Somehow, the examples had gotten into the conf/ dir, they belong in docs/

git-svn-id: e03df62e-2008-0410-955e-edbf42e46eb7
This commit is contained in:
brain 2005-12-21 21:31:48 +00:00
parent 984ae68572
commit eaa375caa8
7 changed files with 0 additions and 1293 deletions

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
# Configuration file for (
# C.J.Edwards May 2004.
# The tags for this module are formatted as follows:
# <badword text="simple word"
# replace="text to replace with">
<badword text="shit" replace="poo">
<badword text="fuck" replace="(censored)">

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
# Configuration file for (
# C.J.Edwards April 2004.
# The tags for this module are formatted as follows:
# <keyword pattern="any glob pattern here"
# reason="reason for filtering"
# action="action to take">
# Valid actions for 'action' are:
# block This blocks the line, sends out a notice to all opers with
# +s and informs the user that their message was blocked.
# none This action causes nothing to be done except logging. This
# is the default action if none is specified.
# kill This disconnects the user, with the 'reason' parameter as
# the kill reason.
<keyword pattern="*qwerty*" reason="You qwertied!" action="block">
<keyword pattern="*killmenow*" reason="As you request." action="kill">

View File

@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
# Sample configuration file for
# You can either copy this into your conf folder and set up the module to use it,
# or you can customise the responses for your network and/or add more.
<start line1=" InspIRCd help system"
line2=" --------------------"
line4="This system provides help for commands and modes."
line5="Specify your question or a command name as the"
line6="parameter for this command. If you are an oper"
line7="you must prefix your query with a ? symbol."
line9="/HELPOP COMMANDS - To see a list of user commands"
line10="/HELPOP COPER - To see a list of oper commands"
line11="/HELPOP UMODES - To see a list of user modes"
line12="/HELPOP CHMODES - To see a list of channel modes">
<nohelp line1="There is no help for the topic"
line2="You searched for. Please try again.">
<nohelpo line1="There is no help for the topic"
line2="You searched for. Please try again."
line4="Your Query has been forwarded to the IRCops">
<commands line1="User Commands"
<user line1="/USER [ident] [local host] [remote host] :[GECOS]"
line2="This command is used by your client to register your irc session."
line3="You should not use it during an established connection.">
<nick line1="/NICK [new nick]"
line2="Change your nickname to [new nick]">
<quit line1="/QUIT [reason]"
line2="Quit from IRC and end your current session">
<version line1="/VERSION"
line2="Returns the server's version number">
<ping line1="/PING [server]"
line2="Ping a server. Target server will answer with a PONG">
<pong line2="/PONG [server]"
line2="Your client should send this to answer server PINGs. You"
line3="should not issue this command manually.">
<admin line1="/ADMIN [server]"
line2="Fetches the administrative information on the given"
<privmsg line1="/MSG [target] [text]"
line2="Sends a message to a user or channel specified in [target]">
<notice line1="/NOTICE [target] [text]"
line2="Sends a notice to a user or channel specified in [target]">
<join line1="/JOIN [channel]{,[channel]} [key]{,[key]}"
line2="Joins one or more channels you provide the names for">
<names line1="/NAMES [channel]{,[channel]}"
line2="Return a list of users on the channels you provide">
<part line1="/PART [channel]{,[channel]}"
line2="Leaves one or more channels you specify">
<kick line1="/KICK [channel] [nick]"
line2="Kicks a user from a channel you specify. You must be"
line3-"At least a channel halfoperator to kick a user">
<mode line1="/MODE [target] [+|-][modes]{[+|-][modes]} {mode parameters}"
line2="Sets the mode for a channel or a nickname specified in [target]"
line3="A user may only set modes upon themselves, and may not set the"
line4="+o usermode, and a user may only change channel modes of"
line5="channels where they are at least a halfoperator.">
<topic line1="/TOPIC [channel] {topic}"
line2="Sets or retrieves the channel topic. If a channel topic is"
line3="given in teh command and the channel is either not +t, or"
line4="You are at least a halfoperator, the channel topic will be"
line5="changed to the new one you provide">
<who line1="/WHO [channel|nick|servermask|o 0]"
line2="Looks up the information of users matching the range you"
line3="provide. You may only /WHO nicknames in channels or on servers"
line4="where you share a common channel with them."
line5="The syntax '/WHO o 0' shows a list of online IRC operators.">
<motd line1="/MOTD [server]"
line2="Show the message of the day for [server]. Messages of the"
line3="day contain important server rules and notice and should be"
line4="read before using a server in any way!">
<rules line1="/RULES"
line2="Show the rules file for the local server. This is similar in"
line3="effect to /MOTD except that rules are optional. All users are"
line4="sent the MOTD when they connect without having to request it.">
<oper line1="/OPER [login] [password]"
line2="Attempts to authenticate a user as an IRC operator."
line3="Please be aware that both successful and unsucessful oper attempts"
line4="Are logged, and sent to online IRC operators">
<list line1="/LIST [pattern]"
line2="Creates a list of all existing channels matching the glob pattern"
line3="[pattern], e.g. *chat* or bot*">
<lusers line1="/LUSERS"
line2="Shows a count of local and remote users, servers and channels.">
<stats line1="/STATS [symbol]"
line2="Shows various server statistics. Depending on configuration this"
line3="command may be reserved for oper-only use."
