015-01-01 09:23:23 +01:00

343 lines
11 KiB

* test-utf8.cpp - test UTF-8 string functions
* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Sébastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>
* This file is part of WeeChat, the extensible chat client.
* WeeChat is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* WeeChat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with WeeChat. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "CppUTest/TestHarness.h"
extern "C"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <wctype.h>
#include "tests/tests.h"
#include "src/core/wee-utf8.h"
const char *noel_valid = "no\xc3\xabl"; /* noël */
const char *noel_invalid = "no\xc3l";
const char *noel_invalid2 = "no\xff\xffl";
const char *noel_invalid_norm = "no?l";
const char *noel_invalid2_norm = "no??l";
const char *han_char = "\xf0\xa4\xad\xa2"; /* U+24B62 */
const char *han_char_z = "\xf0\xa4\xad\xa2Z";
* Tests functions:
* utf8_has_8bits
* utf8_is_valid
TEST(Utf8, Validity)
char *error;
/* check 8 bits */
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_has_8bits (NULL));
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_has_8bits (""));
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_has_8bits ("abc"));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_has_8bits ("no\xc3\xabl"));
/* check validity */
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_is_valid (NULL, NULL));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_is_valid (NULL, &error));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_is_valid ("", NULL));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_is_valid ("", &error));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_is_valid ("abc", &error));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_is_valid (noel_valid, &error));
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_is_valid (noel_invalid, &error));
POINTERS_EQUAL(noel_invalid + 2, error);
/* 2 bytes: code point must be in range U+0080-07FF */
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_is_valid ("\xc0\x80", NULL)); /* U+0 */
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_is_valid ("\xc1\xbf", NULL)); /* U+7F */
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_is_valid ("\xc2\x80", NULL)); /* U+80 */
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_is_valid ("\xdf\xbf", NULL)); /* U+7FF */
/* 3 bytes: code point must be in range: U+0800-FFFF */
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_is_valid ("\xe0\x80\x80", NULL)); /* U+0 */
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_is_valid ("\xe0\x9f\xbf", NULL)); /* U+7FF */
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_is_valid ("\xed\xa0\x80", NULL)); /* U+D800 */
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_is_valid ("\xed\xbf\xbf", NULL)); /* U+DFFF */
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_is_valid ("\xe0\xa0\x80", NULL)); /* U+800 */
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_is_valid ("\xed\x9f\xbf", NULL)); /* U+D7FF */
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_is_valid ("\xe7\x80\x80", NULL)); /* U+E000 */
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_is_valid ("\xef\xbf\xbf", NULL)); /* U+FFFF */
/* 4 bytes: code point must be in range: U+10000-1FFFFF */
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_is_valid ("\xf0\x80\x80\x80", NULL)); /* U+0 */
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_is_valid ("\xf0\x8f\xbf\xbf", NULL)); /* U+FFFF */
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_is_valid ("\xf0\x90\x80\x80", NULL)); /* U+10000 */
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_is_valid ("\xf7\xbf\xbf\xbf", NULL)); /* U+1FFFFF */
* Tests functions:
* utf8_normalize
TEST(Utf8, Normalize)
char *str;
str = strdup (noel_invalid);
utf8_normalize (NULL, '?');
utf8_normalize (str, '?');
STRCMP_EQUAL(noel_invalid_norm, str);
free (str);
str = strdup (noel_invalid2);
utf8_normalize (str, '?');
STRCMP_EQUAL(noel_invalid2_norm, str);
free (str);
* Tests functions:
* utf8_prev_char
* utf8_next_char
* utf8_add_offset
* utf8_real_pos
* utf8_pos
TEST(Utf8, Move)
char *ptr;
/* previous/next char */
POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, utf8_prev_char (NULL, NULL));
