brain 2db77cda56 Automatic detection and allocation of max fds. No longer needs recompile to change, just adjust it in your kernel or whatever and restart insp.
Please note that select and iocp socket engines do not support detection and are always set to FD_SETSIZE and 10240 descriptors respectively.

git-svn-id: e03df62e-2008-0410-955e-edbf42e46eb7
2008-04-02 17:08:09 +00:00

403 lines
15 KiB

/* +------------------------------------+
* | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon |
* +------------------------------------+
* InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2008 InspIRCd Development Team
* See:
* This program is free but copyrighted software; see
* the file COPYING for details.
* ---------------------------------------------------
#ifndef __SOCKETENGINE__
#define __SOCKETENGINE__
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include "inspircd_config.h"
#include "base.h"
/** Types of event an EventHandler may receive.
* EVENT_READ is a readable file descriptor,
* and EVENT_WRITE is a writeable file descriptor.
* EVENT_ERROR can always occur, and indicates
* a write error or read error on the socket,
* e.g. EOF condition or broken pipe.
enum EventType
/** Read event */
/** Write event */
/** Error event */
class InspIRCd;
/** This class is a basic I/O handler class.
* Any object which wishes to receive basic I/O events
* from the socketengine must derive from this class and
* implement the HandleEvent() method. The derived class
* must then be added to SocketEngine using the method
* SocketEngine::AddFd(), after which point the derived
* class will receive events to its HandleEvent() method.
* The derived class should also implement one of Readable()
* and Writeable(). In the current implementation, only
* Readable() is used. If this returns true, the socketengine
* inserts a readable socket. If it is false, the socketengine
* inserts a writeable socket. The derived class should never
* change the value this function returns without first
* deleting the socket from the socket engine. The only
* requirement beyond this for an event handler is that it
* must have a file descriptor. What this file descriptor
* is actually attached to is completely up to you.
class CoreExport EventHandler : public Extensible
/** File descriptor.
* All events which can be handled
* must have a file descriptor.
* This allows you to add events for
* sockets, fifo's, pipes, and various
* other forms of IPC.
int fd;
/** Get the current file descriptor
* @return The file descriptor of this handler
int GetFd();
/** Set a new file desciptor
* @param FD The new file descriptor. Do not
* call this method without first deleting the
* object from the SocketEngine if you have
* added it to a SocketEngine instance.
void SetFd(int FD);
/** Constructor
EventHandler() {}
/** Destructor
virtual ~EventHandler() {}
/** Override this function to indicate readability.
* @return This should return true if the function
* wishes to receive EVENT_READ events. Do not change
* what this function returns while the event handler
* is still added to a SocketEngine instance!
* If this function is unimplemented, the base class
* will return true.
* NOTE: You cannot set both Readable() and
* Writeable() to true. If you wish to receive
* a write event for your object, you must call
* SocketEngine::WantWrite() instead. This will
* trigger your objects next EVENT_WRITE type event.
virtual bool Readable();
/** Override this function to indicate writeability.
* @return This should return true if the function
* wishes to receive EVENT_WRITE events. Do not change
* what this function returns while the event handler
* is still added to a SocketEngine instance!
* If this function is unimplemented, the base class
* will return false.
* NOTE: You cannot set both Readable() and
* Writeable() to true. If you wish to receive
* a write event for your object, you must call
* SocketEngine::WantWrite() instead. This will
* trigger your objects next EVENT_WRITE type event.
virtual bool Writeable();
/** Process an I/O event.
* You MUST implement this function in your derived
* class, and it will be called whenever read or write
* events are received, depending on what your functions
* Readable() and Writeable() returns and wether you
* previously made a call to SocketEngine::WantWrite().
* @param et either one of EVENT_READ for read events,
* and EVENT_WRITE for write events.
virtual void HandleEvent(EventType et, int errornum = 0) = 0;
/** Provides basic file-descriptor-based I/O support.
* The actual socketengine class presents the
* same interface on all operating systems, but
* its private members and internal behaviour
* should be treated as blackboxed, and vary
* from system to system and upon the config
* settings chosen by the server admin. The current
* version supports select, epoll and kqueue.
