2016-05-14 09:42:57 +02:00

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61 KiB

= WeeChat Relay protocol
:author: Sébastien Helleu
:email: flashcode@flashtux.org
:lang: en
:toc: left
:toclevels: 3
== Introduction
This document is the specification of WeeChat Relay protocol: the protocol used
to relay WeeChat data to clients, which are mostly remote interfaces.
=== Terminology
The following terms are used in this document:
* _relay_: this is the WeeChat with relay plugin, which acts as "server" and
allows _clients_ to connect
* _client_: this is another software, connected to _relay_ via a network
connection; in most cases, this _client_ is a remote interface.
=== Network diagram
The _clients_ are connected to _relay_ like shown in this diagram:
┌──────────┐ Workstation
┌────────┐ ┌───┤ client 1 │ (Linux, Windows,
│ irc │◄──┐ ╔═══════════╤═══════╗ │ └──────────┘ BSD, Mac OS X ...)
└────────┘ └──╢ │ ║◄───┘ ┌──────────┐
...... ║ WeeChat │ Relay ║◄───────┤ client 2 │ Mobile device
┌────────┐ ┌──╢ │ ║◄───┐ └──────────┘ (Android, iPhone ...)
│ jabber │◄──┘ ╚═══════════╧═══════╝ │ ......
└────────┘ │ ┌──────────┐
...... └───┤ client N │ Other devices
└────────────┘ └───────────────────┘╘══════╛└────────────────────────────────┘
network servers ncurses interface relay remote interfaces
All clients here are clients using _weechat_ protocol in _relay_ plugin. The
_relay_ plugin also allows IRC clients, then _relay_ plugin acts as an
_IRC proxy_ (not described in this document).
== Protocol generalities
* Connections from _client_ to _relay_ are made using TCP sockets on IP/port
used by _relay_ plugin to listen to new connections.
* Number of _clients_ is limited by the option _relay.network.max_clients_.
* Each _client_ is independent from other clients.
* Messages from _client_ to _relay_ are called _commands_, they are sent as text
(a string).
* Messages from _relay_ to _client_ are called _messages_, they are sent as
binary data.
== Commands (client → relay)
Commands have format: "(id) command arguments\n".
Fields are:
* _id_: optional message identifier that will be sent in answer from _relay_;
it must be enclosed in parentheses, and must not start with an underscore
("_") (ids starting with underscore are reserved for WeeChat _event_ messages)
* _command_: a command (see table below)
* _arguments_: optional arguments for command (many arguments are separated by
List of available commands (detail in next chapters):
| Command | Description
| init | Initialize connection with _relay_
| hdata | Request a _hdata_
| info | Request an _info_
| infolist | Request an _infolist_
| nicklist | Request a _nicklist_
| input | Send data to a buffer (text or command)
| sync | Synchronize buffer(s) (get updates for buffer(s))
| desync | Desynchronize buffer(s) (stop updates for buffer(s))
| quit | Disconnect from _relay_
=== init
Initialize connection with _relay_. This must be first command sent to _relay_.
If not sent, _relay_ will close connection on first command received, without
init [<option>=<value>,[<option>=<value>,...]]
* _option_: one of following options:
** _password_: password used to authenticate on _relay_ (option
_relay.network.password_ in WeeChat)
** _compression_: compression type:
*** _zlib_: enable _zlib_ compression for messages sent by _relay_
*** _off_: disable compression
Compression _zlib_ is enabled by default if _relay_ supports _zlib_ compression.
# initialize and use zlib compression by default (if WeeChat supports it)
init password=mypass
# initialize and disable compression
init password=mypass,compression=off
=== hdata
Request a _hdata_.
(id) hdata <path> [<keys>]
* _path_: path to a hdata, with format: "hdata:pointer/var/var/.../var", the
last var is the hdata returned:
** _hdata_: name of hdata
** _pointer_: pointer ("0x12345") or list name (for example: "gui_buffers")
(count allowed, see below)
** _var_: a variable name in parent hdata (previous name in path)
(count allowed, see below)
* _keys_: comma-separated list of keys to return in hdata (if not specified, all
keys are returned, which is not recommended on large hdata structures)
A count is allowed after pointer and variables, with format "(N)". Possible
values are:
* positive number: iterate using next element, N times
* negative number: iterate using previous element, N times
* _*_: iterate using next element, until end of list
# request all buffers, hdata of type "buffer" is returned
# keys "number" and "name" are returned for each buffer
hdata buffer:gui_buffers(*) number,name
# request all lines of all buffers, hdata of type "line_data" is returned
# all keys are returned
hdata buffer:gui_buffers(*)/lines/first_line(*)/data
# request full name of first buffer
hdata buffer:gui_buffers full_name
=== info
Request an _info_.
(id) info <name>
* _name_: name of info to retrieve
info version
=== infolist
Request an _infolist_.
Content of infolist is a duplication of actual data. Wherever possible, use
command <<command_hdata,hdata>>, which is direct access to data (it is
faster, uses less memory and returns smaller objects in message).
(id) infolist <name> [<pointer> [<arguments>]]
* _name_: name of infolist to retrieve
* _pointer_: pointer (optional)
* _arguments_: arguments (optional)
infolist buffer
=== nicklist
Request a _nicklist_, for one or all buffers.
