2012-04-18 13:56:13 +02:00

330 lines
15 KiB

<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<alias text="NICKSERV" replace="PRIVMSG NickServ :$2-" requires="NickServ" uline="yes">
<alias text="CHANSERV" replace="PRIVMSG ChanServ :$2-" requires="ChanServ" uline="yes">
<alias text="OPERSERV" replace="PRIVMSG OperServ :$2-" requires="OperServ" uline="yes" operonly="yes">
<alias text="BOTSERV" replace="PRIVMSG BotServ :$2-" requires="BotServ" uline="yes">
<alias text="HOSTSERV" replace="PRIVMSG HostServ :$2-" requires="HostServ" uline="yes">
<alias text="MEMOSERV" replace="PRIVMSG MemoServ :$2-" requires="MemoServ" uline="yes">
<alias text="NS" replace="PRIVMSG NickServ :$2-" requires="NickServ" uline="yes">
<alias text="CS" replace="PRIVMSG ChanServ :$2-" requires="ChanServ" uline="yes">
<alias text="OS" replace="PRIVMSG OperServ :$2-" requires="OperServ" uline="yes" operonly="yes">
<alias text="BS" replace="PRIVMSG BotServ :$2-" requires="BotServ" uline="yes">
<alias text="HS" replace="PRIVMSG HostServ :$2-" requires="HostServ" uline="yes">
<alias text="MS" replace="PRIVMSG MemoServ :$2-" requires="MemoServ" uline="yes">
<alias text="ID" replace="PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY $2" requires="NickServ" uline="yes">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<callerid maxaccepts="16"
<module name="">
<module name="">
# CGI:IRC module: Adds support for automatic host changing in CGI:IRC
# (
#<module name="">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# CGIIRC CONFIGURATION #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# Optional - If you specify to use m_cgiirc, then you must specify one
# or more cgihost tags which indicate authorised CGI:IRC servers which
# will be connecting to your network, and an optional cgiirc tag.
# For more information see:
# Set to yes if you want to notice opers when CGI clients connect
# <cgiirc opernotice="no">
# The type field indicates where the module should get the real
# client's IP address from, for further information, please see the
# CGI:IRC documentation.
# Old style:
# <cgihost type="pass" mask=""> # Get IP from PASS
# <cgihost type="ident" mask=""> # Get IP from ident
# <cgihost type="passfirst" mask=""> # See the docs
# New style:
# <cgihost type="webirc" password="foobar"
# mask=""> # Get IP from WEBIRC
# ---------------
# When you connect CGI:IRC clients, there are two connect classes which
# apply to these clients. When the client initially connects, the connect
# class which matches the cgi:irc site's host is checked. Therefore you
# must raise the maximum local/global clients for this ip as high as you
# want to allow cgi clients. After the client has connected and is
# determined to be a cgi:irc client, the class which matches the client's
# real IP is then checked. You may set this class to a lower value, so that
# the real IP of the client can still be restricted to, for example, 3
# sessions maximum.
<module name="">
# Channel Names module: Allows disabling channels which have certain
# characters in the channel name such as bold, colorcodes, etc which
# can be quite annoying and allow users to on occasion have a channel
# that looks like the name of another channel on the network.
<module name="">
# denyrange: characters or range of characters to deny in channel
# names.
# allowrange: characters or range of characters to specifically allow
# in channel names.
<module name="">
<module name="">
<hostname charmap="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.-_/0123456789">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- CLOAKING CONFIGURATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# If you specify the module as above, you must define #
# cloak keys, and optionally a cloak prefix as shown below. The cloak #
# keys must be shared across the network for correct cloaking. #
# #
# There are four methods of cloaking: #
# #
# half Cloak only the "unique" portion of a host; show #
# the last 2 parts of the domain, /16 subnet of IPv4 #
# or /48 subnet of the IPv6 address. #
# #
# full Cloak the users completely, using three slices for #
# common CIDR bans (IPv4: /16, /24; IPv6: /48, /64) #
# #
# These methods use a single key that can be any length of text. #
# An optional prefix may be specified to mark cloaked hosts. #
# #
# The following methods are maintained for backwards compatibility; #
# they are slightly less secure, and always hide unresolved IPs #
# #
# compat-host InspIRCd 1.2-compatible host-based cloaking #
# compat-ip InspIRCd 1.2-compatible ip-always cloaking #
# #
# You must specify key1, key2, key3, key4 for the compat cloaking #
# modes; the values must be less than 0x80000000 and should be picked #
# at random. Prefix is mandatory, will default to network name if not #
# specified, and will always have a "-" appended. #
<cloak mode="half"
<module name="">
<module name="">
# Connectban: Provides IP connection throttling. Any IP range that connects
# too many times (configurable) in an hour is zlined for a (configurable)
# duration, and their count resets to 0.
# ipv4cidr and ipv6cidr allow you to turn the comparison from individual
# IP addresses (32 and 128 bits) into CIDR masks, to allow for throttling
# over whole ISPs/blocks of IPs, which may be needed to prevent attacks.
#<connectban threshold="10" duration="10m" ipv4cidr="32" ipv6cidr="128">
# This allows for 10 connections in an hour with a 10 minute ban if that is exceeded.
#<module name="">
# Connection throttle module. Configuration:
#<module name="">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- CONTHROTTLE CONFIGURATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# seconds, maxconns - Amount of connections per <seconds>.
