brain 0757a4a495 mass tidyup, change A LOT of stuff to const char** which was char** (such as parameters to commands in handlers)
which makes the new lineparser work neater with no casts. This also removes tons of casts from other locations
(all in all, ive added 2 casts and removed almost a hundred)

git-svn-id: e03df62e-2008-0410-955e-edbf42e46eb7
2006-07-16 12:18:29 +00:00

1913 lines
88 KiB

/* +------------------------------------+
* | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon |
* +------------------------------------+
* InspIRCd is copyright (C) 2002-2006 ChatSpike-Dev.
* E-mail:
* <>
* <>
* Written by Craig Edwards, Craig McLure, and others.
* This program is free but copyrighted software; see
* the file COPYING for details.
* ---------------------------------------------------
#ifndef __MODULES_H
#define __MODULES_H
/** log levels
/** Used with OnAccessCheck() method of modules
enum AccessControlType {
ACR_DEFAULT, // Do default action (act as if the module isnt even loaded)
ACR_DENY, // deny the action
ACR_ALLOW, // allow the action
AC_KICK, // a user is being kicked
AC_DEOP, // a user is being deopped
AC_OP, // a user is being opped
AC_VOICE, // a user is being voiced
AC_DEVOICE, // a user is being devoiced
AC_HALFOP, // a user is being halfopped
AC_DEHALFOP, // a user is being dehalfopped
AC_INVITE, // a user is being invited
AC_GENERAL_MODE // a channel mode is being changed
/** Used to define a set of behavior bits for a module
enum ModuleFlags {
VF_STATIC = 1, // module is static, cannot be /unloadmodule'd
VF_VENDOR = 2, // module is a vendor module (came in the original tarball, not 3rd party)
VF_SERVICEPROVIDER = 4, // module provides a service to other modules (can be a dependency)
VF_COMMON = 8 // module needs to be common on all servers in a network to link
enum WriteModeFlags {
WM_AND = 1,
WM_OR = 2
enum TargetTypeFlags {
#include "globals.h"
#include "dynamic.h"
#include "base.h"
#include "ctables.h"
#include "inspsocket.h"
#include <string>
#include <deque>
#include <sstream>
#include <typeinfo>
#include "timer.h"
#include "mode.h"
#include "dns.h"
class Server;
class ServerConfig;
// Forward-delacare module for ModuleMessage etc
class Module;
/** Low level definition of a FileReader classes file cache area
typedef std::deque<std::string> file_cache;
typedef file_cache string_list;
/** Holds a list of users in a channel
typedef std::deque<userrec*> chanuserlist;
/** Holds a list of 'published features' for modules.
typedef std::map<std::string,Module*> featurelist;
* This #define allows us to call a method in all
* loaded modules in a readable simple way, e.g.:
* 'FOREACH_MOD(I_OnXonnwxr,OnConnect(user));'
#define FOREACH_MOD(y,x) if (Config->global_implementation[y] > 0) { \
for (int _i = 0; _i <= MODCOUNT; _i++) { \
if (Config->implement_lists[_i][y]) \
try \
{ \
modules[_i]->x ; \
} \
catch (ModuleException& modexcept) \
{ \
log(DEBUG,"Module exception caught: %s",modexcept.GetReason()); \
} \
} \
* This define is similar to the one above but returns a result in MOD_RESULT.
* The first module to return a nonzero result is the value to be accepted,
* and any modules after are ignored.
#define FOREACH_RESULT(y,x) { if (Config->global_implementation[y] > 0) { \
for (int _i = 0; _i <= MODCOUNT; _i++) { \
if (Config->implement_lists[_i][y]) {\
try \
{ \
int res = modules[_i]->x ; \
if (res != 0) { \
MOD_RESULT = res; \
break; \
} \
} \
catch (ModuleException& modexcept) \
{ \
log(DEBUG,"Module exception cought: %s",modexcept.GetReason()); \
} \
} \
} \
} \
#define FD_MAGIC_NUMBER -42
// useful macros
#define IS_LOCAL(x) ((x->fd > -1) && (x->fd <= MAX_DESCRIPTORS))
#define IS_REMOTE(x) (x->fd < 0)
/** Holds a module's Version information
* The four members (set by the constructor only) indicate details as to the version number
* of a module. A class of type Version is returned by the GetVersion method of the Module class.
class Version : public classbase
const int Major, Minor, Revision, Build, Flags;
Version(int major, int minor, int revision, int build, int flags);
/** Holds /ADMIN data
* This class contains the admin details of the local server. It is constructed by class Server,
* and has three read-only values, Name, Email and Nick that contain the specified values for the
* server where the module is running.
class Admin : public classbase
const std::string Name, Email, Nick;
Admin(std::string name, std::string email, std::string nick);
/** The ModuleMessage class is the base class of Request and Event
* This class is used to represent a basic data structure which is passed
* between modules for safe inter-module communications.
class ModuleMessage : public classbase
/** This class is pure virtual and must be inherited.
virtual char* Send() = 0;
virtual ~ModuleMessage() {};
/** The Request class is a unicast message directed at a given module.
* When this class is properly instantiated it may be sent to a module
* using the Send() method, which will call the given module's OnRequest
* method with this class as its parameter.
class Request : public ModuleMessage
/** This member holds a pointer to arbitary data set by the emitter of the message
char* data;
/** This is a pointer to the sender of the message, which can be used to
* directly trigger events, or to create a reply.
Module* source;
/** The single destination of the Request
Module* dest;
/** Create a new Request
Request(char* anydata, Module* src, Module* dst);
/** Fetch the Request data
char* GetData();
/** Fetch the request source
Module* GetSource();
/** Fetch the request destination (should be 'this' in the receiving module)
Module* GetDest();
/** Send the Request.
* Upon returning the result will be arbitary data returned by the module you
* sent the request to. It is up to your module to know what this data is and
* how to deal with it.
char* Send();
/** The Event class is a unicast message directed at all modules.
* When the class is properly instantiated it may be sent to all modules
* using the Send() method, which will trigger the OnEvent method in
* all modules passing the object as its parameter.
class Event : public ModuleMessage
/** This member holds a pointer to arbitary data set by the emitter of the message
char* data;
/** This is a pointer to the sender of the message, which can be used to
* directly trigger events, or to create a reply.
Module* source;
/** The event identifier.
* This is arbitary text which should be used to distinguish
* one type of event from another.
std::string id;
/** Create a new Event
Event(char* anydata, Module* src, const std::string &eventid);
/** Get the Event data
char* GetData();
/** Get the event Source
Module* GetSource();
/** Get the event ID.
* Use this to determine the event type for safe casting of the data
std::string GetEventID();
/** Send the Event.
* The return result of an Event::Send() will always be NULL as
* no replies are expected.
char* Send();
/** This class can be used on its own to represent an exception, or derived to represent a module-specific exception.
* When a module whishes to abort, e.g. within a constructor, it should throw an exception using ModuleException or
* a class derived from ModuleException. If a module throws an exception during its constructor, the module will not
* be loaded. If this happens, the error message returned by ModuleException::GetReason will be displayed to the user
* attempting to load the module, or dumped to the console if the ircd is currently loading for the first time.
class ModuleException : public classbase
/** Holds the error message to be displayed
std::string err;
/** Default constructor, just uses the error mesage 'Module threw an exception'.
ModuleException() : err("Module threw an exception") {}
/** This constructor can be used to specify an error message before throwing.
ModuleException(std::string message) : err(message) {}
/** This destructor solves world hunger, cancels the world debt, and causes the world to end.
* Actually no, it does nothing. Never mind.
virtual ~ModuleException() {};
/** Returns the reason for the exception.
* The module should probably put something informative here as the user will see this upon failure.
virtual const char* GetReason()
return err.c_str();
/** Priority types which can be returned from Module::Prioritize()
/** Implementation-specific flags which may be set in Module::Implements()
enum Implementation { I_OnUserConnect, I_OnUserQuit, I_OnUserDisconnect, I_OnUserJoin, I_OnUserPart, I_OnRehash, I_OnServerRaw,
I_OnUserPreJoin, I_OnUserPreKick, I_OnUserKick, I_OnOper, I_OnInfo, I_OnWhois, I_OnUserPreInvite,
I_OnUserInvite, I_OnUserPreMessage, I_OnUserPreNotice, I_OnUserPreNick, I_OnUserMessage, I_OnUserNotice, I_OnMode,
I_OnGetServerDescription, I_OnSyncUser, I_OnSyncChannel, I_OnSyncChannelMetaData, I_OnSyncUserMetaData,
I_OnDecodeMetaData, I_ProtoSendMode, I_ProtoSendMetaData, I_OnWallops, I_OnChangeHost, I_OnChangeName, I_OnAddGLine,
I_OnAddZLine, I_OnAddQLine, I_OnAddKLine, I_OnAddELine, I_OnDelGLine, I_OnDelZLine, I_OnDelKLine, I_OnDelELine, I_OnDelQLine,
I_OnCleanup, I_OnUserPostNick, I_OnAccessCheck, I_On005Numeric, I_OnKill, I_OnRemoteKill, I_OnLoadModule, I_OnUnloadModule,
I_OnBackgroundTimer, I_OnPreCommand, I_OnCheckReady, I_OnUserRrgister, I_OnRawMode, I_OnCheckInvite,
I_OnCheckKey, I_OnCheckLimit, I_OnCheckBan, I_OnStats, I_OnChangeLocalUserHost, I_OnChangeLocalUserGecos, I_OnLocalTopicChange,
I_OnPostLocalTopicChange, I_OnEvent, I_OnRequest, I_OnOperCompre, I_OnGlobalOper, I_OnGlobalConnect, I_OnAddBan, I_OnDelBan,
I_OnRawSocketAccept, I_OnRawSocketClose, I_OnRawSocketWrite, I_OnRawSocketRead, I_OnChangeLocalUserGECOS, I_OnUserRegister,
I_OnOperCompare, I_OnChannelDelete, I_OnPostOper, I_OnSyncOtherMetaData, I_OnSetAway, I_OnCancelAway };
/** Base class for all InspIRCd modules
* This class is the base class for InspIRCd modules. All modules must inherit from this class,
* its methods will be called when irc server events occur. class inherited from module must be
* instantiated by the ModuleFactory class (see relevent section) for the module to be initialised.
class Module : public Extensible
/** Default constructor
* Creates a module class.
