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* InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon
* Copyright (C) 2018 Chris Novakovic
* Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Attila Molnar <attilamolnar@hush.com>
* Copyright (C) 2012-2014, 2016-2024 Sadie Powell <sadie@witchery.services>
* Copyright (C) 2012 Robby <robby@chatbelgie.be>
* Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Daniel De Graaf <danieldg@inspircd.org>
* Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Stagner <aquanight@gmail.com>
* Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Robin Burchell <robin+git@viroteck.net>
* Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Craig Edwards <brain@inspircd.org>
* Copyright (C) 2007 Dennis Friis <peavey@inspircd.org>
* Copyright (C) 2006 Oliver Lupton <om@inspircd.org>
* This file is part of InspIRCd. InspIRCd is free software: you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include "inspircd.h"
/** Represents the position within a file. */
class CoreExport FilePosition final
/** The name of the file that the position points to. */
std::string name;
/** The line of the file that this position points to. */
unsigned long line;
/** The column of the file that this position points to. */
unsigned long column;
/** Initialises a new file position with the specified name, line, and column.
* @param Name The name of the file that the position points to.
* @param Line The line of the file that this position points to.
* @param Column The column of the file that this position points to.
FilePosition(const std::string& Name, unsigned long Line, unsigned long Column);
/** Returns a string that represents this file position. */
std::string str() const;
/** Structure representing a single \<tag> in config */
class CoreExport ConfigTag final
/** A mapping of configuration keys to their assigned values. */
typedef insp::flat_map<std::string, std::string, irc::insensitive_swo> Items;
Items items;
/** Retrieves the value of a signed integer from the server config.
* @param key The config key to retrieve.
* @param def The default value to return if not set, empty, or out of range.
* @param min The minimum valid value.
* @param max The maximum valid value.
long double getFloat(const std::string& key, long double def, long double min, long double max) const;
/** Retrieves the value of a signed integer from the server config.
* @param key The config key to retrieve.
* @param def The default value to return if not set, empty, or out of range.
* @param min The minimum valid value.
* @param max The maximum valid value.
intmax_t getSInt(const std::string& key, intmax_t def, intmax_t min, intmax_t max) const;
/** Retrieves the value of an unsigned integer from the server config.
* @param key The config key to retrieve.
* @param def The default value to return if not set, empty, or out of range.
* @param min The minimum valid value.
* @param max The maximum valid value.
uintmax_t getUInt(const std::string& key, uintmax_t def, uintmax_t min, uintmax_t max) const;
/** The name of the configuration tag (e.g. "foo" for \<foo bar="baz">). */
const std::string name;
/** The position within the source file that this tag was read from. */
const FilePosition source;
/** Creates a new ConfigTag instance with the specified tag name, file, and line.
* @param Name The name of this config tag (e.g. "foo" for \<foo bar="baz">).
* @param Source The source of this config tag.
ConfigTag(const std::string& Name, const FilePosition& Source);
/** @copydoc getFloat */
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point_v<T>, T> getNum(const std::string& key, T def, T min = std::numeric_limits<T>::min(), T max = std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) const
return static_cast<T>(getFloat(key, def, min, max));
/** @copydoc getSInt */
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_signed_v<T> && !std::is_floating_point_v<T>, T> getNum(const std::string& key, T def, T min = std::numeric_limits<T>::min(), T max = std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) const
return static_cast<T>(getSInt(key, def, min, max));
/** @copydoc getUInt */
template<typename T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_unsigned_v<T> && !std::is_floating_point_v<T>, T> getNum(const std::string& key, T def, T min = std::numeric_limits<T>::min(), T max = std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) const
return static_cast<T>(getUInt(key, def, min, max));
/** Get the value of an option, using def if it does not exist */
std::string getString(const std::string& key, const std::string& def, const std::function<bool(const std::string&)>& validator) const;
/** Get the value of an option, using def if it does not exist */
std::string getString(const std::string& key, const std::string& def = "", size_t minlen = 0, size_t maxlen = UINT32_MAX) const;
/** Get the value of an option, using def if it does not exist */
bool getBool(const std::string& key, bool def = false) const;
/** Get the value of an option, using def if it does not exist */
unsigned char getCharacter(const std::string& key, unsigned char def = '\0', bool emptynul = false) const;
/** Get the value in seconds of a duration that is in the user-friendly "1h2m3s" format,
* using a default value if it does not exist or is out of bounds.