(id) nicklist [<buffer>]
* _buffer_: pointer (_0x12345_) or full name of buffer (for example:
_core.weechat_ or _irc.freenode.#weechat_)
# request nicklist for all buffers
# request nicklist for irc.freenode.#weechat
nicklist irc.freenode.#weechat
=== input
Send data to a buffer.
input <buffer> <data>
* _buffer_: pointer (_0x12345_) or full name of buffer (for example:
_core.weechat_ or _irc.freenode.#weechat_)
* _data_: data to send to buffer: if beginning by `/`, this will be executed as
a command on buffer, otherwise text is sent as input of buffer
input core.weechat /help filter
input irc.freenode.#weechat hello!
=== sync
_Updated in version 0.4.1._
Synchronize one or more buffers, to get updates.
It is recommended to send this command immediately after you asked
data for buffers (lines, ...). It can be send in same message (after a new
line char: "\n").
sync [<buffer>[,<buffer>...] <option>[,<option>...]]
* _buffer_: pointer (_0x12345_) or full name of buffer (for example:
_core.weechat_ or _irc.freenode.#weechat_); name "*" can be used to
specify all buffers
* _options_: one of following keywords, separated by commas (default is
_buffers,upgrade,buffer,nicklist_ for "*" and _buffer,nicklist_ for a buffer):
** _buffers_: receive signals about buffers (opened/closed, moved, renamed,
merged/unmerged, hidden/unhidden); this can be used only with name "*"
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.4.1)_
** _upgrade_: receive signals about WeeChat upgrade (upgrade, upgrade ended);
this can be used only with name "*"
_(WeeChat ≥ 0.4.1)_
** _buffer_: receive signals about buffer (new lines, type changed, title
changed, local variable added/removed, and same signals as _buffers_ for the
buffer) _(updated in version 0.4.1)_
** _nicklist_: receive nicklist after changes
# synchronize all buffers with nicklist
# (the 3 commands are equivalent, but the first one is recommended
# for compatibility with future versions)
sync *
sync * buffers,upgrade,buffer,nicklist
# synchronize core buffer
sync core.buffer
# synchronize #weechat channel, without nicklist
sync irc.freenode.#weechat buffer
# get general signals + all signals for #weechat channel
sync * buffers,upgrade
sync irc.freenode.#weechat
=== desync
_Updated in version 0.4.1._
Desynchronize one or more buffers, to stop updates.
This will remove _options_ for buffers. If some options are still active for
buffers, the client will still receive updates for these buffers.
desync [<buffer>[,<buffer>...] <option>[,<option>...]]
* _buffer_: pointer (_0x12345_) or full name of buffer (for example:
_core.weechat_ or _irc.freenode.#weechat_); name "*" can be used to
specify all buffers
* _options_: one of following keywords, separated by commas (default is
_buffers,upgrade,buffer,nicklist_ for "*" and _buffer,nicklist_ for a buffer);
see <<command_sync,command sync>> for values
When using buffer "*", the other buffers synchronized (using a name) are kept. +
So if you send: "sync *", then "sync irc.freenode.#weechat", then "desync *",
the updates on #weechat channel will still be sent by WeeChat (you must remove
it explicitly to stop updates).
# desynchronize all buffers
# (the 3 commands are equivalent, but the first one is recommended
# for compatibility with future versions)
desync *
desync * buffers,upgrade,buffer,nicklist
# desynchronize nicklist for #weechat channel (keep buffer updates)
desync irc.freenode.#weechat nicklist
# desynchronize #weechat channel
desync irc.freenode.#weechat
=== test
Test command: WeeChat will reply with various different objects.
This command is useful to test the decoding of binary objects returned by
You must not use the pointer values returned by this command, they are not
valid. This command must be used only to test decoding of a message sent by
Returned objects (in this order):
| Type | Type (in message) | Value
| char | chr | 65 ("A")
| integer | int | 123456
| integer | int | -123456
| long | lon | 1234567890
| long | lon | -1234567890
| string | str | "a string"
| string | str | ""
| string | str | NULL
| buffer | buf | "buffer"
| buffer | buf | NULL
| pointer | ptr | 0x1234abcd
| pointer | ptr | NULL
| time | tim | 1321993456
| array of strings | arr str | [ "abc", "de" ]
| array of integers | arr int | [ 123, 456, 789 ]
=== ping
_WeeChat ≥ 0.4.2._
Send a ping to WeeChat which will reply with a message "_pong" and same arguments.
This command is useful to test that connection with WeeChat is still alive and
measure the response time.
ping [<arguments>]
ping 1370802127000
=== quit
Disconnect from _relay_.
== Messages (relay → client)
Messages are sent as binary data, using following format (with size in bytes):
│ length ║ compression ║ id ║ type 1 │ object 1 ║ ... ║ type N │ object N │
└──────┘ └───────────┘ └──┘ └──────┘ └────────┘ └──────┘ └────────┘
4 1 ?? 3 ?? 3 ??
└────────────────────┘ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
header (5) compressed data (??)
