brain 636a52312b Fix a rather nasty race condition revealed by my reading through the comments and enhancing them. Back when i did executeable includes, i placed a 'todo' in the code which said something along the lines of:
'we cant pass a User* into the config reader any more, because when the config reader thread finishes, that user may be gone and this will crash. Consider using an UID instead so that if the user vanishes, we can
detect this situation.' Of course, nobody ever did this, so i'm doing it now to ensure we dont come up against some particularly ugly race condition crashes!

git-svn-id: e03df62e-2008-0410-955e-edbf42e46eb7
2008-09-20 21:46:56 +00:00

965 lines
26 KiB

/* +------------------------------------+
* | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon |
* +------------------------------------+
* InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2008 InspIRCd Development Team
* See:
* This program is free but copyrighted software; see
* the file COPYING for details.
* ---------------------------------------------------
/* handy defines */
/** Determines if a channel op is exempt from given mode m,
* in config of server instance s.
#define CHANOPS_EXEMPT(s, m) (s->Config->ExemptChanOps[(unsigned char)m])
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "inspircd.h"
#include "modules.h"
#include "socketengine.h"
#include "socket.h"
/* Required forward definitions */
class ServerConfig;
class InspIRCd;
class BufferedSocket;
/** Types of data in the core config
enum ConfigDataType
DT_NOTHING = 0, /* No data */
DT_INTEGER = 1, /* Integer */
DT_CHARPTR = 2, /* Char pointer */
DT_BOOLEAN = 3, /* Boolean */
DT_HOSTNAME = 4, /* Hostname syntax */
DT_NOSPACES = 5, /* No spaces */
DT_IPADDRESS = 6, /* IP address (v4, v6) */
DT_CHANNEL = 7, /* Channel name */
DT_ALLOW_WILD = 64, /* Allow wildcards/CIDR in DT_IPADDRESS */
DT_ALLOW_NEWLINE = 128, /* New line characters allowed in DT_CHARPTR */
DT_BOOTONLY = 256 /* Can only be set on startup, not on rehash */
/** The maximum number of values in a core configuration tag. Can be increased if needed.
/** Holds a config value, either string, integer or boolean.
* Callback functions receive one or more of these, either on
* their own as a reference, or in a reference to a deque of them.
* The callback function can then alter the values of the ValueItem
* classes to validate the settings.
class ValueItem
/** Actual data */
std::string v;
/** Initialize with an int */
ValueItem(int value);
/** Initialize with a bool */
ValueItem(bool value);
/** Initialize with a char pointer */
ValueItem(const char* value);
/** Change value to a char pointer */
void Set(const char* val);
/** Change value to an int */
void Set(int value);
/** Get value as an int */
int GetInteger();
/** Get value as a string */
char* GetString();
/** Get value as a bool */
bool GetBool();
/** The base class of the container 'ValueContainer'
* used internally by the core to hold core values.
class ValueContainerBase
/** Constructor */
ValueContainerBase() { }
/** Destructor */
virtual ~ValueContainerBase() { }
/** ValueContainer is used to contain pointers to different
* core values such as the server name, maximum number of
* clients etc.
* It is specialized to hold a data type, then pointed at
* a value in the ServerConfig class. When the value has been
* read and validated, the Set method is called to write the
* value safely in a type-safe manner.
template<typename T> class ValueContainer : public ValueContainerBase
/** Contained item */
T val;
/** Initialize with nothing */
val = NULL;
/** Initialize with a value of type T */
ValueContainer(T Val)
val = Val;
/** Change value to type T of size s */
void Set(T newval, size_t s)
memcpy(val, newval, s);
/** A specialization of ValueContainer to hold a pointer to a bool
typedef ValueContainer<bool*> ValueContainerBool;
/** A specialization of ValueContainer to hold a pointer to
* an unsigned int
typedef ValueContainer<unsigned int*> ValueContainerUInt;
/** A specialization of ValueContainer to hold a pointer to
* a char array.
