mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 11:09:04 -04:00
'we cant pass a User* into the config reader any more, because when the config reader thread finishes, that user may be gone and this will crash. Consider using an UID instead so that if the user vanishes, we can detect this situation.' Of course, nobody ever did this, so i'm doing it now to ensure we dont come up against some particularly ugly race condition crashes! git-svn-id: http://svn.inspircd.org/repository/trunk/inspircd@10569 e03df62e-2008-0410-955e-edbf42e46eb7
931 lines
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931 lines
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/* +------------------------------------+
* | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon |
* +------------------------------------+
* InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2008 InspIRCd Development Team
* See: http://www.inspircd.org/wiki/index.php/Credits
* This program is free but copyrighted software; see
* the file COPYING for details.
* ---------------------------------------------------
#ifndef __INSPIRCD_H__
#define __INSPIRCD_H__
#ifndef WIN32
#define DllExport
#define CoreExport
#define printf_c printf
#include "inspircd_win32wrapper.h"
/** Windows defines these already */
#undef DELETE
#undef ERROR
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define CUSTOM_PRINTF(STRING, FIRST) __attribute__((format(printf, STRING, FIRST)))
// Required system headers.
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <climits>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <bitset>
/** A list of failed port bindings, used for informational purposes on startup */
typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > FailedPortList;
/** A cached text file stored with its contents as lines
typedef std::deque< std::string > file_cache;
/** A configuration key and value pair
typedef std::pair< std::string, std::string > KeyVal;
/** A list of related configuration keys and values
typedef std::vector< KeyVal > KeyValList;
/** An entire config file, built up of KeyValLists
typedef std::multimap< std::string, KeyValList > ConfigDataHash;
#include "inspircd_config.h"
#include "numerics.h"
#include "uid.h"
#include "users.h"
#include "channels.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "hashcomp.h"
#include "typedefs.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "usermanager.h"
#include "socket.h"
#include "ctables.h"
#include "command_parse.h"
#include "mode.h"
#include "socketengine.h"
#include "snomasks.h"
#include "cull_list.h"
#include "filelogger.h"
#include "caller.h"
#include "modules.h"
#include "configreader.h"
#include "inspstring.h"
#include "protocol.h"
#ifndef PATH_MAX
#warning Potentially broken system, PATH_MAX undefined
#define PATH_MAX 4096
* Used to define the maximum number of parameters a command may have.
/** Returned by some functions to indicate failure.
#define ERROR -1
/** Support for librodent -
* see http://www.chatspike.net/index.php?z=64
/** Template function to convert any input type to std::string
template<typename T> inline std::string ConvNumeric(const T &in)
if (in == 0) return "0";
char res[MAXBUF];
char* out = res;
T quotient = in;
while (quotient) {
*out = "0123456789"[ std::abs( (long)quotient % 10 ) ];
quotient /= 10;
if (in < 0)
*out++ = '-';
*out = 0;
return res;
/** Template function to convert any input type to std::string
inline std::string ConvToStr(const int in)
return ConvNumeric(in);
/** Template function to convert any input type to std::string
inline std::string ConvToStr(const long in)
return ConvNumeric(in);
/** Template function to convert any input type to std::string
inline std::string ConvToStr(const char* in)
return in;
/** Template function to convert any input type to std::string
inline std::string ConvToStr(const bool in)
return (in ? "1" : "0");
/** Template function to convert any input type to std::string
inline std::string ConvToStr(char in)
return std::string(in,1);
/** Template function to convert any input type to std::string
template <class T> inline std::string ConvToStr(const T &in)
std::stringstream tmp;
if (!(tmp << in)) return std::string();
return tmp.str();
/** Template function to convert any input type to any other type
* (usually an integer or numeric type)
template<typename T> inline long ConvToInt(const T &in)
std::stringstream tmp;
if (!(tmp << in)) return 0;
return atoi(tmp.str().c_str());
/** Template function to convert integer to char, storing result in *res and
* also returning the pointer to res. Based on Stuart Lowe's C/C++ Pages.
