Merge tag 'v2.0.26' into master.

This commit is contained in:
Peter Powell 2018-04-21 12:04:43 +01:00
commit 35b70631f0
14 changed files with 323 additions and 223 deletions

View File

@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
# Helpop Standard #
<config format="xml">
<alias text="HELP" replace="HELPOP $2-">
<helpop key="start" value="InspIRCd Help System
@ -398,11 +400,12 @@ LOCKSERV UNLOCKSERV">
Returns the ip and nickname of the given users.">
<helpop key="tline" value="/TLINE <host/IP mask>
<helpop key="tline" value="/TLINE <mask>
This command returns the number of local and global clients matched,
and the percentage of clients matched, plus how they were matched
(by IP address or by hostname).">
(by IP address or by hostname). Mask should be given as either a
nick!user@host or user@IP (wildcards acceptable).">
<helpop key="lockserv" value="/LOCKSERV :[<message>]
@ -464,7 +467,7 @@ n Block private and channel notices
P Block part messages
q Block quit messages
o Don't match against opers
c Strip all color codes from the message before matching
c Strip all formatting codes from the message before matching
* Represents all of the above flags
- Does nothing, a non-op for when you do not want to specify any
@ -740,7 +743,7 @@ Sends a message to all +w users.">
<helpop key="rline" value="/RLINE <regex> [<duration> :<reason>]
Sets or removes an r-line (regex line) on a n!u@h\\srealname mask. You
Sets or removes an r-line (regex line) on a n!u@h\srealname mask. You
must specify all three parameters to add an rline, and one parameter
to remove an rline (just the regex).
@ -782,79 +785,81 @@ using their cloak when they quit.">
c Blocks private messages and notices from users who do
not share a common channel with you (requires
not share a common channel with you (requires the
commonchans module).
d Deaf mode. User will not receive any messages or notices
from channels they are in (requires deaf module).
from channels they are in (requires the deaf module).
g In combination with /ACCEPT, provides for server side
ignore (requires callerid module).
ignore (requires the callerid module).
h Marks as 'available for help' in WHOIS (IRCop only,
requires helpop module).
requires the helpop module).
i Makes invisible to /WHO if the user using /WHO is not in
a common channel.
k Prevents the user from being kicked from channels, or
having op modes removed from them (services only,
requires servprotect module).
requires the servprotect module).
o Marks as a IRC operator.
s <mask> Receives server notices specified by <mask>
(IRCop only).
r Marks as a having a registered nickname
(requires services account module).
(requires the services account module).
w Receives wallops messages.
x Gives a cloaked hostname (requires cloaking module).
z Only allow private messages from SSL users (requires
x Gives a cloaked hostname (requires the cloaking module).
z Only allow private messages from SSL users (requires the
sslmode module).
B Marks as a bot (requires botmode module).
B Marks as a bot (requires the botmode module).
G Censors messages sent to the user based on filters
configured for the network (requires censor module).
H Hides an oper's oper status from WHOIS (requires
configured for the network (requires the censor module).
H Hides an oper's oper status from WHOIS (requires the
hideoper module).
I Hides a user's entire channel list in WHOIS from
non-IRCops (requires hidechans module).
non-IRCops (requires the hidechans module).
L Stops redirections done by m_redirect (mode must be
enabled in the config).
R Blocks private messages from unregistered users
(requires services account module).
S Strips mIRC color/bold/underline codes out of private
messages to the user (requires stripcolor module).
(requires the services account module).
S Strips formatting codes out of private messages
to the user (requires the stripcolor module).
W Receives notification when a user uses WHOIS on them
(IRCop only, requires showwhois module).">
(IRCop only, requires the showwhois module).">
<helpop key="chmodes" value="Channel Modes
v <nickname> Gives voice to <nickname>, allowing them to speak
while the channel is +m.
h <nickname> Gives halfop status to <nickname> (requires
h <nickname> Gives halfop status to <nickname> (requires the
customprefix module).
o <nickname> Gives op status to <nickname>.
a <nickname> Gives protected status to <nickname>, preventing
them from them from being kicked (+q only,
requires customprefix module).
q <nickname> Gives owner status to <nickname>, preventing them
from being kicked (Services or only, requires
them from being kicked (+q only, requires the
customprefix module).
q <nickname> Gives owner status to <nickname>, preventing them
from being kicked (Services or +q only, requires
the customprefix module).
b <hostmask> Bans <hostmask> from the channel.
e <hostmask> Excepts <hostmask> from bans (requires
e <hostmask> Excepts <hostmask> from bans (requires the
banexception module).
I <hostmask> Excepts <hostmask> from +i, allowing matching
users to join while the channel is invite-only
(requires inviteexception module).
(requires the inviteexception module).
c Blocks messages containing mIRC color codes
(requires blockcolor module).
c Blocks messages that contain formatting codes
(requires the blockcolor module).
d <time> Blocks messages to a channel from new users