* The configure script will enable a socket engine
* based upon what OS is detected, and will derive
* a class from SocketEngine based upon what it finds.
* The derived classes file will also implement a
* classfactory, SocketEngineFactory, which will
* create a derived instance of SocketEngine using
* polymorphism so that the core and modules do not
* have to be aware of which SocketEngine derived
* class they are using.
class CoreExport SocketEngine : public Extensible
/** Owner/Creator
InspIRCd* ServerInstance;
/** Handle to socket engine, where needed.
int EngineHandle;
/** Current number of descriptors in the engine
int CurrentSetSize;
/** Reference table, contains all current handlers
EventHandler** ref;
double TotalEvents;
double ReadEvents;
double WriteEvents;
double ErrorEvents;
/** Constructor.
* The constructor transparently initializes
* the socket engine which the ircd is using.
* Please note that if there is a catastrophic
* failure (for example, you try and enable
* epoll on a 2.4 linux kernel) then this
* function may bail back to the shell.
* @param Instance The creator/owner of this object
SocketEngine(InspIRCd* Instance);
/** Destructor.
* The destructor transparently tidies up
* any resources used by the socket engine.
virtual ~SocketEngine();
/** Add an EventHandler object to the engine.
* Use AddFd to add a file descriptor to the
* engine and have the socket engine monitor
* it. You must provide an object derived from
* EventHandler which implements HandleEvent()
* and optionally Readable() and Writeable().
* @param eh An event handling object to add
virtual bool AddFd(EventHandler* eh);
/** If you call this function and pass it an
* event handler, that event handler will
* receive the next available write event,
* even if the socket is a readable socket only.
* Developers should avoid constantly keeping
* an eventhandler in the writeable state,
* as this will consume large amounts of
* CPU time.
* @param eh An event handler which wants to
* receive the next writeability event.
virtual void WantWrite(EventHandler* eh);
/** Returns the maximum number of file descriptors
* you may store in the socket engine at any one time.
* @return The maximum fd value
virtual int GetMaxFds();
/** Returns the number of file descriptor slots
* which are available for storing fds.
* @return The number of remaining fd's
virtual int GetRemainingFds();
/** Delete an event handler from the engine.
* This function call deletes an EventHandler
* from the engine, returning true if it succeeded
* and false if it failed. This does not free the
* EventHandler pointer using delete, if this is
* required you must do this yourself.
* Note on forcing deletes. DO NOT DO THIS! This is
* extremely dangerous and will most likely render the
* socketengine dead. This was added only for handling
* very rare cases where broken 3rd party libs destroys
* the OS socket beyond our control. If you can't explain
* in minute details why forcing is absolutely necessary
* then you don't need it. That was a NO!
* @param eh The event handler object to remove
* @param force *DANGEROUS* See method description!
* @return True if the event handler was removed
virtual bool DelFd(EventHandler* eh, bool force = false);
/** Returns true if a file descriptor exists in
* the socket engine's list.
* @param fd The event handler to look for
* @return True if this fd has an event handler
virtual bool HasFd(int fd);
/** Returns the EventHandler attached to a specific fd.
* If the fd isnt in the socketengine, returns NULL.
* @param fd The event handler to look for
* @return A pointer to the event handler, or NULL
virtual EventHandler* GetRef(int fd);
/** Waits for events and dispatches them to handlers.
* Please note that this doesnt wait long, only
* a couple of milliseconds. It returns the number of
* events which occured during this call.
* This method will dispatch events to their handlers
* by calling their EventHandler::HandleEvent()
* methods with the neccessary EventType value.
* @return The number of events which have occured.
virtual int DispatchEvents();
/** Returns the socket engines name.
* This returns the name of the engine for use
* in /VERSION responses.
* @return The socket engine name
virtual std::string GetName();
/** Returns true if the file descriptors in the
* given event handler are within sensible ranges
* which can be handled by the socket engine.
virtual bool BoundsCheckFd(EventHandler* eh);
/** Abstraction for BSD sockets accept(2).
* This function should emulate its namesake system call exactly.
* @param fd This version of the call takes an EventHandler instead of a bare file descriptor.
* @return This method should return exactly the same values as the system call it emulates.
virtual int Accept(EventHandler* fd, sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen);
/** Abstraction for BSD sockets close(2).