* @param T input value
* @param V result value
* @param R base to convert to
template<typename T, typename V, typename R> inline char* itoa(const T &in, V *res, R base)
if (base < 2 || base > 16) { *res = 0; return res; }
char* out = res;
int quotient = in;
while (quotient) {
*out = "0123456789abcdef"[ std::abs( quotient % base ) ];
quotient /= base;
if ( in < 0 && base == 10) *out++ = '-';
std::reverse( res, out );
*out = 0;
return res;
/** This class contains various STATS counters
* It is used by the InspIRCd class, which internally
* has an instance of it.
class serverstats : public classbase
/** Number of accepted connections
unsigned long statsAccept;
/** Number of failed accepts
unsigned long statsRefused;
/** Number of unknown commands seen
unsigned long statsUnknown;
/** Number of nickname collisions handled
unsigned long statsCollisions;
/** Number of DNS queries sent out
unsigned long statsDns;
/** Number of good DNS replies received
* NOTE: This may not tally to the number sent out,
* due to timeouts and other latency issues.
unsigned long statsDnsGood;
/** Number of bad (negative) DNS replies received
* NOTE: This may not tally to the number sent out,
* due to timeouts and other latency issues.
unsigned long statsDnsBad;
/** Number of inbound connections seen
unsigned long statsConnects;
/** Total bytes of data transmitted
double statsSent;
/** Total bytes of data received
double statsRecv;
/** Cpu usage at last sample
timeval LastCPU;
/** Time last sample was read
timeval LastSampled;
/** The constructor initializes all the counts to zero
: statsAccept(0), statsRefused(0), statsUnknown(0), statsCollisions(0), statsDns(0),
statsDnsGood(0), statsDnsBad(0), statsConnects(0), statsSent(0.0), statsRecv(0.0)
class InspIRCd;
DEFINE_HANDLER1(ProcessUserHandler, void, User*);
DEFINE_HANDLER2(IsNickHandler, bool, const char*, size_t);
DEFINE_HANDLER1(IsIdentHandler, bool, const char*);
DEFINE_HANDLER1(FindDescriptorHandler, User*, int);
DEFINE_HANDLER1(FloodQuitUserHandler, void, User*);
DEFINE_HANDLER2(IsChannelHandler, bool, const char*, size_t);
DEFINE_HANDLER1(IsSIDHandler, bool, const std::string&);
DEFINE_HANDLER1(RehashHandler, void, const std::string&);
/* Forward declaration - required */
class XLineManager;
class BanCacheManager;
/** The background thread for config reading, so that reading from executable includes
* does not block.
class CoreExport ConfigReaderThread : public Thread
InspIRCd* ServerInstance;
bool do_bail;
std::string TheUserUID;
ConfigReaderThread(InspIRCd* Instance, bool bail, const std::string &useruid) : Thread(), ServerInstance(Instance), do_bail(bail), TheUserUID(useruid)
virtual ~ConfigReaderThread()
void Run();
/** The main class of the irc server.
* This class contains instances of all the other classes
* in this software, with the exception of the base class,
* classbase. Amongst other things, it contains a ModeParser,
* a DNS object, a CommandParser object, and a list of active
* Module objects, and facilities for Module objects to
* interact with the core system it implements.
class CoreExport InspIRCd : public classbase
/** Holds the current UID. Used to generate the next one.
char current_uid[UUID_LENGTH];
/** Set up the signal handlers
void SetSignals();
/** Daemonize the ircd and close standard input/output streams
* @return True if the program daemonized succesfully
bool DaemonSeed();
/** Iterate the list of BufferedSocket objects, removing ones which have timed out
* @param TIME the current time
void DoSocketTimeouts(time_t TIME);
/** Increments the current UID by one.