until they have been in the channel for <time>
seconds (requires delaymsg module).
seconds (requires the delaymsg module).
f [*]<lines>:<sec> Kicks on text flood equal to or above the
specified rate. With *, the user is banned
(requires messageflood module).
(requires the messageflood module).
g <mask> Blocks messages matching the given glob mask
(requires the chanfilter module).
i Makes the channel invite-only.
Users can only join if an operator
uses /INVITE to invite them.
j <joins>:<sec> Limits joins to the specified rate (requires
joinflood module).
the joinflood module).
k <key> Set the channel key (password) to <key>.
l <limit> Set the maximum allowed users to <limit>.
m Enable moderation. Only users with +v, +h, or +o
@ -864,73 +869,89 @@ using their cloak when they quit.">
p Make channel private, hiding it in users' whoises
and replacing it with * in /LIST.
r Marks the channel as registered with Services
(requires services account module).
(requires the services account module).
s Make channel secret, hiding it in users' whoises
and /LIST.
t Prevents users without +h or +o from changing the
u Makes the channel an auditorium; normal users only
see themselves or themselves and the operators,
while operators see all the users (requires
while operators see all the users (requires the
auditorium module).
w <flag>:<banmask> Adds basic channel access controls of <flag> to
<banmask>, via the +w listmode.
For example, +w o:R:Brain will op anyone identified
to the account 'Brain' on join.
(requires autoop module)
(requires the autoop module)
z Blocks non-SSL clients from joining the channel.
A Allows anyone to invite users to the channel
(normally only chanops can invite, requires
allowinvite module).
the allowinvite module).
B Blocks messages with too many capital letters,
as determined by the network configuration
(requires blockcaps module).
C Blocks any CTCPs to the channel (requires noctcp
D Delays join messages from users until they
message the channel (requires delayjoin module).
(requires the blockcaps module).
C Blocks any CTCPs to the channel (requires the
noctcp module).
D Delays join messages from users until they message
the channel (requires the delayjoin module).
E [~*][lines]:[sec]{[:difference]}{[:backlog]} Allows blocking of similar messages.
Kicks as default, blocks with ~ and bans with *
The last two parameters are optional.
F <changes>:<sec> Blocks nick changes when they equal or exceed the
specified rate (requires nickflood module).
specified rate (requires the nickflood module).
G Censors messages to the channel based on the
network configuration (requires censor module).
network configuration (requires the censor module).
H <num>:<duration> Displays the last <num> lines of chat to joining
users. <duration> is the maximum time to keep
lines in the history buffer (requires chanhistory
lines in the history buffer (requires the
chanhistory module).
J <seconds> Prevents rejoin after kick for the specified
number of seconds. This prevents auto-rejoin
(requires kicknorejoin module).
(requires the kicknorejoin module).
K Blocks /KNOCK on the channel.
L <channel> If the channel reaches its limit set by +l,
redirect users to <channel> (requires redirect
redirect users to <channel> (requires the
redirect module).
M Blocks unregistered users from speaking (requires
services account module).
the services account module).
N Prevents users on the channel from changing nick
(requires nonicks module).
(requires the nonicks module).
O Channel is IRCops only (can only be set by IRCops,
requires operchans module).
requires the operchans module).
P Makes the channel permanent; Bans, invites, the
topic, modes, and such will not be lost when it
empties (can only be set by IRCops, requires
permchannels module).
the permchannels module).
Q Only ulined servers and their users can kick
(requires nokicks module)
(requires the nokicks module)
R Blocks unregistered users from joining (requires
services account module).
S Strips mIRC color codes from messages to the
channel (requires stripcolor module).
the services account module).
S Strips formatting codes from messages to the
channel (requires the stripcolor module).
T Blocks /NOTICEs to the channel from users who are
not at least halfop (requires nonotice module).
not at least halfop (requires the nonotice module).
X <type>:<status> Makes users of <status> or higher exempt to the
specified restriction <type>. For example: flood:h
(requires the exemptchanops module).
Possible restriction types to exempt with +X are:
g <mask> Blocks messages matching the given glob mask
(requires chanfilter module).
X <mode> Makes channel operators immune to the specified
restrictive mode (requires exemptchanops module).
auditorium-see Permission required to see the full user list of
a +u channel (requires the auditorium module).
auditorium-vis Permission required to be visible in a +u channel
(requires the auditorium module).
blockcaps Channel mode +B
blockcolor Channel mode +c
censor Channel mode +G
filter Channel mode +g
flood Channel mode +f
nickflood Channel mode +F
noctcp Channel mode +C
nonick Channel mode +N
nonotice Channel mode +T
regmoderated Channel mode +M
stripcolor Channel mode +S
topiclock Channel mode +t
NOTE: A large number of these modes are dependent upon server-side modules
