2024-11-01 15:53:04 +00:00

584 lines
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* InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon
* Copyright (C) 2020 Matt Schatz <>
* Copyright (C) 2019 linuxdaemon <>
* Copyright (C) 2013, 2017-2024 Sadie Powell <>
* Copyright (C) 2013, 2015-2016 Attila Molnar <>
* Copyright (C) 2012 Robby <>
* Copyright (C) 2010 Adam <>
* Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Daniel De Graaf <>
* Copyright (C) 2007 Dennis Friis <>
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007, 2009 Craig Edwards <>
* This file is part of InspIRCd. InspIRCd is free software: you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "inspircd.h"
#include "extension.h"
#include "modules/ssl.h"
#include "modules/stats.h"
#include "modules/webirc.h"
#include "modules/who.h"
#include "modules/whois.h"
#include "numerichelper.h"
#include "timeutils.h"
class SSLCertExt final
: public ExtensionItem
SSLCertExt(Module* parent)
: ExtensionItem(parent, "ssl_cert", ExtensionType::USER)
ssl_cert* Get(const User* user) const
return static_cast<ssl_cert*>(GetRaw(user));
void Set(User* user, ssl_cert* value, bool sync = true)
ssl_cert* old = static_cast<ssl_cert*>(SetRaw(user, value));
if (old && old->refcount_dec())
delete old;
if (sync)
Sync(user, value);
void Unset(User* user)
Delete(user, UnsetRaw(user));
std::string ToInternal(const Extensible* container, void* item) const noexcept override
return ToNetwork(container, item);
std::string ToNetwork(const Extensible* container, void* item) const noexcept override
const ssl_cert* cert = static_cast<ssl_cert*>(item);
std::stringstream value;
<< (cert->IsInvalid() ? "v" : "V")
<< (cert->IsTrusted() ? "T" : "t")
<< (cert->IsRevoked() ? "R" : "r")
<< (cert->IsUnknownSigner() ? "s" : "S")
<< (cert->GetError().empty() ? "e" : "E")
<< " ";
if (cert->GetError().empty())
value << insp::join(cert->GetFingerprints(), ',') << " " << cert->GetDN() << " " << cert->GetIssuer();
value << cert->GetError();
return value.str();
void FromInternal(Extensible* container, const std::string& value) noexcept override
FromNetwork(container, value);
void FromNetwork(Extensible* container, const std::string& value) noexcept override
if (container->extype != this->extype)
auto* cert = new ssl_cert();
Set(static_cast<User*>(container), cert, false);
std::stringstream s(value);
std::string v;
getline(s, v, ' ');
cert->invalid = (v.find('v') != std::string::npos);
cert->trusted = (v.find('T') != std::string::npos);
cert->revoked = (v.find('R') != std::string::npos);
cert->unknownsigner = (v.find('s') != std::string::npos);
if (v.find('E') != std::string::npos)
getline(s, cert->error, '\n');
std::string fingerprints;
getline(s, fingerprints, ' ');
irc::commasepstream fingerprintstream(fingerprints);
for (std::string fingerprint; fingerprintstream.GetToken(fingerprint); )
getline(s, cert->dn, ' ');
getline(s, cert->issuer, '\n');
void Delete(Extensible* container, void* item) override
ssl_cert* old = static_cast<ssl_cert*>(item);
if (old && old->refcount_dec())
delete old;
class UserCertificateAPIImpl final
: public UserCertificateAPIBase
BoolExtItem nosslext;
SSLCertExt sslext;
bool localsecure;
UserCertificateAPIImpl(Module* mod)
: UserCertificateAPIBase(mod)
, nosslext(mod, "no-ssl-cert", ExtensionType::USER)
, sslext(mod)
ssl_cert* GetCertificate(User* user) override
ssl_cert* cert = sslext.Get(user);
if (cert)
return cert;
LocalUser* luser = IS_LOCAL(user);
if (!luser || nosslext.Get(luser))
return nullptr;
cert = SSLClientCert::GetCertificate(&luser->eh);
if (!cert)
return nullptr;
SetCertificate(user, cert);
return cert;
bool IsSecure(User* user) override
auto* cert = GetCertificate(user);
if (cert)
return !!cert;
if (localsecure)
return user->client_sa.is_local();
return false;
void SetCertificate(User* user, ssl_cert* cert) override
ServerInstance->Logs.Debug(MODNAME, "Setting TLS client certificate for {}: {}",
user->GetMask(), sslext.ToNetwork(user, cert));
sslext.Set(user, cert);
class CommandSSLInfo final
: public SplitCommand
ChanModeReference sslonlymode;
void HandleUserInternal(LocalUser* source, User* target, bool verbose)
ssl_cert* cert = sslapi.GetCertificate(target);
if (!cert)
source->WriteNotice("*** {} is not connected using TLS.", target->nick);
else if (cert->GetError().length())
source->WriteNotice("*** {} is connected using TLS but has not specified a valid client certificate ({}).",