line5="Valid symbols are:"
line7="m Show command statistics, number of times commands have been used"
line8="z Show memory usage statistics"
line9="o Show a list of all valid oper usernames and hostmasks"
line10="l Show all inbound and outbound server and client connections"
line11="u Show server uptime"
line12="k Show k-lines (local bans)"
line13="g Show g-lines (global bans)"
line14="q Show q-lines (nick mask bans)"
line15="Z Show z-lines (ip mask bans)"
line16="Y Show connection classes"
line17="C Show link blocks"
line18="U Show u-lined servers"
line19="P Show online opers and their idle times"
line20="I Show connect class permissions"
line21="e Show e-lines (local ban exemptions)"
line23="Note that all /STATS use is broadcast to online IRC operators.">
<kline line1="/KLINE [user@host] {[duration] :[reason]}"
line2="Sets or removes a k-line (host based ban) on a host and ident mask."
line3="You must specify at least 3 parameters to add a ban, and one"
line4="parameter to remove a ban (just the user@host section)."
line5="The duration may be specified in seconds, or in the following format"
line6="1y2w3d4h5m6s - meaning one year, two weeks, three days, 4 hours,"
line7="5 minutes and 6 seconds. All fields in this format are optional.">
<zline line1="/ZLINE [ipmask] {[duration] :[reason]}"
line2="Sets or removes a z-line (ip based ban) on an ip range mask."
line3="You must specify at least 3 parameters to add a ban, and one"
line4="parameter to remove a ban (just the user@host section)."
line5="The duration may be specified in seconds, or in the following format"
line6="1y2w3d4h5m6s - meaning one year, two weeks, three days, 4 hours,"
line7="5 minutes and 6 seconds. All fields in this format are optional.">
<qline line1="/QLINE [nickmask] {[duration] :[reason]}"
line2="Sets or removes a q-line (nick based ban) on a nick mask."
line3="You must specify at least 3 parameters to add a ban, and one"
line4="parameter to remove a ban (just the user@host section)."
line5="The duration may be specified in seconds, or in the following format"
line6="1y2w3d4h5m6s - meaning one year, two weeks, three days, 4 hours,"
line7="5 minutes and 6 seconds. All fields in this format are optional.">
<gline line1="/GLINE [user@host] {[duration] :[reason]}"
line2="Sets or removes a g-line (global host based ban) on host mask."
line3="You must specify at least 3 parameters to add a ban, and one"
line4="parameter to remove a ban (just the user@host section)."
line5="The duration may be specified in seconds, or in the following format"
line6="1y2w3d4h5m6s - meaning one year, two weeks, three days, 4 hours,"
line7="5 minutes and 6 seconds. All fields in this format are optional.">
<eline line1="/ELINE [user@host] {[duration] :[reason]}"
line2="Sets or removes a e-line (local ban exception) on host mask."
line3="You must specify at least 3 parameters to add an exception, and one"
line4="parameter to remove an exception (just the user@host section)."
line5="The duration may be specified in seconds, or in the following format"
line6="1y2w3d4h5m6s - meaning one year, two weeks, three days, 4 hours,"
line7="5 minutes and 6 seconds. All fields in this format are optional.">
<userhost line1="/USERHOST [nickname]"
line2="Returns the hostname and nickname of a user, and some other"
line3="miscellanious information.">
<away line1="/AWAY {message}"
line2="If a message is given, marks you as being away, otherwise"
line3="removes your away status and previous message">
<ison line1="/ISON [nick] {[nick]...}"
line2="Returns a subset of the nicks you give, showing only those"
line3="that are currently online.">
<summon line1="/SUMMON [user]"
line2="Summons a user from the shell where the ircd is running onto irc"
line3="This command is deprecated in the current protocol.">
<users line1="/USERS"
line2="Shows users logged into the shell where the ircd is running."
line3="This command is deprecated in the current protocol.">
<invite line1="/INVITE [nick] [channel]"
line2="Invites a user to a channel. If the channel is NOT +i, any"
line3="user, channel op or not, may invite any other user to the"
line4="channel, so long as they are a member of that channel."
