brain cbefea57e9 Fixes for default log. It is now called ~/.inspircd/startup.log unless overridden by -logfile commandline param. The name of the log is more indicative of what it stores, and the location is more sane and fits in with standards.
If the home directory cant be found from either HOME or USERPROFILE env vars, then the startup.log is dumped to the current directory.
Removed -nolog from ./inspircd debug, antique setting.

git-svn-id: e03df62e-2008-0410-955e-edbf42e46eb7
2008-04-12 17:55:47 +00:00

498 lines
11 KiB

# +------------------------------------+
# | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon |
# +------------------------------------+
# (C) 2002-2007 InspIRCd Development Team
# Written by Craig Edwards, Craig McLure, and others.
# This program is free but copyrighted software; see
# the file COPYING for details.
# ---------------------------------------------------
use POSIX;
my $basepath = "@BASE_DIR@";
my $confpath = "@CONFIG_DIR@/";
my $binpath = "@BINARY_DIR@";
my $libpath = "@LIBRARY_DIR@";
my $executable = "@EXECUTABLE@";
my $version = "@VERSION@";
my @filesparsed;
my @filechecked;
# Lets see what they want to do.. Set the variable (Cause i'm a lazy coder)
my $arg = $ARGV[0];
if ($arg eq "start") { start(); exit(); }
if ($arg eq "debug") { debug(); exit(); }
if ($arg eq "screendebug") { screendebug(); exit() }
if ($arg eq "valdebug") { valdebug(); exit(); }
if ($arg eq "screenvaldebug") { screenvaldebug(); exit(); }
if ($arg eq "stop") { stop(); exit(); }
if ($arg eq "status") {
if (getstatus() == 1) {
my $pid = getprocessid();
print "InspIRCd is running (PID: $pid)\n";
} else {
print "InspIRCd is not running. (Or PID File not found)\n";
if ($arg eq "rehash") {
if (getstatus() == 1) {
my $pid = getprocessid();
system("kill -HUP $pid >/dev/null 2>&1");
print "InspIRCd rehashed (pid: $pid).\n";
} else {
print "InspIRCd is not running. (Or PID File not found)\n";
if ($arg eq "cron") {
if (getstatus() == 0) { start(); }
if ($arg eq "version") {
print "InspIRCd version: $version\n";
if ($arg eq "restart") {
unlink($pidfile) if (-e $pidfile);
# kthxbye();
if ($arg eq "checkconf") {
if ($arg eq "Cheese-Sandwich") {
print "Creating Cheese Sandwich..\n";
print "Done.\n";
# If we get here.. bad / no parameters.
print "Invalid Argument: $arg\n";
print "Usage: inspircd (start|stop|restart|rehash|status|cron|checkconf|version)\n";
print "Developer arguments: (debug|screendebug|valdebug|screenvaldebug)\n";
# Generic Helper Functions.
sub start {
# Check to see its not 'running' already.
if (getstatus() == 1) { print "InspIRCd is already running.\n"; return 0; }
# If we are still alive here.. Try starting the IRCd..
print "$binpath/$executable doesn't exist\n" and return 0 unless(-e "$binpath/$executable");
return 1;
sub debug {
# Check to see its not 'running' already.
if (getstatus() == 1) { print "InspIRCd is already running.\n"; return 0; }
print "$binpath/$executable doesn't exist\n" and return 0 unless(-e "$binpath/$executable");
# Check we have gdb
# If we are still alive here.. Try starting the IRCd..
system("gdb --command=$basepath/.gdbargs --args $binpath/$executable -nofork -debug");
sub screendebug
# Check to see its not 'running' already.
if (getstatus() == 1) { print "InspIRCd is already running.\n"; return 0; }
print "$binpath/$executable doesn't exist\n" and return 0 unless(-e "$binpath/$executable");
#Check we have gdb
# If we are still alive here.. Try starting the IRCd..
print "Starting InspIRCd in `screen`, type `screen -r` when the ircd crashes to view the gdb output and get a backtrace.\n";
print "Once you're inside the screen session press ^C + d to re-detach from the session\n";
system("screen -m -d gdb --command=$basepath/.gdbargs --args $binpath/$executable -nofork -debug -nolog");
sub valdebug
# Check to see its not 'running' already.
if (getstatus() == 1) { print "InspIRCd is already running.\n"; return 0; }
print "$binpath/$executable doesn't exist\n" and return 0 unless(-e "$binpath/$executable");