POINTERS_EQUAL(NULL, utf8_next_char (NULL));
ptr = utf8_next_char (noel_valid);
STRCMP_EQUAL("oël", ptr);
ptr = utf8_next_char (ptr);
STRCMP_EQUAL("ël", ptr);
ptr = utf8_next_char (ptr);
STRCMP_EQUAL("l", ptr);
ptr = utf8_prev_char (noel_valid, ptr);
ptr = utf8_prev_char (noel_valid, ptr);
ptr = utf8_prev_char (noel_valid, ptr);
STRCMP_EQUAL("noël", ptr);
POINTERS_EQUAL(noel_valid, ptr);
/* add offset */
ptr = utf8_add_offset (noel_valid, 0);
STRCMP_EQUAL(noel_valid, ptr);
ptr = utf8_add_offset (noel_valid, 1);
STRCMP_EQUAL("oël", ptr);
ptr = utf8_add_offset (noel_valid, 3);
STRCMP_EQUAL("l", ptr);
/* real position */
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_real_pos (noel_valid, 0));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_real_pos (noel_valid, 1));
LONGS_EQUAL(2, utf8_real_pos (noel_valid, 2));
LONGS_EQUAL(4, utf8_real_pos (noel_valid, 3));
/* position */
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_pos (noel_valid, 0));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_pos (noel_valid, 1));
LONGS_EQUAL(2, utf8_pos (noel_valid, 2));
LONGS_EQUAL(3, utf8_pos (noel_valid, 4));
* Tests functions:
* utf8_char_int
* utf8_int_string
* utf8_wide_char
TEST(Utf8, Convert)
char result[5];
/* get UTF-8 char as integer */
BYTES_EQUAL(0, utf8_char_int (NULL));
BYTES_EQUAL(0, utf8_char_int (""));
BYTES_EQUAL(65, utf8_char_int ("ABC"));
BYTES_EQUAL(235, utf8_char_int ("ë"));
BYTES_EQUAL(0x20ac, utf8_char_int (""));
BYTES_EQUAL(0x24b62, utf8_char_int (han_char));
BYTES_EQUAL(0x0, utf8_char_int ("\xc0\x80")); /* invalid */
BYTES_EQUAL(0x7f, utf8_char_int ("\xc1\xbf")); /* invalid */
BYTES_EQUAL(0x80, utf8_char_int ("\xc2\x80"));
BYTES_EQUAL(0x7ff, utf8_char_int ("\xdf\xbf"));
BYTES_EQUAL(0x0, utf8_char_int ("\xe0\x80\x80")); /* invalid */
BYTES_EQUAL(0x7ff, utf8_char_int ("\xe0\x9f\xbf")); /* invalid */
LONGS_EQUAL(0xd800, utf8_char_int ("\xed\xa0\x80")); /* invalid */
LONGS_EQUAL(0xdfff, utf8_char_int ("\xed\xbf\xbf")); /* invalid */
BYTES_EQUAL(0x800, utf8_char_int ("\xe0\xa0\x80"));
BYTES_EQUAL(0xd7ff, utf8_char_int ("\xed\x9f\xbf"));
BYTES_EQUAL(0xe000, utf8_char_int ("\xe7\x80\x80"));
BYTES_EQUAL(0xffff, utf8_char_int ("\xef\xbf\xbf"));
BYTES_EQUAL(0x0, utf8_char_int ("\xf0\x80\x80\x80")); /* invalid */
BYTES_EQUAL(0xffff, utf8_char_int ("\xf0\x8f\xbf\xbf")); /* invalid */
BYTES_EQUAL(0x10000, utf8_char_int ("\xf0\x90\x80\x80"));
BYTES_EQUAL(0x1fffff, utf8_char_int ("\xf7\xbf\xbf\xbf"));
/* convert unicode char to a string */
utf8_int_string (0, NULL);
utf8_int_string (0, result);
STRCMP_EQUAL("", result);
utf8_int_string (235, result);
STRCMP_EQUAL("ë", result);
utf8_int_string (0x20ac, result);
STRCMP_EQUAL("", result);
utf8_int_string (0x24b62, result);
STRCMP_EQUAL(han_char, result);
/* get wide char */
BYTES_EQUAL(WEOF, utf8_wide_char (NULL));
BYTES_EQUAL(WEOF, utf8_wide_char (""));
BYTES_EQUAL(65, utf8_wide_char ("A"));
BYTES_EQUAL(0xc3ab, utf8_wide_char ("ë"));
BYTES_EQUAL(0xe282ac, utf8_wide_char (""));
BYTES_EQUAL(0xf0a4ada2, utf8_wide_char (han_char));
* Tests functions:
* utf8_char_size
* utf8_char_size_screen
* utf8_strlen
* utf8_strnlen
* utf8_strlen_screen
TEST(Utf8, Size)
/* char size */
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_char_size (NULL));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_char_size (""));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_char_size ("A"));
LONGS_EQUAL(2, utf8_char_size ("ë"));
LONGS_EQUAL(3, utf8_char_size (""));
LONGS_EQUAL(4, utf8_char_size (han_char));
/* char size on screen */
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_char_size_screen (NULL));
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_char_size_screen (""));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_char_size_screen ("A"));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_char_size_screen ("ë"));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_char_size_screen (""));
/* this test does not work on Ubuntu Precise: it returns 2 instead of 1 */
/*LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_char_size_screen (han_char));*/
/* length of string (in chars) */
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_strlen (NULL));
