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* InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon
* Copyright (C) 2018, 2020-2023 Sadie Powell <sadie@witchery.services>
* Copyright (C) 2018 Attila Molnar <attilamolnar@hush.com>
* This file is part of InspIRCd. InspIRCd is free software: you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
namespace ClientProtocol
namespace Messages
class Numeric;
class Join;
struct Part;
struct Kick;
struct Quit;
struct Nick;
class Mode;
struct Topic;
class Privmsg;
struct Invite;
struct Ping;
struct Pong;
struct Error;
/** Numeric message.
* Doesn't have a fixed command name, it's always a 3 digit number padded with zeroes if necessary.
* The first parameter is the target of the numeric which is almost always the nick of the user
* the numeric will be sent to.
class CoreExport ClientProtocol::Messages::Numeric
: public ClientProtocol::Message
char numericstr[4];
void InitCommand(unsigned int number)
snprintf(numericstr, sizeof(numericstr), "%03u", number);
void InitFromNumeric(const ::Numeric::Numeric& numeric)
for (const auto& param : numeric.GetParams())
/** Constructor, target is a User.
* @param num Numeric object to send. Must remain valid as long as this object is alive and must not be modified.
* @param user User to send the numeric to. May be partially connected, must remain valid as long as this object is alive.
Numeric(const ::Numeric::Numeric& num, User* user)
: ClientProtocol::Message(nullptr, (num.GetServer() ? num.GetServer() : ServerInstance->FakeClient->server)->GetPublicName())
if (user->connected & User::CONN_NICK)
/** Constructor, target is a string.
* @param num Numeric object to send. Must remain valid as long as this object is alive and must not be modified.
* @param target Target string, must stay valid as long as this object is alive.
Numeric(const ::Numeric::Numeric& num, const std::string& target)
: ClientProtocol::Message(nullptr, (num.GetServer() ? num.GetServer() : ServerInstance->FakeClient->server)->GetPublicName())
/** Constructor. Only the numeric number has to be specified.
* @param num Numeric number.
Numeric(unsigned int num)
: ClientProtocol::Message(nullptr, ServerInstance->Config->GetServerName())
/** JOIN message.
* Sent when a user joins a channel.
class CoreExport ClientProtocol::Messages::Join
: public ClientProtocol::Message
Membership* memb;
/** Constructor. Does not populate parameters, call SetParams() before sending the message.
: ClientProtocol::Message("JOIN")
, memb(nullptr)
/** Constructor.
* @param Memb Membership of the joining user.
Join(Membership* Memb)
: ClientProtocol::Message("JOIN", Memb->user)
/** Constructor.
* @param Memb Membership of the joining user.
* @param sourcestrref Message source string, must remain valid as long as this object is alive.
Join(Membership* Memb, const std::string& sourcestrref)
: ClientProtocol::Message("JOIN", sourcestrref, Memb->user)
/** Populate parameters from a Membership
* @param Memb Membership of the joining user.
void SetParams(Membership* Memb)
memb = Memb;
/** Get the Membership of the joining user.
* @return Membership of the joining user.
Membership* GetMember() const { return memb; }
/** PART message.
* Sent when a user parts a channel.
struct CoreExport ClientProtocol::Messages::Part
: public ClientProtocol::Message
/** Constructor.
* @param memb Member parting.
* @param reason Part reason, may be empty. If non-empty, must remain valid as long as this object is alive.
Part(Membership* memb, const std::string& reason)
: ClientProtocol::Message("PART", memb->user)
if (!reason.empty())
/** KICK message.
* Sent when a user is kicked from a channel.
struct CoreExport ClientProtocol::Messages::Kick
: public ClientProtocol::Message
/** Constructor.
* @param source User that does the kick.
* @param memb Membership of the user being kicked.
* @param reason Kick reason. Must remain valid as long as this object is alive.
Kick(User* source, Membership* memb, const std::string& reason)
: ClientProtocol::Message("KICK", source)
/** QUIT message.
* Sent when a user quits.
struct CoreExport ClientProtocol::Messages::Quit
: public ClientProtocol::Message
/** Constructor.
* @param source User quitting.
* @param reason Quit reason, may be empty. Must remain valid as long as this object is alive.
Quit(User* source, const std::string& reason)
: ClientProtocol::Message("QUIT", source)
if (!reason.empty())
/** NICK message.
* Sent when a user changes their nickname.
struct CoreExport ClientProtocol::Messages::Nick
: public ClientProtocol::Message
/** Constructor.