* This function should emulate its namesake system call exactly.
* @param fd This version of the call takes an EventHandler instead of a bare file descriptor.
* @return This method should return exactly the same values as the system call it emulates.
virtual int Close(EventHandler* fd);
/** Abstraction for BSD sockets close(2).
* This function should emulate its namesake system call exactly.
* This function should emulate its namesake system call exactly.
* @return This method should return exactly the same values as the system call it emulates.
virtual int Close(int fd);
/** Abstraction for BSD sockets send(2).
* This function should emulate its namesake system call exactly.
* @param fd This version of the call takes an EventHandler instead of a bare file descriptor.
* @return This method should return exactly the same values as the system call it emulates.
virtual int Send(EventHandler* fd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags);
/** Abstraction for BSD sockets recv(2).
* This function should emulate its namesake system call exactly.
* @param fd This version of the call takes an EventHandler instead of a bare file descriptor.
* @return This method should return exactly the same values as the system call it emulates.
virtual int Recv(EventHandler* fd, void *buf, size_t len, int flags);
/** Abstraction for BSD sockets recvfrom(2).
* This function should emulate its namesake system call exactly.
* @param fd This version of the call takes an EventHandler instead of a bare file descriptor.
* @return This method should return exactly the same values as the system call it emulates.
virtual int RecvFrom(EventHandler* fd, void *buf, size_t len, int flags, sockaddr *from, socklen_t *fromlen);
/** Abstraction for BSD sockets sendto(2).
* This function should emulate its namesake system call exactly.
* @param fd This version of the call takes an EventHandler instead of a bare file descriptor.
* @return This method should return exactly the same values as the system call it emulates.
virtual int SendTo(EventHandler* fd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags, const sockaddr *to, socklen_t tolen);
/** Abstraction for BSD sockets connect(2).
* This function should emulate its namesake system call exactly.
* @param fd This version of the call takes an EventHandler instead of a bare file descriptor.
* @return This method should return exactly the same values as the system call it emulates.
virtual int Connect(EventHandler* fd, const sockaddr *serv_addr, socklen_t addrlen);
/** Make a file descriptor blocking.
* @param fd a file descriptor to set to blocking mode
* @return 0 on success, -1 on failure, errno is set appropriately.
virtual int Blocking(int fd);
/** Make a file descriptor nonblocking.
* @param fd A file descriptor to set to nonblocking mode
* @return 0 on success, -1 on failure, errno is set appropriately.
virtual int NonBlocking(int fd);
/** Abstraction for BSD sockets shutdown(2).
* This function should emulate its namesake system call exactly.
* @param fd This version of the call takes an EventHandler instead of a bare file descriptor.
* @return This method should return exactly the same values as the system call it emulates.
virtual int Shutdown(EventHandler* fd, int how);
/** Abstraction for BSD sockets shutdown(2).
* This function should emulate its namesake system call exactly.
* @return This method should return exactly the same values as the system call it emulates.
virtual int Shutdown(int fd, int how);
/** Abstraction for BSD sockets bind(2).
* This function should emulate its namesake system call exactly.
* @return This method should return exactly the same values as the system call it emulates.
virtual int Bind(int fd, const sockaddr *my_addr, socklen_t addrlen);
/** Abstraction for BSD sockets listen(2).
* This function should emulate its namesake system call exactly.
* @return This method should return exactly the same values as the system call it emulates.
virtual int Listen(int sockfd, int backlog);
/** Abstraction for BSD sockets getsockname(2).
* This function should emulate its namesake system call exactly.
* @param fd This version of the call takes an EventHandler instead of a bare file descriptor.
* @return This method should return exactly the same values as the system call it emulates.
virtual int GetSockName(EventHandler* fd, sockaddr *name, socklen_t* namelen);
/** This function is called immediately after fork().
* Some socket engines (notably kqueue) cannot have their
* handles inherited by forked processes. This method
* allows for the socket engine to re-create its handle
* after the daemon forks as the socket engine is created
* long BEFORE the daemon forks.
* @return void, but it is acceptable for this function to bail back to
* the shell or operating system on fatal error.
virtual void RecoverFromFork();