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synced 2025-03-09 18:49:03 -04:00
This introduces the concept of a real username. This value comes from either the initial USER message or from an ident lookup. Doing this allows us to use it for bans through vidents and cloaking web client users using their remote username. While changing this I also changed all of the uses of "ident" other than RFC 1413 lookups and some compatibility cases to refer to usernames as user(name) instead of ident. Our use of ident in these places was incorrect as that only refers to the RFC 1413 response and is not commonly used in the way we used it by any other IRC server implementations.
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* InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon
* Copyright (C) 2020 Matt Schatz <genius3000@g3k.solutions>
* Copyright (C) 2019 iwalkalone <iwalkalone69@gmail.com>
* Copyright (C) 2013 Adam <Adam@anope.org>
* Copyright (C) 2012-2016, 2018 Attila Molnar <attilamolnar@hush.com>
* Copyright (C) 2012-2013, 2017-2022 Sadie Powell <sadie@witchery.services>
* Copyright (C) 2012 Robby <robby@chatbelgie.be>
* Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Daniel De Graaf <danieldg@inspircd.org>
* Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Stagner <aquanight@inspircd.org>
* Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Robin Burchell <robin+git@viroteck.net>
* Copyright (C) 2007 Oliver Lupton <om@inspircd.org>
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dennis Friis <peavey@inspircd.org>
* Copyright (C) 2006 John Brooks <special@inspircd.org>
* Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Craig Edwards <brain@inspircd.org>
* This file is part of InspIRCd. InspIRCd is free software: you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
class DLLManager;
/** Used to specify the behaviour of a module. */
enum ModuleFlags
/** The module has no special attributes. */
VF_NONE = 0,
/** The module is a coremod and can be assumed to be loaded on all servers. */
VF_CORE = 1,
/* The module is included with InspIRCd. */
/** The module MUST be loaded on all servers on a network to link. */
/** The module SHOULD be loaded on all servers on a network for consistency. */
/** The event was explicitly allowed. */
#define MOD_RES_ALLOW (ModResult(1))
/** The event was not explicitly allowed or denied. */
#define MOD_RES_PASSTHRU (ModResult(0))
/** The event was explicitly denied. */
#define MOD_RES_DENY (ModResult(-1))
/** Represents the result of a module event. */
class ModResult final
/** The underlying result value. */
char result = 0;
/** Creates a new instance of the ModResult class which defaults to MOD_RES_PASSTHRU. */
ModResult() = default;
/** Creates a new instance of the ModResult class with the specified value. */
explicit ModResult(char res)
: result(res)
/** Determines whether this ModResult has.the same value as \p res */
inline bool operator==(const ModResult& res) const
return result == res.result;
/** Determines whether this ModResult has.a different value to \p res */
inline bool operator!=(const ModResult& res) const
return result != res.result;
/** Determines whether a non-MOD_RES_PASSTHRU result has been set. */
inline bool operator!() const
return !result;
/** Checks whether the result is an MOD_RES_ALLOW or MOD_RES_PASSTHRU when the default is to allow. */
inline bool check(bool def) const
return (result == 1 || (result == 0 && def));
/* Merges two results preferring MOD_RES_ALLOW to MOD_RES_DENY. */
inline ModResult operator+(const ModResult& res) const
// If the results are identical or the other result is MOD_RES_PASSTHRU
// then return this result.
if (result == res.result || res.result == 0)
return *this;
// If this result is MOD_RES_PASSTHRU then return the other result.
if (result == 0)
return res;
// Otherwise, they are different, and neither is MOD_RES_PASSTHRU.
class CoreExport DataProvider
: public ServiceProvider
DataProvider(Module* Creator, const std::string& Name)
: ServiceProvider(Creator, Name, SERVICE_DATA) {}
/** Priority types which can be used by Module::Prioritize()
/** Implementation-specific flags which may be set in Module::Implements()
enum Implementation
/** Base class for all InspIRCd modules
* This class is the base class for InspIRCd modules. All modules must inherit from this class,
* its methods will be called when irc server events occur. class inherited from module must be
* instantiated by the ModuleFactory class (see relevant section) for the module to be initialised.
class CoreExport Module
: public Cullable
, public usecountbase
/** Initializes a new instance of the Module class.
* @param mprops The properties of this module.
* @param mdesc A description of this module.
Module(int mprops, const std::string& mdesc);
/** Detach an event from this module
* @param i Event type to detach
void DetachEvent(Implementation i);
/** Data which is synchronised between servers on link. */
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string, irc::insensitive_swo> LinkData;
/** Data which is synchronised between servers on link. */
typedef std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::optional<std::string>, std::optional<std::string>>, irc::insensitive_swo> LinkDataDiff;
/** A list of modules. */
typedef std::vector<Module*> List;
/** File that this module was loaded from
std::string ModuleSourceFile;
/** Reference to the dlopen() value
DLLManager* ModuleDLLManager = nullptr;
/** If true, this module will be unloaded soon, further unload attempts will fail
* Value is used by the ModuleManager internally, you should not modify it
bool dying = false;
/** A description of this module. */
const std::string description;
/** The properties of this module. */
const int properties;
/** Module setup
* \exception ModuleException Throwing this class, or any class derived from ModuleException, causes loading of the module to abort.
virtual void init() { }
/** Clean up prior to destruction
* If you override, you must call this AFTER your module's cleanup
Cullable::Result Cull() override;
/** Compares our link data to that of another server.
* @param otherdata Link data from another server.
