brain 0757a4a495 mass tidyup, change A LOT of stuff to const char** which was char** (such as parameters to commands in handlers)
which makes the new lineparser work neater with no casts. This also removes tons of casts from other locations
(all in all, ive added 2 casts and removed almost a hundred)

git-svn-id: e03df62e-2008-0410-955e-edbf42e46eb7
2006-07-16 12:18:29 +00:00

440 lines
12 KiB

/* +------------------------------------+
* | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon |
* +------------------------------------+
* InspIRCd is copyright (C) 2002-2006 ChatSpike-Dev.
* E-mail:
* <>
* <>
* Written by Craig Edwards, Craig McLure, and others.
* This program is free but copyrighted software; see
* the file COPYING for details.
* ---------------------------------------------------
#ifndef __USERS_H__
#define __USERS_H__
#include <string>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "inspircd_config.h"
#include "socket.h"
#include "channels.h"
#include "inspstring.h"
#include "connection.h"
#include "hashcomp.h"
#include "cull_list.h"
enum ChanStatus {
enum ClassTypes {
/** RFC1459 channel modes
* */
enum UserModes {
UM_WALLOPS = 'w'-65,
UM_INVISIBLE = 'i'-65,
UM_OPERATOR = 'o'-65,
/** Holds a channel name to which a user has been invited.
class Invited : public classbase
irc::string channel;
/** Holds information relevent to &lt;connect allow&gt; and &lt;connect deny&gt; tags in the config file.
class ConnectClass : public classbase
/** Type of line, either CC_ALLOW or CC_DENY
char type;
/** Max time to register the connection in seconds
int registration_timeout;
/** Number of lines in buffer before excess flood is triggered
int flood;
/** Host mask for this line
std::string host;
/** Number of seconds between pings for this line
int pingtime;
/** (Optional) Password for this line
std::string pass;
/** Threshold value for flood disconnect
int threshold;
/** Maximum size of sendq for users in this class (bytes)
long sendqmax;
/** Maximum size of recvq for users in this class (bytes)
long recvqmax;
/** Local max when connecting by this connection class
long maxlocal;
/** Global max when connecting by this connection class
long maxglobal;
ConnectClass() : registration_timeout(0), flood(0), host(""), pingtime(0), pass(""), threshold(0), sendqmax(0), recvqmax(0)
/** Holds a complete list of all channels to which a user has been invited and has not yet joined.
typedef std::vector<Invited> InvitedList;
/** Holds a complete list of all allow and deny tags from the configuration file (connection classes)
typedef std::vector<ConnectClass> ClassVector;
/** Typedef for the list of user-channel records for a user
typedef std::vector<ucrec*> UserChanList;
/** Holds all information about a user
* This class stores all information about a user connected to the irc server. Everything about a
* connection is stored here primarily, from the user's socket ID (file descriptor) through to the
* user's nickname and hostname. Use the Find method of the server class to locate a specific user
* by nickname.
class userrec : public connection
/** A list of channels the user has a pending invite to.
InvitedList invites;
/** The users nickname.
* An invalid nickname indicates an unregistered connection prior to the NICK command.
char nick[NICKMAX];
/** The users ident reply.
* Two characters are added to the user-defined limit to compensate for the tilde etc.
char ident[IDENTMAX+2];
/** The host displayed to non-opers (used for cloaking etc).
* This usually matches the value of userrec::host.
char dhost[65];
/** The users full name.
char fullname[MAXGECOS+1];
/** The user's mode list.
* This is NOT a null terminated string! In the 1.1 version of InspIRCd
* this is an array of values in a similar way to channel modes.
* A value of 1 in field (modeletter-65) indicates that the mode is
* set, for example, to work out if mode +s is set, we check the field
* userrec::modes['s'-65] != 0.
* The following RFC characters o, w, s, i have constants defined via an
* enum, such as UM_SERVERNOTICE and UM_OPETATOR.
char modes[64];
/** What snomasks are set on this user.
* This functions the same as the above modes.
char snomasks[64];
UserChanList chans;
/** The server the user is connected to.
const char* server;
/** The user's away message.
* If this string is empty, the user is not marked as away.
char awaymsg[MAXAWAY+1];
/** Number of lines the user can place into the buffer
* (up to the global NetBufferSize bytes) before they
* are disconnected for excess flood
int flood;
/** Number of seconds this user is given to send USER/NICK
* If they do not send their details in this time limit they
* will be disconnected
unsigned int timeout;
/** The oper type they logged in as, if they are an oper.
* This is used to check permissions in operclasses, so that
* we can say 'yay' or 'nay' to any commands they issue.
* The value of this is the value of a valid 'type name=' tag.
char oper[NICKMAX];
/** True when DNS lookups are completed.
bool dns_done;
/** Number of seconds between PINGs for this user (set from &lt;connect:allow&gt; tag
unsigned int pingmax;
/** Password specified by the user when they registered.
* This is stored even if the <connect> block doesnt need a password, so that
* modules may check it.
char password[64];
/** User's receive queue.
* Lines from the IRCd awaiting processing are stored here.
* Upgraded april 2005, old system a bit hairy.
std::string recvq;
/** User's send queue.
* Lines waiting to be sent are stored here until their buffer is flushed.
std::string sendq;
/** Flood counters
int lines_in;
time_t reset_due;
long threshold;
/** IPV4 ip address
in_addr ip4;
/* Write error string
std::string WriteError;
/** Maximum size this user's sendq can become
long sendqmax;
