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/* +------------------------------------+
* | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon |
* +------------------------------------+
* InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2009 InspIRCd Development Team
* See: http://wiki.inspircd.org/Credits
* This program is free but copyrighted software; see
* the file COPYING for details.
* ---------------------------------------------------
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "inspircd.h"
#include "modules.h"
#include "socketengine.h"
#include "socket.h"
/* Required forward definitions */
class ServerConfig;
class ServerLimits;
class InspIRCd;
class BufferedSocket;
/** A cached text file stored with its contents as lines
typedef std::vector<std::string> file_cache;
/** A configuration key and value pair
typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string> KeyVal;
struct ConfigTag : public refcountbase
const std::string tag;
std::vector<KeyVal> items;
ConfigTag(const std::string& Tag) : tag(Tag) {}
std::string getString(const std::string& key, const std::string& def = "");
long getInt(const std::string& key, long def = 0);
double getFloat(const std::string& key, double def = 0);
bool getBool(const std::string& key, bool def = false);
bool readString(const std::string& key, std::string& value, bool allow_newline = false);
/** An entire config file, built up of KeyValLists
typedef std::multimap<std::string, reference<ConfigTag> > ConfigDataHash;
typedef std::map<std::string, reference<ConfigTag> > TagIndex;
/** Defines the server's length limits on various length-limited
* items such as topics, nicknames, channel names etc.
class ServerLimits
/** Maximum nickname length */
size_t NickMax;
/** Maximum channel length */
size_t ChanMax;
/** Maximum number of modes per line */
size_t MaxModes;
/** Maximum length of ident, not including ~ etc */
size_t IdentMax;
/** Maximum length of a quit message */
size_t MaxQuit;
/** Maximum topic length */
size_t MaxTopic;
/** Maximum kick message length */
size_t MaxKick;
/** Maximum GECOS (real name) length */
size_t MaxGecos;
/** Maximum away message length */
size_t MaxAway;
/** Creating the class initialises it to the defaults
* as in 1.1's ./configure script. Reading other values
* from the config will change these values.
ServerLimits() : NickMax(31), ChanMax(64), MaxModes(20), IdentMax(12), MaxQuit(255), MaxTopic(307), MaxKick(255), MaxGecos(128), MaxAway(200)
/** Finalises the settings by adding one. This allows for them to be used as-is
* without a 'value+1' when using the std::string assignment methods etc.
void Finalise()
/** This class holds the bulk of the runtime configuration for the ircd.
* It allows for reading new config values, accessing configuration files,
* and storage of the configuration data needed to run the ircd, such as
* the servername, connect classes, /ADMIN data, MOTDs and filenames etc.
class CoreExport ServerConfig : public classbase
/** This variable holds the names of all
* files included from the main one. This
* is used to make sure that no files are
* recursively included.
std::vector<std::string> include_stack;
/** This private method processes one line of
* configutation, appending errors to errorstream
* and setting error if an error has occured.
bool ParseLine(const std::string &filename, std::string &line, long &linenumber, bool allowexeinc);
/** Check that there is only one of each configuration item
bool CheckOnce(const char* tag);
void CrossCheckOperClassType();
void CrossCheckConnectBlocks(ServerConfig* current);
/** Process an include executable directive
bool DoPipe(const std::string &file);
/** Process an include file directive
bool DoInclude(const std::string &file, bool allowexeinc);
/** Error stream, contains error output from any failed configuration parsing.
std::stringstream errstr;
/** True if this configuration is valid enough to run with */
bool valid;
/** Set of included files. Do we use this any more?
std::map<std::string, std::istream*> IncludedFiles;
/** Used to indicate who we announce invites to on a channel */
/** Not used any more as it is named, can probably be removed or renamed.
int DoDownloads();
/** This holds all the information in the config file,
* it's indexed by tag name to a vector of key/values.
ConfigDataHash config_data;
/** Length limits, see definition of ServerLimits class
ServerLimits Limits;
/** Clones CIDR range for ipv4 (0-32)
* Defaults to 32 (checks clones on all IPs seperately)
int c_ipv4_range;
/** Clones CIDR range for ipv6 (0-128)
* Defaults to 128 (checks on all IPs seperately)
int c_ipv6_range;
/** Max number of WhoWas entries per user.
int WhoWasGroupSize;
/** Max number of cumulative user-entries in WhoWas.