* @param diffs The difference between the two sets of link data.
virtual void CompareLinkData(const LinkData& otherdata, LinkDataDiff& diffs);
/** Retrieves link compatibility data for this module.
* @param data The location to store link compatibility data.
* @param compatdata The location to store link compatibility data for older protocols.
virtual void GetLinkData(LinkData& data, std::string& compatdata);
/** Retrieves a string that represents the properties of this module. */
std::string GetPropertyString() const;
/** This method is called when you should reload module specific configuration:
* on boot, on a /REHASH and on module load.
* @param status The current status, can be inspected for more information.
virtual void ReadConfig(ConfigStatus& status);
/** Called when the hooks provided by a module need to be prioritised. */
virtual void Prioritize();
/** Called when a user connects.
* The details of the connecting user are available to you in the parameter User* user
* @param user The user who is connecting
virtual void OnUserConnect(LocalUser* user);
/** Called when before a user quits.
* The details of the exiting user are available to you in the parameter User* user
* This event is only called when the user is fully connected when they quit. To catch
* raw disconnections, use the OnUserDisconnect method.
* @param user The user who is quitting
* @param message The user's quit message (as seen by non-opers)
* @param oper_message The user's quit message (as seen by opers)
virtual ModResult OnUserPreQuit(LocalUser* user, std::string& message, std::string& oper_message);
/** Called when a user quits.
* The details of the exiting user are available to you in the parameter User* user
* This event is only called when the user is fully connected when they quit. To catch
* raw disconnections, use the OnUserDisconnect method.
* @param user The user who is quitting
* @param message The user's quit message (as seen by non-opers)
* @param oper_message The user's quit message (as seen by opers)
virtual void OnUserQuit(User* user, const std::string& message, const std::string& oper_message);
/** Called whenever a user's socket is closed.
* The details of the exiting user are available to you in the parameter User* user
* This event is called for all users, registered or not, as a cleanup method for modules
* which might assign resources to user, such as dns lookups, objects and sockets.
* @param user The user who is disconnecting
virtual void OnUserDisconnect(LocalUser* user);
/** Called whenever a channel is about to be deleted
* @param chan The channel being deleted
* @return An integer specifying whether or not the channel may be deleted. 0 for yes, 1 for no.
virtual ModResult OnChannelPreDelete(Channel* chan);
/** Called whenever a channel is deleted, either by QUIT, KICK or PART.
* @param chan The channel being deleted
virtual void OnChannelDelete(Channel* chan);
/** Called when a user joins a channel.
* The details of the joining user are available to you in the parameter User* user,
* and the details of the channel they have joined is available in the variable Channel* channel
* @param memb The channel membership being created
* @param sync This is set to true if the JOIN is the result of a network sync and the remote user is being introduced
* to a channel due to the network sync.
* @param created This is true if the join created the channel
* @param except_list A list of users not to send to.
virtual void OnUserJoin(Membership* memb, bool sync, bool created, CUList& except_list);
/** Called after a user joins a channel
* Identical to OnUserJoin, but called immediately afterwards, when any linking module has
* seen the join.
* @param memb The channel membership created
virtual void OnPostJoin(Membership* memb);
/** Called when a user parts a channel.
* The details of the leaving user are available to you in the parameter User* user,
* and the details of the channel they have left is available in the variable Channel* channel
* @param memb The channel membership being destroyed
* @param partmessage The part message, or an empty string (may be modified)
* @param except_list A list of users to not send to.
virtual void OnUserPart(Membership* memb, std::string& partmessage, CUList& except_list);
/** Called on rehash.
* This method is called prior to a /REHASH or when a SIGHUP is received from the operating
* system. This is called in all cases -- including when this server will not execute the
* rehash because it is directed at a remote server.
* @param user The user performing the rehash, if any. If this is server initiated, the value of
* this variable will be NULL.
* @param parameter The (optional) parameter given to REHASH from the user. Empty when server
* initiated.
virtual void OnPreRehash(User* user, const std::string& parameter);
/** Called on rehash.
* This method is called when a user initiates a module-specific rehash. This can be used to do
* expensive operations (such as reloading TLS certificates) that are not executed on a normal
* rehash for efficiency. A rehash of this type does not reload the core configuration.
* @param user The user performing the rehash.
* @param parameter The parameter given to REHASH
virtual void OnModuleRehash(User* user, const std::string& parameter);
/** Called whenever a snotice is about to be sent to a snomask.
* snomask and type may both be modified; the message may not.
* @param snomask The snomask the message is going to (e.g. 'A')
* @param type The textual description the snomask will go to (e.g. 'OPER')
* @param message The text message to be sent via snotice
* @return 1 to block the snotice from being sent entirely, 0 else.
virtual ModResult OnSendSnotice(char& snomask, std::string& type, const std::string& message);
/** Called whenever a user is about to join a channel, before any processing is done.
* Returning a value of 1 from this function stops the process immediately, causing no
* output to be sent to the user by the core. If you do this you must produce your own numerics,
* notices etc. This is useful for modules which may want to mimic +b, +k, +l etc. Returning -1 from
* this function forces the join to be allowed, bypassing restrictions such as banlists, invite, keys etc.
* If the user joins a NEW channel which does not exist yet, OnUserPreJoin will be called BEFORE the channel
* record is created. This will cause Channel* chan to be NULL. There is very little you can do in form of
* processing on the actual channel record at this point, however the channel NAME will still be passed in
* char* cname, so that you could for example implement a channel blacklist or whitelist, etc.