typedef ValueContainer<char*> ValueContainerChar;
/** A specialization of ValueContainer to hold a pointer to
* an int
typedef ValueContainer<int*> ValueContainerInt;
/** A specialization of ValueContainer to hold a pointer to
* a size_t.
typedef ValueContainer<size_t*> ValueContainerST;
/** A set of ValueItems used by multi-value validator functions
typedef std::deque<ValueItem> ValueList;
/** A callback for validating a single value
typedef bool (*Validator)(ServerConfig* conf, const char*, const char*, ValueItem&);
/** A callback for validating multiple value entries
typedef bool (*MultiValidator)(ServerConfig* conf, const char*, char**, ValueList&, int*);
/** A callback indicating the end of a group of entries
typedef bool (*MultiNotify)(ServerConfig* conf, const char*);
/** Holds a core configuration item and its callbacks
struct InitialConfig
/** Tag name */
const char* tag;
/** Value name */
const char* value;
/** Default, if not defined */
const char* default_value;
/** Value containers */
ValueContainerBase* val;
/** Data types */
int datatype;
/** Validation function */
Validator validation_function;
/** Represents a deprecated configuration tag.
struct Deprecated
/** Tag name
const char* tag;
/** Tag value
const char* value;
/** Reason for deprecation
const char* reason;
/** Holds a core configuration item and its callbacks
* where there may be more than one item
struct MultiConfig
/** Tag name */
const char* tag;
/** One or more items within tag */
const char* items[MAX_VALUES_PER_TAG];
/** One or more defaults for items within tags */
const char* items_default[MAX_VALUES_PER_TAG];
/** One or more data types */
int datatype[MAX_VALUES_PER_TAG];
/** Initialization function */
MultiNotify init_function;
/** Validation function */
MultiValidator validation_function;
/** Completion function */
MultiNotify finish_function;
/** A set of oper types
typedef std::map<irc::string,char*> opertype_t;
/** Holds an oper class.
struct operclass_data : public Extensible
/** Command list for the class
char* commandlist;
/** Channel mode list for the class
char* cmodelist;
/** User mode list for the class
char* umodelist;
/** A Set of oper classes
typedef std::map<irc::string, operclass_data> operclass_t;
/** Defines the server's length limits on various length-limited
* items such as topics, nicknames, channel names etc.
class ServerLimits : public Extensible
/** Maximum nickname length */
size_t NickMax;
/** Maximum channel length */
size_t ChanMax;
/** Maximum number of modes per line */
size_t MaxModes;
/** Maximum length of ident, not including ~ etc */
size_t IdentMax;
/** Maximum length of a quit message */
size_t MaxQuit;
/** Maximum topic length */
size_t MaxTopic;
/** Maximum kick message length */
size_t MaxKick;
/** Maximum GECOS (real name) length */
size_t MaxGecos;
/** Maximum away message length */
size_t MaxAway;
/** Creating the class initialises it to the defaults
* as in 1.1's ./configure script. Reading other values
* from the config will change these values.
ServerLimits() : NickMax(31), ChanMax(64), MaxModes(20), IdentMax(12), MaxQuit(255), MaxTopic(307), MaxKick(255), MaxGecos(128), MaxAway(200)
/** Finalises the settings by adding one. This allows for them to be used as-is
* without a 'value+1' when using the std::string assignment methods etc.
void Finalise()
/** This class holds the bulk of the runtime configuration for the ircd.
* It allows for reading new config values, accessing configuration files,
* and storage of the configuration data needed to run the ircd, such as
* the servername, connect classes, /ADMIN data, MOTDs and filenames etc.
class CoreExport ServerConfig : public Extensible
/** Creator/owner pointer
InspIRCd* ServerInstance;
/** This variable holds the names of all
* files included from the main one. This
* is used to make sure that no files are
* recursively included.
std::vector<std::string> include_stack;
/** This private method processes one line of
* configutation, appending errors to errorstream
* and setting error if an error has occured.