@ -991,30 +1012,25 @@ Note that all /STATS use is broadcast to online IRC operators.">
A Allows receipt of remote announcement messages.
c Allows receipt of local connect messages.
C Allows receipt of remote connect messages.
d Allows receipt of general (and sometimes random) debug
d Allows receipt of general (and sometimes random) debug messages.
f Allows receipt of flooding notices.
g Allows receipt of globops (requires globops module).
j Allows receipt of channel creation notices (requires
chancreate module).
J Allows receipt of remote channel creation notices (requires
chancreate module).
g Allows receipt of globops (requires the globops module).
j Allows receipt of channel creation notices (requires the chancreate module).
J Allows receipt of remote channel creation notices (requires the chancreate module).
k Allows receipt of local kill messages.
K Allows receipt of remote kill messages.
l Allows receipt of local linking related
L Allows receipt of remote linking related
n See local nickname changes (requires seenicks module).
N See remote nickname changes (requires seenicks modules).
o Allows receipt of oper-up, oper-down, and oper-failure
O Allows receipt of remote oper-up, oper-down, and oper-failure
l Allows receipt of local linking related messages.
L Allows receipt of remote linking related messages.
n See local nickname changes (requires the seenicks module).
N See remote nickname changes (requires the seenicks modules).
o Allows receipt of oper-up, oper-down, and oper-failure messages.
O Allows receipt of remote oper-up, oper-down, and oper-failure messages.
q Allows receipt of local quit messages.
Q Allows receipt of remote quit messages.
r Allows receipt of local oper commands (requires the operlog module).
R Allows receipt of remote oper commands (requires the operlog module).
t Allows receipt of attempts to use /STATS (local and remote).
v Allows receipt of oper-override notices (requires override module).
v Allows receipt of oper-override notices (requires the override module).
x Allows receipt of local Xline notices (g/Z/q/k/e/R/shuns).
X Allows receipt of remote Xline notices (g/Z/q/k/e/R/shuns).">
@ -1039,44 +1055,44 @@ setting +I <extban>.
Matching extbans:
j:<channel> Matches anyone in the given channel. Does not support
wildcards (requires channelban module).
n:<class> Matches users in a matching connect class (requires
wildcards (requires the channelban module).
n:<class> Matches users in a matching connect class (requires the
classban module).
r:<realname> Matches users with a matching real name (requires
r:<realname> Matches users with a matching real name (requires the
gecosban module).
s:<server> Matches users on a matching server (requires serverban
z:<certfp> Matches users with a matching SSL certificate fingerprint
(requires sslmodes module)
s:<server> Matches users on a matching server (requires the
serverban module).
z:<certfp> Matches users having the given SSL certificate
fingerprint (requires the sslmodes module).
O:<opertype> Matches IRCops of a matching type, mostly useful as an
an invite exception (requires operchans module).
an invite exception (requires the operchans module).
R:<account> Matches users logged into a matching account (requires
services account module).
the services account module).
U:<banmask> Matches unregistered users matching the given banmask.
(requires services account module).
(requires the services account module).
Acting extbans:
c:<banmask> Blocks any messages that contain color codes from
matching users (requires blockcolor module).
m:<banmask> Blocks messages from matching users (requires muteban
c:<banmask> Blocks any messages that contain formatting codes from
matching users (requires the blockcolor module).
m:<banmask> Blocks messages from matching users (requires the muteban
module). Users with +v or above are not affected.
p:<banmask> Blocks part messages from matching users (requires
nopartmsg module).
the nopartmsg module).
A:<banmask> Blocks invites by matching users even when +A is set
(requires allowinvite module).
(requires the allowinvite module).
B:<banmask> Blocks all capital or nearly all capital messages from
matching users (requires blockcaps module).
C:<banmask> Blocks CTCPs from matching users (requires noctcp
matching users (requires the blockcaps module).
C:<banmask> Blocks CTCPs from matching users (requires the noctcp
N:<banmask> Blocks nick changes from matching users (requires
nonicks module).
Q:<banmask> Blocks kicks by matching users (requires nokicks
S:<banmask> Strips color/bold/underline from messages from matching
users (requires stripcolor module).
T:<banmask> Blocks notices from matching users (requires nonotice
the nonicks module).
Q:<banmask> Blocks kicks by matching users (requires the nokicks
S:<banmask> Strips formatting codes from messages from matching
users (requires the stripcolor module).
T:<banmask> Blocks notices from matching users (requires the
nonotice module).
A ban given to an Acting extban may either be a nick!user@host mask
(unless stated otherwise), matched against users as for a normal ban,
@ -1085,4 +1101,4 @@ or a Matching extban.
There is an additional special type of extended ban, a redirect ban:
Redirect n!u@h#channel will redirect the banned user to #channel
when they try to join (requires banredirect module).">
when they try to join (requires the banredirect module).">