_length_ bytes
* _length_ (unsigned integer): number of bytes of whole message (including
this field)
* _compression_ (byte): flag:
** _0x00_: following data is not compressed
** _0x01_: following data is compressed with _zlib_
* _id_ (string): identifier sent by client (before command name); it can be
empty (string with zero length and no content) if no identifier was given in
* _type_ (3 chars): a type: 3 letters (see table below)
* _object_: an object (see table below)
=== Compression
If flag _compression_ is equal to 0x01, then *all* data after is compressed
with _zlib_, and therefore must be uncompressed before being processed.
=== Identifier
There are two types of identifiers (_id_):
* _id_ sent by _client_: _relay_ will answer with same _id_ in its answer
* _id_ of an event: on some events, _relay_ will send message to _client_ using
a specific _id_, beginning with underscore (see table below)
WeeChat reserved identifiers:
| Identifier | Received with _sync_ | Data sent |
Description | Recommended action in client
| _buffer_opened | buffers / buffer | hdata: buffer |
Buffer opened | Open buffer
| _buffer_type_changed | buffers / buffer | hdata: buffer |
Type of buffer changed | Change type of buffer
| _buffer_moved | buffers / buffer | hdata: buffer |
Buffer moved | Move buffer
| _buffer_merged | buffers / buffer | hdata: buffer |
Buffer merged | Merge buffer
| _buffer_unmerged | buffers / buffer | hdata: buffer |
Buffer unmerged | Unmerge buffer
| _buffer_hidden | buffers / buffer | hdata: buffer |
Buffer hidden | Hide buffer
| _buffer_unhidden | buffers / buffer | hdata: buffer |
Buffer unhidden | Unhide buffer
| _buffer_renamed | buffers / buffer | hdata: buffer |
Buffer renamed | Rename buffer
| _buffer_title_changed | buffers / buffer | hdata: buffer |
Title of buffer changed | Change title of buffer
| _buffer_localvar_added | buffers / buffer | hdata: buffer |
Local variable added | Add local variable in buffer
| _buffer_localvar_changed | buffers / buffer | hdata: buffer |
Local variable changed | Change local variable in buffer
| _buffer_localvar_removed | buffers / buffer | hdata: buffer |
Local variable removed | Remove local variable from buffer
| _buffer_closing | buffers / buffer | hdata: buffer |
Buffer closing | Close buffer
| _buffer_cleared | buffer | hdata: buffer |
Buffer cleared | Clear buffer
| _buffer_line_added | buffer | hdata: line |
Line added in buffer | Display line in buffer
| _nicklist | nicklist | hdata: nicklist_item |
Nicklist for a buffer | Replace nicklist
| _nicklist_diff | nicklist | hdata: nicklist_item |
Nicklist diffs for a buffer | Update nicklist
| _pong | (always) | string: ping arguments |
Answer to a "ping" | Measure response time
| _upgrade | upgrade | (empty) |
WeeChat is upgrading | Desync from WeeChat (or disconnect)
| _upgrade_ended | upgrade | (empty) |
Upgrade of WeeChat done | Sync/resync with WeeChat
==== _buffer_opened
This message is sent to the client when the signal "buffer_opened" is sent by
Data sent as hdata:
| Name | Type | Description
| number | integer | Buffer number (≥ 1)
| full_name | string | Full name (example: _irc.freenode.#weechat_)
| short_name | string | Short name (example: _#weechat_)
| nicklist | integer | 1 if buffer has a nicklist, otherwise 0
| title | string | Buffer title
| local_variables | hashtable | Local variables
| prev_buffer | pointer | Pointer to previous buffer
| next_buffer | pointer | Pointer to next buffer
Example: channel _#weechat_ joined on freenode, new buffer
id: '_buffer_opened'
keys: {'number': 'int', 'full_name': 'str', 'short_name': 'str', 'nicklist': 'int',
'title': 'str', 'local_variables': 'htb', 'prev_buffer': 'ptr', 'next_buffer': 'ptr'}
path: ['buffer']
item 1:
__path: ['0x35a8a60']
number: 3
full_name: 'irc.freenode.#weechat'
short_name: None
nicklist: 0
title: None
local_variables: {'plugin': 'irc', 'name': 'freenode.#weechat'}
prev_buffer: '0x34e7400'
next_buffer: '0x0'
==== _buffer_moved
This message is sent to the client when the signal "buffer_moved" is sent by
Data sent as hdata:
| Name | Type | Description
| number | integer | Buffer number (≥ 1)
| full_name | string | Full name (example: _irc.freenode.#weechat_)
| prev_buffer | pointer | Pointer to previous buffer
| next_buffer | pointer | Pointer to next buffer
Example: buffer _irc.freenode.#weechat_ moved to number 2:
id: '_buffer_moved'
keys: {'number': 'int', 'full_name': 'str', 'prev_buffer': 'ptr', 'next_buffer': 'ptr'}
path: ['buffer']
item 1:
__path: ['0x34588c0']
number: 2
full_name: 'irc.freenode.#weechat'
prev_buffer: '0x347b9f0'
next_buffer: '0x3471bc0'
==== _buffer_merged