void IncrementUID(int pos);
/** Perform background user events such as PING checks
void DoBackgroundUserStuff();
/** Returns true when all modules have done pre-registration checks on a user
* @param user The user to verify
* @return True if all modules have finished checking this user
bool AllModulesReportReady(User* user);
/** Logfile pathname specified on the commandline, or empty string
char LogFileName[MAXBUF];
/** The current time, updated in the mainloop
time_t TIME;
/** The time that was recorded last time around the mainloop
time_t OLDTIME;
/** A 64k buffer used to read socket data into
* NOTE: update ValidateNetBufferSize if you change this
char ReadBuffer[65535];
/** Used when connecting clients
irc::sockets::insp_sockaddr client, server;
/** Used when connecting clients
socklen_t length;
#ifdef WIN32
IPC* WindowsIPC;
/** Global cull list, will be processed on next iteration
CullList GlobalCulls;
/**** Functors ****/
ProcessUserHandler HandleProcessUser;
IsNickHandler HandleIsNick;
IsIdentHandler HandleIsIdent;
FindDescriptorHandler HandleFindDescriptor;
FloodQuitUserHandler HandleFloodQuitUser;
IsChannelHandler HandleIsChannel;
IsSIDHandler HandleIsSID;
RehashHandler HandleRehash;
/** BufferedSocket classes pending deletion after being closed.
* We don't delete these immediately as this may cause a segmentation fault.
std::map<BufferedSocket*,BufferedSocket*> SocketCull;
/** Globally accessible fake user record. This is used to force mode changes etc across s2s, etc.. bit ugly, but.. better than how this was done in 1.1
* Reason for it:
* kludge alert!
* SendMode expects a User* to send the numeric replies
* back to, so we create it a fake user that isnt in the user
* hash and set its descriptor to FD_MAGIC_NUMBER so the data
* falls into the abyss :p
User *FakeClient;
/** Returns the next available UID for this server.
std::string GetUID();
/** Find a user in the UUID hash
* @param nick The nickname to find
* @return A pointer to the user, or NULL if the user does not exist
User *FindUUID(const std::string &);
/** Find a user in the UUID hash
* @param nick The nickname to find
* @return A pointer to the user, or NULL if the user does not exist
User *FindUUID(const char *);
/** Build the ISUPPORT string by triggering all modules On005Numeric events
void BuildISupport();
/** List of server names we've seen.
servernamelist servernames;
/** Time this ircd was booted
time_t startup_time;
/** Config file pathname specified on the commandline or via ./configure
char ConfigFileName[MAXBUF];
/** Mode handler, handles mode setting and removal
ModeParser* Modes;
/** Command parser, handles client to server commands
CommandParser* Parser;
/** Socket engine, handles socket activity events
SocketEngine* SE;
/** Thread engine, Handles threading where required
ThreadEngine* Threads;
/** Mutex engine, handles mutexes for threading where required
MutexFactory* Mutexes;
/** The thread/class used to read config files in REHASH and on startup
ConfigReaderThread* ConfigThread;
/** LogManager handles logging.
LogManager *Logs;
/** ModuleManager contains everything related to loading/unloading
* modules.
ModuleManager* Modules;
/** BanCacheManager is used to speed up checking of restrictions on connection
* to the IRCd.
BanCacheManager *BanCache;
/** Stats class, holds miscellaneous stats counters
serverstats* stats;
/** Server Config class, holds configuration file data
ServerConfig* Config;
/** Snomask manager - handles routing of snomask messages
* to opers.
SnomaskManager* SNO;
/** DNS class, provides resolver facilities to the core and modules
DNS* Res;
/** Timer manager class, triggers Timer timer events
TimerManager* Timers;
/** X-Line manager. Handles G/K/Q/E line setting, removal and matching
XLineManager* XLines;
/** User manager. Various methods and data associated with users.
UserManager *Users;
/** Channel list, a hash_map containing all channels XXX move to channel manager class
chan_hash* chanlist;
/** Set to the current signal recieved
int s_signal;
/** Protocol interface, overridden by server protocol modules
ProtocolInterface* PI;
/** Get the current time
* Because this only calls time() once every time around the mainloop,
* it is much faster than calling time() directly.
* @return The current time as an epoch value (time_t)
time_t Time();
/** Process a user whos socket has been flagged as active
* @param cu The user to process
* @return There is no actual return value, however upon exit, the user 'cu' may have been
* marked for deletion in the global CullList.
caller1<void, User*> ProcessUser;
/** Bind all ports specified in the configuration file.
