danieldg e2af2347fc Create StreamSocket for IO hooking implementation
Fixes the SSL SendQ bug
Removes duplicate code between User and BufferedSocket
Simplify SSL module API
Simplify EventHandler API (Readable/Writeable moved to SE)
Add hook for culled objects to invoke callbacks prior to destructor
 Replace SocketCull with GlobalCull now that sockets can close themselves
Shorten common case of user read/parse/write path:
 User::Write is now zero-copy up to syscall/SSL invocation
 User::Read has only two copy/scan passes from read() to ProcessCommand

git-svn-id: e03df62e-2008-0410-955e-edbf42e46eb7
2009-09-21 13:26:31 +00:00

900 lines
28 KiB

/* +------------------------------------+
* | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon |
* +------------------------------------+
* InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2009 InspIRCd Development Team
* See:
* This program is free but copyrighted software; see
* the file COPYING for details.
* ---------------------------------------------------
#ifndef __USERS_H__
#define __USERS_H__
#include "socket.h"
#include "inspsocket.h"
#include "dns.h"
#include "mode.h"
/** connect class types
enum ClassTypes {
/** connect:allow */
/** connect:deny */
/** RFC1459 channel modes
enum UserModes {
/** +s: Server notice mask */
UM_SNOMASK = 's' - 65,
/** +w: WALLOPS */
UM_WALLOPS = 'w' - 65,
/** +i: Invisible */
UM_INVISIBLE = 'i' - 65,
/** +o: Operator */
UM_OPERATOR = 'o' - 65
/** Registration state of a user, e.g.
* have they sent USER, NICK, PASS yet?
enum RegistrationState {
#ifndef WIN32 // Burlex: This is already defined in win32, luckily it is still 0.
REG_NONE = 0, /* Has sent nothing */
REG_USER = 1, /* Has sent USER */
REG_NICK = 2, /* Has sent NICK */
REG_NICKUSER = 3, /* Bitwise combination of REG_NICK and REG_USER */
REG_ALL = 7 /* REG_NICKUSER plus next bit along */
/* Required forward declaration */
class Channel;
class UserResolver;
/** Holds information relevent to <connect allow> and <connect deny> tags in the config file.
struct CoreExport ConnectClass : public classbase
/** Type of line, either CC_ALLOW or CC_DENY
char type;
/** Connect class name
std::string name;
/** Max time to register the connection in seconds
unsigned int registration_timeout;
/** Host mask for this line
std::string host;
/** Number of seconds between pings for this line
unsigned int pingtime;
/** (Optional) Password for this line
std::string pass;
/** (Optional) Hash Method for this line
std::string hash;
/** Maximum size of sendq for users in this class (bytes)
unsigned long sendqmax;
/** Maximum size of recvq for users in this class (bytes)
unsigned long recvqmax;
/** Local max when connecting by this connection class
unsigned long maxlocal;
/** Global max when connecting by this connection class
unsigned long maxglobal;
/** Max channels for this class
unsigned int maxchans;
/** Port number this connect class applies to
int port;
/** How many users may be in this connect class before they are refused?
* (0 = no limit = default)
unsigned long limit;
/** Reference counter.
* This will be 1 if no users are connected, as long as it is a valid connect block
* When it reaches 0, the object should be deleted
unsigned long RefCount;
/** Create a new connect class with no settings.
ConnectClass(char type, const std::string& mask);
/** Create a new connect class with inherited settings.
ConnectClass(char type, const std::string& mask, const ConnectClass& parent);
/** Update the settings in this block to match the given block */
void Update(const ConnectClass* newSettings);
const std::string& GetName() { return name; }
const std::string& GetPass() { return pass; }
const std::string& GetHost() { return host; }
const int GetPort() { return port; }
/** Returns the registration timeout
time_t GetRegTimeout()
return (registration_timeout ? registration_timeout : 90);
/** Returns the ping frequency
unsigned int GetPingTime()
return (pingtime ? pingtime : 120);
/** Returns the maximum sendq value
unsigned long GetSendqMax()
return (sendqmax ? sendqmax : 262114);
/** Returns the maximum recvq value
unsigned long GetRecvqMax()
return (recvqmax ? recvqmax : 4096);
/** Returusn the maximum number of local sessions
unsigned long GetMaxLocal()
return maxlocal;
/** Returns the maximum number of global sessions
unsigned long GetMaxGlobal()
return maxglobal;
/** Holds a complete list of all channels to which a user has been invited and has not yet joined, and the time at which they'll expire.
typedef std::vector< std::pair<irc::string, time_t> > InvitedList;
/** Holds a complete list of all allow and deny tags from the configuration file (connection classes)
typedef std::vector<ConnectClass*> ClassVector;
/** Typedef for the list of user-channel records for a user
typedef std::set<Channel*> UserChanList;
/** Shorthand for an iterator into a UserChanList
typedef UserChanList::iterator UCListIter;
/* Required forward declaration
class User;
/** Holds all information about a user
* This class stores all information about a user connected to the irc server. Everything about a
* connection is stored here primarily, from the user's socket ID (file descriptor) through to the
* user's nickname and hostname.
class CoreExport User : public StreamSocket
/** A list of channels the user has a pending invite to.