* @param Me An instance of the Server class which can be saved for future use
* \exception ModuleException Throwing this class, or any class derived from ModuleException, causes loading of the module to abort.
Module(Server* Me);
/** Default destructor
* destroys a module class
virtual ~Module();
/** Returns the version number of a Module.
* The method should return a Version object with its version information assigned via
* Version::Version
virtual Version GetVersion();
/** The Implements function specifies which methods a module should receive events for.
* The char* parameter passed to this function contains a set of true or false values
* (1 or 0) which indicate wether each function is implemented. You must use the Iimplementation
* enum (documented elsewhere on this page) to mark functions as active. For example, to
* receive events for OnUserJoin():
* Implements[I_OnUserJoin] = 1;
* @param The implement list
virtual void Implements(char* Implements);
/** Used to set the 'priority' of a module (e.g. when it is called in relation to other modules.
* Some modules prefer to be called before other modules, due to their design. For example, a
* module which is expected to operate on complete information would expect to be placed last, so
* that any other modules which wish to adjust that information would execute before it, to be sure
* its information is correct. You can change your module's priority by returning one of:
* PRIORITY_FIRST - To place your module first in the list
* PRIORITY_LAST - To place your module last in the list
* PRIORITY_DONTCARE - To leave your module as it is (this is the default value, if you do not implement this function)
* The result of Server::PriorityBefore() - To move your module before another named module
* The result of Server::PriorityLast() - To move your module after another named module
* For a good working example of this method call, please see src/modules/m_spanningtree.cpp
* and src/modules/ which make use of it. It is highly recommended that unless
* your module has a real need to reorder its priority, it should not implement this function,
* as many modules changing their priorities can make the system redundant.
virtual Priority Prioritize();
/** Called when a user connects.
* The details of the connecting user are available to you in the parameter userrec *user
* @param user The user who is connecting
virtual void OnUserConnect(userrec* user);
/** Called when a user quits.
* The details of the exiting user are available to you in the parameter userrec *user
* This event is only called when the user is fully registered when they quit. To catch
* raw disconnections, use the OnUserDisconnect method.
* @param user The user who is quitting
* @param message The user's quit message
virtual void OnUserQuit(userrec* user, const std::string &message);
/** Called whenever a user's socket is closed.
* The details of the exiting user are available to you in the parameter userrec *user
* This event is called for all users, registered or not, as a cleanup method for modules
* which might assign resources to user, such as dns lookups, objects and sockets.
* @param user The user who is disconnecting
virtual void OnUserDisconnect(userrec* user);
/** Called whenever a channel is deleted, either by QUIT, KICK or PART.
* @param chan The channel being deleted
virtual void OnChannelDelete(chanrec* chan);
/** Called when a user joins a channel.
* The details of the joining user are available to you in the parameter userrec *user,
* and the details of the channel they have joined is available in the variable chanrec *channel
* @param user The user who is joining
* @param channel The channel being joined
virtual void OnUserJoin(userrec* user, chanrec* channel);
/** Called when a user parts a channel.
* The details of the leaving user are available to you in the parameter userrec *user,
* and the details of the channel they have left is available in the variable chanrec *channel
* @param user The user who is parting
* @param channel The channel being parted
* @param partmessage The part message, or an empty string
virtual void OnUserPart(userrec* user, chanrec* channel, const std::string &partmessage);
/** Called on rehash.
* This method is called prior to a /REHASH or when a SIGHUP is received from the operating
* system. You should use it to reload any files so that your module keeps in step with the
* rest of the application. If a parameter is given, the core has done nothing. The module
* receiving the event can decide if this parameter has any relevence to it.
* @param parameter The (optional) parameter given to REHASH from the user.
virtual void OnRehash(const std::string &parameter);
/** Called when a raw command is transmitted or received.
* This method is the lowest level of handler available to a module. It will be called with raw
* data which is passing through a connected socket. If you wish, you may munge this data by changing
* the string parameter "raw". If you do this, after your function exits it will immediately be
* cut down to 510 characters plus a carriage return and linefeed. For INBOUND messages only (where
* inbound is set to true) the value of user will be the userrec of the connection sending the
* data. This is not possible for outbound data because the data may be being routed to multiple targets.
* @param raw The raw string in RFC1459 format
* @param inbound A flag to indicate wether the data is coming into the daemon or going out to the user
* @param user The user record sending the text, when inbound == true.
virtual void OnServerRaw(std::string &raw, bool inbound, userrec* user);
/** Called whenever a user is about to join a channel, before any processing is done.
* Returning a value of 1 from this function stops the process immediately, causing no
* output to be sent to the user by the core. If you do this you must produce your own numerics,
* notices etc. This is useful for modules which may want to mimic +b, +k, +l etc. Returning -1 from
* this function forces the join to be allowed, bypassing restrictions such as banlists, invite, keys etc.
* If the user joins a NEW channel which does not exist yet, OnUserPreJoin will be called BEFORE the channel
* record is created. This will cause chanrec* chan to be NULL. There is very little you can do in form of
* processing on the actual channel record at this point, however the channel NAME will still be passed in
* char* cname, so that you could for example implement a channel blacklist or whitelist, etc.
* @param user The user joining the channel
* @param cname The channel name being joined
* @return 1 To prevent the join, 0 to allow it.
virtual int OnUserPreJoin(userrec* user, chanrec* chan, const char* cname);
/** Called whenever a user is about to be kicked.
* Returning a value of 1 from this function stops the process immediately, causing no
* output to be sent to the user by the core. If you do this you must produce your own numerics,
* notices etc.
* @param source The user issuing the kick
* @param user The user being kicked
* @param chan The channel the user is being kicked from
* @param reason The kick reason
* @return 1 to prevent the kick, 0 to continue normally, -1 to explicitly allow the kick regardless of normal operation
virtual int OnUserPreKick(userrec* source, userrec* user, chanrec* chan, const std::string &reason);
/** Called whenever a user is kicked.
* If this method is called, the kick is already underway and cannot be prevented, so
* to prevent a kick, please use Module::OnUserPreKick instead of this method.
* @param source The user issuing the kick
* @param user The user being kicked
* @param chan The channel the user is being kicked from
* @param reason The kick reason
virtual void OnUserKick(userrec* source, userrec* user, chanrec* chan, const std::string &reason);
/** Called whenever a user opers locally.
* The userrec will contain the oper mode 'o' as this function is called after any modifications
* are made to the user's structure by the core.
* @param user The user who is opering up
* @param opertype The opers type name
virtual void OnOper(userrec* user, const std::string &opertype);
/** Called after a user opers locally.
* This is identical to Module::OnOper(), except it is called after OnOper so that other modules
* can be gauranteed to already have processed the oper-up, for example m_spanningtree has sent
* out the OPERTYPE, etc.
* @param user The user who is opering up
* @param opertype The opers type name
virtual void OnPostOper(userrec* user, const std::string &opertype);
/** Called whenever a user types /INFO.
* The userrec will contain the information of the user who typed the command. Modules may use this
* method to output their own credits in /INFO (which is the ircd's version of an about box).
* It is purposefully not possible to modify any info that has already been output, or halt the list.
* You must write a 371 numeric to the user, containing your info in the following format:
* &lt;nick&gt; :information here
* @param user The user issuing /INFO
virtual void OnInfo(userrec* user);
/** Called whenever a /WHOIS is performed on a local user.
* The source parameter contains the details of the user who issued the WHOIS command, and
* the dest parameter contains the information of the user they are whoising.
* @param source The user issuing the WHOIS command
* @param dest The user who is being WHOISed
virtual void OnWhois(userrec* source, userrec* dest);
/** Called whenever a user is about to invite another user into a channel, before any processing is done.
* Returning 1 from this function stops the process immediately, causing no
* output to be sent to the user by the core. If you do this you must produce your own numerics,
* notices etc. This is useful for modules which may want to filter invites to channels.