This message is sent to the client when the signal "buffer_merged" is sent by
Data sent as hdata:
| Name | Type | Description
| number | integer | Buffer number (≥ 1)
| full_name | string | Full name (example: _irc.freenode.#weechat_)
| prev_buffer | pointer | Pointer to previous buffer
| next_buffer | pointer | Pointer to next buffer
Example: buffer _irc.freenode.#weechat_ merged with buffer #2:
id: '_buffer_merged'
keys: {'number': 'int', 'full_name': 'str', 'prev_buffer': 'ptr', 'next_buffer': 'ptr'}
path: ['buffer']
item 1:
__path: ['0x4db4c00']
number: 2
full_name: 'irc.freenode.#weechat'
prev_buffer: '0x4cef9b0'
next_buffer: '0x0'
==== _buffer_unmerged
This message is sent to the client when the signal "buffer_unmerged" is sent by
Data sent as hdata:
| Name | Type | Description
| number | integer | Buffer number (≥ 1)
| full_name | string | Full name (example: _irc.freenode.#weechat_)
| prev_buffer | pointer | Pointer to previous buffer
| next_buffer | pointer | Pointer to next buffer
Example: buffer _irc.freenode.#weechat_ unmerged:
id: '_buffer_unmerged'
keys: {'number': 'int', 'full_name': 'str', 'prev_buffer': 'ptr', 'next_buffer': 'ptr'}
path: ['buffer']
item 1:
__path: ['0x4db4c00']
number: 3
full_name: 'irc.freenode.#weechat'
prev_buffer: '0x4cef9b0'
next_buffer: '0x0'
==== _buffer_hidden
_WeeChat ≥ 1.0._
This message is sent to the client when the signal "buffer_hidden" is sent by
Data sent as hdata:
| Name | Type | Description
| number | integer | Buffer number (≥ 1)
| full_name | string | Full name (example: _irc.freenode.#weechat_)
| prev_buffer | pointer | Pointer to previous buffer
| next_buffer | pointer | Pointer to next buffer
Example: buffer _irc.freenode.#weechat_ hidden:
id: '_buffer_hidden'
keys: {'number': 'int', 'full_name': 'str', 'prev_buffer': 'ptr', 'next_buffer': 'ptr'}
path: ['buffer']
item 1:
__path: ['0x4db4c00']
number: 2
full_name: 'irc.freenode.#weechat'
prev_buffer: '0x4cef9b0'
next_buffer: '0x0'
==== _buffer_unhidden
_WeeChat ≥ 1.0._
This message is sent to the client when the signal "buffer_unhidden" is sent by
Data sent as hdata:
| Name | Type | Description
| number | integer | Buffer number (≥ 1)
| full_name | string | Full name (example: _irc.freenode.#weechat_)
| prev_buffer | pointer | Pointer to previous buffer
| next_buffer | pointer | Pointer to next buffer
Example: buffer _irc.freenode.#weechat_ unhidden:
id: '_buffer_unhidden'
keys: {'number': 'int', 'full_name': 'str', 'prev_buffer': 'ptr', 'next_buffer': 'ptr'}
path: ['buffer']
item 1:
__path: ['0x4db4c00']
number: 3
full_name: 'irc.freenode.#weechat'
prev_buffer: '0x4cef9b0'
next_buffer: '0x0'
==== _buffer_renamed
This message is sent to the client when the signal "buffer_renamed" is sent by
Data sent as hdata:
| Name | Type | Description
| number | integer | Buffer number (≥ 1)
| full_name | string | Full name (example: _irc.freenode.#weechat_)
| short_name | string | Short name (example: _#weechat_)
| local_variables | hashtable | Local variables
Example: private buffer renamed from _FlashCode_ to _Flash2_:
id: '_buffer_renamed'
keys: {'number': 'int', 'full_name': 'str', 'short_name': 'str', 'local_variables': 'htb'}
path: ['buffer']
item 1:
__path: ['0x4df7b80']
number: 5
full_name: 'irc.freenode.Flash2'
short_name: 'Flash2'
local_variables: {'server': 'freenode', 'plugin': 'irc', 'type': 'private',
'channel': 'FlashCode', 'nick': 'test', 'name': 'local.Flash2'}
==== _buffer_title_changed
This message is sent to the client when the signal "buffer_title_changed" is
sent by WeeChat.
Data sent as hdata:
| Name | Type | Description
| number | integer | Buffer number (≥ 1)
| full_name | string | Full name (example: _irc.freenode.#weechat_)
| title | string | Buffer title
Example: topic changed on channel _#weechat_:
id: '_buffer_title_changed'
keys: {'number': 'int', 'full_name': 'str', 'title': 'str'}
path: ['buffer']
item 1:
__path: ['0x4a715d0']
number: 3
full_name: 'irc.freenode.#weechat'
title: 'Welcome on #weechat! https://weechat.org/'
==== _buffer_cleared
_WeeChat ≥ 1.0._
This message is sent to the client when the signal "buffer_cleared" is sent by
Data sent as hdata:
| Name | Type | Description
| number | integer | Buffer number (≥ 1)
| full_name | string | Full name (example: _irc.freenode.#weechat_)
Example: buffer _irc.freenode.#weechat_ has been cleared:
id: '_buffer_cleared'
keys: {'number': 'int', 'full_name': 'str'}
path: ['buffer']
item 1:
__path: ['0x4a715d0']
number: 3
full_name: 'irc.freenode.#weechat'
==== _buffer_type_changed
This message is sent to the client when the signal "buffer_type_changed" is sent
by WeeChat.