line5="Otherwise, if +i is set only channel halfoperators"
line6="and above may invite users into the channel">
<pass line1="/PASS [password]"
line2="This command is used by your irc client when setting up"
line3="your irc session, and should not be issued by a fully"
line4="connected client.">
<whowas line1="/WHOWAS [nick]"
line2="Returns a list of times the user was last seen on irc"
line3="along with the time they were last seen and their server.">
<links line1="/LINKS"
line2="Shows all servers linked to this one. Note that in this"
line3="server implementation all links will be flattened as"
line4="a tree based layout is not in use.">
<map line1="/MAP"
line2="Shows a graphical representation of all users and servers"
line3="on the network. The tree diagram is inaccurate in this"
line4="implementation as a tree based network is not in place.">
<coper line1="Oper Commands"
<die line1="/DIE [password]"
line2="If the correct password is provided, and you are an operator,"
line3="This command will shut down the local server.">
<restart line1="/RESTART [password]"
line2="If the correct password is provided, and you are an operator,"
line3="This command will restart the local server.">
<commands line1="/COMMANDS"
line2="Shows all currently available commands.">
<kill line1="/KILL [user] [reason]"
line2="This command will disconnect a user from IRC with the given"
<rehash line1="/REHASH"
line2="This command will cause the server configuration file to be"
line3="re-read and values re-initialised.">
<trace line1="/TRACE [nick|user@host|servermask]"
line2="This command will provide a list of all users and servers which"
line3="must be passed through or over to reach a given object (server"
line4="or user)">
<connect line1="/CONNECT [servermask]"
line2="Create a mesh connection to the given servermask. You must have"
line3="configured the server for linking in your configuration file,"
line4="and provided a password.">
<squit line1="/SQUIT"
line2="Disconnects the local server from the mesh network, causing every"
line3="other server in the mesh to drop it.">
<modules line1="/MODULES"
line2="Lists currently loaded modules, their memory offsets and version"
line3="numbers and flags. If you are not an operator, you will see reduced"
<loadmodule line1="/LOADMODULE []"
line2="Loads a module into the IRCd.">
<unloadmodule line1="/UNLOADMODULE []"
line3="Unloads a module from the IRCd. The module cannot have the static"
line4="flag set (see the output of /MODULES)">
<umodes line1="User Modes"
line3="o Is an IRC operator"
line4="i Is invisible to /WHO"
line5="w Can receive wallops messages"
line6="s Can receive server notices"
line7="x Cloaked hostname (requires cloaking module)"
line8="g Can receive globops (requires globops module)"
line9="h Will receive helpops notification (requires helpop module)">
<chmodes line1="Channel Modes"
line3="v [nickname] Gives voice to [nickname] (can talk on +m channel)"
line4="h [nickname] Gives halfops to [nickname] (requires halfop module)"
line5="o [nickname] Gives ops to [nickname]"
line6="b [hostmask] Bans [hostmask] on the channel"
line7="a [nickname] Give protected status to [nickname] (+q only)"
line8="q [nickname] Give founder status to [nickname] (ulines only)"
line9="i Make the channel invite only, must /INVITE users"
line10="k [key] Set the channel key (password) to [key]"
line11="l [limit] Set the maximum possible users to [limit]"
line12="m Enable moderation. Only +vo(h) can speak"
line13="n Only users who are members of the channel may message it"
line14="p Make channel private (hide from /LIST)"
line15="s Make channel secret (can't be used at the same time as +p)"
line16="O Channel is IRCops only (can only be set by IRCops)"
line17="t Only halfops and above can change the topic"
line18="Q Only U-Lined servers/nicks can kick"
line19="T Only halfops/ops can send NOTICEs to the channel"
line20="C No CTCPs allowed to the channel"
line21="c mIRC colour codes blocked on the channel"
line22="K No /KNOCK allowed to channel (if knock module is loaded)"
line23="L [channel] If the channel is full, redirect users to [channel]"
line24="N No nickchanges while on the channel"
line26="NOTE: A large number of these modes are dependent upon server-side modules"
line27="being loaded by a server/network administrator. The actual modes available"
line28="on your network may be very different to this list. Please consult your"
line29="help channel if you have any questions.">

View File

@ -1,744 +0,0 @@
# #
# --------------------------- #
# InspIRCd Configuration File #
# --------------------------- #
# #
# #
# This is an example of the config file for InspIRCd. #
# Change the options to suit your network #
# #
# Last updated on : 06/06/2005 #
# Written by : CC ( #
# Updated by : katsklaw ( #
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- SERVER DESCRIPTION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
# #
# Here is where you enter the information about your server. #
# #
# Syntax is as follows: #
# <server name="" #
# description="Server Description" #
# network="MyNetwork"> #
# #
<server name=""
description="Waddle World"
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- ADMIN INFORMATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# Describes the Server Administrator's real name, nick #
# and email address. #
# #
# Syntax is as follows: #
# <admin name="real name" #
# nick="nick name" #
# email=""> #
# #
<admin name="Johnny English"
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- PORT CONFIGURATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
# #
# Enter the port and address bindings here. #
# #
# bind address - specifies which the address which ports bind #
# port - opens an unused port #
# type - can be 'clients' or 'servers'. The clients type is #
# a standard tcp based socket, the servers type is a #
# also a TCP based connection but of a different #
# format. #
# default - if the port type is 'servers' then this can be #
# specified. If set to 'yes', it indicates that this #
# port is the default route for all /connect commands.#
# if you do not bind your default route to an #
# external ip, or all ip's, you may have connection #
# problems. #
# #
# Leaving address empty binds to all available interfaces #
# #
# Syntax is as follows: #
# #
# <bind address="ip number" port="port" type="clients"> #
# <bind address="ip number" port="port" type="servers"> #
# <bind address="ip number" port="port" type="servers" default="yes"> #
# #
<bind address="" port="6660" type="clients">
