Fix parsing the output of git-blame in mkheaders.

This commit is contained in:
Sadie Powell 2021-03-05 01:41:52 +00:00
parent 338ddb0e59
commit 63f26dc2c6

View File

@ -69,31 +69,28 @@ for my $path (@paths) {
if (defined $copyright) {
say console_format "Updating copyright headers in <|GREEN $path|>." if defined $ENV{MKHEADERS_VERBOSE};
my (%author, %authors);
my (%authors, $commit, %commits);
my $ignored_args = join ' ', map { "--ignore-rev $_" } @ignored_revisions;
for my $line (split /\n+/, `git blame $ignored_args --incremental -M -w HEAD -- $path`) {
if ($line =~ /^([0-9a-f]{40})(?:\s\d+){3}$/) {
$author{COMMITS} //= [];
push @{$author{COMMITS}}, $1;
$commit = $1;
$commits{$commit} //= {};
} elsif ($line =~ /^author (.+)/) {
$author{NAME} = $1;
$commits{$commit}->{NAME} = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^author-mail <(.+)>/) {
$author{EMAIL} = $1;
$commits{$commit}->{EMAIL} = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^author-time (.+)/) {
$author{YEAR} = strftime '%Y', gmtime $1;
$commits{$commit}->{YEAR} = strftime '%Y', gmtime $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^filename /) {
next unless scalar keys %author > 1;
my $display = sprintf "%s <%s>", $author{NAME}, $author{EMAIL};
my $display = sprintf "%s <%s>", $commits{$commit}->{NAME}, $commits{$commit}->{EMAIL};
$authors{$display} //= [];
push @{$authors{$display}}, $author{YEAR};
for my $commit (uniq @{$author{COMMITS}}) {
my $details = `git rev-list --format=%B --max-count=1 $commit`;
while ($details =~ /co-authored-by: ([^<]+<[^>]+>)/gi) {
$authors{$1} //= [];
push @{$authors{$1}}, $author{YEAR};
push @{$authors{$display}}, $commits{$commit}->{YEAR};
my $details = `git rev-list --format=%B --max-count=1 $commit`;
while ($details =~ /co-authored-by: ([^<]+<[^>]+>)/gi) {
$authors{$1} //= [];
push @{$authors{$1}}, $commits{$commit}->{YEAR};
undef %author;
undef $commit;