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* InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon
* Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Sadie Powell <sadie@witchery.services>
* This file is part of InspIRCd. InspIRCd is free software: you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "inspircd.h"
#include "modules/isupport.h"
class Codepage
enum class AllowCharacterResult
: uint8_t
// The character is allowed in a nick.
// The character is never valid in a nick.
// The character is not valid at the front of a nick.
// The mapping of lower case characters to upper case characters.
unsigned char casemap[UCHAR_MAX + 1];
// Initialises the Codepage class.
for (size_t i = 0; i <= UCHAR_MAX; ++i)
casemap[i] = i;
// Destroys the Codepage class.
virtual ~Codepage() = default;
// Specifies that a character is allowed.
virtual AllowCharacterResult AllowCharacter(uint32_t character, bool front)
if (front)
// Nicknames can not begin with a number as that would collide with
// a user identifier.
if (character >= '0' && character <= '9')
return AllowCharacterResult::NOT_VALID_AT_FRONT;
// Nicknames can not begin with a : or a $ as they have a special
// meaning within the IRC message format.
if (character == '$' || character == ':')
return AllowCharacterResult::NOT_VALID_AT_FRONT;
// Nicknames can not begin with a channel prefix character (e.g. #)
// as they are used to differentiate users from channels in message
// targets.
if (ServerInstance->Channels.IsPrefix(character))
return AllowCharacterResult::NOT_VALID_AT_FRONT;
// Nicknames can not begin with a prefix mode character (e.g. @)
// as they are used as a nick prefix when sending a STATUSMSG.
if (ServerInstance->Modes.FindPrefix(character))
return AllowCharacterResult::NOT_VALID_AT_FRONT;
// Nicknames can never contain NUL, CR, LF, SPACE, COMMA, PERIOD,
// either banned within an IRC message or have special meaning within
// the IRC message format.
switch (character)
case '\0':
case '\n':
case '\r':
case ' ':
case '!':
case '*':
case ',':
case '.':
case '?':
case '@':
return AllowCharacterResult::NOT_VALID;
// The character is probably okay?
return AllowCharacterResult::OKAY;
// Determines whether a nickname is valid.
virtual bool IsValidNick(const std::string_view& nick) = 0;
// Retrieves the link data for this codepage.
virtual void GetLinkData(Module::LinkData& data) const = 0;
// Maps an upper case character to a lower case character.
virtual bool Map(uint32_t upper, uint32_t lower) = 0;
class SingleByteCodepage final
: public Codepage
// The characters which are allowed in nicknames.
CharState allowedchars;
// The characters which are allowed at the front of a nickname.
CharState allowedfrontchars;
AllowCharacterResult AllowCharacter(uint32_t character, bool front) override
// Single byte codepage can, as their name suggests, only be one byte in size.
if (character > UCHAR_MAX)
return AllowCharacterResult::NOT_VALID;
// Check the common allowed character rules.
AllowCharacterResult result = Codepage::AllowCharacter(character, front);
if (result != AllowCharacterResult::OKAY)
return result;
// The character is okay.
allowedfrontchars.set(character, front);
return AllowCharacterResult::OKAY;
bool IsValidNick(const std::string_view& nick) override
if (nick.empty() || nick.length() > ServerInstance->Config->Limits.MaxNick)
return false;
for (std::string_view::const_iterator iter = nick.begin(); iter != nick.end(); ++iter)
unsigned char chr = static_cast<unsigned char>(*iter);
// Check that the character is allowed at the front of the nick.
if (iter == nick.begin() && !allowedfrontchars[chr])
return false;
// Check that the character is allowed in the nick.
if (!allowedchars[chr])
return false;
return true;
void GetLinkData(Module::LinkData& data) const override
for (size_t i = 0; i < allowedfrontchars.size(); ++i)
if (allowedfrontchars[i])
data["front"].push_back(static_cast<unsigned char>(i));
for (size_t i = 0; i < allowedchars.size(); ++i)
if (allowedchars[i])
data["middle"].push_back(static_cast<unsigned char>(i));
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(casemap); ++i)
if (casemap[i] == i)
data["map"].push_back(static_cast<unsigned char>(i));
bool Map(uint32_t upper, uint32_t lower) override
if (upper > UCHAR_MAX || lower > UCHAR_MAX)
return false;
casemap[upper] = lower;
return true;
class ModuleCodepage final
: public Module
, public ISupport::EventListener
// The currently active codepage.
std::unique_ptr<Codepage> codepage = nullptr;
// The character map which was set before this module was loaded.
const unsigned char* origcasemap;
// The name of the character map which was set before this module was loaded.
const std::string origcasemapname;
// The IsNick handler which was set before this module was loaded.
const std::function<bool(const std::string_view&)> origisnick;
// The character set used for the codepage.
std::string charset;
template <typename T>
static void RehashHashmap(T& hashmap)
T newhash(hashmap.bucket_count());
for (const auto& [key, value] : hashmap)
newhash.emplace(key, value);
static void DestroyChannel(Channel* chan)
// Remove all of the users from the channel. Using KICK here will mean
// the user's client will probably attempt to rejoin and will enter the
// succeeding channel. Unfortunately this is the best we can do for now.
while (!chan->userlist.empty())
chan->KickUser(ServerInstance->FakeClient, chan->userlist.begin(), "This channel does not exist anymore.");
// Remove all modes from the channel just in case one of them keeps the channel open.