* @param user The user joining the channel
* @param chan If the channel is a new channel, this will be NULL, otherwise it will be a pointer to the channel being joined
* @param cname The channel name being joined. For new channels this is valid where chan is not.
* @param privs A string containing the users privileges when joining the channel. For new channels this will contain "o".
* You may alter this string to alter the user's modes on the channel.
* @param keygiven The key given to join the channel, or an empty string if none was provided
* @param override Whether the channel join can be blocked by returning MOD_RES_DENY.
* @return 1 To prevent the join, 0 to allow it.
virtual ModResult OnUserPreJoin(LocalUser* user, Channel* chan, const std::string& cname, std::string& privs, const std::string& keygiven, bool override);
/** Called whenever a user is about to be kicked.
* Returning a value of 1 from this function stops the process immediately, causing no
* output to be sent to the user by the core. If you do this you must produce your own numerics,
* notices etc.
* @param source The user issuing the kick
* @param memb The channel membership of the user who is being kicked.
* @param reason The kick reason
* @return 1 to prevent the kick, 0 to continue normally, -1 to explicitly allow the kick regardless of normal operation
virtual ModResult OnUserPreKick(User* source, Membership* memb, const std::string& reason);
/** Called whenever a user is kicked.
* If this method is called, the kick is already underway and cannot be prevented, so
* to prevent a kick, please use Module::OnUserPreKick instead of this method.
* @param source The user issuing the kick
* @param memb The channel membership of the user who was kicked.
* @param reason The kick reason
* @param except_list A list of users to not send to.
virtual void OnUserKick(User* source, Membership* memb, const std::string& reason, CUList& except_list);
/** Called whenever a user is about to invite another user into a channel, before any processing is done.
* Returning 1 from this function stops the process immediately, causing no
* output to be sent to the user by the core. If you do this you must produce your own numerics,
* notices etc. This is useful for modules which may want to filter invites to channels.
* @param source The user who is issuing the INVITE
* @param dest The user being invited
* @param channel The channel the user is being invited to
* @param timeout The time the invite will expire (0 == never)
* @return 1 to deny the invite, 0 to check whether or not the user has permission to invite, -1 to explicitly allow the invite
virtual ModResult OnUserPreInvite(User* source, User* dest, Channel* channel, time_t timeout);
/** Called after a user has been successfully invited to a channel.
* You cannot prevent the invite from occurring using this function, to do that,
* use OnUserPreInvite instead.
* @param source The user who is issuing the INVITE
* @param dest The user being invited
* @param channel The channel the user is being invited to
* @param timeout The time the invite will expire (0 == never)
* @param notifyrank Rank required to get an invite announcement (if enabled)
* @param notifyexcepts List of users to not send the default NOTICE invite announcement to
virtual void OnUserInvite(User* source, User* dest, Channel* channel, time_t timeout, ModeHandler::Rank notifyrank, CUList& notifyexcepts);
/** Called before a user sends a message to a channel, a user, or a server glob mask.
* @param user The user sending the message.
* @param target The target of the message. This can either be a channel, a user, or a server
* glob mask.
* @param details Details about the message such as the message text and type. See the
* MessageDetails class for more information.
* @return MOD_RES_ALLOW to explicitly allow the message, MOD_RES_DENY to explicitly deny the
* message, or MOD_RES_PASSTHRU to let another module handle the event.
virtual ModResult OnUserPreMessage(User* user, const MessageTarget& target, MessageDetails& details);
/** Called when sending a message to all "neighbors" of a given user -
* that is, all users that share a common channel. This is used in
* commands such as NICK, QUIT, etc.
* @param source The source of the message
* @param include Memberships to scan for users to include
* @param exceptions Map of user->bool that overrides the inclusion decision
* Set exceptions[user] = true to include, exceptions[user] = false to exclude
virtual void OnBuildNeighborList(User* source, User::NeighborList& include, User::NeighborExceptions& exceptions);
/** Called before local nickname changes. This can be used to implement Q-lines etc.
* If your method returns nonzero, the nickchange is silently forbidden, and it is down to your
* module to generate some meaningful output.
* @param user The username changing their nick
* @param newnick Their new nickname
* @return 1 to deny the change, 0 to allow
virtual ModResult OnUserPreNick(LocalUser* user, const std::string& newnick);
/** Called immediately after a user sends a message to a channel, a user, or a server glob mask.
* @param user The user sending the message.
* @param target The target of the message. This can either be a channel, a user, or a server
* glob mask.
* @param details Details about the message such as the message text and type. See the
* MessageDetails class for more information.
virtual void OnUserPostMessage(User* user, const MessageTarget& target, const MessageDetails& details);
/** Called immediately before a user sends a message to a channel, a user, or a server glob mask.
* @param user The user sending the message.
* @param target The target of the message. This can either be a channel, a user, or a server
* glob mask.
* @param details Details about the message such as the message text and type. See the
* MessageDetails class for more information.
virtual void OnUserMessage(User* user, const MessageTarget& target, const MessageDetails& details);
/** Called when a message sent by a user to a channel, a user, or a server glob mask is blocked.
* @param user The user sending the message.
* @param target The target of the message. This can either be a channel, a user, or a server
* glob mask.
* @param details Details about the message such as the message text and type. See the
* MessageDetails class for more information.
virtual void OnUserMessageBlocked(User* user, const MessageTarget& target, const MessageDetails& details);
/** Called after every MODE command sent from a user
* Either the usertarget or the chantarget variable contains the target of the modes,
* the actual target will have a non-NULL pointer.
