Sadie Powell a59ed4b394 Add a new runtime directory and move the pid file to it.
The data directory is intended for persistent files whereas the pid
file is ephemeral. This distinction doesn't matter by default but
on system-wide installs ephemeral runtime files go in /var/run or
/run instead.
2021-01-18 07:05:27 +00:00

533 lines
16 KiB

* InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon
* Copyright (C) 2019 Matt Schatz <>
* Copyright (C) 2018 Chris Novakovic <>
* Copyright (C) 2013-2014, 2016 Attila Molnar <>
* Copyright (C) 2013 Daniel Vassdal <>
* Copyright (C) 2012-2014, 2016-2020 Sadie Powell <>
* Copyright (C) 2012, 2019 Robby <>
* Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Daniel De Graaf <>
* Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Stagner <>
* Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Robin Burchell <>
* Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Craig Edwards <>
* Copyright (C) 2007 Dennis Friis <>
* This file is part of InspIRCd. InspIRCd is free software: you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "inspircd.h"
#include "modules.h"
#include "socketengine.h"
#include "socket.h"
#include "token_list.h"
/** Structure representing a single \<tag> in config */
class CoreExport ConfigTag : public refcountbase
ConfigItems items;
const std::string tag;
const std::string src_name;
const int src_line;
/** Get the value of an option, using def if it does not exist */
std::string getString(const std::string& key, const std::string& def, const TR1NS::function<bool(const std::string&)>& validator);
/** Get the value of an option, using def if it does not exist */
std::string getString(const std::string& key, const std::string& def = "", size_t minlen = 0, size_t maxlen = UINT32_MAX);
/** Get the value of an option, using def if it does not exist */
long getInt(const std::string& key, long def, long min = LONG_MIN, long max = LONG_MAX);
/** Get the value of an option, using def if it does not exist */
unsigned long getUInt(const std::string& key, unsigned long def, unsigned long min = 0, unsigned long max = ULONG_MAX);
/** Get the value of an option, using def if it does not exist */
double getFloat(const std::string& key, double def, double min = DBL_MIN, double max = DBL_MAX);
/** Get the value of an option, using def if it does not exist */
bool getBool(const std::string& key, bool def = false);
/** Get the value in seconds of a duration that is in the user-friendly "1h2m3s" format,
* using a default value if it does not exist or is out of bounds.
* @param key The config key name
* @param def Default value (optional)
* @param min Minimum acceptable value (optional)
* @param max Maximum acceptable value (optional)
* @return The duration in seconds
unsigned long getDuration(const std::string& key, unsigned long def, unsigned long min = 0, unsigned long max = ULONG_MAX);
/** Get the value of an option
* @param key The option to get
* @param value The location to store the value (unmodified if does not exist)
* @param allow_newline Allow newlines in the option (normally replaced with spaces)
* @return true if the option exists
bool readString(const std::string& key, std::string& value, bool allow_newline = false);
std::string getTagLocation();
inline const ConfigItems& getItems() const { return items; }
/** Create a new ConfigTag, giving access to the private ConfigItems item list */
static ConfigTag* create(const std::string& Tag, const std::string& file, int line, ConfigItems*& Items);
ConfigTag(const std::string& Tag, const std::string& file, int line);
/** Defines the server's length limits on various length-limited
* items such as topics, nicknames, channel names etc.
class ServerLimits
/** Maximum line length */
size_t MaxLine;
/** Maximum nickname length */
size_t NickMax;
/** Maximum channel length */
size_t ChanMax;
/** Maximum number of modes per line */
size_t MaxModes;
/** Maximum length of ident, not including ~ etc */
size_t IdentMax;
/** Maximum length of a quit message */
size_t MaxQuit;
/** Maximum topic length */
size_t MaxTopic;
/** Maximum kick message length */
size_t MaxKick;
/** Maximum real name length */
size_t MaxReal;
/** Maximum away message length */
size_t MaxAway;
/** Maximum hostname length */
size_t MaxHost;
/** Read all limits from a config tag. Limits which aren't specified in the tag are set to a default value.
* @param tag Configuration tag to read the limits from
ServerLimits(ConfigTag* tag);
/** Maximum length of a n!u\@h mask */
size_t GetMaxMask() const { return NickMax + 1 + IdentMax + 1 + MaxHost; }
struct CommandLineConf
/** If this value is true, the owner of the
* server specified -nofork on the command
* line, causing the daemon to stay in the
* foreground.
bool nofork;
/** If this value if true then all log
* messages will be output, regardless of
* the level given in the config file.
* This is set with the -debug commandline
* option.
bool forcedebug;
/** If this is true then log output will be
* written to the logfile. This is the default.
* If you put -nolog on the commandline then
* the logfile will not be written.
