danieldg aab7998583 Add random number generation functions to InspIRCd class.
Default implementation uses libc random(), which can be better than rand().
If gnutls is loaded, gcrypt will be used to provide random numbers.

git-svn-id: http://svn.inspircd.org/repository/trunk/inspircd@12404 e03df62e-2008-0410-955e-edbf42e46eb7
2010-02-09 02:22:27 +00:00

445 lines
13 KiB

/* +------------------------------------+
* | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon |
* +------------------------------------+
* InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2010 InspIRCd Development Team
* See: http://wiki.inspircd.org/Credits
* This program is free but copyrighted software; see
* the file COPYING for details.
* ---------------------------------------------------
dns.h - dns library very very loosely based on
firedns, Copyright (C) 2002 Ian Gulliver
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef _DNS_H
#define _DNS_H
#include "socket.h"
#include "hashcomp.h"
* Result status, used internally
class CoreExport DNSResult
/** Result ID
int id;
/** Result body, a hostname or IP address
std::string result;
/** Time-to-live value of the result
unsigned long ttl;
/** The original request, a hostname or IP address
std::string original;
/** Build a DNS result.
* @param i The request ID
* @param res The request result, a hostname or IP
* @param timetolive The request time-to-live
* @param orig The original request, a hostname or IP
DNSResult(int i, const std::string &res, unsigned long timetolive, const std::string &orig) : id(i), result(res), ttl(timetolive), original(orig) { }
* Information on a completed lookup, used internally
typedef std::pair<unsigned char*, std::string> DNSInfo;
/** Cached item stored in the query cache.
class CoreExport CachedQuery
/** The cached result data, an IP or hostname
std::string data;
/** The time when the item is due to expire
time_t expires;
/** Build a cached query
* @param res The result data, an IP or hostname
* @param ttl The time-to-live value of the query result
CachedQuery(const std::string &res, unsigned int ttl);
/** Returns the number of seconds remaining before this
* cache item has expired and should be removed.
int CalcTTLRemaining();
/** DNS cache information. Holds IPs mapped to hostnames, and hostnames mapped to IPs.
#if defined(WINDOWS) && !defined(HASHMAP_DEPRECATED)
typedef nspace::hash_map<irc::string, CachedQuery, nspace::hash_compare<irc::string> > dnscache;
typedef nspace::hash_map<irc::string, CachedQuery, nspace::hash<irc::string> > dnscache;
* Error types that class Resolver can emit to its error method.
enum ResolverError
* Query and resource record types
enum QueryType
/** Uninitialized Query */
/** 'A' record: an ipv4 address */
/** 'CNAME' record: An alias */
/** 'PTR' record: a hostname */
/** 'AAAA' record: an ipv6 address */
/** Force 'PTR' to use IPV4 scemantics */
/** Force 'PTR' to use IPV6 scemantics */
* Used internally to force PTR lookups to use a certain protocol scemantics,
* e.g. x.x.x.x.in-addr.arpa for v4, and *.ip6.arpa for v6.
enum ForceProtocol
/** Forced to use ipv4 */
/** Forced to use ipv6 */
* The Resolver class is a high-level abstraction for resolving DNS entries.
* It can do forward and reverse IPv4 lookups, and where IPv6 is supported, will
* also be able to do those, transparent of protocols. Module developers must
* extend this class via inheritence, and then insert a pointer to their derived
* class into the core using Server::AddResolver(). Once you have done this,
* the class will be able to receive callbacks. There are two callbacks which
* can occur by calling virtual methods, one is a success situation, and the other
* an error situation.
class CoreExport Resolver
* Pointer to creator module (if any, or NULL)
ModuleRef Creator;
* The input data, either a host or an IP address
std::string input;
* True if a forward lookup is being performed, false if otherwise
QueryType querytype;
* The DNS erver being used for lookups. If this is an empty string,
* the value of ServerConfig::DNSServer is used instead.
std::string server;
* The ID allocated to your lookup. This is a pseudo-random number
* between 0 and 65535, a value of -1 indicating a failure.
* The core uses this to route results to the correct objects.
int myid;
* Cached result, if there is one
CachedQuery *CQ;
* Time left before cache expiry
int time_left;
* Initiate DNS lookup. Your class should not attempt to delete or free these
* objects, as the core will do this for you. They must always be created upon
* the heap using new, as you cannot be sure at what time they will be deleted.
* Allocating them on the stack or attempting to delete them yourself could cause
* the object to go 'out of scope' and cause a segfault in the core if the result
* arrives at a later time.
* @param source The IP or hostname to resolve
* @param qt The query type to perform. Resolution of 'A', 'AAAA', 'PTR' and 'CNAME' records
* is supported. Use one of the QueryType enum values to initiate this type of
* lookup. Resolution of 'AAAA' ipv6 records is always supported, regardless of
* wether InspIRCd is built with ipv6 support.
* To look up reverse records, specify one of DNS_QUERY_PTR4 or DNS_QUERY_PTR6 depending
* on the type of address you are looking up.
* @param cached The constructor will set this boolean to true or false depending
* on whether the DNS lookup you are attempting is cached (and not expired) or not.
* If the value is cached, upon return this will be set to true, otherwise it will
* be set to false. You should pass this value to InspIRCd::AddResolver(), which
* will then influence the behaviour of the method and determine whether a cached
