Since the first commit in January 2003 111 people have submitted patches, commits, and other useful contributions to InspIRCd. These people, ordered by the number of contributions they have made, are: * Craig Edwards * Sadie Powell * Attila Molnar * Robin Burchell * Daniel De Graaf * Dennis Friis * Oliver Lupton * John Brooks * Adam * Craig McLure * Matt Schatz * Thomas Stagner * Robby * Daniel Vassdal * Matt Smith * Geoff Bricker * linuxdaemon * Pippijn van Steenhoven * Ariadne Conill * burlex * jackmcbarn * Uli Schlachter * B00mX0r * ChrisTX * fez * Shawn Smith * DjSlash * blitmap * jamie * Justin Crawford * Wade Cline * iwalkalone * katsklaw * Val Lorentz * Dylan Frank * satmd * Steven Van Acker * Dan Parsons * Googolplexed * Herman * Mantas Mikulėnas * Renegade334 * Sheogorath * typobox43 * Anatole Denis * Andrio Celos * Ben Harris * Chin Lee * Christopher 'm4z' Holm * eggy * Glen Miner * Guillaume Delacour * James Lu * JD Horelick * Jens Voss * Johanna A * Kyle Fuller * Marcus Rueckert * md_5 * Michael * Michael Hazell * Molly Miller * PhilSliderS * 0x277F <> * A_D * Adrien Bustany * Akinwale Ariwodola * Alyx * Boleslaw Tokarski * Chew * Chris Novakovic * Christian Höltje * Christoph Egger * Christos Triantafyllidis * David Lamont * David Schultz * delthas * Dominic Hamon * edef * ElementalAlchemist * Elizabeth Myers * emerson * Filippo Cortigiani * Florian Praden * Garrett Holmstrom * Hendrik Jäger * James Wheare * Joel Sing * Jordyn/The Linux Geek * Josh Soref * Julien Vehent * JustArchi * Larry Williamson * Matthew Martin * newuser1 * nia * Nicole Kleinhoff * Pierre Carrier * Puck Meerburg * R-V6 * randomdan * Richard Bradfield * systocrat * ThatOneRoadie * The Aviator * Thiago Crepaldi * Thomas Fargeix * Tim Heckman * Vitor Luis * WindowsUser