* @param source The user who is issuing the INVITE
* @param dest The user being invited
* @param channel The channel the user is being invited to
* @return 1 to deny the invite, 0 to allow
virtual int OnUserPreInvite(userrec* source,userrec* dest,chanrec* channel);
/** Called after a user has been successfully invited to a channel.
* You cannot prevent the invite from occuring using this function, to do that,
* use OnUserPreInvite instead.
* @param source The user who is issuing the INVITE
* @param dest The user being invited
* @param channel The channel the user is being invited to
virtual void OnUserInvite(userrec* source,userrec* dest,chanrec* channel);
/** Called whenever a user is about to PRIVMSG A user or a channel, before any processing is done.
* Returning any nonzero value from this function stops the process immediately, causing no
* output to be sent to the user by the core. If you do this you must produce your own numerics,
* notices etc. This is useful for modules which may want to filter or redirect messages.
* target_type can be one of TYPE_USER or TYPE_CHANNEL. If the target_type value is a user,
* you must cast dest to a userrec* otherwise you must cast it to a chanrec*, this is the details
* of where the message is destined to be sent.
* @param user The user sending the message
* @param dest The target of the message (chanrec* or userrec*)
* @param target_type The type of target (TYPE_USER or TYPE_CHANNEL)
* @param text Changeable text being sent by the user
* @param status The status being used, e.g. PRIVMSG @#chan has status== '@', 0 to send to everyone.
* @return 1 to deny the NOTICE, 0 to allow it
virtual int OnUserPreMessage(userrec* user,void* dest,int target_type, std::string &text,char status);
/** Called whenever a user is about to NOTICE A user or a channel, before any processing is done.
* Returning any nonzero value from this function stops the process immediately, causing no
* output to be sent to the user by the core. If you do this you must produce your own numerics,
* notices etc. This is useful for modules which may want to filter or redirect messages.
* target_type can be one of TYPE_USER or TYPE_CHANNEL. If the target_type value is a user,
* you must cast dest to a userrec* otherwise you must cast it to a chanrec*, this is the details
* of where the message is destined to be sent.
* You may alter the message text as you wish before relinquishing control to the next module
* in the chain, and if no other modules block the text this altered form of the text will be sent out
* to the user and possibly to other servers.
* @param user The user sending the message
* @param dest The target of the message (chanrec* or userrec*)
* @param target_type The type of target (TYPE_USER or TYPE_CHANNEL)
* @param text Changeable text being sent by the user
* @param status The status being used, e.g. PRIVMSG @#chan has status== '@', 0 to send to everyone.
* @return 1 to deny the NOTICE, 0 to allow it
virtual int OnUserPreNotice(userrec* user,void* dest,int target_type, std::string &text,char status);
/** Called before any nickchange, local or remote. This can be used to implement Q-lines etc.
* Please note that although you can see remote nickchanges through this function, you should
* NOT make any changes to the userrec if the user is a remote user as this may cause a desnyc.
* check user->server before taking any action (including returning nonzero from the method).
* If your method returns nonzero, the nickchange is silently forbidden, and it is down to your
* module to generate some meaninful output.
* @param user The username changing their nick
* @param newnick Their new nickname
* @return 1 to deny the change, 0 to allow
virtual int OnUserPreNick(userrec* user, const std::string &newnick);
/** Called after any PRIVMSG sent from a user.
* The dest variable contains a userrec* if target_type is TYPE_USER and a chanrec*
* if target_type is TYPE_CHANNEL.
* @param user The user sending the message
* @param dest The target of the message
* @param target_type The type of target (TYPE_USER or TYPE_CHANNEL)
* @param text the text being sent by the user
* @param status The status being used, e.g. PRIVMSG @#chan has status== '@', 0 to send to everyone.
virtual void OnUserMessage(userrec* user, void* dest, int target_type, const std::string &text, char status);
/** Called after any NOTICE sent from a user.
* The dest variable contains a userrec* if target_type is TYPE_USER and a chanrec*
* if target_type is TYPE_CHANNEL.
* @param user The user sending the message
* @param dest The target of the message
* @param target_type The type of target (TYPE_USER or TYPE_CHANNEL)
* @param text the text being sent by the user
* @param status The status being used, e.g. NOTICE @#chan has status== '@', 0 to send to everyone.
virtual void OnUserNotice(userrec* user, void* dest, int target_type, const std::string &text, char status);
/** Called after every MODE command sent from a user
* The dest variable contains a userrec* if target_type is TYPE_USER and a chanrec*
* if target_type is TYPE_CHANNEL. The text variable contains the remainder of the
* mode string after the target, e.g. "+wsi" or "+ooo nick1 nick2 nick3".
* @param user The user sending the MODEs
* @param dest The target of the modes (userrec* or chanrec*)
* @param target_type The type of target (TYPE_USER or TYPE_CHANNEL)
* @param text The actual modes and their parameters if any
virtual void OnMode(userrec* user, void* dest, int target_type, const std::string &text);
/** Allows modules to alter or create server descriptions
* Whenever a module requires a server description, for example for display in
* WHOIS, this function is called in all modules. You may change or define the
* description given in std::string &description. If you do, this description
* will be shown in the WHOIS fields.
* @param servername The servername being searched for
* @param description Alterable server description for this server
virtual void OnGetServerDescription(const std::string &servername,std::string &description);
/** Allows modules to synchronize data which relates to users during a netburst.
* When this function is called, it will be called from the module which implements
* the linking protocol. This currently is A pointer to this module
* is given in Module* proto, so that you may call its methods such as ProtoSendMode
* (see below). This function will be called for every user visible on your side
* of the burst, allowing you to for example set modes, etc. Do not use this call to
* synchronize data which you have stored using class Extensible -- There is a specialist
* function OnSyncUserMetaData and OnSyncChannelMetaData for this!
* @param user The user being syncronized
* @param proto A pointer to the module handling network protocol
* @param opaque An opaque pointer set by the protocol module, should not be modified!
virtual void OnSyncUser(userrec* user, Module* proto, void* opaque);
/** Allows modules to synchronize data which relates to channels during a netburst.
* When this function is called, it will be called from the module which implements
* the linking protocol. This currently is A pointer to this module
* is given in Module* proto, so that you may call its methods such as ProtoSendMode
* (see below). This function will be called for every user visible on your side
* of the burst, allowing you to for example set modes, etc. Do not use this call to
* synchronize data which you have stored using class Extensible -- There is a specialist
* function OnSyncUserMetaData and OnSyncChannelMetaData for this!
* For a good example of how to use this function, please see src/modules/m_chanprotect.cpp
* @param chan The channel being syncronized
* @param proto A pointer to the module handling network protocol
* @param opaque An opaque pointer set by the protocol module, should not be modified!
virtual void OnSyncChannel(chanrec* chan, Module* proto, void* opaque);
/* Allows modules to syncronize metadata related to channels over the network during a netburst.
* Whenever the linking module wants to send out data, but doesnt know what the data
* represents (e.g. it is Extensible metadata, added to a userrec or chanrec by a module) then
* this method is called.You should use the ProtoSendMetaData function after you've
* correctly decided how the data should be represented, to send the metadata on its way if it belongs
* to your module. For a good example of how to use this method, see src/modules/m_swhois.cpp.
* @param chan The channel whos metadata is being syncronized
* @param proto A pointer to the module handling network protocol
* @param opaque An opaque pointer set by the protocol module, should not be modified!
* @param extname The extensions name which is being searched for
virtual void OnSyncChannelMetaData(chanrec* chan, Module* proto,void* opaque, const std::string &extname);
/* Allows modules to syncronize metadata related to users over the network during a netburst.
* Whenever the linking module wants to send out data, but doesnt know what the data
* represents (e.g. it is Extensible metadata, added to a userrec or chanrec by a module) then
* this method is called. You should use the ProtoSendMetaData function after you've
* correctly decided how the data should be represented, to send the metadata on its way if
* if it belongs to your module.
* @param user The user whos metadata is being syncronized
* @param proto A pointer to the module handling network protocol
* @param opaque An opaque pointer set by the protocol module, should not be modified!
* @param extname The extensions name which is being searched for
virtual void OnSyncUserMetaData(userrec* user, Module* proto,void* opaque, const std::string &extname);
/* Allows modules to syncronize metadata not related to users or channels, over the network during a netburst.
* Whenever the linking module wants to send out data, but doesnt know what the data
* represents (e.g. it is Extensible metadata, added to a userrec or chanrec by a module) then
* this method is called. You should use the ProtoSendMetaData function after you've
* correctly decided how the data should be represented, to send the metadata on its way if
* if it belongs to your module.
* @param proto A pointer to the module handling network protocol
* @param opaque An opaque pointer set by the protocol module, should not be modified!
virtual void OnSyncOtherMetaData(Module* proto, void* opaque);
/** Allows module data, sent via ProtoSendMetaData, to be decoded again by a receiving module.
* Please see src/modules/m_swhois.cpp for a working example of how to use this method call.
* @param target_type The type of item to decode data for, TYPE_USER or TYPE_CHANNEL
* @param target The chanrec* or userrec* that data should be added to
* @param extname The extension name which is being sent
* @param extdata The extension data, encoded at the other end by an identical module through OnSyncChannelMetaData or OnSyncUserMetaData
virtual void OnDecodeMetaData(int target_type, void* target, const std::string &extname, const std::string &extdata);
/** Implemented by modules which provide the ability to link servers.