View File

@ -74,79 +74,81 @@ LOCKSERV UNLOCKSERV">
c Blocks private messages and notices from users who do
not share a common channel with you (requires
not share a common channel with you (requires the
commonchans module).
d Deaf mode. User will not receive any messages or notices
from channels they are in (requires deaf module).
from channels they are in (requires the deaf module).
g In combination with /ACCEPT, provides for server side
ignore (requires callerid module).
ignore (requires the callerid module).
h Marks as 'available for help' in WHOIS (IRCop only,
requires helpop module).
requires the helpop module).
i Makes invisible to /WHO if the user using /WHO is not in
a common channel.
k Prevents the user from being kicked from channels, or
having op modes removed from them (services only,
requires servprotect module).
requires the servprotect module).
o Marks as a IRC operator.
s <mask> Receives server notices specified by <mask>
(IRCop only).
r Marks as a having a registered nickname
(requires services account module).
(requires the services account module).
w Receives wallops messages.
x Gives a cloaked hostname (requires cloaking module).
z Only allow private messages from SSL users (requires
x Gives a cloaked hostname (requires the cloaking module).
z Only allow private messages from SSL users (requires the
sslmode module).
B Marks as a bot (requires botmode module).
B Marks as a bot (requires the botmode module).
G Censors messages sent to the user based on filters
configured for the network (requires censor module).
H Hides an oper's oper status from WHOIS (requires
configured for the network (requires the censor module).
H Hides an oper's oper status from WHOIS (requires the
hideoper module).
I Hides a user's entire channel list in WHOIS from
non-IRCops (requires hidechans module).
non-IRCops (requires the hidechans module).
L Stops redirections done by m_redirect (mode must be
enabled in the config).
R Blocks private messages from unregistered users
(requires services account module).
S Strips mIRC color/bold/underline codes out of private
messages to the user (requires stripcolor module).
(requires the services account module).
S Strips formatting codes out of private messages
to the user (requires the stripcolor module).
W Receives notification when a user uses WHOIS on them
(IRCop only, requires showwhois module).">
(IRCop only, requires the showwhois module).">
<helpop key="chmodes" value="Channel Modes
v <nickname> Gives voice to <nickname>, allowing them to speak
while the channel is +m.
h <nickname> Gives halfop status to <nickname> (requires
h <nickname> Gives halfop status to <nickname> (requires the
customprefix module).
o <nickname> Gives op status to <nickname>.
a <nickname> Gives protected status to <nickname>, preventing
them from them from being kicked (+q only,
requires customprefix module).
q <nickname> Gives owner status to <nickname>, preventing them
from being kicked (Services or only, requires
them from being kicked (+q only, requires the
customprefix module).
q <nickname> Gives owner status to <nickname>, preventing them
from being kicked (Services or +q only, requires
the customprefix module).
b <hostmask> Bans <hostmask> from the channel.
e <hostmask> Excepts <hostmask> from bans (requires
e <hostmask> Excepts <hostmask> from bans (requires the
banexception module).
I <hostmask> Excepts <hostmask> from +i, allowing matching
users to join while the channel is invite-only
(requires inviteexception module).
(requires the inviteexception module).
c Blocks messages containing mIRC color codes
(requires blockcolor module).
c Blocks messages that contain formatting codes
(requires the blockcolor module).
d <time> Blocks messages to a channel from new users
until they have been in the channel for <time>
seconds (requires delaymsg module).
seconds (requires the delaymsg module).
f [*]<lines>:<sec> Kicks on text flood equal to or above the
specified rate. With *, the user is banned
(requires messageflood module).
(requires the messageflood module).
g <mask> Blocks messages matching the given glob mask
(requires the chanfilter module).
i Makes the channel invite-only.
Users can only join if an operator
uses /INVITE to invite them.
j <joins>:<sec> Limits joins to the specified rate (requires
joinflood module).
the joinflood module).
k <key> Set the channel key (password) to <key>.
l <limit> Set the maximum allowed users to <limit>.
m Enable moderation. Only users with +v, +h, or +o
@ -156,73 +158,72 @@ LOCKSERV UNLOCKSERV">
p Make channel private, hiding it in users' whoises
and replacing it with * in /LIST.
r Marks the channel as registered with Services
(requires services account module).
(requires the services account module).
s Make channel secret, hiding it in users' whoises
and /LIST.
t Prevents users without +h or +o from changing the
u Makes the channel an auditorium; normal users only
see themselves or themselves and the operators,
while operators see all the users (requires
while operators see all the users (requires the
auditorium module).
w <flag>:<banmask> Adds basic channel access controls of <flag> to
<banmask>, via the +w listmode.
For example, +w o:R:Brain will op anyone identified
to the account 'Brain' on join.
(requires autoop module)
(requires the autoop module)
z Blocks non-SSL clients from joining the channel.
A Allows anyone to invite users to the channel
(normally only chanops can invite, requires
allowinvite module).
the allowinvite module).
B Blocks messages with too many capital letters,
as determined by the network configuration
(requires blockcaps module).
C Blocks any CTCPs to the channel (requires noctcp
D Delays join messages from users until they
message the channel (requires delayjoin module).
(requires the blockcaps module).
C Blocks any CTCPs to the channel (requires the
noctcp module).
D Delays join messages from users until they message
the channel (requires the delayjoin module).
E [~*][lines]:[sec]{[:difference]}{[:backlog]} Allows blocking of similar messages.
Kicks as default, blocks with ~ and bans with *
The last two parameters are optional.
F <changes>:<sec> Blocks nick changes when they equal or exceed the
specified rate (requires nickflood module).
specified rate (requires the nickflood module).
G Censors messages to the channel based on the
network configuration (requires censor module).
network configuration (requires the censor module).
H <num>:<duration> Displays the last <num> lines of chat to joining
users. <duration> is the maximum time to keep
lines in the history buffer (requires chanhistory
lines in the history buffer (requires the
chanhistory module).
J <seconds> Prevents rejoin after kick for the specified
number of seconds. This prevents auto-rejoin
(requires kicknorejoin module).
(requires the kicknorejoin module).
K Blocks /KNOCK on the channel.
