m_filter Use an enum for filter actions instead of a string

This commit is contained in:
attilamolnar 2012-10-19 18:20:26 +02:00
parent b5ce066cc2
commit 52ee43ca1d

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@ -36,12 +36,21 @@ enum FilterFlags
enum FilterAction
class FilterResult
std::string freeform;
std::string reason;
std::string action;
FilterAction action;
long gline_time;
std::string flags;
@ -52,7 +61,7 @@ class FilterResult
bool flag_notice;
bool flag_strip_color;
FilterResult(const std::string free, const std::string &rea, const std::string &act, long gt, const std::string &fla) :
FilterResult(const std::string free, const std::string &rea, FilterAction act, long gt, const std::string &fla) :
freeform(free), reason(rea), action(act), gline_time(gt), flags(fla)
@ -126,7 +135,7 @@ class ImplFilter : public FilterResult
Regex* regex;
ImplFilter(ModuleFilter* mymodule, const std::string &rea, const std::string &act, long glinetime, const std::string &pat, const std::string &flgs);
ImplFilter(ModuleFilter* mymodule, const std::string &rea, FilterAction act, long glinetime, const std::string &pat, const std::string &flgs);
@ -148,7 +157,7 @@ class ModuleFilter : public Module
ModResult OnUserPreMessage(User* user,void* dest,int target_type, std::string &text, char status, CUList &exempt_list);
FilterResult* FilterMatch(User* user, const std::string &text, int flags);
bool DeleteFilter(const std::string &freeform);
std::pair<bool, std::string> AddFilter(const std::string &freeform, const std::string &type, const std::string &reason, long duration, const std::string &flags);
std::pair<bool, std::string> AddFilter(const std::string &freeform, FilterAction type, const std::string &reason, long duration, const std::string &flags);
ModResult OnUserPreNotice(User* user,void* dest,int target_type, std::string &text, char status, CUList &exempt_list);
void OnRehash(User* user);
Version GetVersion();
@ -160,6 +169,8 @@ class ModuleFilter : public Module
ModResult OnPreCommand(std::string &command, std::vector<std::string> &parameters, LocalUser *user, bool validated, const std::string &original_line);
bool AppliesToMe(User* user, FilterResult* filter, int flags);
void ReadFilters(ConfigReader &MyConf);
static bool StringToFilterAction(const std::string& str, FilterAction& fa);
static std::string FilterActionToString(FilterAction fa);
CmdResult CommandFilter::Handle(const std::vector<std::string> &parameters, User *user)
@ -186,19 +197,18 @@ CmdResult CommandFilter::Handle(const std::vector<std::string> &parameters, User
if (parameters.size() >= 4)
std::string freeform = parameters[0];
std::string type = parameters[1];
FilterAction type;
std::string flags = parameters[2];
std::string reason;
long duration = 0;
if ((type != "gline") && (type != "none") && (type != "block") && (type != "kill") && (type != "silent"))
if (!ModuleFilter::StringToFilterAction(parameters[1], type))
user->WriteServ("NOTICE %s :*** Invalid filter type '%s'. Supported types are 'gline', 'none', 'block', 'silent' and 'kill'.", user->nick.c_str(), type.c_str());
user->WriteServ("NOTICE %s :*** Invalid filter type '%s'. Supported types are 'gline', 'none', 'block', 'silent' and 'kill'.", user->nick.c_str(), parameters[1].c_str());
if (type == "gline")
if (type == FA_GLINE)
if (parameters.size() >= 5)
@ -221,10 +231,10 @@ CmdResult CommandFilter::Handle(const std::vector<std::string> &parameters, User
if (result.first)
user->WriteServ("NOTICE %s :*** Added filter '%s', type '%s'%s%s, flags '%s', reason: '%s'", user->nick.c_str(), freeform.c_str(),
type.c_str(), (duration ? ", duration " : ""), (duration ? parameters[3].c_str() : ""),
parameters[1].c_str(), (duration ? ", duration " : ""), (duration ? parameters[3].c_str() : ""),
flags.c_str(), reason.c_str());
ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask(IS_LOCAL(user) ? 'a' : 'A', "FILTER: "+user->nick+" added filter '"+freeform+"', type '"+type+"', "+(duration ? "duration "+parameters[3]+", " : "")+"flags '"+flags+"', reason: "+reason);
ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask(IS_LOCAL(user) ? 'a' : 'A', "FILTER: "+user->nick+" added filter '"+freeform+"', type '"+parameters[1]+"', "+(duration ? "duration "+parameters[3]+", " : "")+"flags '"+flags+"', reason: "+reason);
@ -304,7 +314,7 @@ ModResult ModuleFilter::OnUserPreNotice(User* user,void* dest,int target_type, s
std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = find(exemptfromfilter.begin(), exemptfromfilter.end(), target);
if (i != exemptfromfilter.end()) return MOD_RES_PASSTHRU;
if (f->action == "block")
if (f->action == FA_BLOCK)
ServerInstance->SNO->WriteGlobalSno('a', "FILTER: "+user->nick+" had their message filtered, target was "+target+": "+f->reason);
if (target_type == TYPE_CHANNEL)
@ -312,18 +322,18 @@ ModResult ModuleFilter::OnUserPreNotice(User* user,void* dest,int target_type, s
user->WriteServ("NOTICE "+user->nick+" :Your message to "+target+" was blocked and opers notified: "+f->reason);
if (f->action == "silent")
else if (f->action == FA_SILENT)
if (target_type == TYPE_CHANNEL)
user->WriteNumeric(404, "%s %s :Message to channel blocked (%s)",user->nick.c_str(), target.c_str(), f->reason.c_str());
user->WriteServ("NOTICE "+user->nick+" :Your message to "+target+" was blocked: "+f->reason);
if (f->action == "kill")
else if (f->action == FA_KILL)
ServerInstance->Users->QuitUser(user, "Filtered: " + f->reason);
if (f->action == "gline")
else if (f->action == FA_GLINE)
GLine* gl = new GLine(ServerInstance->Time(), f->gline_time, ServerInstance->Config->ServerName.c_str(), f->reason.c_str(), "*", user->GetIPString());
if (ServerInstance->XLines->AddLine(gl,NULL))
@ -334,7 +344,7 @@ ModResult ModuleFilter::OnUserPreNotice(User* user,void* dest,int target_type, s
delete gl;
ServerInstance->Logs->Log("FILTER",DEFAULT,"FILTER: "+ user->nick + " had their message filtered, target was " + target + ": " + f->reason + " Action: " + f->action);
ServerInstance->Logs->Log("FILTER",DEFAULT,"FILTER: "+ user->nick + " had their message filtered, target was " + target + ": " + f->reason + " Action: " + ModuleFilter::FilterActionToString(f->action));
return MOD_RES_DENY;
@ -398,7 +408,7 @@ ModResult ModuleFilter::OnPreCommand(std::string &command, std::vector<std::stri
/* We're blocking, OR theyre quitting and its a KILL action
* (we cant kill someone whos already quitting, so filter them anyway)
if ((f->action == "block") || (((!parting) && (f->action == "kill"))) || (f->action == "silent"))
if ((f->action == FA_BLOCK) || (((!parting) && (f->action == FA_KILL))) || (f->action == FA_SILENT))
c->Handle(params, user);
return MOD_RES_DENY;
@ -406,12 +416,12 @@ ModResult ModuleFilter::OnPreCommand(std::string &command, std::vector<std::stri
/* Are they parting, if so, kill is applicable */
if ((parting) && (f->action == "kill"))
if ((parting) && (f->action == FA_KILL))
user->WriteServ("NOTICE %s :*** Your PART message was filtered: %s", user->nick.c_str(), f->reason.c_str());
ServerInstance->Users->QuitUser(user, "Filtered: " + f->reason);
if (f->action == "gline")
if (f->action == FA_GLINE)
/* Note: We gline *@IP so that if their host doesnt resolve the gline still applies. */
GLine* gl = new GLine(ServerInstance->Time(), f->gline_time, ServerInstance->Config->ServerName.c_str(), f->reason.c_str(), "*", user->GetIPString());
@ -473,19 +483,23 @@ std::string ModuleFilter::EncodeFilter(FilterResult* filter)
if (*n == ' ')
*n = '\7';
stream << x << " " << filter->action << " " << (filter->flags.empty() ? "-" : filter->flags) << " " << filter->gline_time << " :" << filter->reason;
stream << x << " " << FilterActionToString(filter->action) << " " << (filter->flags.empty() ? "-" : filter->flags) << " " << filter->gline_time << " :" << filter->reason;
return stream.str();
