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/* +------------------------------------+
* | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon |
* +------------------------------------+
* InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2008 InspIRCd Development Team
* See: http://www.inspircd.org/wiki/index.php/Credits
* This program is free but copyrighted software; see
* the file COPYING for details.
* ---------------------------------------------------
#include "wildcard.h"
/** Get the time as a string
inline std::string stringtime()
std::ostringstream TIME;
TIME << time(NULL);
return TIME.str();
/** An item in a listmode's list
class ListItem : public classbase
std::string nick;
irc::string mask;
std::string time;
/** The number of items a listmode's list may contain
class ListLimit : public classbase
std::string mask;
unsigned int limit;
/** Items stored in the channel's list
typedef std::vector<ListItem> modelist;
/** Max items per channel by name
typedef std::vector<ListLimit> limitlist;
/** A request used to check if a user is on a channel's list or not
class ListModeRequest : public Request
User* user;
Channel* chan;
/** Check if a user is on a channel's list.
* The Event::Send() event returns true if the user is on the channel's list.
* @param sender Sending module
* @param target Target module
* @param u User to check against
* @param c Channel to check against
ListModeRequest(Module* sender, Module* target, User* u, Channel* c) : Request(sender, target, "LM_CHECKLIST"), user(u), chan(c)
/** Destructor
/** The base class for list modes, should be inherited.
class ListModeBase : public ModeHandler
/** Storage key
std::string infokey;
/** Numeric to use when outputting the list
std::string listnumeric;
/** Numeric to indicate end of list
std::string endoflistnumeric;
/** String to send for end of list
std::string endofliststring;
/** Automatically tidy up entries
bool tidy;
/** Config tag to check for max items per channel
std::string configtag;
/** Limits on a per-channel basis read from the tag
* specified in ListModeBase::configtag
limitlist chanlimits;
/** Constructor.
* @param Instance The creator of this class
* @param modechar Mode character
* @param eolstr End of list string
* @pram lnum List numeric
* @param eolnum End of list numeric
* @param autotidy Automatically tidy list entries on add
* @param ctag Configuration tag to get limits from
ListModeBase(InspIRCd* Instance, char modechar, const std::string &eolstr, const std::string &lnum, const std::string &eolnum, bool autotidy, const std::string &ctag = "banlist")
: ModeHandler(Instance, modechar, 1, 1, true, MODETYPE_CHANNEL, false), listnumeric(lnum), endoflistnumeric(eolnum), endofliststring(eolstr), tidy(autotidy), configtag(ctag)
infokey = "listbase_mode_" + std::string(1, mode) + "_list";
/** See mode.h
std::pair<bool,std::string> ModeSet(User*, User*, Channel* channel, const std::string ¶meter)
modelist* el;
channel->GetExt(infokey, el);
if (el)
for (modelist::iterator it = el->begin(); it != el->end(); it++)
if(parameter == it->mask)
return std::make_pair(true, parameter);
return std::make_pair(false, parameter);
/** Display the list for this mode
* @param user The user to send the list to
* @param channel The channel the user is requesting the list for
virtual void DisplayList(User* user, Channel* channel)
modelist* el;
channel->GetExt(infokey, el);
if (el)
for (modelist::reverse_iterator it = el->rbegin(); it != el->rend(); ++it)
user->WriteServ("%s %s %s %s %s %s", listnumeric.c_str(), user->nick, channel->name, it->mask.c_str(), it->nick.c_str(), it->time.c_str());
user->WriteServ("%s %s %s :%s", endoflistnumeric.c_str(), user->nick, channel->name, endofliststring.c_str());
virtual void DisplayEmptyList(User* user, Channel* channel)
user->WriteServ("%s %s %s :%s", endoflistnumeric.c_str(), user->nick, channel->name, endofliststring.c_str());
/** Remove all instances of the mode from a channel.
* See mode.h
* @param channel The channel to remove all instances of the mode from
virtual void RemoveMode(Channel* channel)
modelist* el;
channel->GetExt(infokey, el);
if (el)
irc::modestacker modestack(false);
std::deque<std::string> stackresult;
const char* mode_junk[MAXMODES+2];
mode_junk[0] = channel->name;
for (modelist::iterator it = el->begin(); it != el->end(); it++)
modestack.Push(this->GetModeChar(), assign(it->mask));
while (modestack.GetStackedLine(stackresult))
for (size_t j = 0; j < stackresult.size(); j++)
mode_junk[j+1] = stackresult[j].c_str();
ServerInstance->SendMode(mode_junk, stackresult.size() + 1, ServerInstance->FakeClient);
/** See mode.h
virtual void RemoveMode(User*)
/* Listmodes dont get set on users */
/** Perform a rehash of this mode's configuration data
virtual void DoRehash()
ConfigReader Conf(ServerInstance);
for (int i = 0; i < Conf.Enumerate(configtag); i++)
// For each <banlist> tag
ListLimit limit;
limit.mask = Conf.ReadValue(configtag, "chan", i);
limit.limit = Conf.ReadInteger(configtag, "limit", i, true);
if (limit.mask.size() && limit.limit > 0)
if (chanlimits.size() == 0)
ListLimit limit;
limit.mask = "*";
limit.limit = 64;
/** Populate the Implements list with the correct events for a List Mode
virtual void DoImplements(Module* m)
Implementation eventlist[] = { I_OnChannelDelete, I_OnSyncChannel, I_OnCleanup, I_OnRehash };
ServerInstance->Modules->Attach(eventlist, m, 4);
/** Handle the list mode.
