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# InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon
# Copyright (C) 2016 Peter Powell <petpow@saberuk.com>
# This file is part of InspIRCd. InspIRCd is free software: you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package make::directive;
require 5.10.0;
use feature ':5.10';
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use File::Basename qw(basename dirname);
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir);
use Exporter qw(import);
use make::configure;
use make::console;
use constant DIRECTIVE_ERROR_PIPE => $ENV{INSPIRCD_VERBOSE} ? '' : '2>/dev/null';
use constant VENDOR_DIRECTORY => catdir(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)), 'vendor');
our @EXPORT = qw(get_directive
sub get_directive($$;$)
my ($file, $property, $default) = @_;
open(my $fh, $file) or return $default;
my $value = '';
while (<$fh>) {
if ($_ =~ /^\/\* \$(\S+): (.+) \*\/$/ || $_ =~ /^\/\/\/ \$(\S+): (.+)/) {
next unless $1 eq $property;
$value .= ' ' . execute_functions($file, $1, $2);
close $fh;
# Strip all extraneous whitespace.
$value =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
return $value || $default;
sub execute_functions($$$) {
my ($file, $name, $line) = @_;
# NOTE: we have to use 'our' instead of 'my' here because of a Perl bug.
for (our @parameters = (); $line =~ /([a-z_]+)\((?:\s*"([^"]*)(?{push @parameters, $2})"\s*)*\)/; undef @parameters) {
my $sub = make::directive->can("__function_$1");
print_error "unknown $name directive '$1' in $file!" unless $sub;
# Call the subroutine and replace the function.
my $result = $sub->($file, @parameters);
if (defined $result) {
$line = $` . $result . $';
# If the subroutine returns undef then it is a sign that we should
# disregard the rest of the line and stop processing it.
$line = $`;
return $line;
sub __environment {
my ($prefix, $suffix) = @_;
$suffix =~ s/[-.]/_/g;
$suffix =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9_]//g;
return $prefix . uc $suffix;
sub __module {
my $file = shift;
my $name = basename $file, '.cpp';
$name =~ s/^m_//;
return $name;
sub __error {
my ($file, @message) = @_;
push @message, '';
# If we have package details then suggest to the user that they check
# that they have the packages installed.=
my $dependencies = get_directive($file, 'PackageInfo');
if (defined $dependencies) {
my @packages = sort grep { /^\S+$/ } split /\s/, $dependencies;
push @message, 'You should make sure you have the following packages installed:';
for (@packages) {
push @message, " * $_";
} else {
push @message, 'You should make sure that you have all of the required dependencies';
push @message, 'for this module installed.';
push @message, '';
# If we have author information then tell the user to report the bug
# to them. Otherwise, assume it is a bundled module and tell the user
# to report it to the InspIRCd issue tracker.
my $author = get_directive($file, 'ModAuthor');
if (defined $author) {
push @message, 'If you believe this error to be a bug then you can try to contact the';
push @message, 'author of this module:';
my $author_mail = get_directive($file, 'ModAuthorMail');
if (defined $author_mail) {
push @message, " * $author <$author_mail>";
} else {
push @message, " * $author";
} else {
push @message, 'If you believe this error to be a bug then you can file a bug report';
push @message, 'at https://github.com/inspircd/inspircd/issues';
push @message, '';
push @message, 'You can also refer to the documentation page for this module at';
push @message, "https://docs.inspircd.org/3/modules/${\__module $file}";
push @message, '';
push @message, 'If you would like help with fixing this problem then visit our IRC';
push @message, 'channel at irc.inspircd.org #InspIRCd for support.';
push @message, '';
print_error @message;
sub __function_error {
my ($file, @messages) = @_;
__error $file, @messages;
sub __function_execute {
my ($file, $command, $environment, $defaults) = @_;
# Try to execute the command...
chomp(my $result = `$command ${\DIRECTIVE_ERROR_PIPE}`);
unless ($?) {
print_format "Execution of `<|GREEN $command|>` succeeded: <|BOLD $result|>\n";
return $result;
# If looking up with pkg-config fails then check the environment...
if (defined $environment && $environment ne '') {
$environment = __environment 'INSPIRCD_', $environment;
if (defined $ENV{$environment}) {
print_format "Execution of `<|GREEN $command|>` failed; using the environment: <|BOLD $ENV{$environment}|>\n";
return $ENV{$environment};
# If all else fails then look for the defaults..
if (defined $defaults) {
print_format "Execution of `<|GREEN $command|>` failed; using the defaults: <|BOLD $defaults|>\n";
return $defaults;