<bind address="" port="7000" type="servers" default="yes">
<bind address="" port="7001" type="servers">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- DIE/RESTART CONFIGURATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
# #
# You can configure the passwords here which you wish to use for #
# the die and restart commands. Only trusted ircops who will #
# need this ability should know the die and restart password. #
# #
# Syntax is as follows: #
# <power diepass="die password" restartpass="restart password" #
# pause="secs before dying"> #
# #
<power diepass="diepass" restartpass="restartpass" pause="2">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# INCLUDE CONFIGURATION #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# This optional tag allows you to include another config file #
# allowing you to keep your configuration tidy. The configuration #
# file you include will be treated as part of the configuration file #
# which includes it, in simple terms the inclusion is transparent. #
# #
# All paths to config files are relative to the directory of the main #
# config file inspircd.conf, unless the filename starts with a forward#
# slash (/) in which case it is treated as an absolute path. #
# #
# Syntax is as follows: #
# <include file="file.conf"> #
# #
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- CONNECTIONS CONFIGURATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
# #
# This is where you can configure which connections are allowed #
# and denied access onto your server. #
# The password is optional. #
# You may have as many of these as you require. #
# To allow/deny all connections use a * #
# #
# Syntax is as follows: #
# <connect allow="ip or host"> #
# <connect allow="ip or host" password="blahblah"> #
# <connect allow="ip or host" password="blah" timeout="10"> #
# <connect allow="ip or host" timeout="blah" flood="5"> #
# <connect allow="ip or host" threshold="8" pingfreq="120"> #
# <connect allow="ip or host" sendq="99999" revcq="696969"> #
# <connect deny="ip or host"> #
# #
# You may optionally include timeout="x" on any allow line, which #
# specifies the amount of time given before an unknown connection #
# is closed if USER/NICK/PASS are not given. This value is in secs #
# #
# You may also optionally include a flood="x" line which indicates #
# the number of lines a user may place into their buffer at once #
# before they are disconnected for excess flood. The default is to #
# DISABLE this feature. A recommended value is 10. A counter is #
# maintained for each user which is reset every 'threshold' seconds #
# and specifying this threshold value with threshold="X" indicates #
# how often the counter is reset. For example, with flood="5" and #
# threshold="8", the user may not send more than 5 lines in 8 secs. #
# #
# You may optionally specify the sendq size and ping frequency of #
# each connect:allow line using the pingfreq="X" and sendq="X" #
# settings as shown in the full example below. #
# The ping frequency is specified in seconds, and the sendq size #
# in bytes. It is recommended, although not enforced, that you #
# should never set your sendq size to less than 8k. Send Queues are #
# dynamically allocated and can grow as needed up to the maximum #
# size specified. #
# #
# The optional recvq value is the maximum size which users in this #
# group may grow their receive queue to. This is recommended to be #
# kept pretty low compared to the sendq, as users will always #
# recieve more than they send in normal circumstances. The default #
# if not specified is 4096. #
# #
# The sendq is the data waiting to be sent TO THE USER. #
# The recvq is the data being received FROM THE USER. #
# The names sendq and recvq are from the SERVER'S PERSPECTIVE not #
# that of the user... Just to clear up any confusion or complaints #
# that these are backwards :p #
# #
<connect allow="196.12.*" password="secret">
<connect allow="*" timeout="60" flood="10" threshold="60" pingfreq="120" sendq="262144" recvq="4096">
<connect deny="69.254.*">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- CLASS CONFIGURATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
# #
# Classes are a group of commands which are grouped together #
# and given a unique name. They used to define which commands #
# are available to certain types of Operators. #
# #
# Syntax is as follow: #
# <class name="name" commands="oper commands"> #
# #
<class name="Shutdown" commands="DIE RESTART REHASH">
<class name="ServerLink" commands="CONNECT SQUIT">
<class name="BanControl" commands="KILL GLINE KLINE ZLINE QLINE SHUN">
<class name="OperChat" commands="WALLOPS CHATOPS">
<class name="HostCloak" commands="SETHOST SETIDENT SETNAME">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- OPERATOR COMPOSITION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# This is where you specify which types of operators you have on #
# your server, as well as the commands they are allowed to use. #
# This works alongside with the classes specified above. #
# #
# type name - a name for the combined class types #
# classes - specified above, used for flexibility for the #
# server admin to decide on which operators get #
# what commands #
# host - hostmask operators will recieve on oper-up. #
#(optional) #
# #
# Syntax is as follows: #
# <type name="name" classes="class name" host="oper hostmask"> #
# #
<type name="NetAdmin" classes="OperChat BanControl HostCloak Shutdown ServerLink" host="">
<type name="GlobalOp" classes="OperChat BanControl HostCloak ServerLink" host="">
<type name="LocalOp" classes="OperChat BanControl HostCloak" host="">
<type name="Helper" classes="HostCloak" host="">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- OPERATOR CONFIGURATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# Opers are defined here. This is a very important section. #
# Remember to only make operators out of truthworthy people. #
# #
# name - oper name, best to use lower-case #
# password - password to oper-up, #
# encryption not supported by inspircd. However, there #
# are modules that allow for oper password encryption. #
# #
# host - host of client allowed to oper-up, more hostmasks #
# seperated by spaces, wildcards accepted #
# type - specified above, defines the kind of operator #
# #
# Syntax is as follows: #
# <oper name="login" #
# password="pass" #
# host="hostmask@of.oper" #
# type="oper type"> #
# #
<oper name="katsklaw"