* @param source User changing nicks.
* @param newnick New nickname. Must remain valid as long as this object is alive.
Nick(User* source, const std::string& newnick)
: ClientProtocol::Message("NICK", source)
/** MODE message.
* Sent when modes are changed on a user or channel.
class CoreExport ClientProtocol::Messages::Mode
: public ClientProtocol::Message
Channel* chantarget;
User* usertarget;
Modes::ChangeList::List::const_iterator beginit;
Modes::ChangeList::List::const_iterator lastit;
/** Convert a range of a mode change list to mode letters and '+', '-' symbols.
* @param list Mode change list.
* @param maxlinelen Maximum output length.
* @param beginit Iterator to the first element in 'list' to process.
* @param lastit Iterator which is set to the first element not processed due to length limitations by the method.
static std::string ToModeLetters(const Modes::ChangeList::List& list, std::string::size_type maxlinelen, Modes::ChangeList::List::const_iterator beginit, Modes::ChangeList::List::const_iterator& lastit)
std::string ret;
std::string::size_type paramlength = 0;
char output_pm = '\0'; // current output state, '+' or '-'
Modes::ChangeList::List::const_iterator i;
for (i = beginit; i != list.end(); ++i)
const Modes::Change& item = *i;
const char needed_pm = (item.adding ? '+' : '-');
if (needed_pm != output_pm)
output_pm = needed_pm;
if (!item.param.empty())
paramlength += item.param.length() + 1;
if (ret.length() + 1 + paramlength > maxlinelen)
// Mode sequence is getting too long
if ((ret.back() == '+') || (ret.back() == '-'))
lastit = i;
return ret;
/** Push mode parameters for modes that have one, starting at beginit to lastit (not including lastit).
void PushModeParams()
for (Modes::ChangeList::List::const_iterator i = beginit; i != lastit; ++i)
const Modes::Change& item = *i;
if (!item.param.empty())
/** Convert an entire mode change list into mode letters and '+' and '-' characters.
* @param changelist Mode change list to convert into mode letters.
* @return Mode letters.
static std::string ToModeLetters(const Modes::ChangeList& changelist)
std::string dummystr;
Modes::ChangeList::List::const_iterator dummy;
return ToModeLetters(changelist.getlist(), dummystr.max_size(), changelist.getlist().begin(), dummy);
/** Constructor, populate parameters starting from a given position in a mode change list.
* @param source User doing the mode change.
* @param Chantarget Channel target of the mode change. May be NULL if Usertarget is non-NULL.
* @param Usertarget User target of the mode change. May be NULL if Chantarget is non-NULL.
* @param changelist Mode change list. Must remain valid and unchanged as long as this object is alive or until the next SetParams() call.
* @param beginiter Starting position of mode changes in 'changelist'.
Mode(User* source, Channel* Chantarget, User* Usertarget, const Modes::ChangeList& changelist, Modes::ChangeList::List::const_iterator beginiter)
: ClientProtocol::Message("MODE", source)
, chantarget(Chantarget)
, usertarget(Usertarget)
, beginit(beginiter)
PushParam(ToModeLetters(changelist.getlist(), 450, beginit, lastit));
/** Constructor, populate parameters starting from the beginning of a mode change list.
* @param source User doing the mode change.
* @param Chantarget Channel target of the mode change. May be NULL if Usertarget is non-NULL.
* @param Usertarget User target of the mode change. May be NULL if Chantarget is non-NULL.
* @param changelist Mode change list. Must remain valid and unchanged as long as this object is alive or until the next SetParams() call.
Mode(User* source, Channel* Chantarget, User* Usertarget, const Modes::ChangeList& changelist)
: ClientProtocol::Message("MODE", source)
, chantarget(Chantarget)
, usertarget(Usertarget)
, beginit(changelist.getlist().begin())
PushParam(ToModeLetters(changelist.getlist(), 450, beginit, lastit));
/** Constructor. Does not populate parameters, call SetParams() before sending the message.
* The message source is set to the local server.
: ClientProtocol::Message("MODE", ServerInstance->FakeClient)
, chantarget(nullptr)
, usertarget(nullptr)
/** Set parameters
* @param Chantarget Channel target of the mode change. May be NULL if Usertarget is non-NULL.
* @param Usertarget User target of the mode change. May be NULL if Chantarget is non-NULL.