* @param key The config key name
* @param def Default value (optional)
* @param min Minimum acceptable value (optional)
* @param max Maximum acceptable value (optional)
* @return The duration in seconds
unsigned long getDuration(const std::string& key, unsigned long def, unsigned long min = 0, unsigned long max = ULONG_MAX) const;
template<typename TReturn>
TReturn getEnum(const std::string& key, TReturn def, std::initializer_list<std::pair<const char*, TReturn>> enumvals)
const std::string val = getString(key);
if (val.empty())
return def;
for (const auto& [enumkey, enumval] : enumvals)
if (strcasecmp(val.c_str(), enumkey) == 0)
return enumval;
// Unfortunately we have to iterate this twice.
std::string enumdef = "(unknown)";
std::string enumkeys;
for (const auto& [enumkey, enumval] : enumvals)
enumkeys.append(enumkey).append(", ");
if (enumval == def)
enumdef = enumkey;
if (!enumkeys.empty())
enumkeys.erase(enumkeys.length() - 2);
LogMalformed(key, val, enumdef, "not one of " + enumkeys);
return def;
/** Get the value of an option
* @param key The option to get
* @param value The location to store the value (unmodified if does not exist)
* @param allow_newline Allow newlines in the option (normally replaced with spaces)
* @return true if the option exists
bool readString(const std::string& key, std::string& value, bool allow_newline = false) const;
/** Retrieves the underlying map of config entries. */
inline const Items& GetItems() const { return items; }
inline Items& GetItems() { return items; }
/** @internal Logs that the value of a config field is malformed. */
void LogMalformed(const std::string& key, const std::string& val, const std::string& def, const std::string& reason) const;
struct CommandLineConf final
/** If this value is true, the owner of the
* server specified -nofork on the command
* line, causing the daemon to stay in the
* foreground.
bool nofork;
/** If this value if true then all log
* messages will be output, regardless of
* the level given in the config file.
* This is set with the -debug commandline
* option.
bool forcedebug;
/** If enabled then protocol traffic is being logged. */
bool forceprotodebug;
/** If this is true then log output will be
* written to the logfile. This is the default.
* If you put -nolog on the commandline then
* the logfile will not be written.
* This is meant to be used in conjunction with
* -debug for debugging without filling up the
* hard disk.
bool writelog;
/** If this is true, a PID file will be written
* to the file given in the "file" variable of
* the \<pid> tag in the config file. This is
* the default.
* Passing --nopid as a command line argument
* sets this to false; in this case, a PID file
* will not be written, even the default PID
* file that is usually written when the \<pid>
* tag is not defined in the config file.
bool writepid;
/* Whether the --runasroot option was specified at boot. */
bool runasroot;
/** Saved argc from startup. */
int argc;
/** Saved argv from startup. */
char** argv;
/** This class holds the bulk of the runtime configuration for the ircd.
* It allows for reading new config values, accessing configuration files,
* and storage of the configuration data needed to run the ircd, such as
* the servername, connect classes, /ADMIN data, MOTDs and filenames etc.
class CoreExport ServerConfig final
friend class ConfigReaderThread; // valid
friend struct ParseStack; // config_data, errstr, filesources
/** Holds the contents of a cached file. */
typedef insp::flat_map<std::string, std::pair<std::string, time_t>> FileCache;
/** Holds the contents of a cached file. */
typedef insp::flat_map<std::string, std::pair<std::string, bool>, irc::insensitive_swo> FileSource;
/** Holds the server config. */
typedef std::multimap<std::string, std::shared_ptr<ConfigTag>, irc::insensitive_swo> TagMap;
/** The server config. */
TagMap config_data;
/** Whether any errors occurred whilst reading the server config. */
std::stringstream errstr;
/** Files which have been read from disk. */
FileCache filecontents;
/** The location of files from \<[exec]files>. */
FileSource filesources;
/** Whether the server config is valid. */
bool valid;
/** Loads added modules and unloads any removed ones.
* @param user If non-nullptr then the user who initiated this config load.
void ApplyModules(User* user) const;
/** Ensures that connect classes are well formed.