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- SERVER LINK CONFIGURATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# Defines which servers can link to this one, and which servers this #
# server may create outbound links to. #
# #
# name - The name is the canocial name of the server, it does #
# not have to resolve - but it is expected to be sent #
# in the remote servers connection info. #
# ipaddr - Valid host or ip address for remote server. * #
# port - Valid listening UDP port for remote server. #
# sendpass - Password to send to create an outbound connection to #
# this server. #
# recvpass - Password to receive to accept an inbound connection #
# from this server. #
# autoconnect - Sets the server to autoconnect. Where x is the number #
# (optional) of seconds between attempts. 300 = 5 minutes #
# #
# to u:line a server (give it extra privilages required for running #
# services, Q, etc) you must include the <uline server> tag as shown #
# in the example below. You can have as many of these as you like. #
# #
# WARNING: Unlike other ircds, u:lining a server allows ALL users on #
# that server to operoverride modes. This should only be used for #
# services and protected oper servers! #
# #
# IMPORTANT NOTE: When specifying the ip address and/or host, the #
# server software will prioritize RESOLVED hostnames above ip #
# addresses, so for example if your target server resolves to #
# you MUST put into your link block, and NOT the IP address #
# of The system uses reverse resolution. #
# #
<link name=""
<link name=""
<uline server="">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- MISCELLANEOUS CONFIGURATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# These options let you define the path to your motd and rules #
# files. #
# #
<files motd="/home/cc/inspircd/conf/inspire.motd"
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# DNS SERVER -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# Define your DNS server address here. InspIRCd has its own resolver #
# and you must define this otherwise nobody's host will resolve. The #
# timeout value is in seconds. #
# #
<dns server="" timeout="5">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# PID FILE -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# Define the path to the PID file here. The PID file can be used to #
# rehash the ircd from the shell or to terminate the ircd from the #
# shell using shell scripts, perl scripts etc, and to monitor the #
# ircd's state via cron jobs. #
# #
<pid file="/path/to/">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- BANLIST LIMITS #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# Use these tags to customise the ban limits on a per channel basis. #
# the tags are read from top to bottom, and any tag found which #
# matches the channels name applies the banlimit to that channel. #
# It is advisable to put an entry with the channel as '*' at the #
# bottom of the list. If none are specified or no maxbans tag is #
# matched, the banlist size defaults to 64 entries. #
# #
<banlist chan="#morons" limit="128">
<banlist chan="*" limit="69">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- DISABLED COMMANDS -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# This tag is optional, and specifies one or more commands which are #
# not available to non-operators. For example you may wish to disable #
# NICK and prevent non-opers from changing their nicknames. #
# Note that any disabled commands take effect only after the user has #
# 'registered' (e.g. after the initial USER/NICK/PASS on connection) #
# so for example disabling NICK will not cripple your network. #
# #
# <disabled commands="TOPIC MODE"> #
# #
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- RTFM LINE -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# Just remove this... Its here to make you read ALL of the config #
# file options ;) #
<die value="You should probably edit your config *PROPERLY* and try again.">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- SERVER OPTIONS -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# Settings to define which features are useable on your server. #
# #
# prefixquit - a prefix for a client's quit message #
# loglevel - specifies what detail of messages to log in the #
# log file. You may select from debug, verbose, #
# default, sparse and none. #
# allowhalfop - allows the +h channel mode #
# noservices - If noservices is true, yes, or 1, then the first #
# user into a channel gets founder status. This is #
# only useful on networks running the m_chanprotect #
# module without services. #
# netbuffersize - size of the buffer used to receive data from #
# clients. The ircd may only read() this amount #
# of text in one go at any time. (OPTIONAL) #
# maxwho - The maximum number of results returned by a /WHO #
# query. This is to prevent /WHO being used as a #
# spam vector or means of flooding an ircd. The #
# default is 128, it is not recommended to raise it #
# above 1024. Values up to 65535 are permitted. #
# somaxconn - The maximum number of sockets that may be waiting #
# in the accept queue. This usually allows the ircd #
# to soak up more connections in a shorter space of #
# time when increased but please be aware there is a #
# system defined maximum value to this, the same way #
# there is a system defined maximum number of file #
# descriptors. Some systems may only allow this to #
# be up to 5 (ugh) while others such as FreeBSD will #
# default to a much nicer 128. #
# moduledir - This optional value indicates a runtime change of #
# the location where modules are to be found. This #
# does not add a supplementary directory. There can #
# only be one module path. #
# softlimit - This optional feature allows a defined softlimit. #
# if defined sets a soft maxconnections value, has #
# to be less than the ./configure maxclients #
# #
<options prefixquit="Quit: "
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- MODULE OPTIONS -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# These tags define which modules will be loaded on startup by your #
