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synced 2025-03-09 10:39:02 -04:00
Refactor the InspIRCd class to be actually readable.
This has been long overdue as most of the comments were outdated and members were shoved into the class in no logical way.
This commit is contained in:
@ -165,141 +165,154 @@ public:
class CoreExport InspIRCd final
/** The current time, updated in the mainloop
struct timespec TIME;
/** The last signal that was received from the operating system. */
static sig_atomic_t lastsignal;
/** A 64k buffer used to read socket data into
* Update the range of <performance:netbuffersize> if you change this
char ReadBuffer[65535];
/** A 64k buffer used to read socket data into. */
char readbuffer[65535];
/** The client protocol events provided by the core. */
ClientProtocol::RFCEvents rfcevents;
/** The current time, updated once per main loop iteration. */
struct timespec ts;
UIDGenerator UIDGen;
/** Prepares the server for restart or shutdown. */
void Cleanup();
/** Global cull list, will be processed on next iteration
/** Handles an stored signal in the main loop.
* @param signal The signal received from the operating system.
CullList GlobalCulls;
/** Actions that must happen outside of the current call stack */
void HandleSignal(sig_atomic_t signal);
/** Attempt to write the process id to a file. */
void WritePID();
/** Actions that must happen outside of the current call stack. */
ActionList AtomicActions;
/** Globally accessible fake user record. This is used to force mode changes etc across s2s, etc.. bit ugly, but.. better than how this was done in 1.1
* Reason for it:
* kludge alert!
* SendMode expects a User* to send the numeric replies
* back to, so we create it a fake user that isn't in the user
* hash and set its descriptor to FD_MAGIC_NUMBER so the data
* falls into the abyss :p
FakeUser* FakeClient = nullptr;
/** Time this ircd was booted
time_t startup_time;
/** Config file pathname specified on the commandline or via ./configure
std::string ConfigFileName = INSPIRCD_CONFIG_PATH "/inspircd.conf";
ExtensionManager Extensions;
/** Mode handler, handles mode setting and removal
ModeParser Modes;
/** Command parser, handles client to server commands
CommandParser Parser;
/** The thread/class used to read config files in REHASH and on startup
ConfigReaderThread* ConfigThread = nullptr;
/** LogManager handles logging.
Log::Manager Logs;
/** ModuleManager contains everything related to loading/unloading
* modules.
ModuleManager Modules;
/** BanCacheManager is used to speed up checking of restrictions on connection
* to the IRCd.
/** Caches server bans to speeds up checking of restrictions on connect. */
BanCacheManager BanCache;
/** Stats class, holds miscellaneous stats counters
ServerStats Stats;
/** Server Config class, holds configuration file data
ServerConfig* Config = nullptr;
/** Snomask manager - handles routing of snomask messages
* to opers.
SnomaskManager SNO;
/** Timer manager class, triggers Timer timer events
TimerManager Timers;
/** X-line manager. Handles G/K/Q/E-line setting, removal and matching
XLineManager* XLines = nullptr;
/** User manager. Various methods and data associated with users.
UserManager Users;
/** Manager for state relating to channels. */
ChannelManager Channels;
/** List of the open ports
std::vector<ListenSocket*> ports;
/** Set to the current signal received
static sig_atomic_t s_signal;
/** Protocol interface, overridden by server protocol modules
ProtocolInterface* PI = &DefaultProtocolInterface;
/** Default implementation of the ProtocolInterface, does nothing
/** Default implementation of the protocol interface which does nothing. */
ProtocolInterface DefaultProtocolInterface;
/** Get the current time
* Because this only calls time() once every time around the mainloop,
* it is much faster than calling time() directly.