Data sent as hdata:
| Name | Type | Description
| number | integer | Buffer number (≥ 1)
| full_name | string | Full name (example: _irc.freenode.#weechat_)
| type | integer | Buffer type: 0 = formatted (default), 1 = free content
Example: type of buffer _script.scripts_ changed from formatted (0) to free
content (1):
id: '_buffer_type_changed'
keys: {'number': 'int', 'full_name': 'str', 'type': 'int'}
path: ['buffer']
item 1:
__path: ['0x27c9a70']
number: 4
full_name: 'script.scripts'
type: 1
==== _buffer_localvar_added
This message is sent to the client when the signal "buffer_localvar_added" is
sent by WeeChat.
Data sent as hdata:
| Name | Type | Description
| number | integer | Buffer number (≥ 1)
| full_name | string | Full name (example: _irc.freenode.#weechat_)
| local_variables | hashtable | Local variables
Example: local variable _test_ added in buffer _irc.freenode.#weechat_:
id='_buffer_localvar_added', objects:
keys: {'number': 'int', 'full_name': 'str', 'local_variables': 'htb'}
path: ['buffer']
item 1:
__path: ['0x4a73de0']
number: 3
full_name: 'irc.freenode.#weechat'
local_variables: {'server': 'freenode', 'test': 'value', 'plugin': 'irc',
'type': 'channel', 'channel': '#weechat', 'nick': 'test',
'name': 'freenode.#weechat'}
==== _buffer_localvar_changed
This message is sent to the client when the signal "buffer_localvar_changed" is
sent by WeeChat.
Data sent as hdata:
| Name | Type | Description
| number | integer | Buffer number (≥ 1)
| full_name | string | Full name (example: _irc.freenode.#weechat_)
| local_variables | hashtable | Local variables
Example: local variable _test_ updated in buffer _irc.freenode.#weechat_:
id='_buffer_localvar_changed', objects:
keys: {'number': 'int', 'full_name': 'str', 'local_variables': 'htb'}
path: ['buffer']
item 1:
__path: ['0x4a73de0']
number: 3
full_name: 'irc.freenode.#weechat'
local_variables: {'server': 'local', 'test': 'value2', 'plugin': 'irc',
'type': 'channel', 'channel': '#weechat', 'nick': 'test',
'name': 'freenode.#weechat'}
==== _buffer_localvar_removed
This message is sent to the client when the signal "buffer_localvar_removed" is
sent by WeeChat.
Data sent as hdata:
| Name | Type | Description
| number | integer | Buffer number (≥ 1)
| full_name | string | Full name (example: _irc.freenode.#weechat_)
| local_variables | hashtable | Local variables
Example: local variable _test_ removed from buffer _irc.freenode.#weechat_:
id: '_buffer_localvar_removed'
keys: {'number': 'int', 'full_name': 'str', 'local_variables': 'htb'}
path: ['buffer']
item 1:
__path: ['0x4a73de0']
number: 3
full_name: 'irc.freenode.#prout'
local_variables: {'server': 'local', 'plugin': 'irc', 'type': 'channel',
'channel': '#weechat', 'nick': 'test', 'name': 'freenode.#weechat'}
==== _buffer_line_added
This message is sent to the client when the signal "buffer_line_added" is sent
by WeeChat.
Data sent as hdata:
| Name | Type | Description
| buffer | pointer | Buffer pointer
| date | time | Date of message
| date_printed | time | Date when WeeChat displayed message
| displayed | char | 1 if message is displayed, 0 if message is filtered (hidden)
| highlight | char | 1 if line has a highlight, otherwise 0
| tags_array | array of strings | List of tags for line
| prefix | string | Prefix
| message | string | Message
Example: new message _hello!_ from nick _FlashCode_ on buffer _irc.freenode.#weechat_:
id: '_buffer_line_added'
keys: {'buffer': 'ptr', 'date': 'tim', 'date_printed': 'tim', 'displayed': 'chr',
'highlight': 'chr', 'tags_array': 'arr', 'prefix': 'str', 'message': 'str'}
path: ['line_data']
item 1:
__path: ['0x4a49600']
buffer: '0x4a715d0'
date: 1362728993
date_printed: 1362728993
displayed: 1
highlight: 0
tags_array: ['irc_privmsg', 'notify_message', 'prefix_nick_142', 'nick_FlashCode', 'log1']
prefix: 'F06@F@00142FlashCode'
message: 'hello!'
==== _buffer_closing
This message is sent to the client when the signal "buffer_closing" is sent by
Data sent as hdata:
| Name | Type | Description
| number | integer | Buffer number (≥ 1)
| full_name | string | Full name (example: _irc.freenode.#weechat_)
Example: buffer _irc.freenode.#weechat_ is being closed by WeeChat:
id: '_buffer_closing'
keys: {'number': 'int', 'full_name': 'str'}
path: ['buffer']
item 1:
__path: ['0x4a715d0']
number: 3
full_name: 'irc.freenode.#weechat'
==== _nicklist
This message is sent to the client when large updates are made on a nicklist
(groups/nicks added/removed/changed). The message contains full nicklist.
When small updates are made on a nicklist (for example just add one nick),
another message with identifier __nicklist_diff_ is sent (see below).