target->nick, cert->GetError());
else if (!verbose)
source->WriteNotice("*** {} is connected using TLS with a valid client certificate ({}).",
target->nick, cert->GetFingerprint());
source->WriteNotice("*** Distinguished Name: " + cert->GetDN());
source->WriteNotice("*** Issuer: " + cert->GetIssuer());
for (const auto& fingerprint : cert->GetFingerprints())
source->WriteNotice("*** Key Fingerprint: " + fingerprint);
CmdResult HandleUser(LocalUser* source, const std::string& nick)
auto* target = ServerInstance->Users.FindNick(nick, true);
if (!target)
return CmdResult::FAILURE;
if (operonlyfp && !source->IsOper() && source != target)
source->WriteNumeric(ERR_NOPRIVILEGES, "You must be a server operator to view TLS client certificate information for other users.");
return CmdResult::FAILURE;
HandleUserInternal(source, target, true);
return CmdResult::SUCCESS;
CmdResult HandleChannel(LocalUser* source, const std::string& channel)
auto* chan = ServerInstance->Channels.Find(channel);
if (!chan)
return CmdResult::FAILURE;
if (operonlyfp && !source->IsOper())
source->WriteNumeric(ERR_NOPRIVILEGES, "You must be a server operator to view TLS client certificate information for channels.");
return CmdResult::FAILURE;
if (!source->IsOper() && chan->GetPrefixValue(source) < OP_VALUE)
source->WriteNumeric(Numerics::ChannelPrivilegesNeeded(chan, OP_VALUE, "view TLS client certificate information"));
return CmdResult::FAILURE;
if (sslonlymode)
source->WriteNotice("*** {} {} have channel mode +{} ({}) set.",
chan->name, chan->IsModeSet(sslonlymode) ? "does" : "does not",
sslonlymode->GetModeChar(), sslonlymode->name);
for (const auto& [u, _] : chan->GetUsers())
if (!u->server->IsService())
HandleUserInternal(source, u, false);
return CmdResult::SUCCESS;
UserCertificateAPIImpl sslapi;
bool operonlyfp;
CommandSSLInfo(Module* Creator)
: SplitCommand(Creator, "SSLINFO")
, sslonlymode(Creator, "sslonly")
, sslapi(Creator)
syntax = { "[<channel|nick>]" };
CmdResult HandleLocal(LocalUser* user, const Params& parameters) override
if (parameters.empty())
HandleUserInternal(user, user, true);
return CmdResult::SUCCESS;
if (ServerInstance->Channels.IsPrefix(parameters[0][0]))
return HandleChannel(user, parameters[0]);
return HandleUser(user, parameters[0]);
class ModuleSSLInfo final
: public Module
, public Stats::EventListener
, public WebIRC::EventListener
, public Who::EventListener
, public Whois::EventListener
CommandSSLInfo cmd;
std::vector<std::string> hashes;
unsigned long warnexpiring;
bool welcomemsg;
static bool MatchFingerprint(const ssl_cert* cert, const std::string& fp)
irc::spacesepstream configfpstream(fp);
for (std::string configfp; configfpstream.GetToken(configfp); )
for (const auto& certfp : cert->GetFingerprints())
if (InspIRCd::TimingSafeCompare(certfp, configfp))
return true;
return false;
: Module(VF_VENDOR, "Adds user facing TLS information, various TLS configuration options, and the /SSLINFO command to look up TLS certificate information for other users.")
, Stats::EventListener(this)
, WebIRC::EventListener(this)
, Who::EventListener(this)
, Whois::EventListener(this)
, cmd(this)
void ReadConfig(ConfigStatus& status) override
const auto& tag = ServerInstance->Config->ConfValue("sslinfo");
cmd.operonlyfp = tag->getBool("operonly");
cmd.sslapi.localsecure = tag->getBool("localsecure", true);
warnexpiring = tag->getDuration("warnexpiring", 0, 0, 60*60*24*365);
welcomemsg = tag->getBool("welcomemsg");
irc::spacesepstream hashstream(tag->getString("hash"));
for (std::string hash; hashstream.GetToken(hash); )
if (!, 5, "spki-", 5))
hash.insert(4, "fp"); // spki-foo => spkifp-foo
hash.insert(0, "certfp-"); // foo => certfp-foo
void OnWhois(Whois::Context& whois) override
if (cmd.sslapi.IsSecure(whois.GetTarget()))
whois.SendLine(RPL_WHOISSECURE, "is using a secure connection");
ssl_cert* cert = cmd.sslapi.GetCertificate(whois.GetTarget());
if (cert)
if (!cmd.operonlyfp || whois.IsSelfWhois() || whois.GetSource()->IsOper())
bool first = true;
for (const auto& fingerprint : cert->GetFingerprints())
whois.SendLine(RPL_WHOISCERTFP, FMT::format("has {}client certificate fingerprint {}",
first ? "" : "old ", fingerprint));
first = false;
ModResult OnWhoLine(const Who::Request& request, LocalUser* source, User* user, Membership* memb, Numeric::Numeric& numeric) override
size_t flag_index;
if (!request.GetFieldIndex('f', flag_index))
ssl_cert* cert = cmd.sslapi.GetCertificate(user);