Modes::ChangeList changelist;
for (const auto& [_, mh] : ServerInstance->Modes.GetModes(MODETYPE_CHANNEL))
mh->RemoveMode(chan, changelist);
ServerInstance->Modes.Process(ServerInstance->FakeClient, chan, nullptr, changelist, ModeParser::MODE_LOCALONLY);
// The channel will be destroyed automatically by CheckDestroy.
static void ChangeNick(User* user, const std::string& message)
user->WriteNumeric(RPL_SAVENICK, user->uuid, message);
static void CheckDuplicateChan()
ChannelMap duplicates;
for (auto &[_, chan] : ServerInstance->Channels.GetChans())
auto check = duplicates.insert(std::make_pair(chan->name, chan));
if (check.second)
continue; // No duplicate.
Channel* otherchan = check.first->second;
if (otherchan->age < chan->age)
// The other channel was created first.
else if (otherchan->age > chan->age)
// The other channel was created last.
check.first->second = chan;
// Both created at the same time.
static void CheckDuplicateNick()
UserMap duplicates;
for (auto* user : ServerInstance->Users.GetLocalUsers())
if (user->nick == user->uuid)
continue; // UUID users are always unique.
auto check = duplicates.insert(std::make_pair(user->nick, user));
if (check.second)
continue; // No duplicate.
User* otheruser = check.first->second;
if (otheruser->nickchanged < user->nickchanged)
// The other user connected first.
ChangeNick(user, "Your nickname is no longer available.");
else if (otheruser->nickchanged > user->nickchanged)
// The other user connected last.
ChangeNick(otheruser, "Your nickname is no longer available.");
check.first->second = user;
// Both connected at the same time.
ChangeNick(user, "Your nickname is no longer available.");
ChangeNick(otheruser, "Your nickname is no longer available.");
static void CheckInvalidNick()
for (auto* user : ServerInstance->Users.GetLocalUsers())
if (user->nick != user->uuid && !ServerInstance->IsNick(user->nick))
ChangeNick(user, "Your nickname is no longer valid.");
static void CheckRehash(unsigned char* prevmap)
if (!memcmp(prevmap, national_case_insensitive_map, UCHAR_MAX))
static std::string GetPrintable(uint32_t chr)
if (isprint(chr))
return FMT::format("{} ({})", reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&chr), chr);
return FMT::format("{}", chr);
: Module(VF_VENDOR | VF_COMMON, "Allows the server administrator to define what characters are allowed in nicknames and how characters should be compared in a case insensitive way.")
, ISupport::EventListener(this)
, origcasemap(national_case_insensitive_map)
, origcasemapname(ServerInstance->Config->CaseMapping)
, origisnick(ServerInstance->IsNick)
~ModuleCodepage() override
ServerInstance->IsNick = origisnick;
ServerInstance->Config->CaseMapping = origcasemapname;
national_case_insensitive_map = origcasemap;
if (codepage) // nullptr if ReadConfig throws on load.
void ReadConfig(ConfigStatus& status) override
const auto& codepagetag = ServerInstance->Config->ConfValue("codepage");
const std::string name = codepagetag->getString("name");
if (name.empty())
throw ModuleException(this, "<codepage:name> is a required field!");
std::unique_ptr<Codepage> newcodepage = std::make_unique<SingleByteCodepage>();
for (const auto& [_, tag] : ServerInstance->Config->ConfTags("cpchars"))
uint32_t begin = tag->getNum<uint32_t>("begin", tag->getNum<uint32_t>("index", 0));
if (!begin)
throw ModuleException(this, "<cpchars> tag without index or begin specified at " + tag->source.str());
uint32_t end = tag->getNum<uint32_t>("end", begin);
if (begin > end)
throw ModuleException(this, "<cpchars:begin> must be lower than <cpchars:end> at " + tag->source.str());
bool front = tag->getBool("front", false);
for (uint32_t pos = begin; pos <= end; ++pos)
switch (newcodepage->AllowCharacter(pos, front))
case Codepage::AllowCharacterResult::OKAY:
ServerInstance->Logs.Debug(MODNAME, "Marked {} as allowed (front: {})",
GetPrintable(pos), front ? "yes" : "no");
case Codepage::AllowCharacterResult::NOT_VALID:
throw ModuleException(this, FMT::format("<cpchars> tag contains a forbidden character: {} at {}",
GetPrintable(pos), tag->source.str()));
case Codepage::AllowCharacterResult::NOT_VALID_AT_FRONT:
throw ModuleException(this, FMT::format("<cpchars> tag contains a forbidden front character: {} at {}",
GetPrintable(pos), tag->source.str()));
for (const auto& [_, tag] : ServerInstance->Config->ConfTags("cpcase"))
uint32_t lower = tag->getNum<uint32_t>("lower", 0);
if (!lower)
throw ModuleException(this, "<cpcase:lower> is required at " + tag->source.str());
uint32_t upper = tag->getNum<uint32_t>("upper", 0);
if (!upper)
throw ModuleException(this, "<cpcase:upper> is required at " + tag->source.str());
if (!newcodepage->Map(upper, lower))
throw ModuleException(this, "Malformed <cpcase> tag at " + tag->source.str());
ServerInstance->Logs.Debug(MODNAME, "Marked {} as the lower case version of {}",
GetPrintable(lower), GetPrintable(upper));
charset = codepagetag->getString("charset");
std::swap(codepage, newcodepage);
ServerInstance->IsNick = [this](const std::string_view& nick) { return codepage->IsValidNick(nick); };
ServerInstance->Config->CaseMapping = name;
national_case_insensitive_map = codepage->casemap;
if (newcodepage) // nullptr on first read.
void OnBuildISupport(ISupport::TokenMap& tokens) override
if (!charset.empty())
tokens["CHARSET"] = charset;
void GetLinkData(LinkData& data) override