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_strlen (""));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_strlen ("A"));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_strlen ("ë"));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_strlen (""));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_strlen (han_char));
/* length of string (in chars, for max N bytes) */
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_strnlen (NULL, 0));
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_strnlen ("", 0));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_strnlen ("AZ", 1));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_strnlen ("ëZ", 2));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_strnlen ("€Z", 3));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_strnlen (han_char_z, 4));
/* length of string on screen (in chars) */
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_strlen_screen (NULL));
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_strlen_screen (""));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_strlen_screen ("A"));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_strlen_screen ("ë"));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_strlen_screen (""));
/* this test does not work on Ubuntu Precise: it returns 2 instead of 1 */
/*LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_strlen_screen (han_char));*/
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_strlen_screen ("\x7f"));
* Tests functions:
* utf8_charcmp
* utf8_charcasecmp
* utf8_charcasecmp_range
TEST(Utf8, Comparison)
/* case-sensitive comparison */
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_charcmp (NULL, NULL));
LONGS_EQUAL(-1, utf8_charcmp (NULL, "abc"));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_charcmp ("abc", NULL));
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_charcmp ("axx", "azz"));
LONGS_EQUAL(-1, utf8_charcmp ("A", "Z"));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_charcmp ("Z", "A"));
LONGS_EQUAL(-1, utf8_charcmp ("A", "a"));
LONGS_EQUAL(-1, utf8_charcmp ("ë", ""));
/* case-insensitive comparison */
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_charcasecmp (NULL, NULL));
LONGS_EQUAL(-1, utf8_charcasecmp (NULL, "abc"));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_charcasecmp ("abc", NULL));
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_charcasecmp ("axx", "azz"));
LONGS_EQUAL(-1, utf8_charcasecmp ("A", "Z"));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_charcasecmp ("Z", "A"));
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_charcasecmp ("A", "a"));
LONGS_EQUAL(-1, utf8_charcasecmp ("ë", ""));
/* case-insensitive comparison with a range */
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_charcasecmp_range (NULL, NULL, 30));
LONGS_EQUAL(-1, utf8_charcasecmp_range (NULL, "abc", 30));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_charcasecmp_range ("abc", NULL, 30));
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_charcasecmp_range ("axx", "azz", 30));
LONGS_EQUAL(-1, utf8_charcasecmp_range ("A", "Z", 30));
LONGS_EQUAL(1, utf8_charcasecmp_range ("Z", "A", 30));
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_charcasecmp_range ("A", "a", 30));
LONGS_EQUAL(-1, utf8_charcasecmp_range ("ë", "", 30));
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_charcasecmp_range ("[", "{", 30));
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_charcasecmp_range ("]", "}", 30));
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_charcasecmp_range ("\\", "|", 30));
LONGS_EQUAL(0, utf8_charcasecmp_range ("^", "~", 30));
LONGS_EQUAL(-1, utf8_charcasecmp_range ("[", "{", 26));
LONGS_EQUAL(-1, utf8_charcasecmp_range ("]", "}", 26));
LONGS_EQUAL(-1, utf8_charcasecmp_range ("\\", "|", 26));
LONGS_EQUAL(-1, utf8_charcasecmp_range ("^", "~", 26));
* Tests functions:
* utf8_strndup
TEST(Utf8, Duplicate)
char *str;
WEE_TEST_STR("", utf8_strndup (noel_valid, 0));
WEE_TEST_STR("n", utf8_strndup (noel_valid, 1));
WEE_TEST_STR("no", utf8_strndup (noel_valid, 2));
WEE_TEST_STR("noë", utf8_strndup (noel_valid, 3));
WEE_TEST_STR("noël", utf8_strndup (noel_valid, 4));
WEE_TEST_STR("noël", utf8_strndup (noel_valid, 5));