# timeout - Time to wait after the throttle was activated
# before deactivating it. Be aware that the time
# is seconds + timeout.
# quitmsg - The message that users get if they attempt to
# connect while the throttle is active.
# bootwait - Amount of time to wait before enforcing the
# throttling when the server just booted.
#<connflood seconds="30" maxconns="3" timeout="30"
# quitmsg="Throttled" bootwait="10">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<ident timeout="1">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
# Regular Expression Provider for Glob or wildcard (?/*) matching.
# You must have at least 1 provider loaded to use m_filter or m_rline
# modules. This module has no additional requirements, as it uses the
# matching already present in InspIRCd core.
#<module name="">
# Regular Expression Provider for PCRE (Perl-Compatible Regular
# Expressions). You need libpcre installed to compile and load this
# module. You must have at least 1 provider loaded to use m_filter or
# m_rline.
#<module name="">
# Regular Expression Provider for POSIX Regular Expressions.
# You shouldn't need any additional libraries on a POSIX-compatible
# system (ie: any Linux, BSD, but not Windows). You must have at least
# 1 provider loaded to use m_filter or m_rline.
# On POSIX-compliant systems, regex syntax can be found by using the
# command: 'man 7 regex'.
#<module name="">
# Registered users only channel creation
# Allows only registered users and opers to create new channels.
# You probably *DO NOT* want to load this module on a public network.
#<module name="">
# Ban users through regular expression patterns
#<module name="">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- RLINE CONFIGURATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# If you wish to re-check a user when they change nickname (can be
# useful under some situations, but *can* also use CPU with more users
# on a server) then set the following configuration value:
# Also, this is where you set what Regular Expression engine is to be
# used. If you ever change it while running, all of your R-Lines will be
# wiped. This is the regex engine used by all R-Lines set, and
# m_regex_<engine>.so must be loaded, or rline will be nonfunctional
# until you load it or change the engine to one that is loaded.
#<rline matchonnickchange="yes" engine="pcre">
# Generally, you will NOT want to use 'glob' here, as this turns
# rline into just another gline. The exceptions are that rline will
# always use the full nick!user@host realname string, rather than only
# user@host, but beware that only the ? and * wildcards are available,
# and are the only way to specify where the space can occur if you do
# use glob. For this reason, is recommended to use a real regex engine
# so that at least \s or [[:space:]] is available.
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<showwhois opersonly="yes" showfromopers="yes">
# Spy module: Provides the ability to see the complete names list of
# channels an oper is not a member of
# This module is oper-only.
#<module name="">
# SSL channel mode module: Adds support for SSL-only channels (+z).
# does not do anything useful without a working SSL module (see below)
#<module name="">
# GnuTLS ssl module: Adds support for client-server SSL using GnuTLS,
# if enabled. You must copy the source for this module from the directory
# src/modules/extra, or answer 'yes' in ./configure when asked if you
# want to enable this, or it will not load.
#<module name="">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- GNUTLS CONFIGURATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# is too complex it describe here, see the wiki: #
# #
# #
# NOTE: If you want to use this module to encrypt and sign your #
# server to server traffic, you MUST load it before m_spanningtree in #
# your configuration file! #
# SSL Info module: Allows users to retrieve information about other
# user's peer SSL certificates and keys. This can be used by client
# scripts to validate users. For this to work, one of
# or must be loaded. This module also adds the
# "* <user> is using a secure connection" whois line, the ability for
# opers to use SSL fingerprints to verify their identity and the ability
# to force opers to use SSL connections in order to oper up.
# It is highly recommended to load this module especially if
# you use SSL on your network.
# For how to use the oper features, please see the first example <oper> tag
# in opers.conf.example.
#<module name="">
# OpenSSL ssl module: Adds support for client-server SSL using OpenSSL,
# if enabled. You must copy the source for this module from the directory
# src/modules/extra, or answer 'yes' in ./configure when asked if you
# want to enable this, or it will not load.
#<module name="">
#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- OPENSSL CONFIGURATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#
# #
# is too complex it describe here, see the wiki: #
# #
# #
# NOTE: If you want to use this module to encrypt and sign your #
# server to server traffic, you MUST load it before m_spanningtree in #
# your configuration file! #
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<module name="">
<watch maxentries="32">
<module name="">
# ZipLinks module: Adds support for zlib deflate on server to server
# connections. Both ends of the connection must load this module.
# This modules is in extras. Re-run configure with: ./configure --enable-extras=m_ziplink.cpp
# and run make install, then uncomment this module to enable it.
#<module name="">
# To use this module, you must enable it as a ssl type in your
# <link> tags or <bind> tags using the ssl name 'ziplinks'.
# See the documentation of <link> and <bind>, respectively.
<module name="">