* All changed modes are available in the changelist object.
* @param user The user sending the MODEs
* @param usertarget The target user of the modes, NULL if the target is a channel
* @param chantarget The target channel of the modes, NULL if the target is a user
* @param changelist The changed modes.
* @param processflags Flags passed to ModeParser::Process(), see ModeParser::ModeProcessFlags
* for the possible flags.
virtual void OnMode(User* user, User* usertarget, Channel* chantarget, const Modes::ChangeList& changelist, ModeParser::ModeProcessFlag processflags);
/** Allows module data, sent via SendMetadata, to be decoded again by a receiving module.
* Please see src/modules/m_swhois.cpp for a working example of how to use this method call.
* @param target The Channel* or User* that data should be added to
* @param extname The extension name which is being sent
* @param extdata The extension data, encoded at the other end by an identical module
virtual void OnDecodeMetadata(Extensible* target, const std::string& extname, const std::string& extdata);
/** Called whenever a user's hostname is changed.
* This event triggers after the host has been set.
* @param user The user whose host is being changed
* @param newhost The new hostname being set
virtual void OnChangeHost(User* user, const std::string& newhost);
/** Called whenever a user's real hostname is changed.
* This event triggers before the host has been set.
* @param user The user whose host is being changed
* @param newhost The new hostname being set
virtual void OnChangeRealHost(User* user, const std::string& newhost);
/** Called whenever a user's real hostname is changed.
* This event triggers after the host has been set.
* @param user The user whos host was changed.
virtual void OnPostChangeRealHost(User* user);
/** Called whenever a user's real name is changed.
* This event triggers after the name has been set.
* @param user The user who's real name is being changed
* @param real The new real name being set on the user
virtual void OnChangeRealName(User* user, const std::string& real);
/** Called before a user's username is changed.
* @param user The user who's username is being changed
* @param newuser The new username being set.
virtual void OnChangeUser(User* user, const std::string& newuser);
/** Called before a user's real username is changed.
* @param user The user who's real username is being changed
* @param newuser The new real username being set.
virtual void OnChangeRealUser(User* user, const std::string& newuser);
/** Called after a user's real username is changed.
* @param user The user whos real username was changed.
virtual void OnPostChangeRealUser(User* user);
/** Called whenever an xline is added by a local user.
* This method is triggered after the line is added.
* @param source The sender of the line or NULL for local server
* @param line The xline being added
virtual void OnAddLine(User* source, XLine* line);
/** Called whenever an xline is deleted MANUALLY. See OnExpireLine for expiry.
* This method is triggered after the line is deleted.
* @param source The user removing the line or NULL for local server
* @param line the line being deleted
virtual void OnDelLine(User* source, XLine* line);
/** Called whenever an xline expires.
* This method is triggered after the line is deleted.
* @param line The line being deleted.
virtual void OnExpireLine(XLine* line);
/** Called before the module is unloaded to clean up extension.
* This method is called once for every channel, membership, and user.
* so that you can clear up any data relating to the specified extensible.
* @param type The type of extensible being cleaned up.
* @param item A pointer to the extensible which is being cleaned up.
virtual void OnCleanup(ExtensionType type, Extensible* item);
/** Called after any nickchange, local or remote. This can be used to track users after nickchanges
* have been applied. Please note that although you can see remote nickchanges through this function, you should
* NOT make any changes to the User if the user is a remote user as this may cause a desync.
* check user->server before taking any action (including returning nonzero from the method).
* Because this method is called after the nickchange is taken place, no return values are possible
* to indicate forbidding of the nick change. Use OnUserPreNick for this.
* @param user The user changing their nick
* @param oldnick The old nickname of the user before the nickchange
virtual void OnUserPostNick(User* user, const std::string& oldnick);
/** Called before a mode change via the MODE command, to allow a single access check for
* a full mode change (use OnRawMode to check individual modes)
* Returning MOD_RES_ALLOW will skip prefix level checks, but can be overridden by
* OnRawMode for each individual mode
* @param source the user making the mode change
* @param dest the user destination of the umode change (NULL if a channel mode)
* @param channel the channel destination of the mode change
* @param modes Modes being changed, can be edited
virtual ModResult OnPreMode(User* source, User* dest, Channel* channel, Modes::ChangeList& modes);
/** Called when a client is disconnected by KILL.
* If a client is killed by a server, e.g. a nickname collision or protocol error,
* source is NULL.
* Return 1 from this function to prevent the kill, and 0 from this function to allow
* it as normal. If you prevent the kill no output will be sent to the client, it is
* down to your module to generate this information.
* NOTE: It is NOT advisable to stop kills which originate from servers or remote users.
* If you do so youre risking race conditions, desyncs and worse!
* @param source The user sending the KILL
* @param dest The user being killed
* @param reason The kill reason
* @return 1 to prevent the kill, 0 to allow
virtual ModResult OnKill(User* source, User* dest, const std::string& reason);
/** Called whenever a module is loaded.
* mod will contain a pointer to the module, and string will contain its name,
* for example m_widgets.so. This function is primary for dependency checking,
* your module may decide to enable some extra features if it sees that you have
* for example loaded "m_killwidgets.so" with "m_makewidgets.so". It is highly
* recommended that modules do *NOT* bail if they cannot satisfy dependencies,
* but instead operate under reduced functionality, unless the dependency is
* absolutely necessary (e.g. a module that extends the features of another
* module).