bool ParseLine(ConfigDataHash &target, const std::string &filename, std::string &line, long &linenumber, std::ostringstream &errorstream);
/** Check that there is only one of each configuration item
bool CheckOnce(const char* tag, ConfigDataHash &newconf);
/** Process an include executable directive
bool DoPipe(ConfigDataHash &target, const std::string &file, std::ostringstream &errorstream);
/** Process an include file directive
bool DoInclude(ConfigDataHash &target, const std::string &file, std::ostringstream &errorstream);
/** User that is currently performing a rehash, needed because the
* rehash code is now threaded and needs to know who to give errors and feedback to.
std::string RehashUserUID;
/** Rehash parameter, as above
std::string RehashParameter;
/** Error stream, contains error output from any failed configuration parsing.
std::ostringstream errstr;
/** Holds the new configuration when a rehash occurs so we dont overwrite the existing
* working config with a broken one without checking it first and swapping pointers.
ConfigDataHash newconfig;
/** Set of included files. Do we use this any more?
std::map<std::string, std::istream*> IncludedFiles;
/** Used to indicate who we announce invites to on a channel */
/** Pointer to function that validates dns server addresses (can be changed depending on platform) */
Validator DNSServerValidator;
/** Returns the creator InspIRCd pointer
InspIRCd* GetInstance();
/** Not used any more as it is named, can probably be removed or renamed.
int DoDownloads();
/** This holds all the information in the config file,
* it's indexed by tag name to a vector of key/values.
ConfigDataHash config_data;
/** Length limits, see definition of ServerLimits class
ServerLimits Limits;
/** Clones CIDR range for ipv4 (0-32)
* Defaults to 32 (checks clones on all IPs seperately)
int c_ipv4_range;
/** Clones CIDR range for ipv6 (0-128)
* Defaults to 128 (checks on all IPs seperately)
int c_ipv6_range;
/** Max number of WhoWas entries per user.
int WhoWasGroupSize;
/** Max number of cumulative user-entries in WhoWas.
* When max reached and added to, push out oldest entry FIFO style.
int WhoWasMaxGroups;
/** Max seconds a user is kept in WhoWas before being pruned.
int WhoWasMaxKeep;
/** Holds the server name of the local server
* as defined by the administrator.
char ServerName[MAXBUF];
/** Notice to give to users when they are Xlined
char MoronBanner[MAXBUF];
/* Holds the network name the local server
* belongs to. This is an arbitary field defined
* by the administrator.
char Network[MAXBUF];
/** Holds the description of the local server
* as defined by the administrator.
char ServerDesc[MAXBUF];
/** Holds the admin's name, for output in
* the /ADMIN command.
char AdminName[MAXBUF];
/** Holds the email address of the admin,
* for output in the /ADMIN command.
char AdminEmail[MAXBUF];
/** Holds the admin's nickname, for output
* in the /ADMIN command
char AdminNick[MAXBUF];
/** The admin-configured /DIE password
char diepass[MAXBUF];
/** The admin-configured /RESTART password
char restartpass[MAXBUF];
/** The hash method for *BOTH* the die and restart passwords.
char powerhash[MAXBUF];
/** The pathname and filename of the message of the
* day file, as defined by the administrator.
char motd[MAXBUF];
/** The pathname and filename of the rules file,
* as defined by the administrator.
char rules[MAXBUF];
/** The quit prefix in use, or an empty string
char PrefixQuit[MAXBUF];
/** The quit suffix in use, or an empty string
char SuffixQuit[MAXBUF];
/** The fixed quit message in use, or an empty string
char FixedQuit[MAXBUF];
/** The part prefix in use, or an empty string
char PrefixPart[MAXBUF];
/** The part suffix in use, or an empty string
char SuffixPart[MAXBUF];
/** The fixed part message in use, or an empty string
char FixedPart[MAXBUF];
/** The last string found within a <die> tag, or
* an empty string.
char DieValue[MAXBUF];
/** The DNS server to use for DNS queries
char DNSServer[MAXBUF];
/** Pretend disabled commands don't exist.
bool DisabledDontExist;
/** This variable contains a space-seperated list
* of commands which are disabled by the
* administrator of the server for non-opers.
char DisabledCommands[MAXBUF];
/** This variable identifies which usermodes have been diabled.
char DisabledUModes[64];
/** This variable identifies which chanmodes have been disabled.
char DisabledCModes[64];
/** The full path to the modules directory.
