/* * InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon * * Copyright (C) 2019 Matt Schatz * Copyright (C) 2018-2023 Sadie Powell * Copyright (C) 2018 linuxdaemon * Copyright (C) 2018 Attila Molnar * * This file is part of InspIRCd. InspIRCd is free software: you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "inspircd.h" #include "clientprotocolevent.h" namespace { class Settings final { typedef insp::flat_map RanksToSeeMap; RanksToSeeMap rankstosee; public: ModeHandler::Rank GetRequiredRank(const ModeHandler& mh) const { RanksToSeeMap::const_iterator it = rankstosee.find(mh.name); if (it != rankstosee.end()) return it->second; return 0; } void Load(const Module* mod) { RanksToSeeMap newranks; for (const auto& [_, tag] : ServerInstance->Config->ConfTags("hidemode")) { const std::string modename = tag->getString("mode"); if (modename.empty()) throw ModuleException(mod, " is empty at " + tag->source.str()); ModeHandler::Rank rank = tag->getNum("rank", 0); if (!rank) throw ModuleException(mod, " must be greater than 0 at " + tag->source.str()); ServerInstance->Logs.Debug(MODNAME, "Hiding the {} mode from users below rank {}", modename, rank); newranks.emplace(modename, rank); } rankstosee.swap(newranks); } }; class ModeHook final : public ClientProtocol::EventHook { typedef insp::flat_map FilteredModeMap; std::vector modechangelists; std::list filteredmodelist; std::list filteredmsgplists; FilteredModeMap cache; static ModResult HandleResult(const ClientProtocol::MessageList* filteredmessagelist, ClientProtocol::MessageList& messagelist) { // Deny if member isn't allowed to see even a single mode change from this mode event if (!filteredmessagelist) return MOD_RES_DENY; // Member is allowed to see at least one mode change, replace list if (filteredmessagelist != &messagelist) messagelist = *filteredmessagelist; return MOD_RES_PASSTHRU; } Modes::ChangeList* FilterModeChangeList(const ClientProtocol::Events::Mode& mode, ModeHandler::Rank rank) { Modes::ChangeList* modechangelist = nullptr; for (Modes::ChangeList::List::const_iterator i = mode.GetChangeList().getlist().begin(); i != mode.GetChangeList().getlist().end(); ++i) { const Modes::Change& curr = *i; if (settings.GetRequiredRank(*curr.mh) <= rank) { // No restriction on who can see this mode or there is one but the member's rank is sufficient if (modechangelist) modechangelist->push(curr); continue; } // Member cannot see the current mode change if (!modechangelist) { // Create new mode change list or reuse the last one if it's empty if ((modechangelists.empty()) || (!modechangelists.back().empty())) modechangelists.emplace_back(); // Add all modes to it which we've accepted so far modechangelists.back().push(mode.GetChangeList().getlist().begin(), i); modechangelist = &modechangelists.back(); } } return modechangelist; } void OnEventInit(const ClientProtocol::Event& ev) override { cache.clear(); filteredmsgplists.clear(); filteredmodelist.clear(); modechangelists.clear(); // Ensure no reallocations will happen const size_t numprefixmodes = ServerInstance->Modes.GetPrefixModes().size(); modechangelists.reserve(numprefixmodes); } ModResult OnPreEventSend(LocalUser* user, const ClientProtocol::Event& ev, ClientProtocol::MessageList& messagelist) override { const ClientProtocol::Events::Mode& mode = static_cast(ev); Channel* const chan = mode.GetMessages().front().GetChanTarget(); if (!chan) return MOD_RES_PASSTHRU; if (user->HasPrivPermission("channels/auspex")) return MOD_RES_PASSTHRU; Membership* const memb = chan->GetUser(user); if (!memb) return MOD_RES_PASSTHRU; // Check cache first const FilteredModeMap::const_iterator it = cache.find(memb->GetRank()); if (it != cache.end()) return HandleResult(it->second, messagelist); // Message for this rank isn't cached, generate it now const Modes::ChangeList* const filteredchangelist = FilterModeChangeList(mode, memb->GetRank()); // If no new change list was generated (above method returned NULL) it means the member and everyone else // with the same rank can see everything in the original change list. ClientProtocol::MessageList* finalmsgplist = &messagelist; if (filteredchangelist) { if (filteredchangelist->empty()) { // This rank cannot see any mode changes in the original change list finalmsgplist = nullptr; } else { // This rank can see some of the mode changes in the filtered mode change list. // Create and store a new protocol message from it. filteredmsgplists.emplace_back(); ClientProtocol::Events::Mode::BuildMessages(mode.GetMessages().front().GetSourceUser(), chan, nullptr, *filteredchangelist, filteredmodelist, filteredmsgplists.back()); finalmsgplist = &filteredmsgplists.back(); } } // Cache the result in all cases so it can be reused for further members with the same rank cache.emplace(memb->GetRank(), finalmsgplist); return HandleResult(finalmsgplist, messagelist); } public: Settings settings; ModeHook(Module* mod) : ClientProtocol::EventHook(mod, "MODE", 10) { } }; } class ModuleHideMode final : public Module { private: ModeHook modehook; public: ModuleHideMode() : Module(VF_VENDOR, "Allows mode changes to be hidden from users without a prefix mode ranked equal to or higher than a defined level.") , modehook(this) { } void ReadConfig(ConfigStatus& status) override { modehook.settings.Load(this); } }; MODULE_INIT(ModuleHideMode)