* Upon INVITE channels are added, and upon JOIN, the
* channels are removed from this list.
InvitedList invites;
/** Cached nick!ident@dhost value using the displayed hostname
std::string cached_fullhost;
/** Cached ident@ip value using the real IP address
std::string cached_hostip;
/** Cached ident@realhost value using the real hostname
std::string cached_makehost;
/** Cached nick!ident@realhost value using the real hostname
std::string cached_fullrealhost;
/** Set by GetIPString() to avoid constantly re-grabbing IP via sockets voodoo.
std::string cachedip;
/** When we erase the user (in the destructor),
* we call this method to subtract one from all
* mode characters this user is making use of.
void DecrementModes();
std::set<std::string> *AllowedOperCommands;
std::set<std::string> *AllowedPrivs;
/** Allowed user modes from oper classes. */
std::bitset<64> AllowedUserModes;
/** Allowed channel modes from oper classes. */
std::bitset<64> AllowedChanModes;
static LocalIntExt NICKForced;
static LocalStringExt OperQuit;
/** Contains a pointer to the connect class a user is on from - this will be NULL for remote connections.
* The pointer is guarenteed to *always* be valid. :)
ConnectClass *MyClass;
/** Hostname of connection.
* This should be valid as per RFC1035.
std::string host;
/** Stats counter for bytes inbound
int bytes_in;
/** Stats counter for bytes outbound
int bytes_out;
/** Stats counter for commands inbound
int cmds_in;
/** Stats counter for commands outbound
int cmds_out;
/** True if user has authenticated, false if otherwise
bool haspassed;
/** Used by User to indicate the registration status of the connection
* It is a bitfield of the REG_NICK, REG_USER and REG_ALL bits to indicate
* the connection state.
char registered;
/** Time the connection was last pinged
time_t lastping;
/** Time that the object was instantiated (used for TS calculation etc)
time_t age;
/** Time the connection was created, set in the constructor. This
* may be different from the time the user's classbase object was
* created.
time_t signon;
/** Time that the connection last sent a message, used to calculate idle time
time_t idle_lastmsg;
/** Used by PING checking code
time_t nping;
/** Stored reverse lookup from res_forward. Should not be used after resolution.
std::string stored_host;
/** Starts a DNS lookup of the user's IP.
* This will cause two UserResolver classes to be instantiated.
* When complete, these objects set User::dns_done to true.
void StartDNSLookup();
/** The users nickname.
* An invalid nickname indicates an unregistered connection prior to the NICK command.
* Use InspIRCd::IsNick() to validate nicknames.
std::string nick;
/** The user's unique identifier.
* This is the unique identifier which the user has across the network.
std::string uuid;
/** The users ident reply.
* Two characters are added to the user-defined limit to compensate for the tilde etc.
std::string ident;
/** The host displayed to non-opers (used for cloaking etc).
* This usually matches the value of User::host.
std::string dhost;
/** The users full name (GECOS).
std::string fullname;
/** The user's mode list.
* NOT a null terminated string.
* Also NOT an array.
* Much love to the STL for giving us an easy to use bitset, saving us RAM.
* if (modes[modeletter-65]) is set, then the mode is
* set, for example, to work out if mode +s is set, we check the field
* User::modes['s'-65] != 0.
* The following RFC characters o, w, s, i have constants defined via an
* enum, such as UM_SERVERNOTICE and UM_OPETATOR.
std::bitset<64> modes;
/** What snomasks are set on this user.
* This functions the same as the above modes.
std::bitset<64> snomasks;
/** Channels this user is on, and the permissions they have there
UserChanList chans;
/** The server the user is connected to.
const char* server;
/** The user's away message.
* If this string is empty, the user is not marked as away.
std::string awaymsg;
/** Time the user last went away.
* This is ONLY RELIABLE if user IS_AWAY()!
time_t awaytime;
/** The oper type they logged in as, if they are an oper.
* This is used to check permissions in operclasses, so that
* we can say 'yay' or 'nay' to any commands they issue.
* The value of this is the value of a valid 'type name=' tag.
std::string oper;
/** True when DNS lookups are completed.
* The UserResolver classes res_forward and res_reverse will
* set this value once they complete.
bool dns_done;
/** Password specified by the user when they registered.