# Executing the command failed and we don't have any defaults so give up.
__error $file, "`<|GREEN $command|>` exited with a non-zero exit code!";
sub __function_find_compiler_flags {
my ($file, $name, $defaults) = @_;
# Try to look up the compiler flags with pkg-config...
chomp(my $flags = `pkg-config --cflags $name ${\DIRECTIVE_ERROR_PIPE}`);
unless ($?) {
print_format "Found the <|GREEN $name|> compiler flags for <|GREEN ${\__module $file}|> using pkg-config: <|BOLD $flags|>\n";
return $flags;
# If looking up with pkg-config fails then check the environment...
my $key = __environment 'INSPIRCD_CXXFLAGS_', $name;
if (defined $ENV{$key}) {
print_format "Found the <|GREEN $name|> compiler flags for <|GREEN ${\__module $file}|> using the environment: <|BOLD $ENV{$key}|>\n";
return $ENV{$key};
# If all else fails then look for the defaults..
if (defined $defaults) {
print_format "Using the default <|GREEN $name|> compiler flags for <|GREEN ${\__module $file}|>: <|BOLD $defaults|>\n";
return $defaults;
# We can't find it via pkg-config, via the environment, or via the defaults so give up.
__error $file, "unable to find the <|GREEN $name|> compiler flags for <|GREEN ${\__module $file}|>!";
sub __function_find_linker_flags {
my ($file, $name, $defaults) = @_;
# Try to look up the linker flags with pkg-config...
chomp(my $flags = `pkg-config --libs $name ${\DIRECTIVE_ERROR_PIPE}`);
unless ($?) {
print_format "Found the <|GREEN $name|> linker flags for <|GREEN ${\__module $file}|> using pkg-config: <|BOLD $flags|>\n";
return $flags;
# If looking up with pkg-config fails then check the environment...
my $key = __environment 'INSPIRCD_CXXFLAGS_', $name;
if (defined $ENV{$key}) {
print_format "Found the <|GREEN $name|> linker flags for <|GREEN ${\__module $file}|> using the environment: <|BOLD $ENV{$key}|>\n";
return $ENV{$key};
# If all else fails then look for the defaults..
if (defined $defaults) {
print_format "Using the default <|GREEN $name|> linker flags for <|GREEN ${\__module $file}|>: <|BOLD $defaults|>\n";
return $defaults;
# We can't find it via pkg-config, via the environment, or via the defaults so give up.
__error $file, "unable to find the <|GREEN $name|> linker flags for <|GREEN ${\__module $file}|>!";
sub __function_require_compiler {
my ($file, $name, $minimum, $maximum) = @_;
# Look up information about the compiler.
return undef unless $ENV{CXX};
my %compiler = get_compiler_info($ENV{CXX});
# Check whether the current compiler is suitable.
return undef unless $compiler{NAME} eq $name;
return undef if defined $minimum && $compiler{VERSION} < $minimum;
return undef if defined $maximum && $compiler{VERSION} > $maximum;
# Requirement directives don't change anything directly.
return "";
sub __function_require_system {
my ($file, $name, $minimum, $maximum) = @_;
my ($system, $version);
# Linux is special and can be compared by distribution names.
if ($^O eq 'linux' && $name ne 'linux') {
chomp($system = lc `lsb_release --id --short 2>/dev/null`);
chomp($version = lc `lsb_release --release --short 2>/dev/null`);
# Gather information on the system if we don't have it already.
chomp($system ||= lc `uname -s 2>/dev/null`);
chomp($version ||= lc `uname -r 2>/dev/null`);
# We only care about the important bit of the version number so trim the rest.
$version =~ s/^(\d+\.\d+).+/$1/;
# Check whether the current system is suitable.
return undef if $name ne $system;
return undef if defined $minimum && $version < $minimum;
return undef if defined $maximum && $version > $maximum;
# Requirement directives don't change anything directly.
return "";
sub __function_require_version {
my ($file, $name, $minimum, $maximum) = @_;
# If pkg-config isn't installed then we can't do anything here.
if (system "pkg-config --exists $name ${\DIRECTIVE_ERROR_PIPE}") {
print_warning "unable to look up the version of <|GREEN $name|> using pkg-config!";
return undef;
# Check with pkg-config whether we have the required version.
return undef if defined $minimum && system "pkg-config --atleast-version $minimum $name";
return undef if defined $maximum && system "pkg-config --max-version $maximum $name";
# Requirement directives don't change anything directly.
return "";
sub __function_vendor_directory {
my ($file, $name) = @_;
# Try to look the directory up in the environment...
my $key = __environment 'INSPIRCD_VENDOR_', $name;
if (defined $ENV{$key}) {
print_format "Found the <|GREEN $name|> vendor directory for <|GREEN ${\__module $file}|> using the environment: <|BOLD $ENV{$key}|>\n";
return $ENV{$key};
my $directory = catdir(VENDOR_DIRECTORY, $name);
if (-d $directory) {
print_format "Using the default <|GREEN $name|> vendor directory for <|GREEN ${\__module $file}|>: <|BOLD $directory|>\n";
return $directory;
# We can't find it via the environment or via the filesystem so give up.
__error $file, "unable to find the <|GREEN $name|> vendor directory for <|GREEN ${\__module $file}|>!";
sub __function_warning {
my ($file, @messages) = @_;
print_warning @messages;