* This is either set at compile time, or
* overridden in the configuration file via
* the <options> tag.
char ModPath[1024];
/** The full pathname to the executable, as
* given in argv[0] when the program starts.
char MyExecutable[1024];
/** The file handle of the logfile. If this
* value is NULL, the log file is not open,
* probably due to a permissions error on
* startup (this should not happen in normal
* operation!).
FILE *log_file;
/** If this value is true, the owner of the
* server specified -nofork on the command
* line, causing the daemon to stay in the
* foreground.
bool nofork;
/** If this value if true then all log
* messages will be output, regardless of
* the level given in the config file.
* This is set with the -debug commandline
* option.
bool forcedebug;
/** If this is true then log output will be
* written to the logfile. This is the default.
* If you put -nolog on the commandline then
* the logfile will not be written.
* This is meant to be used in conjunction with
* -debug for debugging without filling up the
* hard disk.
bool writelog;
/** If this value is true, halfops have been
* enabled in the configuration file.
bool AllowHalfop;
/** If this is set to true, then mode lists (e.g
* MODE #chan b) are hidden from unprivileged
* users.
bool HideModeLists[256];
/** If this is set to true, then channel operators
* are exempt from this channel mode. Used for +Sc etc.
bool ExemptChanOps[256];
/** The number of seconds the DNS subsystem
* will wait before timing out any request.
int dns_timeout;
/** The size of the read() buffer in the user
* handling code, used to read data into a user's
* recvQ.
int NetBufferSize;
/** The value to be used for listen() backlogs
* as default.
int MaxConn;
/** The soft limit value assigned to the irc server.
* The IRC server will not allow more than this
* number of local users.
unsigned int SoftLimit;
/** Maximum number of targets for a multi target command
* such as PRIVMSG or KICK
unsigned int MaxTargets;
/** The maximum number of /WHO results allowed
* in any single /WHO command.
int MaxWhoResults;
/** True if the DEBUG loglevel is selected.
int debugging;
/** How many seconds to wait before exiting
* the program when /DIE is correctly issued.
int DieDelay;
/** True if we're going to hide netsplits as *.net *.split for non-opers
bool HideSplits;
/** True if we're going to hide ban reasons for non-opers (e.g. G-Lines,
* K-Lines, Z-Lines)
bool HideBans;
/** Announce invites to the channel with a server notice
InviteAnnounceState AnnounceInvites;
/** If this is enabled then operators will
* see invisible (+i) channels in /whois.
bool OperSpyWhois;
/** Set to a non-empty string to obfuscate the server name of users in WHOIS
char HideWhoisServer[MAXBUF];
/** Set to a non empty string to obfuscate nicknames prepended to a KILL.
char HideKillsServer[MAXBUF];
/** The MOTD file, cached in a file_cache type.
file_cache MOTD;
/** The RULES file, cached in a file_cache type.
file_cache RULES;
/** The full pathname and filename of the PID
* file as defined in the configuration.
char PID[1024];
/** The connect classes in use by the IRC server.
ClassVector Classes;
/** A list of the classes for listening ports
std::vector<ListenSocketBase *> ports;
/** The 005 tokens of this server (ISUPPORT)
* populated/repopulated upon loading or unloading
* modules.
std::string data005;
/** isupport strings
std::vector<std::string> isupport;
/** STATS characters in this list are available
* only to operators.
char UserStats[MAXBUF];
/** The path and filename of the ircd.log file
std::string logpath;
/** Default channel modes
char DefaultModes[MAXBUF];
/** Custom version string, which if defined can replace the system info in VERSION.
char CustomVersion[MAXBUF];
/** List of u-lined servers
std::map<irc::string, bool> ulines;
/** Max banlist sizes for channels (the std::string is a glob)
std::map<std::string, int> maxbans;
/** Directory where the inspircd binary resides
std::string MyDir;
/** If set to true, no user DNS lookups are to be performed
bool NoUserDns;
/** If set to true, provide syntax hints for unknown commands
bool SyntaxHints;
/** If set to true, users appear to quit then rejoin when their hosts change.