* or non-cached result is obtained. The value in this variable is always correct
* for the given request when the constructor exits.
* @param creator See the note below.
* @throw ModuleException This class may throw an instance of ModuleException, in the
* event a lookup could not be allocated, or a similar hard error occurs such as
* the network being down. This will also be thrown if an invalid IP address is
* passed when resolving a 'PTR' record.
* NOTE: If you are instantiating your DNS lookup from a module, you should set the
* value of creator to point at your Module class. This way if your module is unloaded
* whilst lookups are in progress, they can be safely removed and your module will not
* crash the server.
Resolver(const std::string &source, QueryType qt, bool &cached, Module* creator);
* The default destructor does nothing.
virtual ~Resolver();
* When your lookup completes, this method will be called.
* @param result The resulting DNS lookup, either an IP address or a hostname.
* @param ttl The time-to-live value of the result, in the instance of a cached
* result, this is the number of seconds remaining before refresh/expiry.
* @param cached True if the result is a cached result, false if it was requested
* from the DNS server.
virtual void OnLookupComplete(const std::string &result, unsigned int ttl, bool cached) = 0;
* If an error occurs (such as NXDOMAIN, no domain name found) then this method
* will be called.
* @param e A ResolverError enum containing the error type which has occured.
* @param errormessage The error text of the error that occured.
virtual void OnError(ResolverError e, const std::string &errormessage);
* Returns the id value of this class. This is primarily used by the core
* to determine where in various tables to place a pointer to your class, but it
* is safe to call and use this method.
* As specified in RFC1035, each dns request has a 16 bit ID value, ranging
* from 0 to 65535. If there is an issue and the core cannot send your request,
* this method will return -1.
int GetId();
* Returns the creator module, or NULL
Module* GetCreator();
* If the result is a cached result, this triggers the objects
* OnLookupComplete. This is done because it is not safe to call
* the abstract virtual method from the constructor.
void TriggerCachedResult();
/** DNS is a singleton class used by the core to dispatch dns
* requests to the dns server, and route incoming dns replies
* back to Resolver objects, based upon the request ID. You
* should never use this class yourself.
class CoreExport DNS : public EventHandler
* The maximum value of a dns request id,
* 16 bits wide, 0xFFFF.
static const int MAX_REQUEST_ID = 0xFFFF;
* A counter used to form part of the pseudo-random id
int currid;
* Currently cached items
dnscache* cache;
/** A timer which ticks every hour to remove expired
* items from the DNS cache.
class CacheTimer* PruneTimer;
* Build a dns packet payload
int MakePayload(const char* name, const QueryType rr, const unsigned short rr_class, unsigned char* payload);
irc::sockets::sockaddrs myserver;
* Currently active Resolver classes
Resolver* Classes[MAX_REQUEST_ID];
* Requests that are currently 'in flight'
DNSRequest* requests[MAX_REQUEST_ID];
* The port number DNS requests are made on,
* and replies have as a source-port number.
static const int QUERY_PORT = 53;
* Fill an rr (resource record) with data from input
static void FillResourceRecord(ResourceRecord* rr, const unsigned char* input);
* Fill a header with data from input limited by a length
static void FillHeader(DNSHeader *header, const unsigned char *input, const int length);
* Empty out a header into a data stream ready for transmission "on the wire"
static void EmptyHeader(unsigned char *output, const DNSHeader *header, const int length);
* Start the lookup of an ipv4 from a hostname
int GetIP(const char* name);
* Start lookup of a hostname from an ip, but
* force a specific protocol to be used for the lookup
* for example to perform an ipv6 reverse lookup.
int GetNameForce(const char *ip, ForceProtocol fp);
* Start lookup of an ipv6 from a hostname
int GetIP6(const char *name);
* Start lookup of a CNAME from another hostname
int GetCName(const char* alias);
* Fetch the result string (an ip or host)
* and/or an error message to go with it.
DNSResult GetResult();
* Handle a SocketEngine read event
* Inherited from EventHandler
void HandleEvent(EventType et, int errornum = 0);
* Add a Resolver* to the list of active classes
bool AddResolverClass(Resolver* r);
* Add a query to the list to be sent
DNSRequest* AddQuery(DNSHeader *header, int &id, const char* original);
* The constructor initialises the dns socket,
* and clears the request lists.
* Re-initialize the DNS subsystem.
void Rehash();
* Destructor
* Turn an in6_addr into a .ip6.arpa domain
static void MakeIP6Int(char* query, const in6_addr *ip);
* Clean out all dns resolvers owned by a particular
* module, to make unloading a module safe if there
* are dns requests currently in progress.
void CleanResolvers(Module* module);
/** Return the cached value of an IP or hostname
* @param source An IP or hostname to find in the cache.
* @return A pointer to a CachedQuery if the item exists,
* otherwise NULL.
CachedQuery* GetCache(const std::string &source);
/** Delete a cached item from the DNS cache.
* @param source An IP or hostname to remove
void DelCache(const std::string &source);
/** Clear all items from the DNS cache immediately.
int ClearCache();
/** Prune the DNS cache, e.g. remove all expired
* items and rehash the cache buckets, but leave
* items in the hash which are still valid.
int PruneCache();