2006-11-07 23:03:06 +00:00

63 lines
1.8 KiB

PyExec: Python code execution script for WeeChat
Author: Christian Taylor <cht@chello.at>
License: GPL version 2 or later
version = "0.2"
helptext = """ The WeeChat script-API is imported into the global namespace, you can
call all API functions (for instance "get_info") directly. The modules
"sys", "os" and "math" are imported by default.
Any occurance of ";; " is treated as a newline.
For automatic argument conversion to string, use:
"send" instead of "command"
"echo" instead of "prnt" (prints only to current buffer)
(also provided: "echo_server", "echo_infobar")
Additional shortcut functions:
"nicks()" returns a dictionary of nicknames for the current channel.
It takes a channelname and a servername as optional arguments.
/pyexec for i in range(3): send(i+1);; echo("Done")
/pyexec for nick in nicks(): send("/voice " + nick)
/pyexec echo(2**64)
from __future__ import division
import sys, os, math
from weechat import *
register("PyExec", version, "", "Run Python code in WeeChat")
add_command_handler("pyexec", "pyexec", " Runs Python code directly from the WeeChat command line.", "[Python code]", helptext)
def echo(text):
return prnt(str(text))
def echo_server(text):
return print_server(str(text))
def echo_infobar(time, text):
return print_infobar(time, str(text))
def send(text):
return command(str(text))
def nicks(channel=None, server=None):
if not server:
server = get_info("server")
if not channel:
channel = get_info("channel")
return get_nick_info(server, channel)
def pyexec(server, pycode):
exec pycode.replace(";; ", "\n")
(e_type, e_value, e_trace) = sys.exc_info()
prnt("PyExec: %s: %s" % (str(e_type).replace("exceptions.", ""), e_value))