* @return The current time as an epoch value (time_t)
inline time_t Time() { return TIME.tv_sec; }
/** The fractional time at the start of this mainloop iteration (nanoseconds) */
inline long Time_ns() { return TIME.tv_nsec; }
/** Update the current time. Don't call this unless you have reason to do so. */
void UpdateTime();
/* Manager for the extension system. */
ExtensionManager Extensions;
/** Generate a random string with the given length
* @param length The length in bytes
* @param printable if false, the string will use characters 0-255; otherwise,
* it will be limited to 0x30-0x7E ('0'-'~', nonspace printable characters)
/** Objects that should be culled outside of the current call stack. */
CullList GlobalCulls;
/** Manager for the logging system. */
Log::Manager Logs;
/* Manager for the mode handlers. */
ModeParser Modes;
/** Manager for the module loading system. */
ModuleManager Modules;
/** Manager for the command handlers. */
CommandParser Parser;
/** Manages sending snomasks to server operators. */
SnomaskManager SNO;
/** Holds miscellaneous stats counters. */
ServerStats Stats;
/** Manages scheduling and triggering of timer events. */
TimerManager Timers;
/* Generator for unique user identifiers. */
UIDGenerator UIDGen;
/** Manager for state relating to users. */
UserManager Users;
/** The server configuration. */
ServerConfig* Config = nullptr;
/* If non-nullptr then the thread that is reading the server configuration on rehash. */
ConfigReaderThread* ConfigThread = nullptr;
/** A fake user that represents the local server. */
FakeUser* FakeClient = nullptr;
/** The protocol interface used for interacting with remote servers by the linking module. */
ProtocolInterface* PI = &DefaultProtocolInterface;
/** Manager for X-lines. */
XLineManager* XLines = nullptr;
/** The current server configuration file from --config or configure. */
std::string ConfigFileName = INSPIRCD_CONFIG_PATH "/inspircd.conf";
/** Fills a buffer with random bytes. */
std::function<void(char*, size_t)> GenRandom = &DefaultGenRandom;
/** Determines whether a nickname is valid. */
std::function<bool(const std::string_view&)> IsNick = &DefaultIsNick;
/** Determines whether a username is valid. */
std::function<bool(const std::string_view&)> IsUser = &DefaultIsUser;
/** List of the open listeners. */
std::vector<ListenSocket*> ports;
/** The time at which the server was started. */
time_t startup_time;
/** Initialises a new server instance and stores it in ServerInstance
* @param argc The argument count from main().
* @param argv The argument list from main().
std::string GenRandomStr(size_t length, bool printable = true) const;
/** Generate a random integer.
* This is generally more secure than rand()
InspIRCd(int argc, char** argv);
/** Binds to a specific port from a config tag.
* @param tag the tag that contains bind information.
* @param sa The endpoint to listen on.
* @param oldports Previously listening ports that may be on the same endpoint.
* @param protocol The protocol to bind with or 0 to determine from the endpoint.
* @return True if the port was bound successfully; otherwise, false.
bool BindPort(const std::shared_ptr<ConfigTag>& tag, const irc::sockets::sockaddrs& sa, std::vector<ListenSocket*>& oldports, int protocol);
/** Binds all ports specified in the configuration file.
* @return The number of ports bound without error.
size_t BindPorts(FailedPortList& failed_ports);
/** Compares a password to a hashed password.
* @param password The hashed password.
* @param passwordhash If non-empty then the algorithm the password is hashed with.
* @param value The value to check to see if the password is valid.
* @return True if the password is correct, otherwise, false.
static bool CheckPassword(const std::string& password, const std::string& passwordhash, const std::string& value);
/** Generates a random integer.
* @param max The maximum value for the integer.
* @return A random integer between 0 and \p max.
unsigned long GenRandomInt(unsigned long max) const;
/** Fill a buffer with random bits */
std::function<void(char*, size_t)> GenRandom = &DefaultGenRandom;
/** Generates a random string.
* @param length The length in bytes.
* @param printable Whether to only return printable characters.
* @return A random string of \p length bytes.
std::string GenRandomStr(size_t length, bool printable = true) const;
/** Retrieves a 64k buffer used to read socket data into. */
inline auto* GetReadBuffer() { return readbuffer; }
/** Retrieves the client protocol events provided by the core. */
inline auto& GetRFCEvents() { return rfcevents; }
/** Fills the output buffer with the specified number of random characters.