if (cert)
ModResult OnPreOperLogin(LocalUser* user, const std::shared_ptr<OperAccount>& oper, bool automatic) override
auto* cert = cmd.sslapi.GetCertificate(user);
if (oper->GetConfig()->getBool("sslonly") && !cert)
if (!automatic)
ServerInstance->SNO.WriteGlobalSno('o', "{} ({}) [{}] failed to log into the \x02{}\x02 oper account because they are not connected using TLS.",
user->nick, user->GetRealUserHost(), user->GetAddress(), oper->GetName());
return MOD_RES_DENY;
const std::string fingerprint = oper->GetConfig()->getString("fingerprint");
if (!fingerprint.empty() && (!cert || !MatchFingerprint(cert, fingerprint)))
if (!automatic)
ServerInstance->SNO.WriteGlobalSno('o', "{} ({}) [{}] failed to log into the \x02{}\x02 oper account because they are not using the correct TLS client certificate.",
user->nick, user->GetRealUserHost(), user->GetAddress(), oper->GetName());
return MOD_RES_DENY;
void OnPostConnect(User* user) override
LocalUser* const localuser = IS_LOCAL(user);
if (!localuser)
const SSLIOHook* const ssliohook = SSLIOHook::IsSSL(&localuser->eh);
if (!ssliohook || cmd.sslapi.nosslext.Get(localuser))
ssl_cert* const cert = ssliohook->GetCertificate();
if (welcomemsg)
std::string text = "*** You are connected to ";
if (!ssliohook->GetServerName(text))
text.append(" using TLS cipher '");
if (cert && !cert->GetFingerprint().empty())
text.append(" and your TLS client certificate fingerprint is ").append(cert->GetFingerprint());
if (!cert || !warnexpiring || !cert->GetExpirationTime())
if (ServerInstance->Time() > cert->GetExpirationTime())
user->WriteNotice("*** Your TLS client certificate has expired.");
else if (static_cast<time_t>(ServerInstance->Time() + warnexpiring) > cert->GetExpirationTime())
const std::string duration = Duration::ToString(cert->GetExpirationTime() - ServerInstance->Time());
user->WriteNotice("*** Your TLS client certificate expires in " + duration + ".");
ModResult OnPreChangeConnectClass(LocalUser* user, const std::shared_ptr<ConnectClass>& klass, std::optional<Numeric::Numeric>& errnum) override
ssl_cert* cert = cmd.sslapi.GetCertificate(user);
const char* error = nullptr;
const std::string requiressl = klass->config->getString("requiressl");
if (insp::equalsci(requiressl, "trusted"))
if (!cert || !cert->IsCAVerified())
error = "a trusted TLS client certificate";
else if (klass->config->getBool("requiressl"))
if (!cert)
error = "a TLS connection";
if (error)
ServerInstance->Logs.Debug("CONNECTCLASS", "The {} connect class is not suitable as it requires {}.",
klass->GetName(), error);
return MOD_RES_DENY;
ModResult OnStats(Stats::Context& stats) override
if (stats.GetSymbol() != 't')
// Counter for the number of users using each ciphersuite.
std::map<std::string, size_t> counts;
auto& plaintext = counts["Plain text"];
auto& unknown = counts["Unknown"];
for (auto* user : ServerInstance->Users.GetLocalUsers())
const auto* ssliohook = SSLIOHook::IsSSL(&user->eh);
if (!ssliohook)
std::string ciphersuite;
if (ciphersuite.empty())
for (const auto& [ciphersuite, count] : counts)
if (!count)
stats.AddGenericRow(FMT::format("{}: {}", ciphersuite, count))
.AddTags(stats, {
{ "ciphersuite", ciphersuite },
{ "count", ConvToStr(count) },
return MOD_RES_DENY;
void OnWebIRCAuth(LocalUser* user, const WebIRC::FlagMap* flags) override
// We are only interested in connection flags. If none have been
// given then we have nothing to do.
if (!flags)
// We only care about the tls connection flag if the connection
// between the gateway and the server is secure.
if (!cmd.sslapi.GetCertificate(user))
WebIRC::FlagMap::const_iterator iter = flags->find("secure");
if (iter == flags->end())
// If this is not set then the connection between the client and
// the gateway is not secure.
// Create a fake ssl_cert for the user.
auto* cert = new ssl_cert();
cert->dn = "(unknown)";
cert->invalid = false;
cert->issuer = "(unknown)";
cert->trusted = true;
cert->unknownsigner = false;
for (const auto& hash : hashes)
iter = flags->find(hash);
if (iter != flags->end() && !iter->second.empty())
// If the gateway specifies this flag we put all trust onto them
// for having validated the client certificate. This is probably
// ill-advised but there's not much else we can do.
if (cert->GetFingerprints().empty())
cert->error = "WebIRC gateway did not send a client fingerprint";
cert->revoked = true;
cmd.sslapi.SetCertificate(user, cert);