FilterResult ModuleFilter::DecodeFilter(const std::string &data)
std::string filteraction;
FilterResult res;
irc::tokenstream tokens(data);
if (!StringToFilterAction(filteraction, res.action))
throw ModuleException("Invalid action: " + filteraction);
if (res.flags == "-")
res.flags = "";
@ -510,12 +524,19 @@ void ModuleFilter::OnDecodeMetaData(Extensible* target, const std::string &extna
if ((target == NULL) && (extname == "filter"))
FilterResult data = DecodeFilter(extdata);
this->AddFilter(data.freeform, data.action, data.reason, data.gline_time, data.flags);
FilterResult data = DecodeFilter(extdata);
this->AddFilter(data.freeform, data.action, data.reason, data.gline_time, data.flags);
catch (ModuleException& e)
ServerInstance->Logs->Log("m_filter", DEBUG, "Error when unserializing filter: " + std::string(e.GetReason()));
ImplFilter::ImplFilter(ModuleFilter* mymodule, const std::string &rea, const std::string &act, long glinetime, const std::string &pat, const std::string &flgs)
ImplFilter::ImplFilter(ModuleFilter* mymodule, const std::string &rea, FilterAction act, long glinetime, const std::string &pat, const std::string &flgs)
: FilterResult(pat, rea, act, glinetime, flgs)
if (!mymodule->RegexEngine)
@ -574,7 +595,7 @@ bool ModuleFilter::DeleteFilter(const std::string &freeform)
return false;
std::pair<bool, std::string> ModuleFilter::AddFilter(const std::string &freeform, const std::string &type, const std::string &reason, long duration, const std::string &flgs)
std::pair<bool, std::string> ModuleFilter::AddFilter(const std::string &freeform, FilterAction type, const std::string &reason, long duration, const std::string &flgs)
for (std::vector<ImplFilter>::iterator i = filters.begin(); i != filters.end(); i++)
@ -596,6 +617,38 @@ std::pair<bool, std::string> ModuleFilter::AddFilter(const std::string &freeform
return std::make_pair(true, "");
bool ModuleFilter::StringToFilterAction(const std::string& str, FilterAction& fa)
irc::string s(str.c_str());
if (s == "gline")
fa = FA_GLINE;
else if (s == "block")
fa = FA_BLOCK;
else if (s == "silent")
else if (s == "kill")
fa = FA_KILL;
else if (s == "none")
fa = FA_NONE;
return false;
return true;
std::string ModuleFilter::FilterActionToString(FilterAction fa)
switch (fa)
case FA_GLINE: return "gline";
case FA_BLOCK: return "block";
case FA_SILENT: return "silent";
case FA_KILL: return "kill";
default: return "none";
void ModuleFilter::ReadFilters(ConfigReader &MyConf)
for (int index = 0; index < MyConf.Enumerate("keyword"); index++)
@ -607,14 +660,16 @@ void ModuleFilter::ReadFilters(ConfigReader &MyConf)
std::string action = MyConf.ReadValue("keyword", "action", index);
std::string flgs = MyConf.ReadValue("keyword", "flags", index);
long gline_time = ServerInstance->Duration(MyConf.ReadValue("keyword", "duration", index));
if (action.empty())
action = "none";
if (flgs.empty())
flgs = "*";
FilterAction fa;
if (!StringToFilterAction(action, fa))
fa = FA_NONE;
filters.push_back(ImplFilter(this, reason, action, gline_time, pattern, flgs));
filters.push_back(ImplFilter(this, reason, fa, gline_time, pattern, flgs));
ServerInstance->Logs->Log("m_filter", DEFAULT, "Regular expression %s loaded.", pattern.c_str());
catch (ModuleException &e)
@ -630,7 +685,7 @@ ModResult ModuleFilter::OnStats(char symbol, User* user, string_list &results)
for (std::vector<ImplFilter>::iterator i = filters.begin(); i != filters.end(); i++)
results.push_back(ServerInstance->Config->ServerName+" 223 "+user->nick+" :"+RegexEngine.GetProvider()+":"+i->freeform+" "+i->flags+" "+i->action+" "+ConvToStr(i->gline_time)+" :"+i->reason);
results.push_back(ServerInstance->Config->ServerName+" 223 "+user->nick+" :"+RegexEngine.GetProvider()+":"+i->freeform+" "+i->flags+" "+FilterActionToString(i->action)+" "+ConvToStr(i->gline_time)+" :"+i->reason);
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = exemptfromfilter.begin(); i != exemptfromfilter.end(); ++i)