Ignore edits to the copyright headers when updating them.

This fixes a committer who has run mkheaders from being added to
the copyright headers when it is next run.
This commit is contained in:
Sadie Powell 2022-12-27 14:58:13 +00:00
parent beb9c2475c
commit 9b5c86c0b6

View File

@ -42,6 +42,33 @@ my @ignored_revisions = (
'f2acdbc3820f0f4f5ef76a0a64e73d2a320df91f', # peavey fixing line endings
sub make_range($@) {
my ($separator, @nums) = @_;
my ($last_num, $start_num, @num_ranges);
for my $num (uniq sort { $a <=> $b } @nums) {
if (!defined $last_num) {
$start_num = $last_num = $num
} elsif ($num == $last_num + 1) {
$last_num = $num;
} else {
if ($last_num == $start_num) {
push @num_ranges, $last_num;
} else {
push @num_ranges, "$start_num$separator$last_num";
$start_num = $last_num = $num;
if (defined $last_num) {
if ($last_num == $start_num) {
push @num_ranges, $last_num;
} else {
push @num_ranges, "$start_num$separator$last_num";
return @num_ranges;
my @paths = File::Util->new->list_dir(dirname($RealDir) => { recurse => 1 });
my @updated;
for my $path (@paths) {
@ -56,14 +83,16 @@ for my $path (@paths) {
open(my $fh, $path) or print_error "unable to read from $path: $!";
my ($copyright, $indent, @lines);
my ($copyright, $indent, $linenum, @linenums, @lines);
for my $line (<$fh>) {
$linenum += 1;
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /^([^0-9A-Za-z]+\s)Copyright\s+\(C\)\s+[^<]+(\s+<[^>]+>)?$/) {
$copyright = scalar @lines;
$indent = $1;
} else {
push @lines, $line;
push @linenums, $linenum;
close $fh;
@ -72,7 +101,8 @@ for my $path (@paths) {
say console_format "Updating copyright headers in <|GREEN $path|>." if defined $ENV{MKHEADERS_VERBOSE};
my (%authors, $commit, %commits);
my $ignored_args = join ' ', map { "--ignore-rev $_" } @ignored_revisions;
for my $line (split /\n+/, `git blame $ignored_args --incremental -M -w HEAD -- $path`) {
my $line_args = join ' ', map { "-L $_" } make_range ',', @linenums;
for my $line (split /\n+/, `git blame $ignored_args $line_args --incremental -M -w HEAD -- $path`) {
if ($line =~ /^([0-9a-f]{40})(?:\s\d+){3}$/) {
$commit = $1;
$commits{$commit} //= {};
@ -103,29 +133,7 @@ for my $path (@paths) {
my @copyrights;
while (my ($display, $years) = each %authors) {
next if $display eq 'InspIRCd Robot <noreply@inspircd.org>';
my ($last_year, $start_year, @year_ranges);
for my $year (uniq sort @$years) {
if (!defined $last_year) {
$start_year = $last_year = $year
} elsif ($year == $last_year + 1) {
$last_year = $year;
} else {
if ($last_year == $start_year) {
push @year_ranges, $last_year;
} else {
push @year_ranges, "$start_year-$last_year";
$start_year = $last_year = $year;
if (defined $last_year) {
if ($last_year == $start_year) {
push @year_ranges, $last_year;
} else {
push @year_ranges, "$start_year-$last_year";
my @year_ranges = make_range '-', @$years;
my $joined_years = join ', ', @year_ranges;
push @copyrights, "${\$indent}Copyright (C) $joined_years $display";