/** Maximum size this user's recvq can become
long recvqmax;
/** Default constructor
/** Returns the full displayed host of the user
* This member function returns the hostname of the user as seen by other users
* on the server, in nick!ident&at;host form.
virtual char* GetFullHost();
/** Returns the full real host of the user
* This member function returns the hostname of the user as seen by other users
* on the server, in nick!ident&at;host form. If any form of hostname cloaking is in operation,
* e.g. through a module, then this method will ignore it and return the true hostname.
virtual char* GetFullRealHost();
* Create a displayable mode string for this users umodes
const char* FormatNoticeMasks();
bool userrec::ProcessNoticeMasks(const char *sm);
bool IsNoticeMaskSet(unsigned char sm);
void SetNoticeMask(unsigned char sm, bool value);
* Create a displayable mode string for this users umodes
const char* FormatModes();
bool IsModeSet(unsigned char m);
void SetMode(unsigned char m, bool value);
/** Returns true if a user is invited to a channel.
virtual bool IsInvited(irc::string &channel);
/** Adds a channel to a users invite list (invites them to a channel)
virtual void InviteTo(irc::string &channel);
/** Removes a channel from a users invite list.
* This member function is called on successfully joining an invite only channel
* to which the user has previously been invited, to clear the invitation.
virtual void RemoveInvite(irc::string &channel);
/** Returns true or false for if a user can execute a privilaged oper command.
* This is done by looking up their oper type from userrec::oper, then referencing
* this to their oper classes and checking the commands they can execute.
bool HasPermission(const std::string &command);
/** Calls read() to read some data for this user using their fd.
int ReadData(void* buffer, size_t size);
/** This method adds data to the buffer of the user.
* The buffer can grow to any size within limits of the available memory,
* managed by the size of a std::string, however if any individual line in
* the buffer grows over 600 bytes in length (which is 88 chars over the
* RFC-specified limit per line) then the method will return false and the
* text will not be inserted.
bool AddBuffer(const std::string &a);
/** This method returns true if the buffer contains at least one carriage return
* character (e.g. one complete line may be read)
bool BufferIsReady();
/** This function clears the entire buffer by setting it to an empty string.
void ClearBuffer();
/** This method returns the first available string at the tail end of the buffer
* and advances the tail end of the buffer past the string. This means it is
* a one way operation in a similar way to strtok(), and multiple calls return
* multiple lines if they are available. The results of this function if there
* are no lines to be read are unknown, always use BufferIsReady() to check if
* it is ok to read the buffer before calling GetBuffer().
std::string GetBuffer();
/** Sets the write error for a connection. This is done because the actual disconnect
* of a client may occur at an inopportune time such as half way through /LIST output.
* The WriteErrors of clients are checked at a more ideal time (in the mainloop) and
* errored clients purged.
void SetWriteError(const std::string &error);
/** Returns the write error which last occured on this connection or an empty string
* if none occured.
const char* GetWriteError();
/** Adds to the user's write buffer.
* You may add any amount of text up to this users sendq value, if you exceed the
* sendq value, SetWriteError() will be called to set the users error string to
* "SendQ exceeded", and further buffer adds will be dropped.
void AddWriteBuf(const std::string &data);
/** Flushes as much of the user's buffer to the file descriptor as possible.
* This function may not always flush the entire buffer, rather instead as much of it
* as it possibly can. If the send() call fails to send the entire buffer, the buffer
* position is advanced forwards and the rest of the data sent at the next call to
* this method.
void FlushWriteBuf();
/** Returns the list of channels this user has been invited to but has not yet joined.
InvitedList* GetInviteList();
/** Creates a wildcard host.
* Takes a buffer to use and fills the given buffer with the host in the format *!*@hostname
char* MakeWildHost();
/** Creates a host.
* Takes a buffer to use and fills the given buffer with the host in the format nick!user@host
void MakeHost(char* nhost);
/** Shuts down and closes the user's socket
void CloseSocket();
/** Default destructor
virtual ~userrec();
/** Thread used for threaded lookups
pthread_t dnsthread;
/** Used to hold WHOWAS information
class WhoWasGroup : public classbase
char* host;
char* dhost;
char* ident;
const char* server;
char* gecos;
time_t signon;
WhoWasGroup(userrec* user);
typedef std::deque<WhoWasGroup*> whowas_set;
typedef std::map<irc::string,whowas_set*> whowas_users;
void AddOper(userrec* user);
void DeleteOper(userrec* user);
void kill_link(userrec *user,const char* r);
void kill_link_silent(userrec *user,const char* r);
void AddWhoWas(userrec* u);
void MaintainWhoWas(time_t TIME);
void AddClient(int socket, int port, bool iscached, in_addr ip4);
void FullConnectUser(userrec* user, CullList* Goners);
userrec* ReHashNick(const char* Old, const char* New);
void force_nickchange(userrec* user,const char* newnick);
/* Configuration callbacks */
bool InitTypes(const char* tag);
bool InitClasses(const char* tag);
bool DoType(const char* tag, char** entries, void** values, int* types);
bool DoClass(const char* tag, char** entries, void** values, int* types);
bool DoneClassesAndTypes(const char* tag);
long FindMatchingGlobal(userrec* user);
long FindMatchingLocal(userrec* user);