* @param bail True if the function should bail back to the shell on failure
* @param found_ports The actual number of ports found in the config, as opposed to the number actually bound
* @return The number of ports actually bound without error
int BindPorts(bool bail, int &found_ports, FailedPortList &failed_ports);
/** Binds a socket on an already open file descriptor
* @param sockfd A valid file descriptor of an open socket
* @param port The port number to bind to
* @param addr The address to bind to (IP only)
* @return True if the port was bound successfully
bool BindSocket(int sockfd, int port, const char* addr, bool dolisten = true);
/** Adds a server name to the list of servers we've seen
* @param The servername to add
void AddServerName(const std::string &servername);
/** Finds a cached char* pointer of a server name,
* This is used to optimize User by storing only the pointer to the name
* @param The servername to find
* @return A pointer to this name, gauranteed to never become invalid
const char* FindServerNamePtr(const std::string &servername);
/** Returns true if we've seen the given server name before
* @param The servername to find
* @return True if we've seen this server name before
bool FindServerName(const std::string &servername);
/** Gets the GECOS (description) field of the given server.
* If the servername is not that of the local server, the name
* is passed to handling modules which will attempt to determine
* the GECOS that bleongs to the given servername.
* @param servername The servername to find the description of
* @return The description of this server, or of the local server
std::string GetServerDescription(const char* servername);
/** Find a user in the nick hash.
* If the user cant be found in the nick hash check the uuid hash
* @param nick The nickname to find
* @return A pointer to the user, or NULL if the user does not exist
User* FindNick(const std::string &nick);
/** Find a user in the nick hash.
* If the user cant be found in the nick hash check the uuid hash
* @param nick The nickname to find
* @return A pointer to the user, or NULL if the user does not exist
User* FindNick(const char* nick);
/** Find a user in the nick hash ONLY
User* FindNickOnly(const char* nick);
/** Find a user in the nick hash ONLY
User* FindNickOnly(const std::string &nick);
/** Find a channel in the channels hash
* @param chan The channel to find
* @return A pointer to the channel, or NULL if the channel does not exist
Channel* FindChan(const std::string &chan);
/** Find a channel in the channels hash
* @param chan The channel to find
* @return A pointer to the channel, or NULL if the channel does not exist
Channel* FindChan(const char* chan);
/** Check for a 'die' tag in the config file, and abort if found
* @return Depending on the configuration, this function may never return
void CheckDie();
/** Check we aren't running as root, and exit if we are
* @return Depending on the configuration, this function may never return
void CheckRoot();
/** Determine the right path for, and open, the logfile
* @param argv The argv passed to main() initially, used to calculate program path
* @param argc The argc passed to main() initially, used to calculate program path
* @return True if the log could be opened, false if otherwise
bool OpenLog(char** argv, int argc);
/** Return true if a channel name is valid
* @param chname A channel name to verify
* @return True if the name is valid
caller2<bool, const char*, size_t> IsChannel;
/** Return true if str looks like a server ID
* @param string to check against
caller1<bool, const std::string&> IsSID;
/** Rehash the local server
caller1<void, const std::string&> Rehash;
/** Handles incoming signals after being set
* @param signal the signal recieved
void SignalHandler(int signal);
/** Sets the signal recieved
* @param signal the signal recieved
static void SetSignal(int signal);
/** Causes the server to exit after unloading modules and
* closing all open file descriptors.
* @param The exit code to give to the operating system
* (See the ExitStatus enum for valid values)
void Exit(int status);
/** Causes the server to exit immediately with exit code 0.
* The status code is required for signal handlers, and ignored.
static void QuickExit(int status);
/** Return a count of channels on the network
* @return The number of channels
long ChannelCount();
/** Send an error notice to all local users, opered and unopered
* @param s The error string to send
void SendError(const std::string &s);
/** Return true if a nickname is valid
* @param n A nickname to verify
* @return True if the nick is valid
caller2<bool, const char*, size_t> IsNick;
/** Return true if an ident is valid
* @param An ident to verify
* @return True if the ident is valid
caller1<bool, const char*> IsIdent;
/** Find a username by their file descriptor.