L <channel> If the channel reaches its limit set by +l,
redirect users to <channel> (requires redirect
redirect users to <channel> (requires the
redirect module).
M Blocks unregistered users from speaking (requires
services account module).
the services account module).
N Prevents users on the channel from changing nick
(requires nonicks module).
(requires the nonicks module).
O Channel is IRCops only (can only be set by IRCops,
requires operchans module).
requires the operchans module).
P Makes the channel permanent; Bans, invites, the
topic, modes, and such will not be lost when it
empties (can only be set by IRCops, requires
permchannels module).
the permchannels module).
Q Only ulined servers and their users can kick
(requires nokicks module)
(requires the nokicks module)
R Blocks unregistered users from joining (requires
services account module).
S Strips mIRC color codes from messages to the
channel (requires stripcolor module).
the services account module).
S Strips formatting codes from messages to the
channel (requires the stripcolor module).
T Blocks /NOTICEs to the channel from users who are
not at least halfop (requires nonotice module).
g <mask> Blocks messages matching the given glob mask
(requires chanfilter module).
X <mode> Makes channel operators immune to the specified
restrictive mode (requires exemptchanops module).
not at least halfop (requires the nonotice module).
X <type>:<status> Makes users of <status> or higher exempt to the
specified restriction <type>. For example: flood:h
(requires the exemptchanops module).
NOTE: A large number of these modes are dependent upon server-side modules
@ -236,30 +237,25 @@ help channel if you have any questions.">
A Allows receipt of remote announcement messages.
c Allows receipt of local connect messages.
C Allows receipt of remote connect messages.
d Allows receipt of general (and sometimes random) debug
d Allows receipt of general (and sometimes random) debug messages.
f Allows receipt of flooding notices.
g Allows receipt of globops (requires globops module).
j Allows receipt of channel creation notices (requires
chancreate module).
J Allows receipt of remote channel creation notices (requires
chancreate module).
g Allows receipt of globops (requires the globops module).
j Allows receipt of channel creation notices (requires the chancreate module).
J Allows receipt of remote channel creation notices (requires the chancreate module).
k Allows receipt of local kill messages.
K Allows receipt of remote kill messages.
l Allows receipt of local linking related
L Allows receipt of remote linking related
n See local nickname changes (requires seenicks module).
N See remote nickname changes (requires seenicks modules).
o Allows receipt of oper-up, oper-down, and oper-failure
O Allows receipt of remote oper-up, oper-down, and oper-failure
l Allows receipt of local linking related messages.
L Allows receipt of remote linking related messages.
n See local nickname changes (requires the seenicks module).
N See remote nickname changes (requires the seenicks modules).
o Allows receipt of oper-up, oper-down, and oper-failure messages.
O Allows receipt of remote oper-up, oper-down, and oper-failure messages.
q Allows receipt of local quit messages.
Q Allows receipt of remote quit messages.
r Allows receipt of local oper commands (requires the operlog module).
R Allows receipt of remote oper commands (requires the operlog module).
t Allows receipt of attempts to use /STATS (local and remote).
v Allows receipt of oper-override notices (requires override module).
v Allows receipt of oper-override notices (requires the override module).
x Allows receipt of local Xline notices (g/Z/q/k/e/R/shuns).
X Allows receipt of remote Xline notices (g/Z/q/k/e/R/shuns).">
@ -280,44 +276,44 @@ setting +I <extban>.
Matching extbans:
j:<channel> Matches anyone in the given channel. Does not support
wildcards (requires channelban module).
wildcards (requires the channelban module).
n:<class> Matches users in a matching connect class (requires
classban module).
r:<realname> Matches users with a matching real name (requires
the classban module).
r:<realname> Matches users with a matching real name (requires the
gecosban module).
s:<server> Matches users on a matching server (requires serverban
s:<server> Matches users on a matching server (requires the
serverban module).
z:<certfp> Matches users having the given SSL certificate
fingerprint (requires sslmodes module).
fingerprint (requires the sslmodes module).
O:<opertype> Matches IRCops of a matching type, mostly useful as an
an invite exception (requires operchans module).
an invite exception (requires the operchans module).
R:<account> Matches users logged into a matching account (requires
services account module).
the services account module).
U:<banmask> Matches unregistered users matching the given banmask.
(requires services account module).
(requires the services account module).
Acting extbans:
c:<banmask> Blocks any messages that contain color codes from
matching users (requires blockcolor module).
m:<banmask> Blocks messages from matching users (requires muteban
c:<banmask> Blocks any messages that contain formatting codes from
matching users (requires the blockcolor module).
m:<banmask> Blocks messages from matching users (requires the muteban
module). Users with +v or above are not affected.
p:<banmask> Blocks part messages from matching users (requires
nopartmsg module).
the nopartmsg module).
A:<banmask> Blocks invites by matching users even when +A is set
(requires allowinvite module).
(requires the allowinvite module).
B:<banmask> Blocks all capital or nearly all capital messages from
matching users (requires blockcaps module).
C:<banmask> Blocks CTCPs from matching users (requires noctcp
matching users (requires the blockcaps module).
C:<banmask> Blocks CTCPs from matching users (requires the noctcp
N:<banmask> Blocks nick changes from matching users (requires
nonicks module).
Q:<banmask> Blocks kicks by matching users (requires nokicks
S:<banmask> Strips color/bold/underline from messages from matching
users (requires stripcolor module).
T:<banmask> Blocks notices from matching users (requires nonotice
the nonicks module).
Q:<banmask> Blocks kicks by matching users (requires the nokicks
S:<banmask> Strips formatting codes from messages from matching
users (requires the stripcolor module).
T:<banmask> Blocks notices from matching users (requires the
nonotice module).
A ban given to an Acting extban may either be a nick!user@host mask
(unless stated otherwise), matched against users as for a normal ban,
@ -326,4 +322,4 @@ or a Matching extban.
There is an additional special type of extended ban, a redirect ban:
Redirect n!u@h#channel will redirect the banned user to #channel
when they try to join (requires banredirect module).">
when they try to join (requires the banredirect module).">