* These modules will implement this method, which allows transparent sending of servermodes
* down the network link as a broadcast, without a module calling it having to know the format
* of the MODE command before the actual mode string.
* More documentation to follow soon. Please see src/modules/m_chanprotect.cpp for examples
* of how to use this function.
* @param opaque An opaque pointer set by the protocol module, should not be modified!
* @param target_type The type of item to decode data for, TYPE_USER or TYPE_CHANNEL
* @param target The chanrec* or userrec* that modes should be sent for
* @param modeline The modes and parameters to be sent
virtual void ProtoSendMode(void* opaque, int target_type, void* target, const std::string &modeline);
/** Implemented by modules which provide the ability to link servers.
* These modules will implement this method, which allows metadata (extra data added to
* user and channel records using class Extensible, Extensible::Extend, etc) to be sent
* to other servers on a netburst and decoded at the other end by the same module on a
* different server.
* More documentation to follow soon. Please see src/modules/m_swhois.cpp for example of
* how to use this function.
* @param opaque An opaque pointer set by the protocol module, should not be modified!
* @param target_type The type of item to decode data for, TYPE_USER or TYPE_CHANNEL
* @param target The chanrec* or userrec* that metadata should be sent for
* @param extname The extension name to send metadata for
* @param extdata Encoded data for this extension name, which will be encoded at the oppsite end by an identical module using OnDecodeMetaData
virtual void ProtoSendMetaData(void* opaque, int target_type, void* target, const std::string &extname, const std::string &extdata);
/** Called after every WALLOPS command.
* @param user The user sending the WALLOPS
* @param text The content of the WALLOPS message
virtual void OnWallops(userrec* user, const std::string &text);
/** Called whenever a user's hostname is changed.
* This event triggers after the host has been set.
* @param user The user whos host is being changed
* @param newhost The new hostname being set
virtual void OnChangeHost(userrec* user, const std::string &newhost);
/** Called whenever a user's GECOS (realname) is changed.
* This event triggers after the name has been set.
* @param user The user who's GECOS is being changed
* @param gecos The new GECOS being set on the user
virtual void OnChangeName(userrec* user, const std::string &gecos);
/** Called whenever a gline is added by a local user.
* This method is triggered after the line is added.
* @param duration The duration of the line in seconds
* @param source The sender of the line
* @param reason The reason text to be displayed
* @param hostmask The hostmask to add
virtual void OnAddGLine(long duration, userrec* source, const std::string &reason, const std::string &hostmask);
/** Called whenever a zline is added by a local user.
* This method is triggered after the line is added.
* @param duration The duration of the line in seconds
* @param source The sender of the line
* @param reason The reason text to be displayed
* @param ipmask The hostmask to add
virtual void OnAddZLine(long duration, userrec* source, const std::string &reason, const std::string &ipmask);
/** Called whenever a kline is added by a local user.
* This method is triggered after the line is added.
* @param duration The duration of the line in seconds
* @param source The sender of the line
* @param reason The reason text to be displayed
* @param hostmask The hostmask to add
virtual void OnAddKLine(long duration, userrec* source, const std::string &reason, const std::string &hostmask);
/** Called whenever a qline is added by a local user.
* This method is triggered after the line is added.
* @param duration The duration of the line in seconds
* @param source The sender of the line
* @param reason The reason text to be displayed
* @param nickmask The hostmask to add
virtual void OnAddQLine(long duration, userrec* source, const std::string &reason, const std::string &nickmask);
/** Called whenever a eline is added by a local user.
* This method is triggered after the line is added.
* @param duration The duration of the line in seconds
* @param source The sender of the line
* @param reason The reason text to be displayed
* @param hostmask The hostmask to add
virtual void OnAddELine(long duration, userrec* source, const std::string &reason, const std::string &hostmask);
/** Called whenever a gline is deleted.
* This method is triggered after the line is deleted.
* @param source The user removing the line
* @param hostmask The hostmask to delete
virtual void OnDelGLine(userrec* source, const std::string &hostmask);
/** Called whenever a zline is deleted.
* This method is triggered after the line is deleted.
* @param source The user removing the line
* @param hostmask The hostmask to delete
virtual void OnDelZLine(userrec* source, const std::string &ipmask);
/** Called whenever a kline is deleted.
* This method is triggered after the line is deleted.
* @param source The user removing the line
* @param hostmask The hostmask to delete
virtual void OnDelKLine(userrec* source, const std::string &hostmask);
/** Called whenever a qline is deleted.
* This method is triggered after the line is deleted.
* @param source The user removing the line
* @param hostmask The hostmask to delete
virtual void OnDelQLine(userrec* source, const std::string &nickmask);
/** Called whenever a eline is deleted.
* This method is triggered after the line is deleted.
* @param source The user removing the line
* @param hostmask The hostmask to delete
virtual void OnDelELine(userrec* source, const std::string &hostmask);
/** Called before your module is unloaded to clean up Extensibles.
* This method is called once for every user and channel on the network,
* so that when your module unloads it may clear up any remaining data
* in the form of Extensibles added using Extensible::Extend().
* If the target_type variable is TYPE_USER, then void* item refers to
* a userrec*, otherwise it refers to a chanrec*.
* @param target_type The type of item being cleaned
* @param item A pointer to the item's class
virtual void OnCleanup(int target_type, void* item);
/** Called after any nickchange, local or remote. This can be used to track users after nickchanges
* have been applied. Please note that although you can see remote nickchanges through this function, you should
* NOT make any changes to the userrec if the user is a remote user as this may cause a desnyc.
* check user->server before taking any action (including returning nonzero from the method).
* Because this method is called after the nickchange is taken place, no return values are possible
* to indicate forbidding of the nick change. Use OnUserPreNick for this.
* @param user The user changing their nick
* @param oldnick The old nickname of the user before the nickchange
virtual void OnUserPostNick(userrec* user, const std::string &oldnick);
/** Called before an action which requires a channel privilage check.
* This function is called before many functions which check a users status on a channel, for example
* before opping a user, deopping a user, kicking a user, etc.
* There are several values for access_type which indicate for what reason access is being checked.
* These are:<br><br>
* AC_KICK (0) - A user is being kicked<br>
* AC_DEOP (1) - a user is being deopped<br>
* AC_OP (2) - a user is being opped<br>
* AC_VOICE (3) - a user is being voiced<br>
* AC_DEVOICE (4) - a user is being devoiced<br>
* AC_HALFOP (5) - a user is being halfopped<br>
* AC_DEHALFOP (6) - a user is being dehalfopped<br>
* AC_INVITE () - a user is being invited<br>
* AC_GENERAL_MODE (8) - a user channel mode is being changed<br><br>
* Upon returning from your function you must return either ACR_DEFAULT, to indicate the module wishes
* to do nothing, or ACR_DENY where approprate to deny the action, and ACR_ALLOW where appropriate to allow
* the action. Please note that in the case of some access checks (such as AC_GENERAL_MODE) access may be
* denied 'upstream' causing other checks such as AC_DEOP to not be reached. Be very careful with use of the
* AC_GENERAL_MODE type, as it may inadvertently override the behaviour of other modules. When the access_type
* is AC_GENERAL_MODE, the destination of the mode will be NULL (as it has not yet been determined).
* @param source The source of the access check
* @param dest The destination of the access check
* @param channel The channel which is being checked
* @param access_type See above
virtual int OnAccessCheck(userrec* source,userrec* dest,chanrec* channel,int access_type);
/** Called when a 005 numeric is about to be output.
* The module should modify the 005 numeric if needed to indicate its features.
* @param output The 005 string to be modified if neccessary.
virtual void On005Numeric(std::string &output);
/** Called when a client is disconnected by KILL.
* If a client is killed by a server, e.g. a nickname collision or protocol error,
* source is NULL.
* Return 1 from this function to prevent the kill, and 0 from this function to allow
* it as normal. If you prevent the kill no output will be sent to the client, it is
* down to your module to generate this information.
* NOTE: It is NOT advisable to stop kills which originate from servers or remote users.
* If you do so youre risking race conditions, desyncs and worse!
* @param source The user sending the KILL
* @param dest The user being killed
* @param reason The kill reason
* @return 1 to prevent the kill, 0 to allow
virtual int OnKill(userrec* source, userrec* dest, const std::string &reason);
/** Called when an oper wants to disconnect a remote user via KILL
* @param source The user sending the KILL
* @param dest The user being killed
* @param reason The kill reason
virtual void OnRemoteKill(userrec* source, userrec* dest, const std::string &reason);
/** Called whenever a module is loaded.
* mod will contain a pointer to the module, and string will contain its name,
* for example This function is primary for dependency checking,
* your module may decide to enable some extra features if it sees that you have
* for example loaded "" with "". It is highly
* recommended that modules do *NOT* bail if they cannot satisfy dependencies,
* but instead operate under reduced functionality, unless the dependency is
* absolutely neccessary (e.g. a module that extends the features of another
* module).
* @param mod A pointer to the new module
* @param name The new module's filename
virtual void OnLoadModule(Module* mod,const std::string &name);
/** Called whenever a module is unloaded.