* This is meant to be used in conjunction with
* -debug for debugging without filling up the
* hard disk.
bool writelog;
/** If this is true, a PID file will be written
* to the file given in the "file" variable of
* the \<pid> tag in the config file. This is
* the default.
* Passing --nopid as a command line argument
* sets this to false; in this case, a PID file
* will not be written, even the default PID
* file that is usually written when the \<pid>
* tag is not defined in the config file.
bool writepid;
/* Whether the --runasroot option was specified at boot. */
bool runasroot;
/** Saved argc from startup. */
int argc;
/** Saved argv from startup. */
char** argv;
class CoreExport OperInfo : public refcountbase
TokenList AllowedOperCommands;
TokenList AllowedPrivs;
/** Allowed user modes from oper classes. */
std::bitset<64> AllowedUserModes;
/** Allowed channel modes from oper classes. */
std::bitset<64> AllowedChanModes;
/** Allowed snomasks from oper classes. */
std::bitset<64> AllowedSnomasks;
/** \<oper> block used for this oper-up. May be NULL. */
reference<ConfigTag> oper_block;
/** \<type> block used for this oper-up. Valid for local users, may be NULL on remote */
reference<ConfigTag> type_block;
/** \<class> blocks referenced from the \<type> block. These define individual permissions */
std::vector<reference<ConfigTag> > class_blocks;
/** Name of the oper type; i.e. the one shown in WHOIS */
std::string name;
/** Creates a new OperInfo with the specified oper type name.
* @param Name The name of the oper type.
OperInfo(const std::string& Name);
/** Get a configuration item, searching in the oper, type, and class blocks (in that order) */
std::string getConfig(const std::string& key);
void init();
/** This class holds the bulk of the runtime configuration for the ircd.
* It allows for reading new config values, accessing configuration files,
* and storage of the configuration data needed to run the ircd, such as
* the servername, connect classes, /ADMIN data, MOTDs and filenames etc.
class CoreExport ServerConfig
void CrossCheckOperClassType();
void CrossCheckConnectBlocks(ServerConfig* current);
/** How to treat a user in a channel who is banned. */
enum BannedUserTreatment
/** Don't treat a banned user any different to normal. */
/** Restrict the actions of a banned user. */
/** Restrict the actions of a banned user and notify them of their treatment. */
class ServerPaths
/** Config path */
std::string Config;
/** Data path */
std::string Data;
/** Log path */
std::string Log;
/** Module path */
std::string Module;
/** Runtime path */
std::string Runtime;
ServerPaths(ConfigTag* tag);
std::string PrependConfig(const std::string& fn) const { return FileSystem::ExpandPath(Config, fn); }
std::string PrependData(const std::string& fn) const { return FileSystem::ExpandPath(Data, fn); }
std::string PrependLog(const std::string& fn) const { return FileSystem::ExpandPath(Log, fn); }
std::string PrependModule(const std::string& fn) const { return FileSystem::ExpandPath(Module, fn); }
std::string PrependRuntime(const std::string& fn) const { return FileSystem::ExpandPath(Runtime, fn); }
/** Holds a complete list of all connect blocks
typedef std::vector<reference<ConnectClass> > ClassVector;
/** Index of valid oper blocks and types
typedef insp::flat_map<std::string, reference<OperInfo> > OperIndex;
/** Get a configuration tag by name. If one or more tags are present then the first is returned.
* @param tag The name of the tag to get.
* @returns Either a tag from the config or EmptyTag.
ConfigTag* ConfValue(const std::string& tag);
/** Get a list of configuration tags by name.
* @param tag The name of the tags to get.
* @returns Either a list of tags from the config or an empty ConfigTagList.
ConfigTagList ConfTags(const std::string& tag);
/** An empty configuration tag. */
ConfigTag* EmptyTag;
/** Error stream, contains error output from any failed configuration parsing.
std::stringstream errstr;
/** True if this configuration is valid enough to run with */
bool valid;
/** Bind to IPv6 by default */
bool WildcardIPv6;
/** This holds all the information in the config file,
* it's indexed by tag name to a vector of key/values.
ConfigDataHash config_data;
/** This holds all extra files that have been read in the configuration
* (for example, MOTD and RULES files are stored here)
ConfigFileCache Files;
/** Length limits, see definition of ServerLimits class
ServerLimits Limits;
/** Locations of various types of file (config, module, etc). */
ServerPaths Paths;
/** Configuration parsed from the command line.