* @param changelist Mode change list. Must remain valid and unchanged as long as this object is alive or until the next SetParams() call.
void SetParams(Channel* Chantarget, User* Usertarget, const Modes::ChangeList& changelist)
chantarget = Chantarget;
usertarget = Usertarget;
beginit = changelist.getlist().begin();
PushParam(ToModeLetters(changelist.getlist(), 450, beginit, lastit));
/** Get first mode change included in this MODE message.
* @return Iterator to the first mode change that is included in this MODE message.
Modes::ChangeList::List::const_iterator GetBeginIterator() const { return beginit; }
/** Get first mode change not included in this MODE message.
* @return Iterator to the first mode change that is not included in this MODE message.
Modes::ChangeList::List::const_iterator GetEndIterator() const { return lastit; }
/** Get mode change target as a string.
* This is the name of the channel if the mode change targets a channel or the nickname of the user
* if the target is a user.
* @return Name of target as a string.
const std::string& GetStrTarget() const { return (chantarget ? chantarget->name : usertarget->nick); }
/** Get user target.
* @return User target or NULL if the mode change targets a channel.
User* GetUserTarget() const { return usertarget; }
/** Get channel target.
* @return Channel target or NULL if the mode change targets a user.
Channel* GetChanTarget() const { return chantarget; }
/** TOPIC message.
struct CoreExport ClientProtocol::Messages::Topic
: public ClientProtocol::Message
/** Constructor.
* @param source User changing the topic.
* @param chan Channel the topic is being changed on.
* @param newtopic New topic. May be empty, must remain valid as long as this object is alive.
Topic(User* source, const Channel* chan, const std::string& newtopic)
: ClientProtocol::Message("TOPIC", source)
/** PRIVMSG and NOTICE message.
class CoreExport ClientProtocol::Messages::Privmsg
: public ClientProtocol::Message
void PushTargetChan(char status, const Channel* targetchan)
if (status)
std::string rawtarget(1, status);
void PushTargetUser(const User* targetuser)
if (targetuser->connected & User::CONN_NICK)
/** Used to differentiate constructors that copy the text from constructors that do not.
enum NoCopy { nocopy };
/** Get command name from MessageType.
* @param mt Message type to get command name for.
* @return Command name for the message type.
static const char* CommandStrFromMsgType(MessageType mt)
return ((mt == MessageType::PRIVMSG) ? "PRIVMSG" : "NOTICE");
/** Constructor, user source, string target, copies text.
* @param source Source user.
* @param target Privmsg target string.
* @param text Privmsg text, will be copied.
* @param mt Message type.
Privmsg(User* source, const std::string& target, const std::string& text, MessageType mt = MessageType::PRIVMSG)
: ClientProtocol::Message(CommandStrFromMsgType(mt), source)
/** Constructor, user source, user target, copies text.
* @param source Source user.
* @param targetchan Target channel.
* @param text Privmsg text, will be copied.
* @param mt Message type.
* @param status Prefix character for status messages. If non-zero the message is a status message. Optional, defaults to 0.
Privmsg(User* source, const Channel* targetchan, const std::string& text, MessageType mt = MessageType::PRIVMSG, char status = 0)
: ClientProtocol::Message(CommandStrFromMsgType(mt), source)
PushTargetChan(status, targetchan);
/** Constructor, user source, user target, copies text.
* @param source Source user.
* @param targetuser Target user.
* @param text Privmsg text, will be copied.
* @param mt Message type.
Privmsg(User* source, const User* targetuser, const std::string& text, MessageType mt = MessageType::PRIVMSG)
: ClientProtocol::Message(CommandStrFromMsgType(mt), source)
/** Constructor, string source, string target, copies text.
* @param source Source user.
* @param target Target string.
* @param text Privmsg text, will be copied.
* @param mt Message type.
* @param status Prefix character for status messages. If non-zero the message is a status message. Optional, defaults to 0.
Privmsg(const std::string& source, const std::string& target, const std::string& text, MessageType mt = MessageType::PRIVMSG, char status = 0)
: ClientProtocol::Message(CommandStrFromMsgType(mt), source)
if (status)
std::string rawtarget(1, status);
/** Constructor, string source, channel target, copies text.
* @param source Source string.
* @param targetchan Target channel.
* @param text Privmsg text, will be copied.
* @param status Prefix character for status messages. If non-zero the message is a status message. Optional, defaults to 0.
* @param mt Message type.
Privmsg(const std::string& source, const Channel* targetchan, const std::string& text, MessageType mt = MessageType::PRIVMSG, char status = 0)
: ClientProtocol::Message(CommandStrFromMsgType(mt), source)
PushTargetChan(status, targetchan);
/** Constructor, string source, user target, copies text.