# server. Add modules without any paths. When you make your ircd #
# using the 'make' command, all compiled modules will be moved into #
# the folder you specified when you ran ./configure. The module tag #
# automatically looks for modules in this location. #
# If you attempt to load a module outside of this location, either #
# in the config, or via /LOADMODULE, you will receive an error. #
# #
# By default, ALL modules are commented out. You must uncomment them #
# or add lines to your config to load modules. Please refer to #
# for a list of modules and#
# each modules link for any additional conf tags they require. #
# #
# WINDOWS USERS PLEASE NOTE: You can still load these modules! They #
# are incorporated into the executable and can be loaded and removed #
# similarly to if they were in a ramdisk. #
# Foobar module - does nothing
#<module name="">
# Chanprotect module: gives +q and +a channel modes
#<module name="">
# Globops module: gives /GLOBOPS and usermode +g
#<module name="">
# Noinvite module: Gives channel mode +V
#<module name="">
# Oper MD5 module: Allows MD5 hashed oper passwords
#<module name="">
# Restricted channels module: Allows only opers to create channels
#<module name="">
# Deny Channels: Deny Channels from being used by users
#<module name="">
# Services support module: Adds several usermodes such as +R and +M
#<module name="">
# Userip module: Adds the /USERIP command
#<module name="">
# Alias module: Allows you to define server-side command aliases
#<module name="">
# CHGHOST module: Adds the /CHGHOST command
#<module name="">
# HELPOP module: Provides the /HELPOP command
#<module name="">
# No kicks module: Adds the +Q channel mode
#<module name="">
# Oper MOTD module: Provides support for seperate message of the day
# on oper-up
#<module name="">
# Restrict message module: Allows users to only message opers
#<module name="">
# Sethost module: Adds the /SETHOST command
#<module name="">
# Antibottler module: Labels bottler leech bots
#<module name="">
# Watch module: Adds the WATCH command, which is used by clients to
# maintain notify lists.
#<module name="">
# Cloaking module: Adds usermode +x and cloaking support
#<module name="">
# Hostchange module: Allows a different style of cloaking
#<module name="">
# No nicks module: Adds the +N channel mode
#<module name="">
# Override module: Adds support for oper override
#<module name="">
# SAJOIN module: Adds the /SAJOIN command
#<module name="">
# Set Idle module: Adds a command for opers to change their
# idle time (mainly a toy)
#<module name="">
# Block colour module: Adds the +c channel mode
#<module name="">
# Conn-Lusers: Shows the LUSERS output on connect
#<module name="">
# Ident: Provides RFC 1413 ident lookup support
#<module name="">
# No Notice module: adds the channel mode +T
#<module name="">
# Parking module: Adds parking support and /PARK and /UNPARK
#<module name="">
# SAMODE module: Adds the oper /SAMODE command
#<module name="">
# SETNAME module: Adds the /SETNAME command
#<module name="">
# Botmode module: Adds the user mode +B
#<module name="">
# Filter module: Provides glob-based message filtering
#<module name="">
# Knock module: adds the /KNOCK command and +K channel mode
#<module name="">
# Oper channels mode: Adds the +O channel mode
#<module name="">
# Random Quote module: provides a random quote on connect
#<module name="">
# SANICK module: Allows opers to change user's nicks
#<module name="">
# Show Whois module: Adds the +W usermode which allows opers
# to see when they are whois'ed
#<module name="">
# Strip colour module: Adds the channel mode +S
#<module name="">
# Censor module: Adds the channel mode +G
#<module name="">
# Nick locking module: Adds the oper-only /NICKLOCK command
#<module name="">
# Oper Join module: Forces opers to join a channel on oper-up
#<module name="">
# Redirect module: Adds channel redirection (mode +L)
#<module name="">
# SAPART module: Adds the oper /SAPART command
#<module name="">
# SILENCE module: Adds support for /SILENCE
#<module name="">
# Test command module: Does nothing significant
#<module name="">
# Channel filter module: Allows channel-op defined message
# filtering using simple string matches (channel mode +g)
#<module name="">
# No ctcp module: Adds the channel mode +C to block CTCPs
#<module name="">
# Oper levels module: Gives each oper a level and prevents
# actions being taken against higher level opers
#<module name="">
# Remove module: Adds the /REMOVE command which is a peaceful
# alternative to /KICK
#<module name="">
# SAQUIT module: Adds the oper /SAQUIT command (abusable!!!)
#<module name="">
# Timed bans module: Adds timed bans and the /TBAN command
#<module name="">
# Oper modes module: Allows you to specify modes to add/remove on oper
#<module name="">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- FILTER CONFIGURATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# Optional - If you specify to use the module, then #
# specfiy below the path to the filter.conf file. #
#<filter file="/path/to/inspircd/filter.conf">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- HELPOP CONFIGURATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# Optional - If you specify to use the module, then #
# specify below the path to the helpop.conf file. #
<die value="If you used the helpop include above then do *NOT* use this tag.">
#<helpop file="/path/to/inspircd/helpop.conf">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- RANDOMQUOTES CONFIGURATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# Optional - If you specify to use the module, then #
# specify below the path to the randquotes.conf file. #
#<randquote file="/path/to/inspircd/randquotes.conf">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- BAN OPTIONS -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# The ban tags define nick masks, host masks and ip ranges which are #
# banned from your server. All details in these tags are local to #
# Your server. #
# #
# #
# badip lines ban an ip range (same as a zline) #
# #
# ipmask - The ip range to ban (wildcards possible) #
# reason - Reason to display when disconnected #
# #
# badnick lines ban a nick mask (same as a qline) #
# #
# nick - Nick mask to ban (wildcards possible) #
# reason - Reason to display on /NICK #
# #
# badhost lines ban a user@host mask (same as a kline) #
# #
# host - ident@hostname (wildcards possible) #
# reason - Reason to display on disconnection #
# #
# exception lines define a hostmask that is excempt from [kzg]lines #
# #
# host - ident@hostname (wildcards possible) #
# reason - Reason, shown only in /stats e #
# #
<badip ipmask="" reason="No porn here thanks.">
<badnick nick="ChanServ" reason="Reserved For Services">
<badnick nick="NickServ" reason="Reserved For Services">
<badnick nick="OperServ" reason="Reserved For Services">
