ALlow specifying multiple ModAuthors, remove ModAuthorMail.

This commit is contained in:
Sadie Powell 2021-10-09 18:21:18 +01:00
parent 87694ba45b
commit 74490ab367

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@ -33,24 +33,32 @@ use make::console;
use constant DIRECTIVE_ERROR_PIPE => $ENV{INSPIRCD_VERBOSE} ? '' : '2>/dev/null';
use constant VENDOR_DIRECTORY => catdir(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)), 'vendor');
our @EXPORT = qw(get_directive
our @EXPORT = qw(
sub get_directive($$;$)
my ($file, $property, $default) = @_;
open(my $fh, $file) or return $default;
sub get_directives($$) {
my ($file, $property) = @_;
open(my $fh, $file) or return ();
my $value = '';
my @values;
while (<$fh>) {
if ($_ =~ /^\/\* \$(\S+): (.+) \*\/$/ || $_ =~ /^\/\/\/ \$(\S+): (.+)/) {
next unless $1 eq $property;
$value .= ' ' . execute_functions($file, $1, $2);
push @values, execute_functions($file, $1, $2);
close $fh;
return @values;
# Strip all extraneous whitespace.
sub get_directive($$;$) {
my ($file, $property, $default) = @_;
my @values = get_directives($file, $property);
my $value = join ' ', @values;
$value =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
return $value || $default;
@ -107,14 +115,11 @@ sub __error {
# If we have author information then tell the user to report the bug
# to them. Otherwise, assume it is a bundled module and tell the user
# to report it to the InspIRCd issue tracker.
my $author = get_directive($file, 'ModAuthor');
if (defined $author) {
my @authors = get_directives($file, 'ModAuthor');
if (@authors) {
push @message, 'If you believe this error to be a bug then you can try to contact the';
push @message, 'author of this module:';
my $author_mail = get_directive($file, 'ModAuthorMail');
if (defined $author_mail) {
push @message, " * $author <$author_mail>";
} else {
push @message, "author${$#authors ? \'s' : \''} of this module:";
for my $author (@authors) {
push @message, " * $author";
} else {