* mod will contain a pointer to the module, and string will contain its name,
* for example This function is primary for dependency checking,
* your module may decide to enable some extra features if it sees that you have
* for example loaded "" with "". It is highly
* recommended that modules do *NOT* bail if they cannot satisfy dependencies,
* but instead operate under reduced functionality, unless the dependency is
* absolutely neccessary (e.g. a module that extends the features of another
* module).
* @param mod Pointer to the module being unloaded (still valid)
* @param name The filename of the module being unloaded
virtual void OnUnloadModule(Module* mod,const std::string &name);
/** Called once every five seconds for background processing.
* This timer can be used to control timed features. Its period is not accurate
* enough to be used as a clock, but it is gauranteed to be called at least once in
* any five second period, directly from the main loop of the server.
* @param curtime The current timer derived from time(2)
virtual void OnBackgroundTimer(time_t curtime);
/** Called whenever any command is about to be executed.
* This event occurs for all registered commands, wether they are registered in the core,
* or another module, but it will not occur for invalid commands (e.g. ones which do not
* exist within the command table). By returning 1 from this method you may prevent the
* command being executed. If you do this, no output is created by the core, and it is
* down to your module to produce any output neccessary.
* Note that unless you return 1, you should not destroy any structures (e.g. by using
* Server::QuitUser) otherwise when the command's handler function executes after your
* method returns, it will be passed an invalid pointer to the user object and crash!)
* @param command The command being executed
* @param parameters An array of array of characters containing the parameters for the command
* @param pcnt The nuimber of parameters passed to the command
* @param user the user issuing the command
* @param validated True if the command has passed all checks, e.g. it is recognised, has enough parameters, the user has permission to execute it, etc.
* @return 1 to block the command, 0 to allow
virtual int OnPreCommand(const std::string &command, const char** parameters, int pcnt, userrec *user, bool validated);
/** Called to check if a user who is connecting can now be allowed to register
* If any modules return false for this function, the user is held in the waiting
* state until all modules return true. For example a module which implements ident
* lookups will continue to return false for a user until their ident lookup is completed.
* Note that the registration timeout for a user overrides these checks, if the registration
* timeout is reached, the user is disconnected even if modules report that the user is
* not ready to connect.
* @param user The user to check
* @return true to indicate readiness, false if otherwise
virtual bool OnCheckReady(userrec* user);
/** Called whenever a user is about to register their connection (e.g. before the user
* is sent the MOTD etc). Modules can use this method if they are performing a function
* which must be done before the actual connection is completed (e.g. ident lookups,
* dnsbl lookups, etc).
* Note that you should NOT delete the user record here by causing a disconnection!
* Use OnUserConnect for that instead.
* @param user The user registering
virtual void OnUserRegister(userrec* user);
/** Called whenever a mode character is processed.
* Return 1 from this function to block the mode character from being processed entirely,
* so that you may perform your own code instead. Note that this method allows you to override
* modes defined by other modes, but this is NOT RECOMMENDED!
* @param user The user who is sending the mode
* @param chan The channel the mode is being sent to
* @param mode The mode character being set
* @param param The parameter for the mode or an empty string
* @param adding true of the mode is being added, false if it is being removed
* @param pcnt The parameter count for the mode (0 or 1)
* @return 1 to deny the mode, 0 to allow
virtual int OnRawMode(userrec* user, chanrec* chan, char mode, const std::string &param, bool adding, int pcnt);
/** Called whenever a user joins a channel, to determine if invite checks should go ahead or not.
* This method will always be called for each join, wether or not the channel is actually +i, and
* determines the outcome of an if statement around the whole section of invite checking code.
* return 1 to explicitly allow the join to go ahead or 0 to ignore the event.
* @param user The user joining the channel
* @param chan The channel being joined
* @return 1 to explicitly allow the join, 0 to proceed as normal
virtual int OnCheckInvite(userrec* user, chanrec* chan);
/** Called whenever a user joins a channel, to determine if key checks should go ahead or not.
* This method will always be called for each join, wether or not the channel is actually +k, and
* determines the outcome of an if statement around the whole section of key checking code.
* if the user specified no key, the keygiven string will be a valid but empty value.
* return 1 to explicitly allow the join to go ahead or 0 to ignore the event.
* @param user The user joining the channel
* @param chan The channel being joined
* @return 1 to explicitly allow the join, 0 to proceed as normal
virtual int OnCheckKey(userrec* user, chanrec* chan, const std::string &keygiven);
/** Called whenever a user joins a channel, to determine if channel limit checks should go ahead or not.
* This method will always be called for each join, wether or not the channel is actually +l, and
* determines the outcome of an if statement around the whole section of channel limit checking code.
* return 1 to explicitly allow the join to go ahead or 0 to ignore the event.
* @param user The user joining the channel
* @param chan The channel being joined
* @return 1 to explicitly allow the join, 0 to proceed as normal
virtual int OnCheckLimit(userrec* user, chanrec* chan);
/** Called whenever a user joins a channel, to determine if banlist checks should go ahead or not.
* This method will always be called for each join, wether or not the user actually matches a channel ban, and
* determines the outcome of an if statement around the whole section of ban checking code.
* return 1 to explicitly allow the join to go ahead or 0 to ignore the event.
* @param user The user joining the channel
* @param chan The channel being joined
* @return 1 to explicitly allow the join, 0 to proceed as normal
virtual int OnCheckBan(userrec* user, chanrec* chan);
/** Called on all /STATS commands
* This method is triggered for all /STATS use, including stats symbols handled by the core.
* @param symbol the symbol provided to /STATS
* @user the user issuing the /STATS command
* @return 1 to block the /STATS from being processed by the core, 0 to allow it
virtual int OnStats(char symbol, userrec* user);
/** Called whenever a change of a local users displayed host is attempted.
* Return 1 to deny the host change, or 0 to allow it.
* @param user The user whos host will be changed
* @param newhost The new hostname
* @return 1 to deny the host change, 0 to allow
virtual int OnChangeLocalUserHost(userrec* user, const std::string &newhost);
/** Called whenever a change of a local users GECOS (fullname field) is attempted.
* return 1 to deny the name change, or 0 to allow it.
* @param user The user whos GECOS will be changed
* @param newhost The new GECOS
* @return 1 to deny the GECOS change, 0 to allow
virtual int OnChangeLocalUserGECOS(userrec* user, const std::string &newhost);
/** Called whenever a topic is changed by a local user.
* Return 1 to deny the topic change, or 0 to allow it.
* @param user The user changing the topic
* @param chan The channels who's topic is being changed
* @param topic The actual topic text
* @param 1 to block the topic change, 0 to allow
virtual int OnLocalTopicChange(userrec* user, chanrec* chan, const std::string &topic);
/** Called whenever a local topic has been changed.
* To block topic changes you must use OnLocalTopicChange instead.
* @param user The user changing the topic
* @param chan The channels who's topic is being changed
* @param topic The actual topic text
virtual void OnPostLocalTopicChange(userrec* user, chanrec* chan, const std::string &topic);
/** Called whenever an Event class is sent to all module by another module.
* Please see the documentation of Event::Send() for further information. The Event sent can
* always be assumed to be non-NULL, you should *always* check the value of Event::GetEventID()
* before doing anything to the event data, and you should *not* change the event data in any way!
* @param event The Event class being received
virtual void OnEvent(Event* event);
/** Called whenever a Request class is sent to your module by another module.
* Please see the documentation of Request::Send() for further information. The Request sent
* can always be assumed to be non-NULL, you should not change the request object or its data.
* Your method may return arbitary data in the char* result which the requesting module
* may be able to use for pre-determined purposes (e.g. the results of an SQL query, etc).
* @param request The Request class being received
virtual char* OnRequest(Request* request);
/** Called whenever an oper password is to be compared to what a user has input.
* The password field (from the config file) is in 'password' and is to be compared against
* 'input'. This method allows for encryption of oper passwords and much more besides.
* You should return a nonzero value if you want to allow the comparison or zero if you wish
* to do nothing.
* @param password The oper's password
* @param input The password entered
* @return 1 to match the passwords, 0 to do nothing
virtual int OnOperCompare(const std::string &password, const std::string &input);
/** Called whenever a user is given usermode +o, anywhere on the network.
* You cannot override this and prevent it from happening as it is already happened and
* such a task must be performed by another server. You can however bounce modes by sending
* servermodes out to reverse mode changes.
* @param user The user who is opering
virtual void OnGlobalOper(userrec* user);
/** Called whenever a user connects, anywhere on the network.
* This event is informational only. You should not change any user information in this
* event. To do so, use the OnUserConnect method to change the state of local users.
* @param user The user who is connecting
virtual void OnGlobalConnect(userrec* user);
/** Called whenever a ban is added to a channel's list.
* Return a non-zero value to 'eat' the mode change and prevent the ban from being added.
* @param source The user adding the ban
* @param channel The channel the ban is being added to
* @param banmask The ban mask being added
* @return 1 to block the ban, 0 to continue as normal
virtual int OnAddBan(userrec* source, chanrec* channel,const std::string &banmask);
/** Called whenever a ban is removed from a channel's list.
* Return a non-zero value to 'eat' the mode change and prevent the ban from being removed.