<badnick nick="MemoServ" reason="Reserved For Services">
<badhost host="*" reason="Too many 1337 kiddiots">
<badhost host="*@localhost" reason="No irc from localhost!">
<exception host="*" reason="Opers hostname">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- ALIAS DEFINITIONS -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# If you have the module loaded, you may also define #
# aliases as shown below. They are commonly used to provide shortcut #
# commands to services, however they are not limited to jsut this use.#
# An alias tag requires the following values to be defined in it: #
# #
# text - The text to detect at the start of the line, #
# must be at the start of the line to trigger the #
# alias. May contain spaces, but case insensitive. #
# replace - The text to replace 'text' with. Usually this #
# will be "PRIVMSG ServiceName" or similar. #
# requires - If you provide a value for 'requires' this means #
# the given nickname MUST be online for the alias #
# to successfully trigger. If they are not, then #
# the user receives a 'no such nick' 401 numeric. #
# uline - Defining this value with 'yes', 'true' or '1' #
# will ensure that the user given in 'requires' #
# must also be on a u-lined server, as well as #
# actually being on the network. If the user is #
# online, but not on a u-lined server, then an #
# oper-alert is sent out as this is possibly signs #
# of a user trying to impersonate a service. #
# #
<alias text="NICKSERV" replace="PRIVMSG NickServ" requires="NickServ" uline="yes">
<alias text="CHANSERV" replace="PRIVMSG ChanServ" requires="ChanServ" uline="yes">
<alias text="NS" replace="PRIVMSG NickServ" requires="NickServ" uline="yes">
<alias text="CS" replace="PRIVMSG ChanServ" requires="ChanServ" uline="yes">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- YAWN -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# You should already know what to do here :) #
<die value="You should probably edit your config *PROPERLY* and try again.">
# #
# -InspIRCd Development and Coding Team- #
# #
# #

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
_____ _____ _____ _____ _
|_ _| |_ _| | __ \ / ____| | |
| | _ __ ___ _ __ | | | |__) || | __| |
| | | '_ \ / __| | '_ \ | | | _ / | | / _` |
_| |_ | | | | \__ \ | |_) | _| |_ | | \ \ | |____ | (_| |
|_____| |_| |_| |___/ | .__/ |_____| |_| \_\ \_____| \__,_|
__________________| |_______________________________
Insert something funkeh here

View File

@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus. Computers are from hell
Computer /nm./: a device designed to speed and automate errors
Hardware /nm./: the part of the computer that you can kick.
Maniac /n./ An early computer built by nuts.
RAM /abr./: Rarely Adequate Memory.
Programmer /n./ A red-eyed, mumbling mammal capable of conversing with inanimate objects
Multitasking /adj./ 3 PCs and a chair with wheels
Plonk /excl./: The sound a newbie makes as he falls to the bottom of a kill file
hURL /n./: a link to a web site that makes you want to puke
SUPERCOMPUTER: what it sounded like before you bought it.
If it's really a supercomputer, how come the bullets don't bounce off when I shoot it? . The Covert Comic.
A computer is like an Old Testament god, with a lot of rules and no mercy. . Joseph Campbell
I dropped my computer on my foot! That Megahurtz!!
A computer's attention span is as long as it's power cord
586: The average IQ needed to understand a PC
Memory is like an orgasm. It's a lot better if you don't have to fake it
If it jams, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.
A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk I have a workstation..
Want to come see my HARD DRIVE ? I promise it isn't 3.5 inches and it ain't floppy. . Geek pick-up line.
If you torture the data enough, it will confess. . Ronald Coase
If you give someone a program, you will frustrate them for a day; if you teach them how to program, you will frustrate them for a lifetime
ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI!
Use the source, Luke...
Programming is an art form that fights back
MacOS, Windows, BeOS: they're all just Xerox copies
Whenever you think you have a clever programming trick... forget it!
Managing senior programmers is like herding cats. . Dave Platt
Your program is sick ! Shoot it and put it out of its memory
/* You are not expected to understand this */
To define recursion, we must first define recursion
ERROR: Computer possessed; Load EXOR.SYS ? [Y/N]
Linux is only free if your time is worthless
Linux: find out what you've been missing while you've been rebooting Windows NT
unzip; strip; touch; finger; mount; fsck; more; yes; unmount; sleep
Profanity is the one language all programmers know best
It's 5.50 a.m.... Do you know where your stack pointer is?
#define QUESTION ((bb) || !(bb)) . Shakespeare
The more I C, the less I see.
Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Unix is the answer, but only if you phrase the question very carefully
C++: Hard to learn and built to stay that way
Java is, in many ways, C++-- . Michael Feldman.
They don't make bugs like Bunny anymore . Olav Mjelde
If debugging is the process of removing software bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in
When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem you encounter resembles a nail
System Error: press F13 to continue...
To err is human, but for a real disaster you need a computer
Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes
Life would be so much easier if we only had the source code
Who is this 'General Failure' and why is he reading my disk?
InspIRCd, now with excessive ammounts of Cheeze
I'm in the computer business, I make Out-Of-Order signs
Kevorkian Virus: helps your computer shut down whenever it wants to.
Error, no keyboard . press F1 to continue.
Insert Something Funkeh.. err.. There! -->
Cannot delete tmp150---3.tmp: There is not enough free disk space. Delete one or more files to free disk space, and then try again
File not found. Should I fake it ? (Y/N)
The definition of an upgrade: Take old bugs out, put new ones in
If it's not on fire, it's a software problem
My software never has bugs. It just develops random features
It's a little-known fact that the Y1K problem caused the Dark Ages
Artificial Intelligence usually beats natural stupidity
Making fun of AOL users is like making fun of the kid in the wheel chair
Daddy, why doesn't this magnet pick up this floppy disk?
Daddy, what does FORMATTING DRIVE C mean?
See daddy ? All the keys are in alphabetical order now.
If you can't beat your computer at chess, do what I did . try kick-boxing.
Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue...
ASCII and ye shall receive.
The web is a dominatrix. Every where I turn, I see little buttons ordering me to Submit.
