2007-03-09 13:34:34 +00:00

232 lines
9.0 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2006 by Eric Gach <eric.gach@gmail.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import weechat
import os
import subprocess
import traceback
__desc__ = 'Amarok control and now playing script for Weechat.'
__version__ = '1.0.2'
__author__ = 'Eric Gach <eric.gach@gmail.com>'
# With changes by Leonid Evdokimov (weechat at darkk dot net another dot ru):
# http://darkk.net.ru/weechat/amarok.py
# v 1.0.1 - added %year%
# v 1.0.2 - fixed bug with dead zombie-childs
# fixed bug when loading second instance of the script
# added better default for dcop_user setting
dcop = {}
debug = {}
infobar = {}
output = {}
ssh = {}
class amarokException(Exception):
def amarokCommand(server, args):
args = args.split(' ')
if args[0] == 'infobar':
if infobar['enabled']:
infobar['enabled'] = False
weechat.set_plugin_config('infobar_enabled', '0')
weechat.prnt('Infobar disabled')
infobar['enabled'] = True
weechat.set_plugin_config('infobar_enabled', '1')
weechat.add_timer_handler(infobar['update'], 'amarokInfobarUpdate')
weechat.prnt('Infobar enabled')
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
elif args[0] == 'next':
weechat.prnt('Amarok: Playing next song.')
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
elif args[0] == 'np':
return amarokNowPlaying(server)
elif args[0] == 'pause':
weechat.prnt('Amarok: Song paused.')
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
elif args[0] == 'play':
weechat.prnt('Amarok: Started playing.')
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
elif args[0] == 'prev':
weechat.prnt('Amarok: Playing previous song.')
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
elif args[0] == 'stop':
weechat.prnt('Amarok: Stop playing.')
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
elif args[0] == '':
return amarokDisplayHelp(server)
weechat.prnt('Amarok: Unknown command %s' % (args[0]), '', server)
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
except amarokException, ex:
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_KO
file = open(debug['file'], 'w')
traceback.print_exc(None, file)
weechat.prnt('Unknown Exception encountered. Stack dumped to %s' % (debug['file']), '', server)
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_KO
def amarokDisplayHelp(server):
weechat.prnt('%s - Version: %s' % (__desc__, __version__), '', server)
weechat.prnt('Author: %s' % (__author__), '', server)
weechat.prnt('', '', server)
weechat.prnt('Commands Available', '', server)
weechat.prnt(' /amarok next - Move to the next song in the playlist.', '', server)
weechat.prnt(' /amarok np - Display currently playing song.', '', server)
weechat.prnt(' /amarok play - Start playing music.', '', server)
weechat.prnt(' /amarok pause - Toggle between pause/playing.', '', server)
weechat.prnt(' /amarok prev - Move to the previous song in the playlist.', '', server)
weechat.prnt(' /amarok stop - Stop playing music.', '', server)
weechat.prnt(' /amarok infobar - Toggle the infobar display.', '', server)
weechat.prnt('', '', server)
weechat.prnt('Formatting', '', server)
weechat.prnt(' %artist% - Replaced with the song artist.', '', server)
weechat.prnt(' %title% - Replaced with the song title.', '', server)
weechat.prnt(' %album% - Replaced with the song album.', '', server)
weechat.prnt(' %year% - Replaced with the song year tag.', '', server)
weechat.prnt(' %cTime% - Replaced with how long the song has been playing.', '', server)
weechat.prnt(' %tTime% - Replaced with the length of the song.', '', server)
weechat.prnt(' %bitrate% - Replaced with the bitrate of the song.', '', server)
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
def amarokInfobarUpdate():
if infobar['enabled'] == False:
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
isPlaying = __executeCommands((__dcopCommand('isPlaying'),))
if isPlaying.strip() == 'false':
weechat.print_infobar(infobar['update'], 'Amarok is not currently playing')
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
song = __getSongInfo()
format = __formatNP(infobar['format'], song)
weechat.print_infobar(infobar['update'], format)
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
def amarokNowPlaying(server):
isPlaying = __executeCommands((__dcopCommand('isPlaying'),))
if isPlaying.strip() == 'false':
weechat.prnt('Amarok is not playing.', '', server)
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_KO
song = __getSongInfo()
format = __formatNP(output['format'], song)
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
def amarokUnload():
"""Unload the plugin from weechat"""
if infobar['enabled']:
return weechat.PLUGIN_RC_OK
def __formatNP(template, song):
np = template.replace('%artist%', song['artist'])
np = np.replace('%title%', song['title'])
np = np.replace('%album%', song['album'])
np = np.replace('%cTime%', song['cTime'])
np = np.replace('%tTime%', song['tTime'])
np = np.replace('%bitrate%', song['bitrate'])
np = np.replace('%year%', song['year'])
return np
def __dcopCommand(cmd):
if dcop['user'] == ':':
return 'dcop amarok player %s' % (cmd)
return 'dcop --user %s amarok player %s' % (dcop['user'], cmd)
def __executeCommands(cmds):
from subprocess import PIPE
cmds = " && ".join(cmds)
if ssh['enabled']:
cmds = 'ssh -p %d %s@%s "%s"' % (ssh['port'], ssh['user'], ssh['host'], cmds)
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmds, shell = True, stderr = PIPE, stdout = PIPE, close_fds = True)
error = proc.stderr.read()
if error != '':
output = proc.stdout.read()
return output
def __getSongInfo():
"""Get the song information from amarok"""
song = {}
songs = __executeCommands(
song['artist'], song['title'], song['album'], song['cTime'], song['tTime'], song['bitrate'], song['year'], empty = songs.split("\n")
return song
def __loadSettings():
dcop['user'] = __loadSetting('dcop_user', ':')
debug['file'] = os.path.expanduser(__loadSetting('debug_file', '~/amarok_debug.txt'))
infobar['enabled'] = __loadSetting('infobar_enabled', '0', 'bool')
infobar['format'] = __loadSetting('infobar_format', 'Now Playing: %title% by %artist%')
infobar['update'] = __loadSetting('infobar_update', '10', 'int')
output['format'] = __loadSetting('output_format', '/me is listening to %C04%title%%C by %C03%artist%%C from %C12%album%%C [%cTime% of %tTime% @ %bitrate%kbps]')
ssh['enabled'] = __loadSetting('ssh_enabled', '0', 'bool')
ssh['host'] = __loadSetting('ssh_host', 'localhost')
ssh['port'] = __loadSetting('ssh_port', '22', 'int')
ssh['user'] = __loadSetting('ssh_user', 'user')
def __loadSetting(setting, default=None, type=None):
value = weechat.get_plugin_config(setting)
if value == '' and default != None:
weechat.set_plugin_config(setting, default)
value = default
if type == 'int' or type == 'bool':
value = int(value)
if type == 'bool':
value = bool(value)
return value
if weechat.register('amarok', __version__, 'amarokUnload', __desc__):
if infobar['enabled']:
weechat.add_timer_handler(infobar['update'], 'amarokInfobarUpdate')
weechat.add_command_handler('amarok', 'amarokCommand', 'Manage amarok or display now playing information.', 'next|np|play|pause|prev|stop|infobar')