* See mode.h
virtual ModeAction OnModeChange(User* source, User*, Channel* channel, std::string ¶meter, bool adding, bool servermode)
// Try and grab the list
modelist* el;
channel->GetExt(infokey, el);
if (adding)
// If there was no list
if (!el)
// Make one
el = new modelist;
channel->Extend(infokey, el);
// Clean the mask up
if (this->tidy)
// Check if the item already exists in the list
for (modelist::iterator it = el->begin(); it != el->end(); it++)
if (parameter == it->mask)
/* Give a subclass a chance to error about this */
TellAlreadyOnList(source, channel, parameter);
// it does, deny the change
unsigned int maxsize = 0;
for (limitlist::iterator it = chanlimits.begin(); it != chanlimits.end(); it++)
if (match(channel->name, it->mask.c_str()))
// We have a pattern matching the channel...
maxsize = el->size();
if (maxsize < it->limit)
/* Ok, it *could* be allowed, now give someone subclassing us
* a chance to validate the parameter.
* The param is passed by reference, so they can both modify it
* and tell us if we allow it or not.
* eg, the subclass could:
* 1) allow
* 2) 'fix' parameter and then allow
* 3) deny
if (ValidateParam(source, channel, parameter))
// And now add the mask onto the list...
ListItem e;
e.mask = assign(parameter);
e.nick = servermode ? ServerInstance->Config->ServerName : source->nick;
e.time = stringtime();
/* If they deny it they have the job of giving an error message */
/* List is full, give subclass a chance to send a custom message */
if (!TellListTooLong(source, channel, parameter))
source->WriteNumeric(478, "%s %s %s :Channel ban/ignore list is full", source->nick, channel->name, parameter.c_str());
parameter = "";
// We're taking the mode off
if (el)
for (modelist::iterator it = el->begin(); it != el->end(); it++)
if (parameter == it->mask)
if (el->size() == 0)
delete el;
/* Tried to remove something that wasn't set */
TellNotSet(source, channel, parameter);
parameter = "";
/* Hmm, taking an exception off a non-existant list, DIE */
TellNotSet(source, channel, parameter);
parameter = "";
/** Get Extensible key for this mode
virtual std::string& GetInfoKey()
return infokey;
/** Handle channel deletion.
* See modules.h.
* @param chan Channel being deleted
virtual void DoChannelDelete(Channel* chan)
modelist* mlist;
chan->GetExt(infokey, mlist);
if (mlist)
delete mlist;
/** Syncronize channel item list with another server.
* See modules.h
* @param chan Channel to syncronize
* @param proto Protocol module pointer
* @param opaque Opaque connection handle
virtual void DoSyncChannel(Channel* chan, Module* proto, void* opaque)
modelist* mlist;
chan->GetExt(infokey, mlist);
irc::modestacker modestack(true);
std::deque<std::string> stackresult;
if (mlist)
for (modelist::iterator it = mlist->begin(); it != mlist->end(); it++)
modestack.Push(std::string(1, mode)[0], assign(it->mask));
while (modestack.GetStackedLine(stackresult))
irc::stringjoiner mode_join(" ", stackresult, 0, stackresult.size() - 1);
std::string line = mode_join.GetJoined();
proto->ProtoSendMode(opaque, TYPE_CHANNEL, chan, line);
/** Clean up module on unload
* @param target_type Type of target to clean
* @param item Item to clean
virtual void DoCleanup(int, void*)
/** Validate parameters.
* Overridden by implementing module.
* @param source Source user adding the parameter
* @param channel Channel the parameter is being added to
* @param parameter The actual parameter being added
* @return true if the parameter is valid
virtual bool ValidateParam(User*, Channel*, std::string&)
return true;
/** Tell the user the list is too long.
* Overridden by implementing module.
* @param source Source user adding the parameter
* @param channel Channel the parameter is being added to
* @param parameter The actual parameter being added
* @return Ignored
virtual bool TellListTooLong(User*, Channel*, std::string&)
return false;
/** Tell the user an item is already on the list.
* Overridden by implementing module.
* @param source Source user adding the parameter
* @param channel Channel the parameter is being added to
* @param parameter The actual parameter being added
virtual void TellAlreadyOnList(User*, Channel*, std::string&)
/** Tell the user that the parameter is not in the list.
* Overridden by implementing module.
* @param source Source user removing the parameter
* @param channel Channel the parameter is being removed from
* @param parameter The actual parameter being removed
virtual void TellNotSet(User*, Channel*, std::string&)