* @param mod A pointer to the new module
virtual void OnLoadModule(Module* mod);
/** Called whenever a module is unloaded.
* mod will contain a pointer to the module, and string will contain its name,
* for example m_widgets.so. This function is primary for dependency checking,
* your module may decide to enable some extra features if it sees that you have
* for example loaded "m_killwidgets.so" with "m_makewidgets.so". It is highly
* recommended that modules do *NOT* bail if they cannot satisfy dependencies,
* but instead operate under reduced functionality, unless the dependency is
* absolutely necessary (e.g. a module that extends the features of another
* module).
* @param mod Pointer to the module being unloaded (still valid)
virtual void OnUnloadModule(Module* mod);
/** Called once every five seconds for background processing.
* This timer can be used to control timed features. Its period is not accurate
* enough to be used as a clock, but it is guaranteed to be called at least once in
* any five second period, directly from the main loop of the server.
* @param curtime The current timer derived from time(2)
virtual void OnBackgroundTimer(time_t curtime);
/** Called whenever any command is about to be executed.
* This event occurs for all registered commands, whether they are registered in the core,
* or another module, and for invalid commands. Invalid commands may only be sent to this
* function when the value of validated is false. By returning 1 from this method you may prevent the
* command being executed. If you do this, no output is created by the core, and it is
* down to your module to produce any output necessary.
* Note that unless you return 1, you should not destroy any structures (e.g. by using
* InspIRCd::QuitUser) otherwise when the command's handler function executes after your
* method returns, it will be passed an invalid pointer to the user object and crash!)
* @param command The command being executed
* @param parameters An array of array of characters containing the parameters for the command
* @param user the user issuing the command
* @param validated True if the command has passed all checks, e.g. it is recognised, has enough parameters, the user has permission to execute it, etc.
* You should only change the parameter list and command string if validated == false (e.g. before the command lookup occurs).
* @return 1 to block the command, 0 to allow
virtual ModResult OnPreCommand(std::string& command, CommandBase::Params& parameters, LocalUser* user, bool validated);
/** Called after any command has been executed.
* This event occurs for all registered commands, whether they are registered in the core,
* or another module, but it will not occur for invalid commands (e.g. ones which do not
* exist within the command table). The result code returned by the command handler is
* provided.
* @param command The command being executed
* @param parameters An array of array of characters containing the parameters for the command
* @param user the user issuing the command
* @param result The return code given by the command handler, one of CmdResult::SUCCESS or CmdResult::FAILURE
* @param loop Whether the command is being called from LoopCall or directly.
virtual void OnPostCommand(Command* command, const CommandBase::Params& parameters, LocalUser* user, CmdResult result, bool loop);
/** Called when a command was blocked before it could be executed.
* @param command The command being executed.
* @param parameters The parameters for the command.
* @param user The user issuing the command.
virtual void OnCommandBlocked(const std::string& command, const CommandBase::Params& parameters, LocalUser* user);
/** Called after a user object is initialised and added to the user list.
* When this is called the user has not had their I/O hooks checked or had their initial
* connect class assigned and may not yet have a serializer. You probably want to use
* the OnUserPostInit or OnUserSetIP hooks instead of this one.
* @param user The connecting user.
virtual void OnUserInit(LocalUser* user);
/** Called after a user object has had their I/O hooks checked, their initial connection
* class assigned, and had a serializer set.
* @param user The connecting user.
virtual void OnUserPostInit(LocalUser* user);
/** Called to check if a user who is connecting can now be allowed to register
* If any modules return false for this function, the user is held in the waiting
* state until all modules return true. For example a module which implements ident
* lookups will continue to return false for a user until their ident lookup is completed.
* Note that the connection timeout for a user overrides these checks, if the connection
* timeout is reached, the user is disconnected even if modules report that the user is
* not ready to connect.
* @param user The user to check
* @return true to indicate readiness, false if otherwise
virtual ModResult OnCheckReady(LocalUser* user);
/** Called whenever a user is about to register their connection (e.g. before the user
* is sent the MOTD etc). Modules can use this method if they are performing a function
* which must be done before the actual connection is completed (e.g. ident lookups,
* dnsbl lookups, etc).
* Note that you should NOT delete the user record here by causing a disconnection!
* Use OnUserConnect for that instead.
* @param user The user registering
* @return 1 to indicate user quit, 0 to continue
virtual ModResult OnUserRegister(LocalUser* user);
/** Called whenever a user joins a channel, to determine if invite checks should go ahead or not.
* This method will always be called for each join, whether or not the channel is actually +i, and
* determines the outcome of an if statement around the whole section of invite checking code.
* return 1 to explicitly allow the join to go ahead or 0 to ignore the event.
* @param user The user joining the channel
* @param chan The channel being joined
* @return 1 to explicitly allow the join, 0 to proceed as normal
virtual ModResult OnCheckInvite(User* user, Channel* chan);
/** Called whenever a mode character is processed.
* Return 1 from this function to block the mode character from being processed entirely.
* @param user The user who is sending the mode
* @param chan The channel the mode is being sent to (or NULL if a usermode)
* @param change Information regarding the mode change.
* @return MOD_RES_DENY to deny the mode, MOD_RES_DEFAULT to do standard mode checking, and MOD_RES_ALLOW
* to skip all permission checking. Please note that for remote mode changes, your return value
* will be ignored!
virtual ModResult OnRawMode(User* user, Channel* chan, const Modes::Change& change);
/** Called whenever a user joins a channel, to determine if key checks should go ahead or not.