* @param current The current server config that is about to be replaced.
void CrossCheckConnectBlocks(ServerConfig* current);
/** Ensures that oper accounts, oper types, and oper classes are well formed. */
void CrossCheckOperBlocks();
/** Reads the core server config. */
void Fill();
/** How to treat a user in a channel who is banned. */
enum BannedUserTreatment
: uint8_t
/** Don't treat a banned user any different to normal. */
/** Restrict the actions of a banned user. */
/** Restrict the actions of a banned user and notify them of their treatment. */
/** Encapsulates the result of calling ReadFile. */
class CoreExport ReadResult final
: private insp::uncopiable
/* If the read succeeded then the contents of the file. */
const std::string& contents;
/* If the read failed then the reason why. */
const std::string error;
ReadResult(const std::string& c, const std::string& e);
/** Allows nicer evaluation of a read result */
inline operator bool() const { return error.empty(); }
/** Holds the limits for how long various fields can be. Read from the \<limits> tag. */
class CoreExport ServerLimits final
/** Maximum line length */
size_t MaxLine;
/** Maximum nickname length */
size_t MaxNick;
/** Maximum channel length */
size_t MaxChannel;
/** Maximum number of modes per line */
size_t MaxModes;
/** Maximum length of a username */
size_t MaxUser;
/** Maximum length of a quit message */
size_t MaxQuit;
/** Maximum topic length */
size_t MaxTopic;
/** Maximum kick message length */
size_t MaxKick;
/** Maximum real name length */
size_t MaxReal;
/** Maximum away message length */
size_t MaxAway;
/** Maximum hostname length */
size_t MaxHost;
/** Read all limits from a config tag. Limits which aren't specified in the tag are set to a default value.
* @param tag Configuration tag to read the limits from
ServerLimits(const std::shared_ptr<ConfigTag>& tag);
/** Maximum length of a n!u\@h mask */
size_t GetMaxMask() const { return MaxNick + 1 + MaxUser + 1 + MaxHost; }
/** Holds the location of various directories. Read from the \<path> tag */
class CoreExport ServerPaths final
/** Expands a path fragment to a full path.
* @param base The base path to expand from
* @param fragment The path fragment to expand on top of base.
static std::string ExpandPath(const std::string& base, const std::string& fragment);
/** Config path */
std::string Config;
/** Data path */
std::string Data;
/** Log path */
std::string Log;
/** Module path */
std::string Module;
/** Runtime path */
std::string Runtime;
ServerPaths(const std::shared_ptr<ConfigTag>& tag);
inline std::string PrependConfig(const std::string& fn) const { return ExpandPath(Config, fn); }
inline std::string PrependData(const std::string& fn) const { return ExpandPath(Data, fn); }
inline std::string PrependLog(const std::string& fn) const { return ExpandPath(Log, fn); }
inline std::string PrependModule(const std::string& fn) const { return ExpandPath(Module, fn); }
inline std::string PrependRuntime(const std::string& fn) const { return ExpandPath(Runtime, fn); }
/** Holds the connect classes from the server config. */
typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ConnectClass>> ClassVector;
/** Holds the oper accounts from the server config. */
typedef insp::flat_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<OperAccount>> OperAccountMap;
/** Holds the oper types from the server config. */
typedef insp::flat_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<OperType>> OperTypeMap;
/** Holds iterators to a subsection of the server config map. */
typedef insp::iterator_range<TagMap::const_iterator> TagList;
/** The connect classes from the server config. */
ClassVector Classes;
/** The configuration read from the command line. */
CommandLineConf CommandLine;
/** An empty configuration tag. */
std::shared_ptr<ConfigTag> EmptyTag;
/** The limits for how long various fields can be. */
ServerLimits Limits;
/** The location of various directories. */
ServerPaths Paths;
/** Oper accounts keyed by their name. */
OperAccountMap OperAccounts;
/** Oper types keyed by their name. */
OperTypeMap OperTypes;
/** The name of the casemapping method used by this server. */
std::string CaseMapping = "ascii";
/** The value to show in the comment field of the RPL_VERSION. */
std::string CustomVersion;
/** The modes to set on a new channel. May contain channel prefix modes to set on the channel creator. */
std::string DefaultModes;
/** If non-empty then the value to replace the server name with in public messages. */
std::string HideServer;
/* The name of the IRC network (e.g. ExampleNet). */
std::string Network;
/** The description of the IRC server (e.g. ExampleNet European Server). */
std::string ServerDesc;
/** The unique identifier for this server. Must be in the format [0-9][A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9]. */