Data sent as hdata:
| Name | Type | Description
| group | char | 1 for a group, 0 for a nick
| visible | char | 1 if group/nick is displayed, otherwise 0
| level | integer | Level of group (0 for a nick)
| name | string | Name of group/nick
| color | string | Name color
| prefix | string | Prefix (only for a nick)
| prefix_color | string | Prefix color (only for a nick)
Example: nicklist for buffer _irc.freenode.#weechat_:
id: '_nicklist'
keys: {'group': 'chr', 'visible': 'chr', 'level': 'int', 'name': 'str', 'color': 'str',
'prefix': 'str', 'prefix_color': 'str'}
path: ['buffer', 'nicklist_item']
item 1:
__path: ['0x4a75cd0', '0x31e95d0']
group: 1
visible: 0
level: 0
name: 'root'
color: None
prefix: None
prefix_color: None
item 2:
__path: ['0x4a75cd0', '0x41247b0']
group: 1
visible: 1
level: 1
name: '000|o'
color: 'weechat.color.nicklist_group'
prefix: None
prefix_color: None
item 3:
__path: ['0x4a75cd0', '0x4a60d20']
group: 0
visible: 1
level: 0
name: 'FlashCode'
color: '142'
prefix: '@'
prefix_color: 'lightgreen'
item 4:
__path: ['0x4a75cd0', '0x4aafaf0']
group: 1
visible: 1
level: 1
name: '001|v'
color: 'weechat.color.nicklist_group'
prefix: None
prefix_color: None
item 5:
__path: ['0x4a75cd0', '0x4a48d80']
group: 1
visible: 1
level: 1
name: '999|...'
color: 'weechat.color.nicklist_group'
prefix: None
prefix_color: None
item 6:
__path: ['0x4a75cd0', '0x4a5f560']
group: 0
visible: 1
level: 0
name: 'test'
color: 'weechat.color.chat_nick_self'
prefix: ' '
prefix_color: ''
==== _nicklist_diff
_WeeChat ≥ 0.4.1._
This message is sent to the client when small updates are made on a nicklist
(groups/nicks added/removed/changed). The message contains nicklist differences
(between old nicklist and current one).
Data sent as hdata:
| Name | Type | Description
| _diff | char | Type of diff (see below)
| group | char | 1 for a group, 0 for a nick
| visible | char | 1 if group/nick is displayed, otherwise 0
| level | integer | Level of group (0 for a nick)
| name | string | Name of group/nick
| color | string | Name color
| prefix | string | Prefix (only for a nick)
| prefix_color | string | Prefix color (only for a nick)
The value of __diff_ can be:
* `^`: the parent group: group(s) or nick(s) after this one are related to this
* `+`: group/nick added in the parent group
* `-`: group/nick removed from the parent group
* `*`: group/nick updated in the parent group
Example: nick _master_ added in group _000|o_ (channel ops on an IRC channel),
nicks _nick1_ and _nick2_ added in group _999|..._ (standard users on an IRC
id: '_nicklist_diff'
keys: {'_diff': 'chr', 'group': 'chr', 'visible': 'chr', 'level': 'int', 'name': 'str',
'color': 'str', 'prefix': 'str', 'prefix_color': 'str'}
path: ['buffer', 'nicklist_item']
item 1:
__path: ['0x46f2ee0', '0x343c9b0']
_diff: 94 ('^')
group: 1
visible: 1
level: 1
name: '000|o'
color: 'weechat.color.nicklist_group'
prefix: None
prefix_color: None
item 2:
__path: ['0x46f2ee0', '0x47e7f60']
_diff: 43 ('+')
group: 0
visible: 1
level: 0
name: 'master'
color: 'magenta'
prefix: '@'
prefix_color: 'lightgreen'
item 3:
__path: ['0x46f2ee0', '0x46b8e70']
_diff: 94 ('^')
group: 1
visible: 1
level: 1
name: '999|...'
color: 'weechat.color.nicklist_group'
prefix: None
prefix_color: None
item 4:
__path: ['0x46f2ee0', '0x3dba240']
_diff: 43 ('+')
group: 0
visible: 1
level: 0
name: 'nick1'
color: 'green'
prefix: ' '
prefix_color: ''
item 5:
__path: ['0x46f2ee0', '0x3c379d0']
_diff: 43 ('+')
group: 0
visible: 1
level: 0
name: 'nick2'
color: 'lightblue'
prefix: ' '
prefix_color: ''
==== _pong
_WeeChat ≥ 0.4.2._
This message is sent to the client when _relay_ receives a "ping" message.
Data sent as string: arguments received in the "ping" message.
The recommended action in client is to measure the response time and disconnect
if it is high.
==== _upgrade
_WeeChat ≥ 0.3.8._
This message is sent to the client when WeeChat is starting upgrade process.
There is no data in the message.
The recommended action in client is to desynchronize from WeeChat (send command
_desync_), or to disconnect from WeeChat (because after upgrade, all pointers
will change).
During WeeChat upgrade, the socket remains opened (except if connection uses
==== _upgrade_ended
_WeeChat ≥ 0.3.8._
This message is sent to the client when WeeChat has finished the upgrade
There is no data in the message.
The recommended action in client is to resynchronize with WeeChat: resend all
commands sent on startup after the _init_.