* This is the default function for InspIRCd::GenRandom.
@ -308,59 +321,6 @@ public:
static void DefaultGenRandom(char* output, size_t max);
/** Bind to a specific port from a config tag.
* @param tag the tag that contains bind information.
* @param sa The endpoint to listen on.
* @param old_ports Previously listening ports that may be on the same endpoint.
* @param protocol The protocol to bind with or 0 to determine from the endpoint.
bool BindPort(const std::shared_ptr<ConfigTag>& tag, const irc::sockets::sockaddrs& sa, std::vector<ListenSocket*>& old_ports, int protocol);
/** Bind all ports specified in the configuration file.
* @return The number of ports bound without error
size_t BindPorts(FailedPortList& failed_ports);
/** Determines whether a hostname is valid according to RFC 5891 rules.
* @param host The hostname to validate.
* @param allowsimple Whether to allow simple hostnames (e.g. localhost).
* @return True if the hostname is valid; otherwise, false.
static bool IsHost(const std::string& host, bool allowsimple);
/** Determines whether a fully qualified hostname is valid according to RFC 5891 rules.
* @param host The hostname to validate.
* @return True if the hostname is valid; otherwise, false.
inline static bool IsFQDN(const std::string& host) { return IsHost(host, false); }
/** Return true if str looks like a server ID
* @param sid string to check against
static bool IsSID(const std::string& sid);
/** Handles incoming signals after being set
* @param signal the signal received
void SignalHandler(int signal);
/** Sets the signal received
* @param signal the signal received
static void SetSignal(int signal);
/** Causes the server to exit after unloading modules and
* closing all open file descriptors.
* @param status The exit code to give to the operating system
* (See the ExitStatus enum for valid values)
void Exit(int status);
/** Determines whether a nickname is valid. */
std::function<bool(const std::string_view&)> IsNick = &DefaultIsNick;
/** Determines whether a nickname is valid according to the RFC 1459 rules.
* This is the default function for InspIRCd::IsNick.
* @param nick The nickname to validate.
@ -368,9 +328,6 @@ public:
static bool DefaultIsNick(const std::string_view& nick);
/** Determines whether a username is valid. */
std::function<bool(const std::string_view&)> IsUser = &DefaultIsUser;
/** Determines whether a username is valid according to the RFC 1459 rules.
* This is the default function for InspIRCd::IsUser.
* @param user The username to validate.
@ -378,98 +335,126 @@ public:
static bool DefaultIsUser(const std::string_view& user);
/** Match two strings using pattern matching, optionally, with a map
* to check case against (may be NULL). If map is null, match will be case insensitive.
* @param str The literal string to match against
* @param mask The glob pattern to match against.
* @param map The character map to use when matching.
/** Causes the server to exit after unloading modules and closing all open file descriptors.
* @param status The exit code to give to the operating system.
static bool Match(const std::string& str, const std::string& mask, const unsigned char* map = nullptr);
static bool Match(const char* str, const char* mask, const unsigned char* map = nullptr);
void Exit(int status);
/** Match two strings using pattern matching, optionally, with a map
* to check case against (may be NULL). If map is null, match will be case insensitive.
* Supports CIDR patterns as well as globs.
* @param str The literal string to match against
* @param mask The glob or CIDR pattern to match against.
* @param map The character map to use when matching.
/** Determines whether a fully qualified hostname is valid according to RFC 5891 rules.
* @param host The hostname to validate.
* @return True if the hostname is valid; otherwise, false.
static bool MatchCIDR(const std::string& str, const std::string& mask, const unsigned char* map = nullptr);
static bool MatchCIDR(const char* str, const char* mask, const unsigned char* map = nullptr);
inline static auto IsFQDN(const std::string& host) { return IsHost(host, false); }
/** Matches a hostname and IP against a space delimited list of hostmasks.
* @param masks The space delimited masks to match against.
* @param hostname The hostname to try and match.
* @param ipaddr The IP address to try and match.
/** Determines whether a hostname is valid according to RFC 5891 rules.