* This keeps clients synchronized properly.
bool CycleHosts;
/** If set to true, prefixed channel NOTICEs and PRIVMSGs will have the prefix
* added to the outgoing text for undernet style msg prefixing.
bool UndernetMsgPrefix;
/** If set to true, the full nick!user@host will be shown in the TOPIC command
* for who set the topic last. If false, only the nick is shown.
bool FullHostInTopic;
/** All oper type definitions from the config file
opertype_t opertypes;
/** All oper class definitions from the config file
operclass_t operclass;
/** Saved argv from startup
char** argv;
/** Saved argc from startup
int argc;
/** Max channels per user
unsigned int MaxChans;
/** Oper max channels per user
unsigned int OperMaxChans;
/** TS6-like server ID.
* NOTE: 000...999 are usable for InspIRCd servers. This
* makes code simpler. 0AA, 1BB etc with letters are reserved
* for services use.
char sid[MAXBUF];
/** True if we have been told to run the testsuite from the commandline,
* rather than entering the mainloop.
bool TestSuite;
/** Construct a new ServerConfig
ServerConfig(InspIRCd* Instance);
/** Clears the include stack in preperation for a Read() call.
void ClearStack();
/** Get server ID as string with required leading zeroes
std::string GetSID();
/** Update the 005 vector
void Update005();
/** Send the 005 numerics (ISUPPORT) to a user
void Send005(User* user);
/** Read the entire configuration into memory
* and initialize this class. All other methods
* should be used only by the core.
void Read(bool bail, const std::string &useruid);
/** Read a file into a file_cache object
bool ReadFile(file_cache &F, const char* fname);
/* Returns true if the given string starts with a windows drive letter
bool StartsWithWindowsDriveLetter(const std::string &path);
/** Report a configuration error given in errormessage.
* @param bail If this is set to true, the error is sent to the console, and the program exits
* @param user If this is set to a non-null value, and bail is false, the errors are spooled to
* this user as SNOTICEs.
* If the parameter is NULL, the messages are spooled to all opers.
void ReportConfigError(const std::string &errormessage, bool bail, const std::string &useruid);
/** Load 'filename' into 'target', with the new config parser everything is parsed into
* tag/key/value at load-time rather than at read-value time.
bool LoadConf(ConfigDataHash &target, FILE* &conf, const char* filename, std::ostringstream &errorstream);
/** Load 'filename' into 'target', with the new config parser everything is parsed into
* tag/key/value at load-time rather than at read-value time.
bool LoadConf(ConfigDataHash &target, FILE* &conf, const std::string &filename, std::ostringstream &errorstream);
/** Writes 'length' chars into 'result' as a string
bool ConfValue(ConfigDataHash &target, const char* tag, const char* var, int index, char* result, int length, bool allow_linefeeds = false);
/** Writes 'length' chars into 'result' as a string
bool ConfValue(ConfigDataHash &target, const char* tag, const char* var, const char* default_value, int index, char* result, int length, bool allow_linefeeds = false);
/** Writes 'length' chars into 'result' as a string
bool ConfValue(ConfigDataHash &target, const std::string &tag, const std::string &var, int index, std::string &result, bool allow_linefeeds = false);
/** Writes 'length' chars into 'result' as a string
bool ConfValue(ConfigDataHash &target, const std::string &tag, const std::string &var, const std::string &default_value, int index, std::string &result, bool allow_linefeeds = false);
/** Tries to convert the value to an integer and write it to 'result'
bool ConfValueInteger(ConfigDataHash &target, const char* tag, const char* var, int index, int &result);
/** Tries to convert the value to an integer and write it to 'result'
bool ConfValueInteger(ConfigDataHash &target, const char* tag, const char* var, const char* default_value, int index, int &result);
/** Tries to convert the value to an integer and write it to 'result'
bool ConfValueInteger(ConfigDataHash &target, const std::string &tag, const std::string &var, int index, int &result);