* This is stored even if the <connect> block doesnt need a password, so that
* modules may check it.
std::string password;
/** Whether or not to send an snotice about this user's quitting
bool quietquit;
/** If this is set to true, then all socket operations for the user
* are dropped into the bit-bucket.
* This value is set by QuitUser, and is not needed seperately from that call.
* Please note that setting this value alone will NOT cause the user to quit.
bool quitting;
/** Server address and port that this user is connected to.
* If unknown, address family is AF_UNKNOWN
irc::sockets::sockaddrs server_sa;
/** Client address that the user is connected from.
* Port number is only valid if local.
* Do not modify this value directly, use SetClientIP() to change it
irc::sockets::sockaddrs client_sa;
/** Sets the client IP for this user
* @return true if the conversion was successful
bool SetClientIP(const char* sip);
* @return The port number of this user.
int GetServerPort();
* @return The server IP address
std::string GetServerIP();
/** Get client IP string from sockaddr, using static internal buffer
* @return The IP string
const char* GetIPString();
/** Get a CIDR mask from the IP of this user, using a static internal buffer.
* e.g., GetCIDRMask(16) for returns
* This may be used for CIDR clone detection, etc.
* (XXX, brief note: when we do the sockets rewrite, this should move down a
* level so it may be used on more derived objects. -- w00t)
const char *GetCIDRMask(int range);
/** This is true if the user matched an exception (E:Line). It is used to save time on ban checks.
bool exempt;
/** This value contains how far into the penalty threshold the user is. Once its over
* the penalty threshold then commands are held and processed on-timer.
int Penalty;
/** Default constructor
* @throw CoreException if the UID allocated to the user already exists
* @param Instance Creator instance
* @param uid User UUID, or empty to allocate one automatically
User(InspIRCd* Instance, const std::string &uid = "");
/** Check if the user matches a G or K line, and disconnect them if they do.
* @param doZline True if ZLines should be checked (if IP has changed since initial connect)
* Returns true if the user matched a ban, false else.
bool CheckLines(bool doZline = false);
/** Returns the full displayed host of the user
* This member function returns the hostname of the user as seen by other users
* on the server, in nick!ident&at;host form.
* @return The full masked host of the user
virtual const std::string GetFullHost();
/** Returns the full real host of the user
* This member function returns the hostname of the user as seen by other users
* on the server, in nick!ident&at;host form. If any form of hostname cloaking is in operation,
* e.g. through a module, then this method will ignore it and return the true hostname.
* @return The full real host of the user
virtual const std::string GetFullRealHost();
/** This clears any cached results that are used for GetFullRealHost() etc.
* The results of these calls are cached as generating them can be generally expensive.
void InvalidateCache();
/** Create a displayable mode string for this users snomasks
* @return The notice mask character sequence
const char* FormatNoticeMasks();
/** Process a snomask modifier string, e.g. +abc-de
* @param sm A sequence of notice mask characters
* @return The cleaned mode sequence which can be output,
* e.g. in the above example if masks c and e are not
* valid, this function will return +ab-d
std::string ProcessNoticeMasks(const char *sm);
/** Returns true if a notice mask is set
* @param sm A notice mask character to check
* @return True if the notice mask is set
bool IsNoticeMaskSet(unsigned char sm);
/** Changed a specific notice mask value
* @param sm The server notice mask to change
* @param value An on/off value for this mask
void SetNoticeMask(unsigned char sm, bool value);
/** Create a displayable mode string for this users umodes
* @param The mode string
const char* FormatModes(bool showparameters = false);
/** Returns true if a specific mode is set
* @param m The user mode
* @return True if the mode is set
bool IsModeSet(unsigned char m);
/** Set a specific usermode to on or off
* @param m The user mode
* @param value On or off setting of the mode
void SetMode(unsigned char m, bool value);
/** Returns true if a user is invited to a channel.
* @param channel A channel name to look up
* @return True if the user is invited to the given channel
virtual bool IsInvited(const irc::string &channel);
/** Adds a channel to a users invite list (invites them to a channel)
* @param channel A channel name to add
* @param timeout When the invite should expire (0 == never)
virtual void InviteTo(const irc::string &channel, time_t timeout);
/** Removes a channel from a users invite list.
* This member function is called on successfully joining an invite only channel
* to which the user has previously been invited, to clear the invitation.
* @param channel The channel to remove the invite to
virtual void RemoveInvite(const irc::string &channel);
/** Returns true or false for if a user can execute a privilaged oper command.
* This is done by looking up their oper type from User::oper, then referencing
* this to their oper classes and checking the commands they can execute.
* @param command A command (should be all CAPS)
* @return True if this user can execute the command
bool HasPermission(const std::string &command);
/** Returns true if a user has a given permission.
