This should give more time for clients on slow connections that
want to do a lot of things (request caps, do SASL auth, etc) on
Reported by @ensra.
This module has significant improvements on the previous one:
* Flags which actually make sense.
* Better compatibility with other SILENCE implementations.
* Support for blocking CTCPs.
* Support for blocking TAGMSGs.
MaxMind have EOL'd the library that the geoip module uses and have
replaced it with libmaxminddb.
The geoip module has been split into geo_maxmind which provides
geolocation data, geoban which provides location-based channel
bans, and geoclass which is used to filter a user into a connect
class based on location.
- Merge the 2.0 extras module m_privdeaf (usermode +D for deaf to
user messages and notices) as they have a similar purpose.
- Improve the channel deaf logic where a known case of bypassing
still looped the channel userlist building an empty exemption list.
- Improve the comments within the code.
- Update the documentation with the previously undocumented
configuration to deaf and the new privdeaf configuration.
This is treated internally as a PRIVMSG with a few exceptions:
1. The command MUST have exactly one target.
2. The target MUST be a user.
3. The target MUST be on a u-lined server (e.g. NickServ).
- Change any "-Line", ":Line", or "*line" to "-line" throughout
the X-line code, comments, and documentation.
- Add periods to the end of some notices.
- Correct a typo in the Q-line code comments.
- Update the filter module documentation (shun addition).
Co-authored-by: Robby <>
The old method of doing this was:
1. Extremely inconsistently used. Some list modes used <banlist>
and some used their own config tag.
2. Not documented in the slightest. There was a small reference to
<maxbans> for the ban mode but nothing else.
3. In some cases conflicting with other config tags. The chanfilter
module defined a <chanfilter> tag for general config whilst also
using it for the max list settings.
The new <maxlist> tag avoids these issues entirely.