* This method will always be called for each join, whether or not the channel is actually +k, and
* determines the outcome of an if statement around the whole section of key checking code.
* if the user specified no key, the keygiven string will be a valid but empty value.
* return 1 to explicitly allow the join to go ahead or 0 to ignore the event.
* @param user The user joining the channel
* @param chan The channel being joined
* @param keygiven The key given on joining the channel.
* @return 1 to explicitly allow the join, 0 to proceed as normal
virtual ModResult OnCheckKey(User* user, Channel* chan, const std::string& keygiven);
/** Called whenever a user joins a channel, to determine if channel limit checks should go ahead or not.
* This method will always be called for each join, whether or not the channel is actually +l, and
* determines the outcome of an if statement around the whole section of channel limit checking code.
* return 1 to explicitly allow the join to go ahead or 0 to ignore the event.
* @param user The user joining the channel
* @param chan The channel being joined
* @return 1 to explicitly allow the join, 0 to proceed as normal
virtual ModResult OnCheckLimit(User* user, Channel* chan);
* Checks for a user's ban from the channel
* @param user The user to check
* @param chan The channel to check in
* @return MOD_RES_DENY to mark as banned, MOD_RES_ALLOW to skip the
* ban check, or MOD_RES_PASSTHRU to check bans normally
virtual ModResult OnCheckChannelBan(User* user, Channel* chan);
* Checks for a user's match of a single ban
* @param user The user to check for match
* @param chan The channel on which the match is being checked
* @param mask The mask being checked
* @return MOD_RES_DENY to mark as banned, MOD_RES_ALLOW to skip the
* ban check, or MOD_RES_PASSTHRU to check bans normally
virtual ModResult OnCheckBan(User* user, Channel* chan, const std::string& mask);
/** Called when checking if a password is valid.
* @param password The hashed password.
* @param passwordhash The name of the algorithm used to hash the password.
* @param value The value to check to see if the password is valid.
* @return MOD_RES_ALLOW if the password is correct, MOD_RES_DENY if the password is incorrect,
* or MOD_RES_PASSTHRU to let another module handle the event.
virtual ModResult OnCheckPassword(const std::string& password, const std::string& passwordhash, const std::string& value);
/** Called whenever a change of a local users displayed host is attempted.
* Return 1 to deny the host change, or 0 to allow it.
* @param user The user whose host will be changed
* @param newhost The new hostname
* @return 1 to deny the host change, 0 to allow
virtual ModResult OnPreChangeHost(LocalUser* user, const std::string& newhost);
/** Called whenever a change of a local users real name is attempted.
* return MOD_RES_DENY to deny the name change, or MOD_RES_ALLOW to allow it.
* @param user The user whose real name will be changed
* @param newhost The new real name.
* @return MOD_RES_DENY to deny the real name change, MOD_RES_ALLOW to allow
virtual ModResult OnPreChangeRealName(LocalUser* user, const std::string& newhost);
/** Called before a topic is changed.
* Return 1 to deny the topic change, 0 to check details on the change, -1 to let it through with no checks
* As with other 'pre' events, you should only ever block a local event.
* @param user The user changing the topic
* @param chan The channels who's topic is being changed
* @param topic The actual topic text
* @return 1 to block the topic change, 0 to allow
virtual ModResult OnPreTopicChange(User* user, Channel* chan, const std::string& topic);
/** Called whenever a topic has been changed.
* To block topic changes you must use OnPreTopicChange instead.
* @param user The user changing the topic
* @param chan The channels who's topic is being changed
* @param topic The actual topic text
virtual void OnPostTopicChange(User* user, Channel* chan, const std::string& topic);
/** Called after a user has fully connected and all modules have executed OnUserConnect
* This event is informational only. You should not change any user information in this
* event. To do so, use the OnUserConnect method to change the state of local users.
* This is called for both local and remote users.
* @param user The user who is connecting
virtual void OnPostConnect(User* user);
/** Called when a port accepts a connection
* Return MOD_RES_ACCEPT if you have used the file descriptor.
* @param fd The file descriptor returned from accept()
* @param sock The socket connection for the new user
* @param client The client IP address and port
* @param server The server IP address and port
virtual ModResult OnAcceptConnection(int fd, ListenSocket* sock, const irc::sockets::sockaddrs& client, const irc::sockets::sockaddrs& server);
/** Called at intervals for modules to garbage-collect any hashes etc.
* Certain data types such as hash_map 'leak' buckets, which must be
* tidied up and freed by copying into a new item every so often. This
* method is called when it is time to do that.
virtual void OnGarbageCollect();
virtual ModResult OnNumeric(User* user, const Numeric::Numeric& numeric);
/** Called whenever a local user's remote address is set or changed.
* @param user The user whose remote address is being set or changed.
virtual void OnChangeRemoteAddress(LocalUser* user);
/** Called whenever a ServiceProvider is registered.
* @param service ServiceProvider being registered.
virtual void OnServiceAdd(ServiceProvider& service);
/** Called whenever a ServiceProvider is unregistered.
* @param service ServiceProvider being unregistered.
virtual void OnServiceDel(ServiceProvider& service);
/** Called whenever a message is about to be written to a user.
* @param user The user who is having a message sent to them.
* @param msg The message which is being written to the user.
* @return MOD_RES_ALLOW to explicitly allow the message to be sent, MOD_RES_DENY to explicitly
* deny the message from being sent, or MOD_RES_PASSTHRU to let another module handle the event.
virtual ModResult OnUserWrite(LocalUser* user, ClientProtocol::Message& msg);
/** Called before a server shuts down.