* @param source The user deleting the ban
* @param channel The channel the ban is being deleted from
* @param banmask The ban mask being deleted
* @return 1 to block the unban, 0 to continue as normal
virtual int OnDelBan(userrec* source, chanrec* channel,const std::string &banmask);
/** Called immediately after any connection is accepted. This is intended for raw socket
* processing (e.g. modules which wrap the tcp connection within another library) and provides
* no information relating to a user record as the connection has not been assigned yet.
* There are no return values from this call as all modules get an opportunity if required to
* process the connection.
* @param fd The file descriptor returned from accept()
* @param ip The IP address of the connecting user
* @param localport The local port number the user connected to
virtual void OnRawSocketAccept(int fd, const std::string &ip, int localport);
/** Called immediately before any write() operation on a user's socket in the core. Because
* this event is a low level event no user information is associated with it. It is intended
* for use by modules which may wrap connections within another API such as SSL for example.
* return a non-zero result if you have handled the write operation, in which case the core
* will not call write().
* @param fd The file descriptor of the socket
* @param buffer A char* buffer being written
* @param Number of characters to write
* @return Number of characters actually written or 0 if you didn't handle the operation
virtual int OnRawSocketWrite(int fd, char* buffer, int count);
/** Called immediately before any socket is closed. When this event is called, shutdown()
* has not yet been called on the socket.
* @param fd The file descriptor of the socket prior to close()
virtual void OnRawSocketClose(int fd);
/** Called immediately before any read() operation on a client socket in the core.
* This occurs AFTER the select() or poll() so there is always data waiting to be read
* when this event occurs.
* Your event should return 1 if it has handled the reading itself, which prevents the core
* just using read(). You should place any data read into buffer, up to but NOT GREATER THAN
* the value of count. The value of readresult must be identical to an actual result that might
* be returned from the read() system call, for example, number of bytes read upon success,
* 0 upon EOF or closed socket, and -1 for error. If your function returns a nonzero value,
* you MUST set readresult.
* @param fd The file descriptor of the socket
* @param buffer A char* buffer being read to
* @param count The size of the buffer
* @param readresult The amount of characters read, or 0
* @return nonzero if the event was handled, in which case readresult must be valid on exit
virtual int OnRawSocketRead(int fd, char* buffer, unsigned int count, int &readresult);
/** Called whenever a user sets away.
* This method has no parameter for the away message, as it is available in the
* user record as userrec::awaymsg.
virtual void OnSetAway(userrec* user);
/** Called when a user cancels their away state.
virtual void OnCancelAway(userrec* user);
/** Allows server output and query functions
* This class contains methods which allow a module to query the state of the irc server, and produce
* output to users and other servers. All modules should instantiate at least one copy of this class,
* and use its member functions to perform their tasks.
class Server : public Extensible
/** Default constructor.
* Creates a Server object.
/** Default destructor.
* Destroys a Server object.
virtual ~Server();
/** Obtains a pointer to the server's ServerConfig object.
* The ServerConfig object contains most of the configuration data
* of the IRC server, as read from the config file by the core.
ServerConfig* GetConfig();
/** For use with Module::Prioritize().
* When the return value of this function is returned from
* Module::Prioritize(), this specifies that the module wishes
* to be ordered exactly BEFORE 'modulename'. For more information
* please see Module::Prioritize().
* @param modulename The module your module wants to be before in the call list
* @returns a priority ID which the core uses to relocate the module in the list
long PriorityBefore(const std::string &modulename);
/** For use with Module::Prioritize().
* When the return value of this function is returned from
* Module::Prioritize(), this specifies that the module wishes
* to be ordered exactly AFTER 'modulename'. For more information please
* see Module::Prioritize().
* @param modulename The module your module wants to be after in the call list
* @returns a priority ID which the core uses to relocate the module in the list
long PriorityAfter(const std::string &modulename);
/** Sends text to all opers.
* This method sends a server notice to all opers with the usermode +s.
virtual void SendOpers(const std::string &s);
/** Returns the version string of this server
std::string GetVersion();
/** Publish a 'feature'.
* There are two ways for a module to find another module it depends on.
* Either by name, using Server::FindModule, or by feature, using this
* function. A feature is an arbitary string which identifies something this
* module can do. For example, if your module provides SSL support, but other
* modules provide SSL support too, all the modules supporting SSL should
* publish an identical 'SSL' feature. This way, any module requiring use
* of SSL functions can just look up the 'SSL' feature using FindFeature,
* then use the module pointer they are given.
* @param FeatureName The case sensitive feature name to make available
* @param Mod a pointer to your module class
* @returns True on success, false if the feature is already published by
* another module.
bool PublishFeature(const std::string &FeatureName, Module* Mod);
/** Unpublish a 'feature'.
* When your module exits, it must call this method for every feature it
* is providing so that the feature table is cleaned up.
* @param FeatureName the feature to remove
bool UnpublishFeature(const std::string &FeatureName);
/** Find a 'feature'.
* There are two ways for a module to find another module it depends on.
* Either by name, using Server::FindModule, or by feature, using the
* Server::PublishFeature method. A feature is an arbitary string which
* identifies something this module can do. For example, if your module
* provides SSL support, but other modules provide SSL support too, all
* the modules supporting SSL should publish an identical 'SSL' feature.
* To find a module capable of providing the feature you want, simply
* call this method with the feature name you are looking for.
* @param FeatureName The feature name you wish to obtain the module for
* @returns A pointer to a valid module class on success, NULL on failure.
Module* FindFeature(const std::string &FeatureName);
const std::string& GetModuleName(Module* m);
/** Writes a log string.
* This method writes a line of text to the log. If the level given is lower than the
* level given in the configuration, this command has no effect.
virtual void Log(int level, const std::string &s);
/** Sends a line of text down a TCP/IP socket.
* This method writes a line of text to an established socket, cutting it to 510 characters
* plus a carriage return and linefeed if required.
virtual void Send(int Socket, const std::string &s);
/** Sends text from the server to a socket.
* This method writes a line of text to an established socket, with the servername prepended
* as used by numerics (see RFC 1459)
virtual void SendServ(int Socket, const std::string &s);
/** Writes text to a channel, but from a server, including all.
* This can be used to send server notices to a group of users.
virtual void SendChannelServerNotice(const std::string &ServName, chanrec* Channel, const std::string &text);
/** Sends text from a user to a socket.
* This method writes a line of text to an established socket, with the given user's nick/ident
* /host combination prepended, as used in PRIVSG etc commands (see RFC 1459)
virtual void SendFrom(int Socket, userrec* User, const std::string &s);
/** Sends text from a user to another user.
* This method writes a line of text to a user, with a user's nick/ident
* /host combination prepended, as used in PRIVMSG etc commands (see RFC 1459)
* If you specify NULL as the source, then the data will originate from the
* local server, e.g. instead of:
* :user!ident@host TEXT
* The format will become:
* :localserver TEXT
* Which is useful for numerics and server notices to single users, etc.
virtual void SendTo(userrec* Source, userrec* Dest, const std::string &s);
/** Sends text from a user to a channel (mulicast).
* This method writes a line of text to a channel, with the given user's nick/ident
* /host combination prepended, as used in PRIVMSG etc commands (see RFC 1459). If the
* IncludeSender flag is set, then the text is also sent back to the user from which
* it originated, as seen in MODE (see RFC 1459).
virtual void SendChannel(userrec* User, chanrec* Channel, const std::string &s, bool IncludeSender);
/** Returns true if two users share a common channel.
* This method is used internally by the NICK and QUIT commands, and the Server::SendCommon
* method.
virtual bool CommonChannels(userrec* u1, userrec* u2);
/** Sends text from a user to one or more channels (mulicast).
* This method writes a line of text to all users which share a common channel with a given
* user, with the user's nick/ident/host combination prepended, as used in PRIVMSG etc
* commands (see RFC 1459). If the IncludeSender flag is set, then the text is also sent
* back to the user from which it originated, as seen in NICK (see RFC 1459). Otherwise, it
* is only sent to the other recipients, as seen in QUIT.
virtual void SendCommon(userrec* User, const std::string &text, bool IncludeSender);
/** Sends a WALLOPS message.
* This method writes a WALLOPS message to all users with the +w flag, originating from the
* specified user.
virtual void SendWallops(userrec* User, const std::string &text);
/** Returns true if a nick is valid.
* Nicks for unregistered connections will return false.
virtual bool IsNick(const std::string &nick);
/** Returns a count of the number of users on a channel.
* This will NEVER be 0, as if the chanrec exists, it will have at least one user in the channel.
virtual int CountUsers(chanrec* c);
/** Adds an InspTimer which will trigger at a future time
virtual void AddTimer(InspTimer* T);
/** Attempts to look up a nick and return a pointer to it.
* This function will return NULL if the nick does not exist.
virtual userrec* FindNick(const std::string &nick);
/** Attempts to look up a nick using the file descriptor associated with that nick.
* This function will return NULL if the file descriptor is not associated with a valid user.
virtual userrec* FindDescriptor(int socket);
/** Attempts to look up a channel and return a pointer to it.
* This function will return NULL if the channel does not exist.
virtual chanrec* FindChannel(const std::string &channel);
/** Attempts to look up a user's privilages on a channel.