View File

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
#<include executable="/path/to/executable parameters"> #
# #
# Executable include example: #
#<include executable="/usr/bin/wget -q -O -">
#<include executable="/usr/bin/wget -q -O -">
# #
@ -241,7 +241,9 @@
# you only want to adjust sendq and a password
# allow: What IP addresses/hosts to allow for this block.
# allow: The IP address or hostname of clients that can use this
# class. You can specify either an exact match, a glob match, or
# a CIDR range here.
# hash: the hash function this password is hashed with. Requires the
@ -330,7 +332,9 @@
# connect class inheriting.
# allow: What IP addresses/hosts to allow for this block.
# allow: The IP address or hostname of clients that can use this
# class. You can specify either an exact match, a glob match, or
# a CIDR range here.
# maxchans: Maximum number of channels a user in this class
@ -452,7 +456,7 @@
# Example of an executable file include. Note this will be read on rehash,
# not when the command is run.
#<execfiles motd="wget -O -">
#<execfiles motd="wget -O -">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# DNS SERVER -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# If these values are not defined, InspIRCd uses the default DNS resolver
@ -622,8 +626,38 @@
# link with servers running 2.0. Defaults to yes.
# exemptchanops: exemptions for channel access restrictions based on prefix.
exemptchanops="nonick:v flood:o"
# exemptchanops: Allows users with with a status mode to be exempt
# from various channel restrictions. Possible restrictions are:
# - auditorium-see Permission required to see the full user list of
# a +u channel (requires the auditorium module).
# - auditorium-vis Permission required to be visible in a +u channel
# (requires the auditorium module).
# - blockcaps Channel mode +B - blocks messages with too many capital
# letters (requires the blockcaps module).
# - blockcolor Channel mode +c - blocks messages with formatting codes
# (requires the blockcolor module).
# - censor Channel mode +G - censors messages based on the network
# configuration (requires the censor module).
# - filter Channel mode +g - blocks messages containing the given
# glob mask (requires the chanfilter module).
# - flood Channel mode +f - kicks (and bans) on text flood of a
# specified rate (requires the messageflood module).
# - nickflood Channel mode +F - blocks nick changes after a specified
# rate (requires the nickflood module).
# - noctcp Channel mode +C - blocks any CTCPs to the channel
# (requires the noctcp module).
# - nonick Channel mode +N - prevents users on the channel from
# changing nicks (requires the nonicks module).
# - nonotice Channel mode +T - blocks /NOTICEs to the channel
# (requires the nonotice module).
# - regmoderated Channel mode +M - blocks unregistered users from
# speaking (requires the services account module).
# - stripcolor Channel mode +S - strips formatting codes from
# messages (requires the stripcolor module).
# - topiclock Channel mode +t - limits changing the topic to (half)ops
# You can also configure this on a per-channel basis with a channel mode.
# See m_exemptchanops in modules.conf.example for more details.
exemptchanops="censor:o filter:o nickflood:o nonick:v regmoderated:o"
# invitebypassmodes: This allows /invite to bypass other channel modes.
# (Such as +k, +j, +l, etc.)