# Check we have valgrind and gdb
# If we are still alive here.. Try starting the IRCd..
# May want to do something with these args at some point: --suppressions=.inspircd.sup --gen-suppressions=yes
# Could be useful when we want to stop it complaining about things we're sure aren't issues.
system("valgrind -v --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes --db-attach=yes --num-callers=10 $binpath/$executable -nofork -debug -nolog");
sub screenvaldebug
# Check to see its not 'running' already.
if (getstatus() == 1) { print "InspIRCd is already running.\n"; return 0; }
print "$binpath/$executable doesn't exist\n" and return 0 unless(-e "$binpath/$executable");
#Check we have gdb
# If we are still alive here.. Try starting the IRCd..
print "Starting InspIRCd in `screen`, type `screen -r` when the ircd crashes to view the valgrind and gdb output and get a backtrace.\n";
print "Once you're inside the screen session press ^C + d to re-detach from the session\n";
system("screen -m -d valgrind -v --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes --db-attach=yes --num-callers=10 $binpath/$executable -nofork -debug -nolog");
sub stop {
if (getstatus() == 0) { print "InspIRCd is not running. (Or PID File not found)\n"; return 0; }
# Get to here, we have something to kill.
my $pid = getprocessid();
print "Stopping InspIRCd (pid: $pid)...\n";
system("kill -TERM $pid >/dev/null 2>&1");
# Give it a second to exit
if (getstatus() == 1)
print "InspIRCd not dying quietly -- forcing kill\n";
system("kill -9 $pid >/dev/null 2>&1");
print "InspIRCd Stopped.\n";
# GetPidfile Version 2 - Now With Include Support..
# I beg for months for include support in insp, then..
# when it is added, it comes around and BITES ME IN THE ASS,
# because i then have to code support into this script.. Evil.
# Craig got bitten in the ass again --
# in 1.1 beta the include file is manditory, therefore
# if we cant find it, default to %conf%/
# Note, this also contains a fix for when the pid file is
# defined, but defined in a comment (line starts with #)
# -- Brain
sub getpidfile {
my ($file) = @_;
# Before we start, do we have a PID already? (Should never occur)
if ($pid ne "") {
# Are We using a relative path?
if ($file !~ /^\//) {
# Convert it to a full path..
$file = $confpath . $file;
# Have we checked this file before?
for (my $i = 0; $i < $filesparsed; $i++) {
if ($filesparsed[$i] eq $file) {
# Already Parsed, Possible recursive loop..
# If we get here, Mark as 'Read'
$filesparsed[$filesparsed] = $file;
# Open the File..
open INFILE, "< $file" or die "Unable to open file $file\n";
# Grab entire file contents..
my(@lines) = <INFILE>;
# Close the file
close INFILE;
# remove trailing spaces
foreach $i (@lines) {
# clean it up
$i =~ s/[^=]+=\s(.*)/\1/;
# Does this file have a pid?
if (($i =~ /<pid file=\"(\S+)\">/i) && ($i !~ /^#/))
# Set the PID file and return.
$pidfile = $1;
# If we get here, NO PID FILE! -- Check for includes
foreach $i (@lines) {
$i =~ s/[^=]+=\s(.*)/\1/;
if (($i =~ s/\<include file=\"(.+?)\"\>//i) && ($i !~ /^#/))