* This function will return a string containing either @, %, +, or an empty string,
* representing the user's privilages upon the channel you specify.
virtual std::string ChanMode(userrec* User, chanrec* Chan);
/** Returns the server name of the server where the module is loaded.
virtual std::string GetServerName();
/** Returns the network name, global to all linked servers.
virtual std::string GetNetworkName();
/** Returns the server description string of the local server
virtual std::string GetServerDescription();
/** Returns the information of the server as returned by the /ADMIN command.
* See the Admin class for further information of the return value. The members
* Admin::Nick, Admin::Email and Admin::Name contain the information for the
* server where the module is loaded.
virtual Admin GetAdmin();
virtual bool AddMode(ModeHandler* mh, const unsigned char modechar);
virtual bool AddModeWatcher(ModeWatcher* mw);
virtual bool DelModeWatcher(ModeWatcher* mw);
virtual bool AddResolver(Resolver* r);
/** Adds a command to the command table.
* This allows modules to add extra commands into the command table. You must place a function within your
* module which is is of type handlerfunc:
* typedef void (handlerfunc) (char**, int, userrec*);
* ...
* void handle_kill(char **parameters, int pcnt, userrec *user)
* When the command is typed, the parameters will be placed into the parameters array (similar to argv) and
* the parameter count will be placed into pcnt (similar to argv). There will never be any less parameters
* than the 'minparams' value you specified when creating the command. The *user parameter is the class of
* the user which caused the command to trigger, who will always have the flag you specified in 'flags' when
* creating the initial command. For example to create an oper only command create the commands with flags='o'.
* The source parameter is used for resource tracking, and should contain the name of your module (with file
* extension) e.g. "". If you place the wrong identifier here, you can cause crashes if your module
* is unloaded.
virtual void AddCommand(command_t *f);
/** Sends a servermode.
* you must format the parameters array with the target, modes and parameters for those modes.
* For example:
* char *modes[3];
* modes[0] = ChannelName;
* modes[1] = "+o";
* modes[2] = user->nick;
* Srv->SendMode(modes,3,user);
* The modes will originate from the server where the command was issued, however responses (e.g. numerics)
* will be sent to the user you provide as the third parameter.
* You must be sure to get the number of parameters correct in the pcnt parameter otherwise you could leave
* your server in an unstable state!
virtual void SendMode(const char **parameters, int pcnt, userrec *user);
/** Sends to all users matching a mode mask
* You must specify one or more usermodes as the first parameter. These can be RFC specified modes such as +i,
* or module provided modes, including ones provided by your own module.
* In the second parameter you must place a flag value which indicates wether the modes you have given will be
* logically ANDed or OR'ed. You may use one of either WM_AND or WM_OR.
* for example, if you were to use:
* Serv->SendToModeMask("xi", WM_OR, "m00");
* Then the text 'm00' will be sent to all users with EITHER mode x or i. Conversely if you used WM_AND, the
* user must have both modes set to receive the message.
virtual void SendToModeMask(const std::string &modes, int flags, const std::string &text);
/** Forces a user to join a channel.
* This is similar to svsjoin and can be used to implement redirection, etc.
* On success, the return value is a valid pointer to a chanrec* of the channel the user was joined to.
* On failure, the result is NULL.
virtual chanrec* JoinUserToChannel(userrec* user, const std::string &cname, const std::string &key);
/** Forces a user to part a channel.
* This is similar to svspart and can be used to implement redirection, etc.
* Although the return value of this function is a pointer to a channel record, the returned data is
* undefined and should not be read or written to. This behaviour may be changed in a future version.
virtual chanrec* PartUserFromChannel(userrec* user, const std::string &cname, const std::string &reason);
/** Forces a user nickchange.
* This command works similarly to SVSNICK, and can be used to implement Q-lines etc.
* If you specify an invalid nickname, the nick change will be dropped and the target user will receive
* the error numeric for it.
virtual void ChangeUserNick(userrec* user, const std::string &nickname);
/** Forces a user to quit with the specified reason.
* To the user, it will appear as if they typed /QUIT themselves, except for the fact that this function
* may bypass the quit prefix specified in the config file.
* Once you call this function, userrec* user will immediately become INVALID. You MUST NOT write to, or
* read from this pointer after calling the QuitUser method UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! The best course of
* action after calling this method is to immediately bail from your handler.
virtual void QuitUser(userrec* user, const std::string &reason);
/** Makes a user kick another user, with the specified reason.
* If source is NULL, the server will peform the kick.
* @param The person or server (if NULL) performing the KICK
* @param target The person being kicked
* @param chan The channel to kick from
* @param reason The kick reason
virtual void KickUser(userrec* source, userrec* target, chanrec* chan, const std::string &reason);
/** Matches text against a glob pattern.
* Uses the ircd's internal matching function to match string against a globbing pattern, e.g. *!*@*.com
* Returns true if the literal successfully matches the pattern, false if otherwise.
virtual bool MatchText(const std::string &sliteral, const std::string &spattern);
/** Calls the handler for a command, either implemented by the core or by another module.
* You can use this function to trigger other commands in the ircd, such as PRIVMSG, JOIN,
* KICK etc, or even as a method of callback. By defining command names that are untypeable
* for users on irc (e.g. those which contain a \r or \n) you may use them as callback identifiers.
* The first parameter to this method is the name of the command handler you wish to call, e.g.
* PRIVMSG. This will be a command handler previously registered by the core or wih AddCommand().
* The second parameter is an array of parameters, and the third parameter is a count of parameters
* in the array. If you do not pass enough parameters to meet the minimum needed by the handler, the
* functiom will silently ignore it. The final parameter is the user executing the command handler,
* used for privilage checks, etc.
* @return True if the command exists
virtual bool CallCommandHandler(const std::string &commandname, const char** parameters, int pcnt, userrec* user);
/** This function returns true if the commandname exists, pcnt is equal to or greater than the number
* of paramters the command requires, the user specified is allowed to execute the command, AND
* if the command is implemented by a module (not the core). This has a few specific uses, usually
* within network protocols (see src/modules/m_spanningtree.cpp)
virtual bool IsValidModuleCommand(const std::string &commandname, int pcnt, userrec* user);
/** Change displayed hostname of a user.
* You should always call this method to change a user's host rather than writing directly to the
* dhost member of userrec, as any change applied via this method will be propogated to any
* linked servers.
virtual void ChangeHost(userrec* user, const std::string &host);
/** Change GECOS (fullname) of a user.
* You should always call this method to change a user's GECOS rather than writing directly to the
* fullname member of userrec, as any change applied via this method will be propogated to any
* linked servers.
virtual void ChangeGECOS(userrec* user, const std::string &gecos);
/** Returns true if the servername you give is ulined.
* ULined servers have extra privilages. They are allowed to change nicknames on remote servers,
* change modes of clients which are on remote servers and set modes of channels where there are
* no channel operators for that channel on the ulined server, amongst other things.
virtual bool IsUlined(const std::string &server);
/** Fetches the userlist of a channel. This function must be here and not a member of userrec or
* chanrec due to include constraints.
virtual chanuserlist GetUsers(chanrec* chan);
/** Remove a user's connection to the irc server, but leave their client in existence in the
* user hash. When you call this function, the user's file descriptor will be replaced with the
* value of FD_MAGIC_NUMBER and their old file descriptor will be closed. This idle client will
* remain until it is restored with a valid file descriptor, or is removed from IRC by an operator
* After this call, the pointer to user will be invalid.
virtual bool UserToPseudo(userrec* user, const std::string &message);
/** This user takes one user, and switches their file descriptor with another user, so that one user
* "becomes" the other. The user in 'alive' is booted off the server with the given message. The user
* referred to by 'zombie' should have previously been locked with Server::UserToPseudo, otherwise
* stale sockets and file descriptor leaks can occur. After this call, the pointer to alive will be
* invalid, and the pointer to zombie will be equivalent in effect to the old pointer to alive.
virtual bool PseudoToUser(userrec* alive, userrec* zombie, const std::string &message);
/** Adds a G-line
* The G-line is propogated to all of the servers in the mesh and enforced as soon as it is added.
* The duration must be in seconds, however you can use the Server::CalcDuration method to convert
* durations into the 1w2d3h3m6s format used by /GLINE etc. The source is an arbitary string used
* to indicate who or what sent the data, usually this is the nickname of a person, or a server
* name.
virtual void AddGLine(long duration, const std::string &source, const std::string &reason, const std::string &hostmask);
/** Adds a Q-line
* The Q-line is propogated to all of the servers in the mesh and enforced as soon as it is added.
* The duration must be in seconds, however you can use the Server::CalcDuration method to convert
* durations into the 1w2d3h3m6s format used by /GLINE etc. The source is an arbitary string used
* to indicate who or what sent the data, usually this is the nickname of a person, or a server
* name.
virtual void AddQLine(long duration, const std::string &source, const std::string &reason, const std::string &nickname);
/** Adds a Z-line
* The Z-line is propogated to all of the servers in the mesh and enforced as soon as it is added.