* @param reason The reason the server is shutting down.
virtual void OnShutdown(const std::string& reason);
/** Called when a local user is attempting to log in to an server operator account.
* @param user The user who is attempting to log in.
* @param oper The server operator account they are attempting to log in to.
* @param automatic Whether the login attempt is being performed automatically.
* @return MOD_RES_ALLOW to explicitly allow the login, MOD_RES_DENY to explicitly deny the
* login, or MOD_RES_PASSTHRU to let another module handle the event.
virtual ModResult OnPreOperLogin(LocalUser* user, const std::shared_ptr<OperAccount>& oper, bool automatic);
/** Called when a user is about to be logged in to an server operator account.
* @param user The user who is about to be logged in.
* @param oper The server operator account they are logging in to.
* @param automatic Whether the login was performed automatically.
virtual void OnOperLogin(User* user, const std::shared_ptr<OperAccount>& oper, bool automatic);
/** Called after a user has been logged in to an server operator account.
* @param user The user who has been logged in.
* @param automatic Whether the login was performed automatically.
virtual void OnPostOperLogin(User* user, bool automatic);
/** Called when a user is about to be logged out of an server operator account.
* @param user The user who is about to be logged out.
virtual void OnOperLogout(User* user);
/** Called after a user has been logged out of an server operator account.
* @param user The user who has been logged out.
* @param oper The server operator account they were logged out of.
virtual void OnPostOperLogout(User* user, const std::shared_ptr<OperAccount>& oper);
/** Called when trying to find a connect class for a user.
* @param user The user that needs a new connect class.
* @param klass The connect class to check the suitability of.
* @param errnum If returning MOD_RES_DENY then the error numeric to send to the user.
* @return MOD_RES_ALLOW to select this connect class, MOD_RES_DENY to reject this connect
* class, or MOD_RES_PASSTHRU to let another module handle the event.
virtual ModResult OnPreChangeConnectClass(LocalUser* user, const std::shared_ptr<ConnectClass>& klass, std::optional<Numeric::Numeric>& errnum);
/** Called when a user is about to be assigned to a connect class.
* @param user The user that is being assigned to a connect class.
* @param klass The connect class the user is being assigned to.
* @param force Whether the connect class was explicitly picked (e.g. via <oper:class>).
virtual void OnChangeConnectClass(LocalUser* user, const std::shared_ptr<ConnectClass>& klass, bool force);
/** Called when a user has bee assigned to a connect class.
* @param user The user that was assigned to a connect class.
* @param force Whether the connect class was explicitly picked (e.g. via <oper:class>).
virtual void OnPostChangeConnectClass(LocalUser* user, bool force);
/** ModuleManager takes care of all things module-related
* in the core.
class CoreExport ModuleManager final
typedef std::multimap<std::string, ServiceProvider*, irc::insensitive_swo> DataProviderMap;
typedef std::vector<ServiceProvider*> ServiceList;
/** Holds a string describing the last module error to occur
std::string LastModuleError;
/** List of loaded modules and shared object/dll handles
* keyed by module name
std::map<std::string, Module*> Modules;
enum {
} prioritizationState;
/** Loads all core modules (core_*)
void LoadCoreModules(std::map<std::string, ServiceList>& servicemap);
/** Calls the Prioritize() method in all loaded modules
* @return True if all went well, false if a dependency loop was detected
bool PrioritizeHooks();
/** Unregister all user modes or all channel modes owned by a module
* @param mod Module whose modes to unregister
* @param modetype MODETYPE_USER to unregister user modes, MODETYPE_CHANNEL to unregister channel modes
void UnregisterModes(Module* mod, ModeType modetype);
typedef std::map<std::string, Module*> ModuleMap;
/** Event handler hooks.
* This needs to be public to be used by FOREACH_MOD and friends.
Module::List EventHandlers[I_END];
/** List of data services keyed by name */
DataProviderMap DataProviders;
/** A list of ServiceProviders waiting to be registered.
* Non-NULL when constructing a Module, NULL otherwise.
* When non-NULL ServiceProviders add themselves to this list on creation and the core
* automatically registers them (that is, call AddService()) after the Module is constructed,
* and before Module::init() is called.
* If a service is created after the construction of the Module (for example in init()) it
* has to be registered manually.
ServiceList* NewServices;
/** Expands the name of a module by prepending "m_" and appending ".so".
* No-op if the name is already expanded.
* @param modname Module name to expand
* @return Module name starting with "m_" and ending with ".so"
static std::string ExpandModName(const std::string& modname);
/** Shrinks the name of a module by removing the "m_" prefix and ".so" suffix.
* No-op if the name is already shrunk.
* @param modname Module name to expand
* @return Module name with the "m_" prefix and ".so" suffix removed.
static std::string ShrinkModName(const std::string& modname);
/** Change the priority of one event in a module.
* Each module event has a list of modules which are attached to that event type.
* If you wish to be called before or after other specific modules, you may use this
* method (usually within void Module::Prioritize()) to set your events priority.
* You may use this call in other methods too, however, this is not supported behaviour
* for a module.
* @param mod The module to change the priority of
* @param i The event to change the priority of
* @param s The state you wish to use for this event. Use one of
* PRIO_FIRST to set the event to be first called, PRIO_LAST to
* set it to be the last called, or PRIO_BEFORE and PRIORITY_AFTER
* to set it to be before or after one or more other modules.