=== Objects
Objects are identified by 3 letters, called _type_. Following types are used:
| Type | Value | Length
| chr | Signed char | 1 byte
| int | Signed integer | 4 bytes
| lon | Signed long integer | 1 byte + length of integer as string
| str | String | 4 bytes + length of string (without final _\0_)
| buf | Buffer of bytes | 4 bytes + length of data
| ptr | Pointer | 1 byte + length of pointer as string
| tim | Time | 1 byte + length of time as string
| htb | Hashtable | Variable
| hda | Hdata content | Variable
| inf | Info: name + content | Variable
| inl | Infolist content | Variable
| arr | Array of objects | 3 bytes (type) + number of objects + data
==== Char
A signed char is stored as 1 byte.
│ 41 │ ────► 65 (0x41: "A")
==== Integer
A signed integer is stored as 4 bytes, encoded as big-endian format (most
significant byte first).
Range: -2147483648 to 2147483647.
│ 00 │ 01 │ E2 │ 40 │ ────► 123456
│ FF │ FE │ 1D │ C0 │ ────► -123456
==== Long integer
A signed long integer is encoded as a string, with length on one byte.
Range: -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807.
│ 0A ║ 31 │ 32 │ 33 │ 34 │ 35 │ 36 │ 37 │ 38 │ 39 │ 30 │ ────► 1234567890
└──┘ └───────────────────────────────────────────────┘
length '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8' '9' '0'
│ 0B ║ 2D │ 31 │ 32 │ 33 │ 34 │ 35 │ 36 │ 37 │ 38 │ 39 │ 30 │ ────► -1234567890
└──┘ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
length '-' '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8' '9' '0'
==== String
A string is a length (integer on 4 bytes) + content of string (without final _\0_).
│ 00 │ 00 │ 00 │ 05 ║ 68 │ 65 │ 6C │ 6C │ 6F │ ────► "hello"
└─────────────────┘ └──────────────────────┘
length 'h' 'e' 'l' 'l' 'o'
An empty string has a length of zero:
│ 00 │ 00 │ 00 │ 00 │ ────► ""
A _NULL_ string (NULL pointer in C) has a length of -1:
│ FF │ FF │ FF │ FF │ ────► NULL
==== Buffer
Same format as <<object_string,string>>; content is just an array of bytes.
==== Pointer
A pointer is encoded as string (hex), with length on one byte.
│ 09 ║ 31 │ 61 │ 32 │ 62 │ 33 │ 63 │ 34 │ 64 │ 35 │ ────► 0x1a2b3c4d5
└──┘ └──────────────────────────────────────────┘
length '1' 'a' '2' 'b' '3' 'c' '4' 'd' '5'
A _NULL_ pointer has a length of 1 with value 0:
│ 01 ║ 00 │ ────► NULL (0x0)
└──┘ └──┘
length 0
==== Time
A time (number of seconds) is encoded as a string, with length on one byte.
│ 0A ║ 31 │ 33 │ 32 │ 31 │ 39 │ 39 │ 33 │ 34 │ 35 │ 36 │ ────► 1321993456
└──┘ └───────────────────────────────────────────────┘
length '1' '3' '2' '1' '9' '9' '3' '4' '5' '6'
==== Hashtable
A hashtable contains type for keys, type for values, number of items in
hashtable (integer on 4 bytes), and then keys and values of items.
│ type_keys │ type_values │ count ║ key 1 │ value 1 ║ ... ║ key N │ value N │
│ str │ str │ 2 ║ key1 │ abc ║ key2 │ def │ ────► { 'key1' => 'abc',
└─────┴─────┴───╨──────┴─────╨──────┴─────┘ 'key2' => 'def' }
└───┘ └───┘ └─┘ └──────────┘ └──────────┘
type type count item 1 item 2
keys values
==== Hdata
A _hdata_ contains a path with hdata names, list of keys, number of set of
objects, and then set of objects (path with pointers, then objects).
│ h-path │ keys │ count ║ p-path │ value 1 ... value N ║ ...
... ║ p-path │ value 1 ... value N ║ ... │
* _h-path_ (string): path used to reach hdata (example:
_buffer/lines/line/line_data_); the last element in path is the hdata returned
* _keys_ (string): string with list of _key:type_ (separated by commas),
example: _number:int,name:str_
* _count_ (integer): number of set of objects
* _p-path_: path with pointers to objects (number of pointers here is number of
elements in path)
* _values_: list of values (number of values is number of keys returned for
Example of hdata with two buffers (weechat core and freenode server) and two
keys (_number_ and _full_name_):
# command
hdata buffer:gui_buffers(*) number,full_name
# response
│ buffer │ number:int,full_name:str │ 2 ║ ...
└──────┘ └────────────────────────┘ └─┘
h-path keys count
... ║ 0x12345 │ 1 │ core.weechat ║ 0x6789a │ 2 │irc.server.freenode │
└──────────────────────────┘ └────────────────────────────────┘
buffer 1 buffer 2
Example of hdata with lines of core buffer:
# command
hdata buffer:gui_buffers(*)/lines/first_line(*)/data
# response
│ buffer/lines/line/line_data │ ... │ 50 ║ ...
└───────────────────────────┘ └───┘ └──┘
h-path (hdata names) keys count
... ║ 0x23cf970 │ 0x23cfb60 │ 0x23d5f40 │ ..... ║ ...
