2006-09-16 20:48:42 +00:00

102 lines
2.6 KiB

:Author: Henning Hasemann <hhasemann [at] web [dot] de>
:What it does:
This plugin lets you inform all users in the current
channel about the song which music-player-daemon (MPD)
is currently playing.
/mpdnp - Display file mpd is playing to current channel.
:Configuration Variables:
============= ==========================================
Variable name Meaning
============= ==========================================
host The host where your mpd runs
port The port to connect to mpd (usually 6600)
format How this script should display
whats going on.
You may use the following variables here:
$artist, $title_or_file,
$length_min, $length_sec, $pct,
$pos_min, $pos_sec
Released under GPL licence.
todo = """
- maybe support sending commands to mpd.
- maybe make condional display
(displaying some characters only
if preceding or trailing variables are set)
import weechat as wc
import mpdclient as mpd
import re
from os.path import basename, splitext
default_fmt = "/me 's MPD plays: $artist - $title_or_file ($length_min:$length_sec)"
wc.register("mpdnp", "0.3", "", "np for mpd")
def subst(text, values):
out = ""
n = 0
for match in re.finditer(findvar, text):
if match is None: continue
l, r = match.span()
nam = match.group(1)
out += text[n:l+1] + values.get(nam, "") #"$" + nam)
n = r
return out + text[n:]
def np(server, args):
Send information about the currently
played song to the channel.
host = wc.get_plugin_config("host")
port = int(wc.get_plugin_config("port"))
cont = mpd.MpdController(host=host, port=port)
song = cont.getCurrentSong()
pos, length, pct = cont.getSongPosition()
# insert artist, title, album, track, path
d = song.__dict__
"title_or_file": song.title or splitext(basename(song.path))[0],
"pos_sec": "%02d" % (pos / 60),
"pos_min": str(pos / 60),
"length_sec": "%02d" % (length % 60),
"length_min": str(length / 60),
"pct": "%2.0f" % pct,
wc.command(subst(wc.get_plugin_config("format"), d))
return 0
def dbgnp(server, args):
return np(server, args)
except Exception, e:
print e
wc.add_command_handler("mpdnp", "np", "", "", np.__doc__)
findvar = re.compile(r'[^\\]\$([a-z_]+)(\b|[^a-z_])')
default = {
"host": "localhost",
"port": "6600",
"format": default_fmt,
for k, v in default.items():
if not wc.get_plugin_config(k):
wc.set_plugin_config(k, v)