View File

@ -438,14 +438,14 @@
# that looks like the name of another channel on the network.
#<module name="channames">
# denyrange: characters or range of characters to deny in channel
# names.
# allowrange: characters or range of characters to specifically allow
# in channel names.
# Channelban: Implements extended ban j:, which stops anyone already
@ -765,9 +765,13 @@
# Exempt channel operators module: Provides support for allowing #
# channel operators to be exempt from some channel modes. Supported #
# modes are blockcaps, noctcp, blockcolor, nickflood, flood, censor, #
# filter, regmoderated, nonick, nonotice, and stripcolor. #
# users of a specified channel status to be exempt from some channel #
# restriction modes. Supported restrictions are #
# blockcaps, blockcolor, censor, filter, flood, nickflood, noctcp, #
# nonick, nonotice, regmoderated, stripcolor, and topiclock. #
# See <options:exemptchanops> in inspircd.conf.example for a more #
# detailed list of the restriction modes that can be exempted. #
# These are settable using /mode #chan +X <restriction>:<status> #
#<module name="exemptchanops"> #
@ -869,7 +873,7 @@
# If you specify to use the helpop module, then specify below the #
# path to the helpop.conf file. #
# #
#<include file="examples/inspircd.helpop-full.example">
#<include file="examples/helpop-full.conf.example">
# Hide chans module: Allows users to hide their channels list from non-

View File

@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ enum Implementation
I_OnUnloadModule, I_OnBackgroundTimer, I_OnPreCommand, I_OnCheckReady, I_OnCheckInvite,
I_OnRawMode, I_OnCheckKey, I_OnCheckLimit, I_OnCheckBan, I_OnCheckChannelBan, I_OnExtBanCheck,
I_OnChangeLocalUserHost, I_OnPreTopicChange,
I_OnPostTopicChange, I_OnPostConnect,
I_OnPostTopicChange, I_OnPostConnect, I_OnPostDeoper,
I_OnChangeLocalUserGECOS, I_OnUserRegister, I_OnChannelPreDelete, I_OnChannelDelete,
I_OnPostOper, I_OnSetAway, I_OnPostCommand, I_OnPostJoin,
I_OnBuildNeighborList, I_OnGarbageCollect, I_OnSetConnectClass,
@ -448,6 +448,11 @@ class CoreExport Module : public classbase, public usecountbase
virtual void OnPostOper(User* user, const std::string &opername, const std::string &opertype);
/** Called after a user deopers locally.
* @param user The user who has deopered.
virtual void OnPostDeoper(User* user);
/** Called whenever a user types /INFO.
* The User will contain the information of the user who typed the command. Modules may use this
* method to output their own credits in /INFO (which is the ircd's version of an about box).

View File

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ sub parse_url {
$mod->{description} = $1;
} elsif (/^mask (.*)/) {
$mod->{mask} = $1;
} elsif (m#^source (http://\S+)#) {
} elsif (/^source (\S+)/) {
parse_url $1;
} else {
print "Unknown line in $src: $_\n";