* @param which If PRIO_BEFORE or PRIORITY_AFTER is set in parameter 's',
* then this contains a the module that your module must be placed before
* or after.
bool SetPriority(Module* mod, Implementation i, Priority s, Module* which = nullptr);
/** Change the priority of all events in a module.
* @param mod The module to set the priority of
* @param s The priority of all events in the module.
* Note that with this method, it is not possible to effectively use
* PRIO_BEFORE or PRIORITY_AFTER, you should use the more fine tuned
* SetPriority method for this, where you may specify other modules to
* be prioritized against.
void SetPriority(Module* mod, Priority s);
/** Attach an event to a module.
* You may later detach the event with ModuleManager::Detach().
* If your module is unloaded, all events are automatically detached.
* @param i Event type to attach
* @param mod Module to attach event to
* @return True if the event was attached
bool Attach(Implementation i, Module* mod);
/** Attach an array of events to a module
* @param i Event types (array) to attach
* @param mod Module to attach events to
* @param sz The size of the implementation array
void Attach(const Implementation* i, Module* mod, size_t sz);
/** Attach all events to a module (used on module load)
* @param mod Module to attach to all events
void AttachAll(Module* mod);
/** Detach an event from a module.
* This is not required when your module unloads, as the core will
* automatically detach your module from all events it is attached to.
* @param i Event type to detach
* @param mod Module to detach event from
* @return True if the event was detached
bool Detach(Implementation i, Module* mod);
/** Detach an array of events from a module
* This is not required when your module unloads, as the core will
* automatically detach your module from all events it is attached to.
* @param i Event types (array) to detach
* @param mod Module to detach events from
* @param sz The size of the implementation array
void Detach(const Implementation* i, Module* mod, size_t sz);
/** Detach all events from a module (used on unload)
* @param mod Module to detach from
void DetachAll(Module* mod);
/** Returns text describing the last module error
* @return The last error message to occur
std::string& LastError();
/** Load a given module file
* @param filename The file to load
* @param defer Defer module init (loading many modules)
* @return True if the module was found and loaded
bool Load(const std::string& filename, bool defer = false);
/** Unload a given module file. Note that the module will not be
* completely gone until the cull list has finished processing.
* @return true on success; if false, LastError will give a reason
bool Unload(Module* module);
/** Called by the InspIRCd constructor to load all modules from the config file.
void LoadAll();
void UnloadAll();
void DoSafeUnload(Module*);
/** Check if a module can be unloaded and if yes, prepare it for unload
* @param mod Module to be unloaded
* @return True if the module is unloadable, false otherwise.
* If true the module must be unloaded in the current main loop iteration.
bool CanUnload(Module* mod);
/** Find a module by name, and return a Module* to it.
* This is preferred over iterating the module lists yourself.
* @param name The module name to look up
* @return A pointer to the module, or NULL if the module cannot be found
Module* Find(const std::string& name);
/** Register a service provided by a module */
void AddService(ServiceProvider&);
/** Unregister a service provided by a module */
void DelService(ServiceProvider&);
/** Register all services in a given ServiceList
* @param list The list containing the services to register
void AddServices(const ServiceList& list);
inline void AddServices(ServiceProvider** list, int count)
for(int i=0; i < count; i++)
/** Find a service by name.
* If multiple modules provide a given service, the first one loaded will be chosen.
ServiceProvider* FindService(ServiceType Type, const std::string& name);
template<typename T> inline T* FindDataService(const std::string& name)
return static_cast<T*>(FindService(SERVICE_DATA, name));
/** Get a map of all loaded modules keyed by their name
* @return A ModuleMap containing all loaded modules
const ModuleMap& GetModules() const { return Modules; }
/** Make a service referenceable by dynamic_references
* @param name Name that will be used by dynamic_references to find the object
* @param service Service to make referenceable by dynamic_references
void AddReferent(const std::string& name, ServiceProvider* service);
/** Make a service no longer referenceable by dynamic_references
* @param service Service to make no longer referenceable by dynamic_references
void DelReferent(ServiceProvider* service);
* Run the given hook.
do \
{ \
const Module::List& _handlers = ServerInstance->Modules.EventHandlers[I_ ## EVENT]; \
for (Module::List::const_reverse_iterator _handler = _handlers.rbegin(); _handler != _handlers.rend(); ) \
{ \
Module* _mod = *_handler++; \
try \
{ \
if (!_mod->dying) \
_mod->EVENT ARGS; \
} \
catch (const CoreException& _exception_ ## EVENT) \
{ \
ServerInstance->Logs.Debug("MODULE", _mod->ModuleSourceFile + " threw an exception in " # EVENT ": " + (_exception_ ## EVENT).GetReason()); \
} \
} \
} while (false)
* Run the given hook until some module returns MOD_RES_ALLOW or MOD_RES_DENY. If no module does
* that the result is set to MOD_RES_PASSTHRU.
do \
{ \
const Module::List& _handlers = ServerInstance->Modules.EventHandlers[I_ ## EVENT]; \
for (Module::List::const_reverse_iterator _handler = _handlers.rbegin(); _handler != _handlers.rend(); ) \
{ \
Module* _mod = *_handler++; \
try \
{ \
if (_mod->dying) \
continue; \
break; \
} \
catch (const CoreException& _exception_ ## EVENT) \
{ \
ServerInstance->Logs.Debug("MODULE", _mod->ModuleSourceFile + " threw an exception in " # EVENT ": " + (_exception_ ## EVENT).GetReason()); \
} \
} \
} while (false)