└─────────────────────────────────┘ └─────┘
p-path (pointers) objects
line 1
... ║ 0x23cf970 │ 0x23cfb60 │ 0x23d6110 │ ..... ║ ............ │
└─────────────────────────────────┘ └─────┘
p-path (pointers) objects
└─────────────────────────────────────────┘ └────────────┘
line 2 lines 3-50
Example of hdata with nicklist:
# command
# response
│ buffer/nick_group │ ...
... ║ group:chr,visible:chr,name:str,color:str,prefix:str,(...) │ 12 ║ ...
└─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ └──┘
keys count
... ║ 0x12345 │ 0x6789a │ 1 │ 0 │ root │ │ │ │ 0 ║ ...
└─────────────────┘ └──────────────────────┘
p-path objects
group (nicklist root)
... ║ 0x123cf │ 0x678d4 │ 1 │ 0 │ 000|o │ │ │ │ 1 ║ ...
└─────────────────┘ └───────────────────────┘
p-path objects
group (channel ops)
... ║ 0x128a7 │ 0x67ab2 │ 0 │ 1 │ ChanServ │ blue │ @ │ lightgreen │ 0 ║ ...
└─────────────────┘ └────────────────────────────────────────────┘
p-path objects
nick (@ChanServ)
==== Info
A _info_ contains a name and a value (both are strings).
│ name │ value │
* _name_ (string): name of info
* _value_ (string): value
Example of info _version_:
│ version │ WeeChat 0.3.7-dev │
==== Infolist
A _infolist_ contains a name, number of items, and then items (set of
│ name │ count ║ item 1 ║ ... ║ item N │
An item is:
│ count ║ name 1 │ type 1 │ value 1 ║ ... ║ name N │ type N │ value N │
* _name_ (string): name of infolist (_buffer_, _window_, _bar_, ...)
* _count_ (integer): number of items
* _item_:
** _count_: number of variables in item
** _name_: name of variable
** _type_: type of variable (_int_, _str_, ...)
** _value_: value of variable
Example of infolist with two buffers (weechat core and freenode server):
# command
infolist buffer
# response
│ buffer │ 2 ║ 42 │ pointer │ ptr │ 0x12345 │ ... ║ ...
└──────┘ └─┘ └──────────────────────────────────┘
name count item 1
... ║ 42 │ pointer │ ptr │ 0x6789a │ ... │
item 2
==== Array
An array is a type (3 bytes) + number of objects (integer on 4 bytes) + data.
Example of array with two strings:
│ str ║ 00 │ 00 │ 00 │ 02 ║ 00 │ 00 │ 00 │ 03 ║ ...
└───┘ └─────────────────┘ └─────────────────┘
type number of strings length
... ║ 61 │ 62 │ 63 ║ 00 │ 00 │ 00 │ 02 ║ 64 │ 65 │ ────► [ "abc", "de" ]
└────────────┘ └─────────────────┘ └───────┘
'a' 'b' 'c' length 'd' 'e'
Example of array with three integers:
│ int ║ 00 │ 00 │ 00 │ 03 ║ 00 │ 00 │ 00 │ 7B ║ ...
└───┘ └─────────────────┘ └─────────────────┘
type number of integers 123 (0x7B)
... ║ 00 │ 00 │ 01 │ C8 ║ 00 │ 00 │ 03 │ 15 │ ────► [ 123, 456, 789 ]
└─────────────────┘ └─────────────────┘
456 (0x1C8) 789 (0x315)
A _NULL_ array:
│ str ║ 00 │ 00 │ 00 │ 00 │ ────► NULL
└───┘ └─────────────────┘
type number of strings
== Typical session
┌────────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌─────────┐
│ Client ├ ─ ─ ─ ─(network)─ ─ ─ ─ ┤ Relay ├────────────────┤ WeeChat │
└────────┘ └───────┘ └─────────┘
║ ║ ║
╟───────────────────────────────► ║ ║
║ open socket ║ add client ║
║ ║ ║
╟───────────────────────────────► ║ ║
║ cmd: init password=xxx,... ║ init/allow client ║
║ ║ ║
╟───────────────────────────────► ║ ║
║ cmd: hdata buffer ... ╟───────────────────────► ║
║ sync ... ║ request hdata ║ read hdata
║ ║ ║ values
║ ║ ◄───────────────────────╢
║ ◄───────────────────────────────╢ hdata ║
create ║ msg: hda buffer ║ ║
buffers ║ ║ ║
║ ........ ║ ........ ║
║ ║ ║
╟───────────────────────────────► ║ ║
║ cmd: input ... ╟───────────────────────► ║
║ ║ send data to buffer ║ send data
║ ║ ║ to buffer
║ ........ ║ ........ ║
║ ║ ║ signal
║ ║ ◄───────────────────────╢ received
║ ◄───────────────────────────────╢ signal XXX ║ (hooked by
update ║ msg: id: "_buffer_..." ║ ║ relay)
buffers ║ ║ ║
║ ........ ║ ........ ║
║ ║ ║
╟───────────────────────────────► ║ ║
║ cmd: ping ... ║ ║
║ ║ ║
║ ◄───────────────────────────────╢ ║
measure ║ msg: id: "_pong" ... ║ ║
response ║ ║ ║
time ║ ........ ║ ........ ║
║ ║ ║
╟───────────────────────────────► ║ ║
║ cmd: quit ║ disconnect client ║
║ ║ ║