# Decend into that file, and check for PIDs.. (that sounds like an STD ;/)
# Was a PID found?
if ($pidfile ne "") {
# Yes, Return.
# End of includes / No includes found. Using default.
$pidfile = $confpath . "";
sub getstatus {
my $pid = getprocessid();
if ($pid == 0) { return 0; }
$status = system("kill -0 $pid >/dev/null 2>&1") / 256;
if ($status == 0) { return 1; }
else { return 0; }
sub getprocessid {
my $pid;
open PIDFILE, "< $pidfile" or return 0;
while($i = <PIDFILE>)
$pid = $i;
close PIDFILE;
return $pid;
sub checkvalgrind
unless(`valgrind --version`)
print "Couldn't start valgrind: $!\n";
sub checkgdb
unless(`gdb --version`)
print "Couldn't start gdb: $!\n";
sub checkscreen
unless(`screen --version`)
print "Couldn't start screen: $!\n";
sub checkxmllint
open(FH, "xmllint|") or die "Couldn't start xmllint: $!\n";
sub checkconf
print "Config check complete\n";
sub validateconf
my ($file) = @_;
# Are We using a relative path?
if ($file !~ /^\//) {
# Convert it to a full path..
$file = $confpath . $file;
# Have we checked this file before?
for (my $i = 0; $i < $filechecked; $i++) {
if ($filechecked[$i] eq $file) {
# Already Parsed, Possible recursive loop..
# If we get here, Mark as 'Read'
$filechecked[$filechecked] = $file;
# Open the File..
open INFILE, "< $file" or die "Unable to open file $file\n";
# Grab entire file contents..
my(@lines) = <INFILE>;
# Close the file
close INFILE;
# remove trailing spaces
my @newlines = ();
my @blanks = ();
my $conline;
push @newlines, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>";
# push @newlines, "<!DOCTYPE config SYSTEM \"".$confpath."inspircd.dtd\">";
push @newlines, "<config>";
foreach $i (@lines)
# remove trailing newlines
# convert tabs to spaces
$i =~ s/\t/ /g;
# remove leading spaces
$i =~ s/^ *//;
# remove comments
$i =~ s/^#.*//;
# remove trailing #s
$i =~ s/(.*)#$/\1/;
# remove trailing comments
my $line = "";
my $quote = 0;
for (my $j = 0; $j < length($i); $j++)
if (substr($i,$j, 1) eq '"') { $quote = ($quote) ? 0 : 1; } elsif (substr($i,$j, 1) eq "#" && !$quote) { last; }
$line .= substr($i,$j, 1);
$i = $line;
# remove trailing spaces
$i =~ s/ *$//;
# setup incf for include check and clean it up, since this breaks parsing use local var
my $incf = $i;
$incf =~ s/[^=]+=\s(.*)/\1/;
# include file?
if (($incf =~ s/\<include file=\"(.+?)\"\>//i) && ($incf !~ /^#/))
# yes, process it
if ($i =~ /^<.*/ && $conline =~ /^<.*/)
push @newlines, $conline;
push @newlines, @blanks;
$conline = $i;
if ($i =~ /^<.*>$/)
$i =~ s/(.*)>$/\1 \/>/;
push @newlines, $i;
elsif ($i =~ /.*>$/)
$conline .= " $i";
$conline =~ s/(.*)>$/\1 \/>/;
push @blanks, "";
push @newlines, $conline;
push @newlines, @blanks;
$conline = "";
undef @blanks;
elsif ($i =~ /^<.*/)
$conline = $i;
elsif ($conline =~ /^<.*/ && $i)
$conline .= " $i";
push @blanks, "";
if ($conline)
push @blanks, $i;
push @newlines, $i;
if ($conline)
push @newlines, $conline;
push @newlines, @blanks;
push @newlines, "</config>";
my $tmpfile;
$tmpfile = tmpnam();
} until sysopen(TF, $tmpfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_NOFOLLOW, 0700);
foreach $n (@newlines)
print TF "$n\n";
close TF;
my @result = `xmllint -noout $tmpfile 2>&1`;
my $skip = 0;
foreach $n (@result)
if ($skip)
$skip = 0;
$n =~ s/$tmpfile\:\d*\: *//g;
if ($n =~ /.*config>.*/)
$n = "";
$skip = 1;
if ($n && !$skip)
if ($n =~ /line \d*/)
my $lineno = $n;
$lineno =~ s/.*line (\d*).*/\1/;
$lineno = $lineno-2;
$n =~ s/line (\d*)/line $lineno/;
print "$file : $n\n";