* @param host The hostname to validate.
* @param allowsimple Whether to allow simple hostnames (e.g. localhost).
* @return True if the hostname is valid; otherwise, false.
static bool MatchMask(const std::string& masks, const std::string& hostname, const std::string& ipaddr);
static bool IsHost(const std::string& host, bool allowsimple);
/** Return true if the given parameter is a valid nick!user\@host mask
* @param mask A nick!user\@host masak to match against
* @return True i the mask is valid
/** Determines whether the specified string is a server identifier.
* @param sid The string to check.
* @return True if the specified string is a server identifier; otherwise, false.
static bool IsSID(const std::string& sid);
/** Determines whether the specified string is a valid nick!user\@host mask.
* @param mask The string to check.
* @return True if the specified string is a valid nick!user\@host mask; otherwise, false.
static bool IsValidMask(const std::string& mask);
/** Strips all color and control codes except 001 from the given string
* @param sentence The string to strip from
/** Matches two strings using glob pattern matching, optionally with a case map to use instead
* of the server case map.
* @param str The literal string to match against
* @param pattern The glob pattern to match against.
* @param map The character map to use when matching.
* @return True if the string matches the mask; otherwise, false.
static void StripColor(std::string& sentence);
static bool Match(const std::string& str, const std::string& pattern, const unsigned char* map = nullptr);
/** Parses color codes from string values to actual color codes
* @param input The data to process
/** Matches two strings using glob pattern matching, optionally with a case map to use instead
* of the server case map.
* @param str The literal string to match against
* @param pattern The glob pattern to match against.
* @param map The character map to use when matching.
* @return True if the string matches the pattern; otherwise, false.
static void ProcessColors(std::vector<std::string>& input);
static bool Match(const char* str, const char* pattern, const unsigned char* map = nullptr);
/** Checks whether a password is valid.
* @param password The hashed password.
* @param passwordhash The name of the algorithm used to hash the password.
* @param value The value to check to see if the password is valid.
/** Matches two strings using glob pattern and CIDR range matching, optionally with a case map
* to use instead of the server case map.
* @param str The literal string to match against
* @param pattern The glob pattern to match against.
* @param map The character map to use when matching.
* @return True if the string matches the pattern; otherwise, false.
static bool CheckPassword(const std::string& password, const std::string& passwordhash, const std::string& value);
static bool MatchCIDR(const std::string& str, const std::string& pattern, const unsigned char* map = nullptr);
/** Rehash the local server
* @param uuid The uuid of the user who started the rehash, can be empty
/** Matches two strings using glob pattern and CIDR range matching, optionally with a case map
* to use instead of the server case map.
* @param str The literal string to match against
* @param pattern The glob pattern to match against.
* @param map The character map to use when matching.
* @return True if the string matches the pattern; otherwise, false.
static bool MatchCIDR(const char* str, const char* pattern, const unsigned char* map = nullptr);
/** Matches a hostname and address against a space delimited list of hostmasks.
* @param masks The space delimited masks to match against.
* @param hostname The hostname to try and match.
* @param address The IP address or UNIX socket path to try and match.
* @return True if a mask matches the hostname or address; otherwise, false.
static bool MatchMask(const std::string& masks, const std::string& hostname, const std::string& address);
/** Reloads the server configuration.
* @param uuid If non-empty then the uuid of the user who started the rehash.
void Rehash(const std::string& uuid = "");
/** Attempt to write the process id to a given file
void WritePID();
/** This constructor initialises all the subsystems and reads the config file.
* @param argc The argument count passed to main()
* @param argv The argument list passed to main()
* @throw <anything> If anything is thrown from here and makes it to
* you, you should probably just give up and go home. Yes, really.
* It's that bad. Higher level classes should catch any non-fatal exceptions.
InspIRCd(int argc, char** argv);
/** Prepare the ircd for restart or shutdown.
* This function unloads all modules which can be unloaded,
* closes all open sockets, and closes the logfile.
void Cleanup();
/** Compare two strings in a timing-safe way. If the lengths of the strings differ, the function
* returns false immediately (leaking information about the length), otherwise it compares each
* character and only returns after all characters have been compared.