* It is preferred to use this over directly accessing the fd_ref_table array.
* @param socket The file descriptor of a user
* @return A pointer to the user if the user exists locally on this descriptor
caller1<User*, int> FindDescriptor;
/** Add a dns Resolver class to this server's active set
* @param r The resolver to add
* @param cached If this value is true, then the cache will
* be searched for the DNS result, immediately. If the value is
* false, then a request will be sent to the nameserver, and the
* result will not be immediately available. You should usually
* use the boolean value which you passed to the Resolver
* constructor, which Resolver will set appropriately depending
* on if cached results are available and haven't expired. It is
* however safe to force this value to false, forcing a remote DNS
* lookup, but not an update of the cache.
* @return True if the operation completed successfully. Note that
* if this method returns true, you should not attempt to access
* the resolver class you pass it after this call, as depending upon
* the request given, the object may be deleted!
bool AddResolver(Resolver* r, bool cached);
/** Add a command to this server's command parser
* @param f A Command command handler object to add
* @throw ModuleException Will throw ModuleExcption if the command already exists
void AddCommand(Command *f);
/** Send a modechange.
* The parameters provided are identical to that sent to the
* handler for class cmd_mode.
* @param parameters The mode parameters
* @param pcnt The number of items you have given in the first parameter
* @param user The user to send error messages to
void SendMode(const std::vector<std::string>& parameters, User *user);
/** Match two strings using pattern matching, optionally, with a map
* to check case against (may be NULL). If map is null, match will be case insensitive.
* @param str The literal string to match against
* @param mask The glob pattern to match against.
static bool Match(const std::string &str, const std::string &mask, unsigned const char *map = NULL);
static bool Match(const char *str, const char *mask, unsigned const char *map = NULL);
/** Match two strings using pattern matching, optionally, with a map
* to check case against (may be NULL). If map is null, match will be case insensitive.
* Supports CIDR patterns as well as globs.
* @param str The literal string to match against
* @param mask The glob or CIDR pattern to match against.
static bool MatchCIDR(const std::string &str, const std::string &mask, unsigned const char *map = NULL);
static bool MatchCIDR(const char *str, const char *mask, unsigned const char *map = NULL);
/** Call the handler for a given command.
* @param commandname The command whos handler you wish to call
* @param parameters The mode parameters
* @param pcnt The number of items you have given in the first parameter
* @param user The user to execute the command as
* @return True if the command handler was called successfully
CmdResult CallCommandHandler(const std::string &commandname, const std::vector<std::string>& parameters, User* user);
/** Return true if the command is a module-implemented command and the given parameters are valid for it
* @param parameters The mode parameters
* @param pcnt The number of items you have given in the first parameter
* @param user The user to test-execute the command as
* @return True if the command handler is a module command, and there are enough parameters and the user has permission to the command
bool IsValidModuleCommand(const std::string &commandname, int pcnt, User* user);
/** Return true if the given parameter is a valid nick!user\@host mask
* @param mask A nick!user\@host masak to match against
* @return True i the mask is valid
bool IsValidMask(const std::string &mask);
/** Rehash the local server
void RehashServer();
/** Return the channel whos index number matches that provided
* @param The index number of the channel to fetch
* @return A channel record, or NUll if index < 0 or index >= InspIRCd::ChannelCount()
Channel* GetChannelIndex(long index);
/** Dump text to a user target, splitting it appropriately to fit
* @param User the user to dump the text to
* @param LinePrefix text to prefix each complete line with
* @param TextStream the text to send to the user
void DumpText(User* User, const std::string &LinePrefix, std::stringstream &TextStream);
/** Check if the given nickmask matches too many users, send errors to the given user
* @param nick A nickmask to match against
* @param user A user to send error text to
* @return True if the nick matches too many users
bool NickMatchesEveryone(const std::string &nick, User* user);
/** Check if the given IP mask matches too many users, send errors to the given user
* @param ip An ipmask to match against
* @param user A user to send error text to
* @return True if the ip matches too many users
bool IPMatchesEveryone(const std::string &ip, User* user);
/** Check if the given hostmask matches too many users, send errors to the given user
* @param mask A hostmask to match against
* @param user A user to send error text to
* @return True if the host matches too many users
bool HostMatchesEveryone(const std::string &mask, User* user);
/** Calculate a duration in seconds from a string in the form 1y2w3d4h6m5s
* @param str A string containing a time in the form 1y2w3d4h6m5s
* (one year, two weeks, three days, four hours, six minutes and five seconds)
* @return The total number of seconds
long Duration(const std::string &str);
/** Attempt to compare a password to a string from the config file.