* When max reached and added to, push out oldest entry FIFO style.
int WhoWasMaxGroups;
/** Max seconds a user is kept in WhoWas before being pruned.
int WhoWasMaxKeep;
/** Both for set(g|u)id.
std::string SetUser;
std::string SetGroup;
/** Holds the server name of the local server
* as defined by the administrator.
std::string ServerName;
/** Notice to give to users when they are Xlined
std::string MoronBanner;
/* Holds the network name the local server
* belongs to. This is an arbitary field defined
* by the administrator.
std::string Network;
/** Holds the description of the local server
* as defined by the administrator.
std::string ServerDesc;
/** Holds the admin's name, for output in
* the /ADMIN command.
std::string AdminName;
/** Holds the email address of the admin,
* for output in the /ADMIN command.
std::string AdminEmail;
/** Holds the admin's nickname, for output
* in the /ADMIN command
std::string AdminNick;
/** The admin-configured /DIE password
std::string diepass;
/** The admin-configured /RESTART password
std::string restartpass;
/** The hash method for *BOTH* the die and restart passwords.
std::string powerhash;
/** The pathname and filename of the message of the
* day file, as defined by the administrator.
std::string motd;
/** The pathname and filename of the rules file,
* as defined by the administrator.
std::string rules;
/** The quit prefix in use, or an empty string
std::string PrefixQuit;
/** The quit suffix in use, or an empty string
std::string SuffixQuit;
/** The fixed quit message in use, or an empty string
std::string FixedQuit;
/** The part prefix in use, or an empty string
std::string PrefixPart;
/** The part suffix in use, or an empty string
std::string SuffixPart;
/** The fixed part message in use, or an empty string
std::string FixedPart;
/** The last string found within a <die> tag, or
* an empty string.
std::string DieValue;
/** The DNS server to use for DNS queries
std::string DNSServer;
/** Pretend disabled commands don't exist.
bool DisabledDontExist;
/** This variable contains a space-seperated list
* of commands which are disabled by the
* administrator of the server for non-opers.
std::string DisabledCommands;
/** This variable identifies which usermodes have been diabled.
char DisabledUModes[64];
/** This variable identifies which chanmodes have been disabled.
char DisabledCModes[64];
/** The full path to the modules directory.
* This is either set at compile time, or
* overridden in the configuration file via
* the <options> tag.
std::string ModPath;
/** The file handle of the logfile. If this
* value is NULL, the log file is not open,
* probably due to a permissions error on
* startup (this should not happen in normal
* operation!).
FILE *log_file;
/** If this value is true, the owner of the
* server specified -nofork on the command
* line, causing the daemon to stay in the
* foreground.
bool nofork;
/** If this value if true then all log
* messages will be output, regardless of
* the level given in the config file.
* This is set with the -debug commandline
* option.
bool forcedebug;
/** If this is true then log output will be
* written to the logfile. This is the default.
* If you put -nolog on the commandline then
* the logfile will not be written.
* This is meant to be used in conjunction with
* -debug for debugging without filling up the
* hard disk.
bool writelog;
/** If set to true, then all opers on this server are
* shown with a generic 'is an IRC operator' line rather
* than the oper type. Oper types are still used internally.
bool GenericOper;
/** If this value is true, banned users (+b, not extbans) will not be able to change nick
* if banned on any channel, nor to message them.
bool RestrictBannedUsers;
/** If this value is true, halfops have been
* enabled in the configuration file.
bool AllowHalfop;
/** If this is set to true, then mode lists (e.g
* MODE #chan b) are hidden from unprivileged
* users.
bool HideModeLists[256];
/** The number of seconds the DNS subsystem
* will wait before timing out any request.
int dns_timeout;
/** The size of the read() buffer in the user
* handling code, used to read data into a user's
* recvQ.
int NetBufferSize;
/** The value to be used for listen() backlogs
* as default.
int MaxConn;
/** The soft limit value assigned to the irc server.