* @param one First string
* @param two Second string
* @return True if the strings match, false if they don't
static bool TimingSafeCompare(const std::string& one, const std::string& two);
/** Starts the execution of the server main loop. */
void Run();
char* GetReadBuffer()
return this->ReadBuffer;
/** Replaces color escapes in the specified lines with IRC colors.
* @param lines A vector of lines to replace color escapes in.
static void ProcessColors(std::vector<std::string>& lines);
ClientProtocol::RFCEvents& GetRFCEvents() { return rfcevents; }
/** Stores an incoming signal when received from the operating system.
* @param signal The signal received from the operating system.
static void SetSignal(int signal);
/* Removes IRC colors from the specified string.
* @param str The string to strip colors from.
static void StripColor(std::string& str);
/** Retrieves the time, updated once per main loop iteration, as the number of seconds since
* the UNIX epoch. This is faster than calling time functions manually.
inline auto Time() const { return ts.tv_sec; }
/** Retrieves the time, updated once per main loop iteration, as the number of fractional
* seconds since the UNIX epoch. This is faster than calling time functions manually.
inline auto Time_ns() const { return ts.tv_nsec; }
/** Compares two strings in a timing-safe way. If the lengths of the strings differ the
* function returns false immediately (leaking information about the length). Otherwise, it
* compares each character and only returns after all characters have been compared.
* @param str1 The first string to compare.
* @param str2 The second string to compare.
* @return True if the strings are equivalent; otherwise, false.
static bool TimingSafeCompare(const std::string& str1, const std::string& str2);
/** Updates the current cached time. Don't call this unless you have reason to do so. */
void UpdateTime();
inline void Cullable::Deleter::operator()(Cullable* item)
@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ InspIRCd::InspIRCd(int argc, char** argv)
ServerInstance = this;
this->startup_time = TIME.tv_sec;
this->startup_time = Time();
@ -601,26 +601,26 @@ InspIRCd::InspIRCd(int argc, char** argv)
void InspIRCd::UpdateTime()
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &TIME);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
#elif defined _WIN32
TIME.tv_sec = time(nullptr);
TIME.tv_nsec = st.wMilliseconds;
ts.tv_sec = time(nullptr);
ts.tv_nsec = st.wMilliseconds;
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, nullptr);
TIME.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec;
TIME.tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000;
ts.tv_sec = tv.tv_sec;
ts.tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000;
void InspIRCd::Run()
time_t OLDTIME = TIME.tv_sec;
auto oldtime = Time();
while (true)
@ -640,23 +640,23 @@ void InspIRCd::Run()
// software like irctest. Don't define this unless you know
// what you are doing.
if (TIME.tv_sec != OLDTIME)
if (Time() != oldtime)
CheckTimeSkip(OLDTIME, TIME.tv_sec);
CheckTimeSkip(oldtime, Time());
OLDTIME = TIME.tv_sec;
oldtime = Time();
if ((TIME.tv_sec % 3600) == 0)
if ((Time() % 3600) == 0)
FOREACH_MOD(OnGarbageCollect, ());
if ((TIME.tv_sec % 5) == 0)
if ((Time() % 5) == 0)
FOREACH_MOD(OnBackgroundTimer, (TIME.tv_sec));
FOREACH_MOD(OnBackgroundTimer, (Time()));
@ -675,19 +675,19 @@ void InspIRCd::Run()
if (s_signal)
if (lastsignal)
s_signal = 0;
lastsignal = 0;
sig_atomic_t InspIRCd::s_signal = 0;
sig_atomic_t InspIRCd::lastsignal = 0;
void InspIRCd::SetSignal(int signal)
s_signal = signal;
lastsignal = signal;
#ifdef _WIN32
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
#include "inspircd.h"
void InspIRCd::SignalHandler(int signal)
void InspIRCd::HandleSignal(sig_atomic_t signal)
switch (signal)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user