* The duration must be in seconds, however you can use the Server::CalcDuration method to convert
* durations into the 1w2d3h3m6s format used by /GLINE etc. The source is an arbitary string used
* to indicate who or what sent the data, usually this is the nickname of a person, or a server
* name.
virtual void AddZLine(long duration, const std::string &source, const std::string &reason, const std::string &ipaddr);
/** Adds a K-line
* The K-line is enforced as soon as it is added.
* The duration must be in seconds, however you can use the Server::CalcDuration method to convert
* durations into the 1w2d3h3m6s format used by /GLINE etc. The source is an arbitary string used
* to indicate who or what sent the data, usually this is the nickname of a person, or a server
* name.
virtual void AddKLine(long duration, const std::string &source, const std::string &reason, const std::string &hostmask);
/** Adds a E-line
* The E-line is enforced as soon as it is added.
* The duration must be in seconds, however you can use the Server::CalcDuration method to convert
* durations into the 1w2d3h3m6s format used by /GLINE etc. The source is an arbitary string used
* to indicate who or what sent the data, usually this is the nickname of a person, or a server
* name.
virtual void AddELine(long duration, const std::string &source, const std::string &reason, const std::string &hostmask);
/** Deletes a G-Line from all servers
virtual bool DelGLine(const std::string &hostmask);
/** Deletes a Q-Line from all servers
virtual bool DelQLine(const std::string &nickname);
/** Deletes a Z-Line from all servers
virtual bool DelZLine(const std::string &ipaddr);
/** Deletes a local K-Line
virtual bool DelKLine(const std::string &hostmask);
/** Deletes a local E-Line
virtual bool DelELine(const std::string &hostmask);
/** Calculates a duration
* This method will take a string containing a formatted duration (e.g. "1w2d") and return its value
* as a total number of seconds. This is the same function used internally by /GLINE etc to set
* the ban times.
virtual long CalcDuration(const std::string &duration);
/** Returns true if a nick!ident@host string is correctly formatted, false if otherwise.
virtual bool IsValidMask(const std::string &mask);
/** This function finds a module by name.
* You must provide the filename of the module. If the module cannot be found (is not loaded)
* the function will return NULL.
virtual Module* FindModule(const std::string &name);
/** Adds a class derived from InspSocket to the server's socket engine.
virtual void AddSocket(InspSocket* sock);
/** Forcibly removes a class derived from InspSocket from the servers socket engine.
virtual void RemoveSocket(InspSocket* sock);
/** Deletes a class derived from InspSocket from the server's socket engine.
virtual void DelSocket(InspSocket* sock);
/** Causes the local server to rehash immediately.
* WARNING: Do not call this method from within your rehash method, for
* obvious reasons!
virtual void RehashServer();
/** This method returns the total number of channels on the network.
virtual long GetChannelCount();
/** This method returns a channel whos index is greater than or equal to 0 and less than the number returned by Server::GetChannelCount().
* This is slower (by factors of dozens) than requesting a channel by name with Server::FindChannel(), however there are times when
* you wish to safely iterate the channel list, saving your position, with large amounts of time in between, which is what this function
* is useful for.
virtual chanrec* GetChannelIndex(long index);
/** Dumps text (in a stringstream) to a user. The stringstream should not contain linefeeds, as it will be split
* automatically by the function into safe amounts. The line prefix given is prepended onto each line (e.g. a servername
* and a numeric).
void DumpText(userrec* User, const std::string &LinePrefix, stringstream &TextStream);
#define CONF_NOT_A_NUMBER 0x000010
#define CONF_NOT_UNSIGNED 0x000080
#define CONF_VALUE_NOT_FOUND 0x000100
#define CONF_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0x000200
/** Allows reading of values from configuration files
* This class allows a module to read from either the main configuration file (inspircd.conf) or from
* a module-specified configuration file. It may either be instantiated with one parameter or none.
* Constructing the class using one parameter allows you to specify a path to your own configuration
* file, otherwise, inspircd.conf is read.
class ConfigReader : public classbase
/** The contents of the configuration file
* This protected member should never be accessed by a module (and cannot be accessed unless the
* core is changed). It will contain a pointer to the configuration file data with unneeded data
* (such as comments) stripped from it.
ConfigDataHash* data;
std::ostringstream* errorlog;;
/** Used to store errors
bool privatehash; // If we're using our own config data hash or not.
bool readerror;
long error;
/** Default constructor.
* This constructor initialises the ConfigReader class to read the inspircd.conf file
* as specified when running ./configure.
ConfigReader(); // default constructor reads ircd.conf
/** Overloaded constructor.
* This constructor initialises the ConfigReader class to read a user-specified config file
ConfigReader(const std::string &filename); // read a module-specific config
/** Default destructor.
* This method destroys the ConfigReader class.
/** Retrieves a value from the config file.
* This method retrieves a value from the config file. Where multiple copies of the tag
* exist in the config file, index indicates which of the values to retrieve.
std::string ReadValue(const std::string &tag, const std::string &name, int index);
/** Retrieves a boolean value from the config file.
* This method retrieves a boolean value from the config file. Where multiple copies of the tag
* exist in the config file, index indicates which of the values to retrieve. The values "1", "yes"
* and "true" in the config file count as true to ReadFlag, and any other value counts as false.
bool ReadFlag(const std::string &tag, const std::string &name, int index);
/** Retrieves an integer value from the config file.
* This method retrieves an integer value from the config file. Where multiple copies of the tag
* exist in the config file, index indicates which of the values to retrieve. Any invalid integer
* values in the tag will cause the objects error value to be set, and any call to GetError() will
* return CONF_INVALID_NUMBER to be returned. needs_unsigned is set if the number must be unsigned.
* If a signed number is placed into a tag which is specified unsigned, 0 will be returned and GetError()
* will return CONF_NOT_UNSIGNED
long ReadInteger(const std::string &tag, const std::string &name, int index, bool needs_unsigned);
/** Returns the last error to occur.
* Valid errors can be found by looking in modules.h. Any nonzero value indicates an error condition.
* A call to GetError() resets the error flag back to 0.
long GetError();
/** Counts the number of times a given tag appears in the config file.
* This method counts the number of times a tag appears in a config file, for use where
* there are several tags of the same kind, e.g. with opers and connect types. It can be
* used with the index value of ConfigReader::ReadValue to loop through all copies of a
* multiple instance tag.
int Enumerate(const std::string &tag);
/** Returns true if a config file is valid.
* This method is partially implemented and will only return false if the config
* file does not exist or could not be opened.
bool Verify();
/** Dumps the list of errors in a config file to an output location. If bail is true,
* then the program will abort. If bail is false and user points to a valid user
* record, the error report will be spooled to the given user by means of NOTICE.
* if bool is false AND user is false, the error report will be spooled to all opers
* by means of a NOTICE to all opers.
void DumpErrors(bool bail,userrec* user);
/** Returns the number of items within a tag.
* For example if the tag was &lt;test tag="blah" data="foo"&gt; then this
* function would return 2. Spaces and newlines both qualify as valid seperators
* between values.
int EnumerateValues(const std::string &tag, int index);
/** Caches a text file into memory and can be used to retrieve lines from it.
* This class contains methods for read-only manipulation of a text file in memory.
* Either use the constructor type with one parameter to load a file into memory
* at construction, or use the LoadFile method to load a file.
class FileReader : public classbase
/** The file contents
file_cache fc;
unsigned long contentsize;
void CalcSize();
/** Default constructor.
* This method does not load any file into memory, you must use the LoadFile method
* after constructing the class this way.
/** Secondary constructor.
* This method initialises the class with a file loaded into it ready for GetLine and
* and other methods to be called. If the file could not be loaded, FileReader::FileSize
* returns 0.
FileReader(const std::string &filename);
/** Default destructor.
* This deletes the memory allocated to the file.
/** Used to load a file.
* This method loads a file into the class ready for GetLine and
* and other methods to be called. If the file could not be loaded, FileReader::FileSize
* returns 0.
void LoadFile(const std::string &filename);
/** Returns the whole content of the file as std::string
std::string Contents();
/** Returns the entire size of the file as std::string
unsigned long ContentSize();
/** Returns true if the file exists
* This function will return false if the file could not be opened.
bool Exists();
/** Retrieve one line from the file.
* This method retrieves one line from the text file. If an empty non-NULL string is returned,
* the index was out of bounds, or the line had no data on it.
std::string GetLine(int x);
/** Returns the size of the file in lines.
* This method returns the number of lines in the read file. If it is 0, no lines have been
* read into memory, either because the file is empty or it does not exist, or cannot be
* opened due to permission problems.
int FileSize();
/** Instantiates classes inherited from Module
* This class creates a class inherited from type Module, using new. This is to allow for modules
* to create many different variants of Module, dependent on architecture, configuration, etc.
* In most cases, the simple class shown in the example module will suffice for most
* modules.
class ModuleFactory : public classbase
ModuleFactory() { }
virtual ~ModuleFactory() { }
/** Creates a new module.
* Your inherited class of ModuleFactory must return a pointer to your Module class
* using this method.
virtual Module * CreateModule(Server* Me) = 0;
typedef DLLFactory<ModuleFactory> ircd_module;
typedef std::vector<Module*> ModuleList;
typedef std::vector<ircd_module*> FactoryList;