2024-10-16 12:25:20 +01:00

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* InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon
* Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Sadie Powell <sadie@witchery.services>
* This file is part of InspIRCd. InspIRCd is free software: you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
namespace ExtBan
class Acting;
class ActingBase;
class Base;
class EventListener;
class MatchingBase;
class Manager;
class ManagerRef;
/** All possible results for CompareResult. */
enum class Comparison
: uint8_t
/** The value passed to CompareResult is not an extban. */
/** The extban is equivalent to the specified value. */
/** The extban is not equivalent to the specified value. */
/** All possible extban formats. */
enum class Format
: uint8_t
/** Do not perform any normalisation of extbans. */
/** Normalise extbans to use their name (e.g. mute). */
/** Normalise extbans to use their letter (e.g. m). */
/** All possible types of extban. */
enum class Type
: uint8_t
/** The extban takes action against specific behaviour (e.g. nokicks). */
/** The extban matches against a specific pattern (e.g. sslfp). */
/** The underlying type of an extban letter. */
using Letter = std::string::value_type;
/** Parses a ban entry and extracts an extban from it.
* @param banentry The ban entry to parse.
* @param name The parsed name of the extban.
* @param value The parsed value of the extban.
* @param inverted Whether the extban is inverted.
* @return True if an extban was extracted from the ban entry; otherwise, false.
inline bool Parse(const std::string& banentry, std::string& name, std::string& value, bool& inverted);
/** Manager for the extban system. */
class ExtBan::Manager
: public DataProvider
/** Initializes an instance of the ExtBan::Base class.
* @param mod The module which created this instance.
Manager(Module* mod)
: DataProvider(mod, "extbanmanager")
/** A mapping of extban letters to their associated object. */
typedef std::unordered_map<ExtBan::Letter, ExtBan::Base*> LetterMap;
/** A mapping of extban names to their associated objects. */
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, ExtBan::Base*, irc::insensitive, irc::StrHashComp> NameMap;
/** Registers an extban with the manager.
* @param extban The extban instance to register.
virtual void AddExtBan(Base* extban) = 0;
/** Canonicalises a list mode entry if it is an extban.
* @param text The list mode entry to canonicalize.
* @return True if the text was a valid extban and was canonicalised. Otherwise, false.
virtual bool Canonicalize(std::string& text) const = 0;
/** Compares an entry from this list with the specified value.
* @param lm The list mode which is the entry exists on.
* @param entry The list entry to compare against.
* @param value The value to compare to.
* @return MATCH if the entries match and NOT_MATCH if the entries do not match.
virtual Comparison CompareEntry(const ListModeBase* lm, const std::string& entry, const std::string& value) const = 0;
/** Unregisters an extban from the manager.
* @param extban The extban instance to unregister.
virtual void DelExtBan(Base* extban) = 0;
/** Retrieves the method used for normalising extbans. */
virtual Format GetFormat() const = 0;
/** Retrieves a mapping of extban letters to their associated object. */
virtual const LetterMap& GetLetterMap() const = 0;
/** Retrieves a mapping of extban names to their associated object. */
virtual const NameMap& GetNameMap() const = 0;
/** Retrieves the status of an acting extban.
* @param extban The extban to get the status of.
* @param user The user to match the extban against.
* @param channel The channel which the extban is set on.
* @return MOD_RES_ALLOW if the user is exempted, MOD_RES_DENY if the user is banned, or
* MOD_RES_PASSTHRU if the extban is not set.
virtual ModResult GetStatus(ActingBase* extban, User* user, Channel* channel) const = 0;
/** Finds an extban by name or letter.
* @param xbname The name or letter of the extban to find.
Base* Find(const std::string& xbname) const { return xbname.length() == 1 ? FindLetter(xbname[0]) : FindName(xbname); }
/** Finds an extban by letter.
* @param xbletter The letter of the extban to find.
virtual Base* FindLetter(ExtBan::Letter xbletter) const = 0;
/** Finds an extban by name.
* @param xbname The name of the extban to find.
virtual Base* FindName(const std::string& xbname) const = 0;
/** Dynamic reference to the extban manager class. */
class ExtBan::ManagerRef final
: public dynamic_reference_nocheck<ExtBan::Manager>
ManagerRef(Module* mod)
: dynamic_reference_nocheck<ExtBan::Manager>(mod, "extbanmanager")
/** Base class for types of extban. */
class ExtBan::Base
: public ServiceProvider
, private dynamic_reference_base::CaptureHook
/** Whether this ExtBan is currently enabled. */
bool active = false;
/** The character used in bans to signify this extban (e.g. z). */
ExtBan::Letter letter;
/** A reference to the extban manager. */
dynamic_reference<Manager> manager;
/** @copydoc dynamic_reference_base::CaptureHook::OnCapture */
void OnCapture() override
if (active)
/** Initializes an instance of the ExtBan::Base class.
* @param mod The module which created this instance.
* @param xbname The name used in bans to signify this extban.