<FrostyCoolSlug> NO, You cannot dial 999, I'm downloading my mail ;/
640K ought to be enough for anybody. . Bill Gates, 1981
Windows not found, [P]arty, [C]elebrate, [D]rink?
English, the Microsoft of languages...
It's been said that Bill Gates named his company after his dick...
Ever notice how fast Windows runs ? -- Neither did I
If at first you don't succeed, work for Microsoft
We are Microsoft. Resistance Is Futile. You Will Be Assimilated
"Microsoft Works." . Oxymoron
Windows isn't a virus, viruses do something
PANIC! buffer = :NickServ WRITE_DB(3). <-- JUST KIDDING!
It just keeps going and going and going and going and goi <BANG>
All that I know is that nukes are comming from
I know all about the irc and the mirc cops.
M re ink n ed d, ple s r fil
Please refrain from feeding the IRC Operators. Thank you.
I know all about mirc stuff, hmm.. I think this channel is experiencing packet loss..
MacDonalds claims Macintosh stole their next idea of the iMac
I can't hold her any longer, captain, she's gonna bl.. sorry, got caught up in the moment
I recommend purchasing a Cyrix CPU for testing nuclear meltdowns
Is it an international rule to have the worst picture possible on your driver license?
Have you hugged your services coder, today?
Ever wonder why they make the colon flash on alarm clocks?
Whats this?.. blue screen with a VXD error?!.. I'VE BEEN NUKED!
do-do-bop-doo-doo-do-do-doo.. For those of you who know that song, you have problems..
be wery wery quiet... hunting wabbit...
I've been IRC Nuked"Great warrior? War does not make one great." - Yoda
"I find your lack of faith.....disturbing." - Darth Vader
"I have a bad feeling about this.."--All of the Star Wars characters.
Can I upgrade my Hard Drive to a WARP drive?
Canadian DOS prompt: EH?\>
Canadian DOS: "Yer sure, eh?" [y/n]
CONGRESS.SYS Corrupted: Re-boot Washington D.C (Y/n)?
I don't have a solution but I admire the problem.
Famous Last Words: Trust me. I know what I'm doing.
Hey Captain, I just created a black ho-÷p!%$û NO CARRIER
I like work ... I can sit and watch it for hours.
Access denied--nah nah na nah nah!
Bad command. Bad, bad command! Sit! Stay! Staaay..
Error: Keyboard not attached. Press F1 to continue.
*grumble* "You're just supposed to sit here?"
"Hey, what's this button d..<BOOM>" -W. Crusher
"He has become One with Himself!" "He's passed out!" "That too."-B5
For a funny quote, call back later.
Famous last words: 'You saw a WHAT around the corner?!'
I like work ... I can sit and watch it for hours.
If debugging is the process of removing bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in.
Copywight 1994 Elmer Fudd. All wights wesewved.
Cannot find REALITY.SYS. Universe halted.
BUFFERS=20 FILES=15 2nd down, 4th quarter, 5 yards to go!
My software never has bugs. It just develops random features.
Why doesn't DOS ever say 'EXCELLENT command or filename!?
Who's General Failure & why's he reading my disk?
Shell to DOS... Come in DOS, do you copy? Shell to DOS...
Computing Definition - Network-Admin: Primary person who just got set up for the blame of the system crash.
An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes which can be made in a very narrow field.
Famous last words: This is the safe way to do it.......
Famous Last Words: Trust me. I know what I'm doing.
Clinton, "I didn't say that - er, well - yes, but I didn't mean..."
CLINTON LEGACY??...even Pharaoh had only ten plagues...
IBM I Bought McIntosh
IBM I Bring Manuals
IBM I've Been Moved
IBM Idolized By Management
IBM Impenetrable Brain Matter
IBM Imperialism By Marketing
IBM Incorrigible Boisterous Mammoth
IBM Inertia Breeds Mediocrity
IBM Ingenuity Becomes Mysterious
IBM Ingrained Batch Mentality
IBM Innovation By Management
IBM Insipid Belligerent Mossbacks
IBM Insipidly Bankrolling Millions
IBM Inspect Before Multiusing
IBM Install Bigger Memory
IBM Institution By Machiavelli
IBM Insultingly Boring Merchandisers
IBM Intellectuals Being Moronized
IBM Intelligence Belittling Meaning
IBM Intimidated, Buffaloed Management
IBM Into Building Money
IBM Intolerant of Beards & Moustaches
IBM Invest Before Multi-tasking
IBM Investigate Baffling Malodor
IBM Irresponsible Behave Multinational
IBM It Beats Mattel
IBM It's a Big Mess
IBM It's Better Manually
IBM Itty Bitty Machine
IBM Institute for Black Magic
100,000 lemmings can't be wrong.
Murphy's Eighth Law: If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.
Rules of the game: Do not believe in miracles - rely on them.
Rules of the game: Any given program, once running, is obsolete.
Computing Definition - Error: What someone else has made when they disagree with your computer output.
Backup not found: (A)bort (R)etry (P)anic
WinErr 653: Multitasking attempted - system confused.
Cannot join #real_life (invite only)
"Unfortunatly, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself." - Matrix
"Reality is a thing of the past" - Matrix
"The future will not be user friendly" - Matrix
"The general idea in chat is to make yourself understandable... ..." - Peer
"heh i am talkin to someone...she not dead...yet anyways" - Stinky

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
This is the InspIRCd rules file.
Place any network or server rules here :)