Peter Powell d9a52277df Remove support for static modules.
This has been frequently broken in the past and as far as I know is
used by literally nobody.

Also, even if all modules are compiled into the core any libraries
linked against are and have always been linked dynamically making
this unusable on platforms without dynamic libraries.
2018-07-31 03:20:18 +01:00

226 lines
5.8 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon
# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Daniel De Graaf <>
# This file is part of InspIRCd. InspIRCd is free software: you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
require 5.10.0;
unless (-f 'configure') {
print "Error: $0 must be run from the main source directory!\n";
exit 1;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use File::Basename qw(basename);
use constant {
sub find_output;
sub gendep($);
sub dep_cpp($$$);
sub dep_so($);
sub dep_dir($$);
sub run();
my %f2dep;
exit 0;
sub run() {
chdir BUILDPATH or die "Could not open build directory: $!";
unlink 'include';
symlink "${\SOURCEPATH}/include", 'include';
mkdir $_ for qw/bin modules obj/;
open MAKE, '>' or die "Could not write $!";
chdir "${\SOURCEPATH}/src";
close MAKE;
sub run_dynamic() {
print MAKE <<END;
# It is autogenerated by make/, and will be overwritten
# every time you rerun make in the main directory
\@echo "This Makefile must be run by a sub-make from the source"
\@echo "in order to set the correct environment variables"
\@exit 1
all: inspircd modules
my(@core_deps, @modlist);
for my $file (<*.cpp>, <socketengines/*.cpp>, "threadengines/threadengine_pthread.cpp") {
my $out = find_output $file;
dep_cpp $file, $out, 'gen-o';
next if $file =~ m#^socketengines/# && $file ne "socketengines/socketengine_$ENV{SOCKETENGINE}.cpp";
# Having a module in the src directory is a bad idea because it will be linked to the core binary
if ($file =~ /^(m|core)_.*\.cpp/) {
my $correctsubdir = ($file =~ /^m_/ ? "modules" : "coremods");
print "Error: module $file is in the src directory, put it in src/$correctsubdir instead!\n";
exit 1;
push @core_deps, $out;
foreach my $directory (qw(coremods modules)) {
opendir(my $moddir, $directory);
for my $file (sort readdir $moddir) {
next if $file =~ /^\./;
if ($directory eq 'modules' && -e "modules/extra/$file" && !-l "modules/$file") {
# Incorrect symlink?
print "Replacing symlink for $file found in modules/extra\n";
rename "modules/$file", "modules/$file~";
symlink "extra/$file", "modules/$file";
if ($file =~ /^(?:core|m)_/ && -d "$directory/$file" && dep_dir "$directory/$file", "modules/$file") {
mkdir "${\BUILDPATH}/obj/$file";
push @modlist, "modules/$";
if ($file =~ /^.*\.cpp$/) {
my $out = dep_so "$directory/$file";
push @modlist, $out;
my $core_mk = join ' ', @core_deps;
my $mods = join ' ', @modlist;
print MAKE <<END;
bin/inspircd: $core_mk
@\$(SOURCEPATH)/make/ core-ld \$\@ \$^ \$>
inspircd: bin/inspircd
modules: $mods
.PHONY: all bad-target inspircd modules
sub find_output {
my $file = shift;
my($path,$base) = $file =~ m#^((?:.*/)?)([^/]+)\.cpp# or die "Bad file $file";
if ($path eq 'modules/' || $path eq 'coremods/') {
return "modules/$";
} elsif ($path eq '' || $path eq 'modes/' || $path =~ /^[a-z]+engines\/$/) {
return "obj/$base.o";
} elsif ($path =~ m#modules/(m_.*)/# || $path =~ m#coremods/(core_.*)/#) {
return "obj/$1/$base.o";
} else {
die "Can't determine output for $file";
sub gendep($) {
my $f = shift;
my $basedir = $f =~ m#(.*)/# ? $1 : '.';
return $f2dep{$f} if exists $f2dep{$f};
$f2dep{$f} = '';
my %dep;
my $link = readlink $f;
if (defined $link) {
$link = "$basedir/$link" unless $link =~ m#^/#;
open my $in, '<', $f or die "Could not read $f";
while (<$in>) {
if (/^\s*#\s*include\s*"([^"]+)"/) {
my $inc = $1;
next if $inc eq 'config.h' && $f eq '../include/inspircd.h';
my $found = 0;
for my $loc ("$basedir/$inc", "../include/$inc") {
next unless -e $loc;
$dep{$_}++ for split / /, gendep $loc;
$loc =~ s#^\.\./##;
if ($found == 0 && $inc ne 'inspircd_win32wrapper.h') {
print STDERR "WARNING: could not find header $inc for $f\n";
} elsif ($found > 1 && $basedir ne '../include') {
print STDERR "WARNING: ambiguous include $inc in $f\n";
close $in;
$f2dep{$f} = join ' ', sort keys %dep;
sub dep_cpp($$$) {
my($file, $out, $type) = @_;
gendep $file;
print MAKE "$out: $file $f2dep{$file}\n";
print MAKE "\t@\$(SOURCEPATH)/make/ $type \$\@ \$(SOURCEPATH)/src/$file \$>\n";
sub dep_so($) {
my($file) = @_;
my $out = find_output $file;
my $name = basename $out, '.so';
print MAKE ".PHONY: $name\n";
print MAKE "$name: $out\n";
dep_cpp $file, $out, 'gen-so';
return $out;
sub dep_dir($$) {
my($dir, $outdir) = @_;
my @ofiles;
opendir DIR, $dir;
for my $file (sort readdir DIR) {
next unless $file =~ /(.*)\.cpp$/;
my $ofile = find_output "$dir/$file";
dep_cpp "$dir/$file", $ofile, 'gen-o';
push @ofiles, $ofile;
closedir DIR;
if (@ofiles) {
my $ofiles = join ' ', @ofiles;
my $name = basename $outdir;
print MAKE ".PHONY: $name\n";
print MAKE "$name: $\n";
print MAKE "$ $ofiles\n";
print MAKE "\t@\$(SOURCEPATH)/make/ link-dir \$\@ ${\SOURCEPATH}/src/$dir \$^ \$>\n";
return 1;
} else {
return 0;