* @param xbletter The character used in bans to signify this extban.
Base(Module* mod, const std::string& xbname, ExtBan::Letter xbletter)
: ServiceProvider(mod, xbname, SERVICE_CUSTOM)
, letter(ServerInstance->Config->ConfValue("extbans")->getCharacter(xbname, xbletter, true))
, manager(mod, "extbanmanager")
~Base() override
/** Canonicalises a value for this extban.
* @param text The value to canonicalize.
virtual void Canonicalize(std::string& text) { }
/** Retrieves the character used in bans to signify this extban. */
ExtBan::Letter GetLetter() const { return letter; }
/** Retrieves a pointer to the extban manager. */
Manager* GetManager() { return manager ? *manager : nullptr; }
/** Retrieves the name used in bans to signify this extban. */
const std::string& GetName() const { return name; }
/** Retrieves the type of this extban. */
virtual Type GetType() const = 0;
/** Retrieves whether this extban is enabled. */
bool IsActive() const { return active; }
/** Determines whether the specified user matches this extban.
* @param user The user to match the text against.
* @param channel The channel which the extban is set on.
* @param text The string to match the user against.
* @return True if the user matches the extban; otherwise, false.
virtual bool IsMatch(User* user, Channel* channel, const std::string& text) = 0;
/** @copydoc ServiceProvider::RegisterService */
void RegisterService() override
/** Toggles the active status of this extban.
* @param Active Whether this extban is active or not.
void SetActive(bool Active)
active = Active;
if (manager)
if (active)
/** Base class for acting extbans. */
class ExtBan::ActingBase
: public Base
/** Initializes an instance of the ExtBan::ActingBase class.
* @param mod The module which created this instance.
* @param xbname The name used in bans to signify this extban.
* @param xbletter The character used in bans to signify this extban.
ActingBase(Module* mod, const std::string& xbname, ExtBan::Letter xbletter)
: Base(mod, xbname, xbletter)
/** @copydoc ExtBan::Base::Canonicalize */
void Canonicalize(std::string& text) override
if (!GetManager() || !GetManager()->Canonicalize(text))
/** @copydoc ExtBan::Base::GetType */
Type GetType() const override { return ExtBan::Type::ACTING; }
/** @copydoc ExtBan::Base::IsMatch */
bool IsMatch(User* user, Channel* channel, const std::string& text) override
return channel->CheckBan(user, text);
/** A simple acting extban that has no fields. */
class ExtBan::Acting
: public ActingBase
/** Initializes an instance of the ExtBan::Acting class.
* @param mod The module which created this instance.
* @param xbname The name used in bans to signify this extban.
* @param xbletter The character used in bans to signify this extban.
Acting(Module* mod, const std::string& xbname, ExtBan::Letter xbletter)
: ActingBase(mod, xbname, xbletter)
/** Determines whether the specified user matches this acting extban on the specified channel.
* @param user The user to check.
* @param channel The channel to check on.
* @return MOD_RES_ALLOW to explicitly allow their action, MOD_RES_DENY to expicitly deny their
* action, or MOD_RES_PASSTHRU to let the default behaviour apply.
ModResult GetStatus(User* user, Channel* channel)
if (!GetManager())
return GetManager()->GetStatus(this, user, channel);
/** Base class for matching extbans. */
class ExtBan::MatchingBase
: public Base
/** Initializes an instance of the ExtBan::MatchingBase class.
* @param mod The module which created this instance.
* @param xbname The name used in bans to signify this extban.
* @param xbletter The character used in bans to signify this extban.
MatchingBase(Module* mod, const std::string& xbname, ExtBan::Letter xbletter)
: Base(mod, xbname, xbletter)
/** @copydoc ExtBan::Base::GetType */
Type GetType() const override { return ExtBan::Type::MATCHING; }
/** @copydoc ExtBan::Base::IsMatch */
virtual bool IsMatch(User* user, Channel* channel, const std::string& text) override = 0;
/** Provides events relating to extbans. */
class ExtBan::EventListener
: public Events::ModuleEventListener
EventListener(Module* mod, unsigned int eventprio = DefaultPriority)
: ModuleEventListener(mod, "event/extban", eventprio)
/** Called when an extban is being checked.
* @param user The user which the extban is being checked against.
* @param chan The channel which the extban is set on.
* @param extban The extban which is being checked against.
virtual ModResult OnExtBanCheck(User* user, Channel* chan, ExtBan::Base* extban) = 0;
inline bool ExtBan::Parse(const std::string& banentry, std::string& name, std::string& value, bool& inverted)
// The mask must be in the format [!]<letter>:<value> or [!]<name>:<value>.
inverted = false;
size_t startpos = 0;
if (banentry[0] == '!')
inverted = true;
size_t endpos = banentry.find_first_not_of("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", startpos);
if (endpos == std::string::npos || banentry[endpos] != ':')
return false;
name.assign(banentry, startpos, endpos - startpos);
value.assign(banentry, endpos + 1);
return true;