CommandLineConf cmdline;
/** Clones CIDR range for ipv4 (0-32)
* Defaults to 32 (checks clones on all IPs separately)
unsigned char c_ipv4_range;
/** Clones CIDR range for ipv6 (0-128)
* Defaults to 128 (checks on all IPs separately)
unsigned char c_ipv6_range;
/** Holds the server name of the local server
* as defined by the administrator.
std::string ServerName;
/** Notice to give to users when they are banned by an XLine
std::string XLineMessage;
/* Holds the network name the local server
* belongs to. This is an arbitrary field defined
* by the administrator.
std::string Network;
/** Holds the description of the local server
* as defined by the administrator.
std::string ServerDesc;
/** How to treat a user in a channel who is banned. */
BannedUserTreatment RestrictBannedUsers;
/** The size of the read() buffer in the user
* handling code, used to read data into a user's
* recvQ.
int NetBufferSize;
/** The value to be used for listen() backlogs
* as default.
int MaxConn;
/** If we should check for clones during CheckClass() in AddUser()
* Setting this to false allows to not trigger on maxclones for users
* that may belong to another class after DNS-lookup is complete.
* It does, however, make the server spend more time on users we may potentially not want.
bool CCOnConnect;
/** The soft limit value assigned to the irc server.
* The IRC server will not allow more than this
* number of local users.
unsigned int SoftLimit;
/** Maximum number of targets for a multi target command
* such as PRIVMSG or KICK
unsigned int MaxTargets;
/** The number of seconds that the server clock can skip by before server operators are warned. */
time_t TimeSkipWarn;
/** True if we're going to hide ban reasons for non-opers (e.g. G-lines,
* K-lines, Z-lines)
bool HideBans;
/** True if raw I/O is being logged */
bool RawLog;
/** Set to a non-empty string to obfuscate server names. */
std::string HideServer;
/** The full pathname and filename of the PID
* file as defined in the configuration.
std::string PID;
/** The connect classes in use by the IRC server.
ClassVector Classes;
/** Default channel modes
std::string DefaultModes;
/** Custom version string, which if defined can replace the system info in VERSION.
std::string CustomVersion;
/** If set to true, provide syntax hints for unknown commands
bool SyntaxHints;
/** The name of the casemapping method used by this server.
std::string CaseMapping;
/** If set to true, the full nick!user\@host will be shown in the TOPIC command
* for who set the topic last. If false, only the nick is shown.
bool FullHostInTopic;
/** Oper blocks keyed by their name
OperIndex oper_blocks;
/** Oper types keyed by their name
OperIndex OperTypes;
/** Default value for <connect:maxchans>, deprecated in 3.0
unsigned int MaxChans;
/** Default value for <oper:maxchans>, deprecated in 3.0
unsigned int OperMaxChans;
/** TS6-like server ID.
* NOTE: 000...999 are usable for InspIRCd servers. This
* makes code simpler. 0AA, 1BB etc with letters are reserved
* for services use.
std::string sid;
/** Construct a new ServerConfig
/** Get server ID as string with required leading zeroes
const std::string& GetSID() const { return sid; }
/** Retrieves the server name which should be shown to users. */
const std::string& GetServerName() const { return HideServer.empty() ? ServerName : HideServer; }
/** Retrieves the server description which should be shown to users. */
const std::string& GetServerDesc() const { return HideServer.empty() ? ServerDesc : HideServer; }
/** Read the entire configuration into memory
* and initialize this class. All other methods
* should be used only by the core.
void Read();
/** Apply configuration changes from the old configuration.
void Apply(ServerConfig* old, const std::string &useruid);
void ApplyModules(User* user);
void Fill();
/** Escapes a value for storage in a configuration key.
* @param str The string to escape.
* @param xml Are we using the XML config format?
static std::string Escape(const std::string& str, bool xml = true);
/** If this value is true, snotices will not stack when repeats are sent
bool NoSnoticeStack;
/** The background thread for config reading, so that reading from executable includes
* does not block.
class CoreExport ConfigReaderThread : public Thread
ServerConfig* Config;
volatile bool done;
const std::string TheUserUID;
ConfigReaderThread(const std::string &useruid)
: Config(new ServerConfig), done(false), TheUserUID(useruid)
virtual ~ConfigReaderThread()
delete Config;
void Run() CXX11_OVERRIDE;
/** Run in the main thread to apply the configuration */
void Finish();
bool IsDone() { return done; }
/** Represents the status of a config load. */
class CoreExport ConfigStatus
/** Whether this is the initial config load. */
bool const initial;
/** The user who initiated the config load or NULL if not initiated by a user. */
User* const srcuser;
/** Initializes a new instance of the ConfigStatus class.
* @param user The user who initiated the config load or NULL if not initiated by a user.
* @param isinitial Whether this is the initial config load.
ConfigStatus(User* user = NULL, bool isinitial = false)
: initial(isinitial)
, srcuser(user)