std::string ServerId;
/** The hostname of the IRC server (e.g. irc.example.com). */
std::string ServerName;
/** The message to send to users when they are banned by an X-line. */
std::string XLineMessage;
/** The quit message to use when killing an X-lined user. */
std::string XLineQuit;
/** If non-empty then the public quit message to use when killing an X-lined user. */
std::string XLineQuitPublic;
/** The CIDR range to use when determining if IPv4 clients are from the same origin. */
unsigned char IPv4Range;
/** The CIDR range to use when determining if IPv4 clients are from the same origin. */
unsigned char IPv6Range;
/** How to treat a user in a channel who is banned. */
BannedUserTreatment RestrictBannedUsers;
/** The maximum number of connections that can be waiting in the server accept queue. */
int MaxConn;
/** The number of seconds that the server clock can skip by before server operators are warned. */
time_t TimeSkipWarn;
/** The maximum number of targets for a multi-target command (e.g. KICK). */
size_t MaxTargets;
/** The maximum amount of data to read from a socket in one go. */
size_t NetBufferSize;
/** The maximum number of local connections that can be made to the IRC server. */
size_t SoftLimit;
/** Whether to store the full nick!duser\@dhost as a list mode setter instead of just their nick. */
bool MaskInList;
/** Whether to store the full nick!duser\@dhost as a topic setter instead of just their nick. */
bool MaskInTopic;
/** Whether to disable stacking snotices when multiple identical messages are sent. */
bool NoSnoticeStack;
/** Whether raw I/O traffic is being logged. */
bool RawLog = false;
/** Whether to show syntax hints when a user does not provide enough parameters for a command. */
bool SyntaxHints;
/** Whether to bind to IPv6 by default. */
bool WildcardIPv6;
/** Apply configuration changes from the old configuration. */
void Apply(ServerConfig* old, const std::string& useruid);
/** Get a list of configuration tags by name.
* @param tag The name of the tags to get.
* @param def The value to return if the tag doesn't exist.
* @returns Either a list of tags from the config or an empty TagList.
TagList ConfTags(const std::string& tag, std::optional<TagList> def = std::nullopt) const;
/** Get a configuration tag by name. If one or more tags are present then the first is returned.
* @param tag The name of the tag to get.
* @param def The value to return if the tag doesn't exist.
* @returns Either a tag from the config or EmptyTag.
const std::shared_ptr<ConfigTag>& ConfValue(const std::string& tag, const std::shared_ptr<ConfigTag>& def = nullptr) const;
/** Escapes a value for storage in a configuration key.
* @param str The string to escape.
static std::string Escape(const std::string& str);
/** Retrieves the entire server config. */
const auto& GetConfig() const { return config_data; }
/** Retrieves the list of modules that were specified in the config. */
std::vector<std::string> GetModules() const;
/** Retrieves the server description which should be shown to users. */
const auto& GetServerDesc() const { return HideServer.empty() ? ServerDesc : Network; }
/** Retrieves the server name which should be shown to users. */
const auto& GetServerName() const { return HideServer.empty() ? ServerName : HideServer; }
/** Attempt to read the configuration from disk. */
void Read();
/** Reads a file from disk.
* @param file The file to read from. May also be an \<[exec]files> key.
* @param mincache If non-zero then invalidate cached copies from before the specified time.
* @return The result of the read operation.
ReadResult ReadFile(const std::string& file, time_t mincache = 0);
/** The background thread for config reading, so that reading from executable includes
* does not block.
class CoreExport ConfigReaderThread final
: public Thread
/** The new server configuration. */
ServerConfig* Config = new ServerConfig();
/** Whether the config has been read yet. */
std::atomic_bool done = { false };
/** @copydoc Thread::OnStart */
void OnStart() override;
/** @copydoc Thread::OnStop */
void OnStop() override;
const std::string UUID;
ConfigReaderThread(const std::string& uuid)
: UUID(uuid)
~ConfigReaderThread() override
delete Config;
/** Whether the configuration has been read yet. */
bool IsDone() { return done.load(); }
/** Represents the status of a config load. */
class CoreExport ConfigStatus final
/** Whether this is the initial config load. */
bool const initial;
/** The user who initiated the config load or NULL if not initiated by a user. */
User* const srcuser;
/** Initializes a new instance of the ConfigStatus class.
* @param user The user who initiated the config load or NULL if not initiated by a user.
* @param isinitial Whether this is the initial config load.
ConfigStatus(User* user = nullptr, bool isinitial = false)
: initial(isinitial)
, srcuser(user)