* The IRC server will not allow more than this
* number of local users.
unsigned int SoftLimit;
/** Maximum number of targets for a multi target command
* such as PRIVMSG or KICK
unsigned int MaxTargets;
/** The maximum number of /WHO results allowed
* in any single /WHO command.
int MaxWhoResults;
/** True if the DEBUG loglevel is selected.
int debugging;
/** How many seconds to wait before exiting
* the program when /DIE is correctly issued.
int DieDelay;
/** True if we're going to hide netsplits as *.net *.split for non-opers
bool HideSplits;
/** True if we're going to hide ban reasons for non-opers (e.g. G-Lines,
* K-Lines, Z-Lines)
bool HideBans;
/** Announce invites to the channel with a server notice
InviteAnnounceState AnnounceInvites;
/** If this is enabled then operators will
* see invisible (+i) channels in /whois.
bool OperSpyWhois;
/** Set to a non-empty string to obfuscate the server name of users in WHOIS
std::string HideWhoisServer;
/** Set to a non empty string to obfuscate nicknames prepended to a KILL.
std::string HideKillsServer;
/** The MOTD file, cached in a file_cache type.
file_cache MOTD;
/** The RULES file, cached in a file_cache type.
file_cache RULES;
/** The full pathname and filename of the PID
* file as defined in the configuration.
std::string PID;
/** The connect classes in use by the IRC server.
ClassVector Classes;
/** The 005 tokens of this server (ISUPPORT)
* populated/repopulated upon loading or unloading
* modules.
std::string data005;
/** isupport strings
std::vector<std::string> isupport;
/** STATS characters in this list are available
* only to operators.
std::string UserStats;
/** The path and filename of the ircd.log file
std::string logpath;
/** Default channel modes
std::string DefaultModes;
/** Custom version string, which if defined can replace the system info in VERSION.
std::string CustomVersion;
/** List of u-lined servers
std::map<irc::string, bool> ulines;
/** Max banlist sizes for channels (the std::string is a glob)
std::map<std::string, int> maxbans;
/** Directory where the inspircd binary resides
std::string MyDir;
/** If set to true, no user DNS lookups are to be performed
bool NoUserDns;
/** If set to true, provide syntax hints for unknown commands
bool SyntaxHints;
/** If set to true, users appear to quit then rejoin when their hosts change.
* This keeps clients synchronized properly.
bool CycleHosts;
/** If set to true, prefixed channel NOTICEs and PRIVMSGs will have the prefix
* added to the outgoing text for undernet style msg prefixing.
bool UndernetMsgPrefix;
/** If set to true, the full nick!user@host will be shown in the TOPIC command
* for who set the topic last. If false, only the nick is shown.
bool FullHostInTopic;
/** All oper type definitions from the config file
TagIndex opertypes;
/** All oper class definitions from the config file
TagIndex operclass;
/** Saved argv from startup
char** argv;
/** Saved argc from startup
int argc;
/** Max channels per user
unsigned int MaxChans;
/** Oper max channels per user
unsigned int OperMaxChans;
/** TS6-like server ID.
* NOTE: 000...999 are usable for InspIRCd servers. This
* makes code simpler. 0AA, 1BB etc with letters are reserved
* for services use.
std::string sid;
/** True if we have been told to run the testsuite from the commandline,
* rather than entering the mainloop.
bool TestSuite;
/** Construct a new ServerConfig
/** Get server ID as string with required leading zeroes
std::string GetSID();
/** Update the 005 vector
void Update005();
/** Send the 005 numerics (ISUPPORT) to a user
void Send005(User* user);
/** Read the entire configuration into memory
* and initialize this class. All other methods
* should be used only by the core.
void Read();
/** Apply configuration changes from the old configuration.
void Apply(ServerConfig* old, const std::string &useruid);
void ApplyModules(User* user);
void Fill();
/** Read a file into a file_cache object
bool ReadFile(file_cache &F, const std::string& fname);
/* Returns true if the given string starts with a windows drive letter
bool StartsWithWindowsDriveLetter(const std::string &path);
/** Load 'filename' into 'target', with the new config parser everything is parsed into
* tag/key/value at load-time rather than at read-value time.
bool LoadConf(FILE* &conf, const char* filename, bool allowexeinc);
/** Load 'filename' into 'target', with the new config parser everything is parsed into
* tag/key/value at load-time rather than at read-value time.
bool LoadConf(FILE* &conf, const std::string &filename, bool allowexeinc);
ConfigTag* ConfValue(const std::string& tag, int offset = 0);
bool ApplyDisabledCommands(const std::string& data);
/** Clean a filename, stripping the directories (and drives) from string.
* @param name Directory to tidy
* @return The cleaned filename
static const char* CleanFilename(const char* name);
/** Check if a file exists.
* @param file The full path to a file
* @return True if the file exists and is readable.
static bool FileExists(const char* file);
/** If this value is true, invites will bypass more than just +i
bool InvBypassModes;