* @param source Source string.
* @param targetuser Target user.
* @param text Privmsg text, will be copied.
* @param mt Message type.
Privmsg(const std::string& source, const User* targetuser, const std::string& text, MessageType mt = MessageType::PRIVMSG)
: ClientProtocol::Message(CommandStrFromMsgType(mt), source)
/** Constructor, user source, string target, copies text.
* @param source Source user.
* @param target Target string.
* @param text Privmsg text, will not be copied.
* @param mt Message type.
Privmsg(NoCopy, User* source, const std::string& target, const std::string& text, MessageType mt = MessageType::PRIVMSG)
: ClientProtocol::Message(CommandStrFromMsgType(mt), source)
/** Constructor, user source, channel target, does not copy text.
* @param source Source user.
* @param targetchan Target channel.
* @param text Privmsg text, will not be copied.
* @param status Prefix character for status messages. If non-zero the message is a status message. Optional, defaults to 0.
* @param mt Message type.
Privmsg(NoCopy, User* source, const Channel* targetchan, const std::string& text, MessageType mt = MessageType::PRIVMSG, char status = 0)
: ClientProtocol::Message(CommandStrFromMsgType(mt), source)
PushTargetChan(status, targetchan);
/** Constructor, user source, user target, does not copy text.
* @param source Source user.
* @param targetuser Target user.
* @param text Privmsg text, will not be copied.
* @param mt Message type.
Privmsg(NoCopy, User* source, const User* targetuser, const std::string& text, MessageType mt = MessageType::PRIVMSG)
: ClientProtocol::Message(CommandStrFromMsgType(mt), source)
/** Constructor, string source, string target, does not copy text.
* @param source Source string.
* @param target Target string.
* @param text Privmsg text, will not be copied.
* @param mt Message type.
Privmsg(NoCopy, const std::string& source, const std::string& target, const std::string& text, MessageType mt = MessageType::PRIVMSG)
: ClientProtocol::Message(CommandStrFromMsgType(mt), source)
/** Constructor, string source, channel target, does not copy text.
* @param source Source string.
* @param targetchan Target channel.
* @param text Privmsg text, will not be copied.
* @param status Prefix character for status messages. If non-zero the message is a status message. Optional, defaults to 0.
* @param mt Message type.
Privmsg(NoCopy, const std::string& source, const Channel* targetchan, const std::string& text, MessageType mt = MessageType::PRIVMSG, char status = 0)
: ClientProtocol::Message(CommandStrFromMsgType(mt), source)
PushTargetChan(status, targetchan);
/** Constructor, string source, user target, does not copy text.
* @param source Source string.
* @param targetuser Target user.
* @param text Privmsg text, will not be copied.
* @param mt Message type.
Privmsg(NoCopy, const std::string& source, const User* targetuser, const std::string& text, MessageType mt = MessageType::PRIVMSG)
: ClientProtocol::Message(CommandStrFromMsgType(mt), source)
/** INVITE message.
* Sent when a user is invited to join a channel.
struct CoreExport ClientProtocol::Messages::Invite
: public ClientProtocol::Message
/** Constructor.
* @param source User inviting the target user.
* @param target User being invited by source.
* @param chan Channel the target user is being invited to.
Invite(User* source, User* target, Channel* chan)
: ClientProtocol::Message("INVITE", source)
/** PING message.
* Used to check if a connection is still alive.
struct CoreExport ClientProtocol::Messages::Ping
: public ClientProtocol::Message
/** Constructor.
* The ping cookie is the name of the local server.
: ClientProtocol::Message("PING")
/** Constructor.
* @param cookie Ping cookie. Must remain valid as long as this object is alive.
Ping(const std::string& cookie)
: ClientProtocol::Message("PING")
/** PONG message.
* Sent as a reply to PING.
struct CoreExport ClientProtocol::Messages::Pong
: public ClientProtocol::Message
/** Constructor.
* @param cookie Ping cookie. Must remain valid as long as this object is alive.
* @param server Pinged server. Must remain valid as long as this object is alive.
Pong(const std::string& cookie, const std::string& server = "")
: ClientProtocol::Message("PONG", ServerInstance->Config->GetServerName())
/** ERROR message.
* Sent to clients upon disconnection.
struct CoreExport ClientProtocol::Messages::Error
: public ClientProtocol::Message
/** Constructor.
* @param text Error text.
Error(const std::string& text)
: ClientProtocol::Message("ERROR")