* This will be passed to handling modules which will compare the data
* against possible hashed equivalents in the input string.
* @param ex The object (user, server, whatever) causing the comparison.
* @param data The data from the config file
* @param input The data input by the oper
* @param hashtype The hash from the config file
* @return 0 if the strings match, 1 or -1 if they do not
int PassCompare(Extensible* ex, const std::string &data, const std::string &input, const std::string &hashtype);
/** Check if a given server is a uline.
* An empty string returns true, this is by design.
* @param server The server to check for uline status
* @return True if the server is a uline OR the string is empty
bool ULine(const char* server);
/** Returns true if the uline is 'silent' (doesnt generate
* remote connect notices etc).
bool SilentULine(const char* server);
/** Returns the subversion revision ID of this ircd
* @return The revision ID or an empty string
std::string GetRevision();
/** Returns the full version string of this ircd
* @return The version string
std::string GetVersionString();
/** Attempt to write the process id to a given file
* @param filename The PID file to attempt to write to
* @return This function may bail if the file cannot be written
void WritePID(const std::string &filename);
/** This constructor initialises all the subsystems and reads the config file.
* @param argc The argument count passed to main()
* @param argv The argument list passed to main()
* @throw <anything> If anything is thrown from here and makes it to
* you, you should probably just give up and go home. Yes, really.
* It's that bad. Higher level classes should catch any non-fatal exceptions.
InspIRCd(int argc, char** argv);
/** Send a line of WHOIS data to a user.
* @param user user to send the line to
* @param dest user being WHOISed
* @param numeric Numeric to send
* @param text Text of the numeric
void SendWhoisLine(User* user, User* dest, int numeric, const std::string &text);
/** Send a line of WHOIS data to a user.
* @param user user to send the line to
* @param dest user being WHOISed
* @param numeric Numeric to send
* @param format Format string for the numeric
* @param ... Parameters for the format string
void SendWhoisLine(User* user, User* dest, int numeric, const char* format, ...) CUSTOM_PRINTF(5, 6);
/** Quit a user for excess flood, and if they are not
* fully registered yet, temporarily zline their IP.
* @param current user to quit
caller1<void, User*> FloodQuitUser;
/** Restart the server.
* This function will not return. If an error occurs,
* it will throw an instance of CoreException.
* @param reason The restart reason to show to all clients
* @throw CoreException An instance of CoreException indicating the error from execv().
void Restart(const std::string &reason);
/** Prepare the ircd for restart or shutdown.
* This function unloads all modules which can be unloaded,
* closes all open sockets, and closes the logfile.
void Cleanup();
/** This copies the user and channel hash_maps into new hash maps.
* This frees memory used by the hash_map allocator (which it neglects
* to free, most of the time, using tons of ram)
void RehashUsersAndChans();
/** Resets the cached max bans value on all channels.
* Called by rehash.
void ResetMaxBans();
/** Return a time_t as a human-readable string.
std::string TimeString(time_t curtime);
/** Begin execution of the server.
* NOTE: this function NEVER returns. Internally,
* it will repeatedly loop.
* @return The return value for this function is undefined.
int Run();
/** Force all BufferedSockets to be removed which are due to
* be culled.
void BufferedSocketCull();
/** Adds an extban char to the 005 token.
void AddExtBanChar(char c);
char* GetReadBuffer()
return this->ReadBuffer;