View File

@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ ModResult Module::OnUserPreJoin(LocalUser*, Channel*, const std::string&, std::s
void Module::OnMode(User*, User*, Channel*, const Modes::ChangeList&, ModeParser::ModeProcessFlag, const std::string&) { DetachEvent(I_OnMode); }
void Module::OnOper(User*, const std::string&) { DetachEvent(I_OnOper); }
void Module::OnPostOper(User*, const std::string&, const std::string &) { DetachEvent(I_OnPostOper); }
void Module::OnPostDeoper(User*) { DetachEvent(I_OnPostDeoper); }
void Module::OnInfo(User*) { DetachEvent(I_OnInfo); }
ModResult Module::OnUserPreInvite(User*, User*, Channel*, time_t) { DetachEvent(I_OnUserPreInvite); return MOD_RES_PASSTHRU; }
ModResult Module::OnUserPreMessage(User*, const MessageTarget&, MessageDetails&) { DetachEvent(I_OnUserPreMessage); return MOD_RES_PASSTHRU; }

View File

@ -146,6 +146,13 @@ class ModuleGeoIP : public Module, public Stats::EventListener, public Whois::Ev
return MOD_RES_DENY;
void OnSetUserIP(LocalUser* user) CXX11_OVERRIDE
// If user has sent NICK/USER, re-set the ExtItem as this is likely CGI:IRC changing the IP
if (user->registered == REG_NICKUSER)
void OnWhois(Whois::Context& whois) CXX11_OVERRIDE
// If the extban is disabled we don't expose users location.

View File

@ -182,6 +182,21 @@ class BanRedirect : public ModeWatcher
redirects = new BanRedirectList;
extItem.set(channel, redirects);
for (BanRedirectList::iterator redir = redirects->begin(); redir != redirects->end(); ++redir)
// Mimic the functionality used when removing the mode
if (irc::equals(redir->targetchan, mask[CHAN]) && irc::equals(redir->banmask, param))
// Make sure the +b handler will still set the right ban
// Silently ignore the duplicate and don't set metadata
// This still allows channel ops to set/unset a redirect ban to clear "ghost" redirects
return true;
/* Here 'param' doesn't have the channel on it yet */
redirects->push_back(BanRedirectEntry(mask[CHAN], param));

View File

@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ class ModuleShun : public Module, public Stats::EventListener
else if ((command == "PART") && (parameters.size() > 1))
/* same for PART */
/* if we're here, allow the command. */

View File

@ -37,9 +37,11 @@ enum
class CommandSwhois : public Command
LocalIntExt operblock;
StringExtItem swhois;
CommandSwhois(Module* Creator)
: Command(Creator, "SWHOIS", 2, 2)
, operblock("swhois_operblock", ExtensionItem::EXT_USER, Creator)
, swhois("swhois", ExtensionItem::EXT_USER, Creator)
flags_needed = 'o'; syntax = "<nick> :<swhois>";
@ -70,6 +72,7 @@ class CommandSwhois : public Command
ServerInstance->SNO->WriteGlobalSno('a', "%s used SWHOIS to set %s's extra whois to '%s'", user->nick.c_str(), dest->nick.c_str(), parameters[1].c_str());
operblock.set(user, 0);
if (parameters[1].empty())
@ -127,10 +130,32 @@ class ModuleSWhois : public Module, public Whois::LineEventListener
if (!swhois.length())
cmd.operblock.set(user, 1);
cmd.swhois.set(user, swhois);
ServerInstance->PI->SendMetaData(user, "swhois", swhois);
void OnPostDeoper(User* user) CXX11_OVERRIDE
std::string* swhois = cmd.swhois.get(user);
if (!swhois)
if (!cmd.operblock.get(user))
cmd.operblock.set(user, 0);
ServerInstance->PI->SendMetaData(user, "swhois", "");
void OnDecodeMetaData(Extensible* target, const std::string& extname, const std::string&) CXX11_OVERRIDE
User* dest = static_cast<User*>(target);
if (dest && (extname == "swhois"))
cmd.operblock.set(dest, 0);
Version GetVersion() CXX11_OVERRIDE
return Version("Provides the SWHOIS command which allows setting of arbitrary WHOIS lines", VF_OPTCOMMON | VF_VENDOR);

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@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class ModuleXLineDB : public Module
XLine* line = i->second;
stream << "LINE " << line->type << " " << line->Displayable() << " "
<< ServerInstance->Config->ServerName << " " << line->set_time << " "
<< line->source << " " << line->set_time << " "
<< line->duration << " :" << line->reason << std::endl;

View File

@ -458,6 +458,7 @@ void User::UnOper()
ModeHandler* opermh = ServerInstance->Modes->FindMode('o', MODETYPE_USER);
this->SetMode(opermh, false);
FOREACH_MOD(OnPostDeoper, (this));

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@ -589,10 +589,6 @@ void GLine::Apply(User* u)
bool ELine::Matches(User *u)
LocalUser* lu = IS_LOCAL(u);
if (lu && lu->exempt)
return false;
if (InspIRCd::Match(u->ident, this->identmask, ascii_case_insensitive_map))
if (InspIRCd::MatchCIDR(u->GetRealHost(), this->hostmask, ascii_case_insensitive_map) ||