/** Tries to convert the value to an integer and write it to 'result'
bool ConfValueInteger(ConfigDataHash &target, const std::string &tag, const std::string &var, const std::string &default_value, int index, int &result);
/** Returns true if the value exists and has a true value, false otherwise
bool ConfValueBool(ConfigDataHash &target, const char* tag, const char* var, int index);
/** Returns true if the value exists and has a true value, false otherwise
bool ConfValueBool(ConfigDataHash &target, const char* tag, const char* var, const char* default_value, int index);
/** Returns true if the value exists and has a true value, false otherwise
bool ConfValueBool(ConfigDataHash &target, const std::string &tag, const std::string &var, int index);
/** Returns true if the value exists and has a true value, false otherwise
bool ConfValueBool(ConfigDataHash &target, const std::string &tag, const std::string &var, const std::string &default_value, int index);
/** Returns the number of occurences of tag in the config file
int ConfValueEnum(ConfigDataHash &target, const char* tag);
/** Returns the number of occurences of tag in the config file
int ConfValueEnum(ConfigDataHash &target, const std::string &tag);
/** Returns the numbers of vars inside the index'th 'tag in the config file
int ConfVarEnum(ConfigDataHash &target, const char* tag, int index);
/** Returns the numbers of vars inside the index'th 'tag in the config file
int ConfVarEnum(ConfigDataHash &target, const std::string &tag, int index);
/** Validates a hostname value, throwing ConfigException if it is not valid
void ValidateHostname(const char* p, const std::string &tag, const std::string &val);
/** Validates an IP address value, throwing ConfigException if it is not valid
void ValidateIP(const char* p, const std::string &tag, const std::string &val, bool wild);
/** Validates a value that should not contain spaces, throwing ConfigException of it is not valid
void ValidateNoSpaces(const char* p, const std::string &tag, const std::string &val);
/** Returns the fully qualified path to the inspircd directory
* @return The full program directory
std::string GetFullProgDir();
/** Returns true if a directory is valid (within the modules directory).
* @param dirandfile The directory and filename to check
* @return True if the directory is valid
static bool DirValid(const char* dirandfile);
/** Clean a filename, stripping the directories (and drives) from string.
* @param name Directory to tidy
* @return The cleaned filename
static char* CleanFilename(char* name);
/** Check if a file exists.
* @param file The full path to a file
* @return True if the file exists and is readable.
static bool FileExists(const char* file);
/** If this value is true, invites will bypass more than just +i
bool InvBypassModes;
/** Initialize the disabled commands list
CoreExport bool InitializeDisabledCommands(const char* data, InspIRCd* ServerInstance);
/** Initialize the oper types
bool InitTypes(ServerConfig* conf, const char* tag);
/** Initialize the oper classes
bool InitClasses(ServerConfig* conf, const char* tag);
/** Initialize an oper type
bool DoType(ServerConfig* conf, const char* tag, char** entries, ValueList &values, int* types);
/** Initialize an oper class
bool DoClass(ServerConfig* conf, const char* tag, char** entries, ValueList &values, int* types);
/** Finish initializing the oper types and classes
bool DoneClassesAndTypes(ServerConfig* conf, const char* tag);
/** Initialize x line
bool InitXLine(ServerConfig* conf, const char* tag);
/** Add a config-defined zline
bool DoZLine(ServerConfig* conf, const char* tag, char** entries, ValueList &values, int* types);
/** Add a config-defined qline
bool DoQLine(ServerConfig* conf, const char* tag, char** entries, ValueList &values, int* types);
/** Add a config-defined kline
bool DoKLine(ServerConfig* conf, const char* tag, char** entries, ValueList &values, int* types);
/** Add a config-defined eline
bool DoELine(ServerConfig* conf, const char* tag, char** entries, ValueList &values, int* types);