* This is used to check whether or not users may perform certain actions which admins may not wish to give to
* all operators, yet are not commands. An example might be oper override, mass messaging (/notice $*), etc.
* @param privstr The priv to chec, e.g. "users/override/topic". These are loaded free-form from the config file.
* @param noisy If set to true, the user is notified that they do not have the specified permission where applicable. If false, no notification is sent.
* @return True if this user has the permission in question.
bool HasPrivPermission(const std::string &privstr, bool noisy = false);
/** Returns true or false if a user can set a privileged user or channel mode.
* This is done by looking up their oper type from User::oper, then referencing
* this to their oper classes, and checking the modes they can set.
* @param mode The mode the check
* @param type ModeType (MODETYPE_CHANNEL or MODETYPE_USER).
* @return True if the user can set or unset this mode.
bool HasModePermission(unsigned char mode, ModeType type);
/** Adds to the user's write buffer.
* You may add any amount of text up to this users sendq value, if you exceed the
* sendq value, the user will be removed, and further buffer adds will be dropped.
* @param data The data to add to the write buffer
void AddWriteBuf(const std::string &data);
/** Returns the list of channels this user has been invited to but has not yet joined.
* @return A list of channels the user is invited to
InvitedList* GetInviteList();
/** Creates a wildcard host.
* Takes a buffer to use and fills the given buffer with the host in the format *!*@hostname
* @return The wildcarded hostname in *!*@host form
char* MakeWildHost();
/** Creates a usermask with real host.
* Takes a buffer to use and fills the given buffer with the hostmask in the format user@host
* @return the usermask in the format user@host
const std::string& MakeHost();
/** Creates a usermask with real ip.
* Takes a buffer to use and fills the given buffer with the ipmask in the format user@ip
* @return the usermask in the format user@ip
const std::string& MakeHostIP();
/** Add the user to WHOWAS system
void AddToWhoWas();
/** Oper up the user using the given opertype.
* This will also give the +o usermode.
* @param opertype The oper type to oper as
void Oper(const std::string &opertype, const std::string &opername);
/** Call this method to find the matching <connect> for a user, and to check them against it.
void CheckClass();
/** Use this method to fully connect a user.
* This will send the message of the day, check G/K/E lines, etc.
void FullConnect();
/** Change this users hash key to a new string.
* You should not call this function directly. It is used by the core
* to update the users hash entry on a nickchange.
* @param New new user_hash key
* @return Pointer to User in hash (usually 'this')
User* UpdateNickHash(const char* New);
/** Force a nickname change.
* If the nickname change fails (for example, because the nick in question
* already exists) this function will return false, and you must then either
* output an error message, or quit the user for nickname collision.
* @param newnick The nickname to change to
* @return True if the nickchange was successful.
bool ForceNickChange(const char* newnick);
/** Oper down.
* This will clear the +o usermode and unset the user's oper type
void UnOper();
/** Write text to this user, appending CR/LF.
* @param text A std::string to send to the user
void Write(const std::string &text);
/** Write text to this user, appending CR/LF.
* @param text The format string for text to send to the user
* @param ... POD-type format arguments
void Write(const char *text, ...) CUSTOM_PRINTF(2, 3);
/** Write text to this user, appending CR/LF and prepending
* @param text A std::string to send to the user
void WriteServ(const std::string& text);
/** Write text to this user, appending CR/LF and prepending
* @param text The format string for text to send to the user
* @param ... POD-type format arguments
void WriteServ(const char* text, ...) CUSTOM_PRINTF(2, 3);
void WriteNumeric(unsigned int numeric, const char* text, ...) CUSTOM_PRINTF(3, 4);
void WriteNumeric(unsigned int numeric, const std::string &text);
/** Write text to this user, appending CR/LF and prepending :nick!user@host of the user provided in the first parameter.
* @param user The user to prepend the :nick!user@host of
* @param text A std::string to send to the user
void WriteFrom(User *user, const std::string &text);
/** Write text to this user, appending CR/LF and prepending :nick!user@host of the user provided in the first parameter.
* @param user The user to prepend the :nick!user@host of
* @param text The format string for text to send to the user
* @param ... POD-type format arguments
void WriteFrom(User *user, const char* text, ...) CUSTOM_PRINTF(3, 4);
/** Write text to the user provided in the first parameter, appending CR/LF, and prepending THIS user's :nick!user@host.
* @param dest The user to route the message to
* @param text A std::string to send to the user
void WriteTo(User *dest, const std::string &data);
/** Write text to the user provided in the first parameter, appending CR/LF, and prepending THIS user's :nick!user@host.
* @param dest The user to route the message to
* @param text The format string for text to send to the user
* @param ... POD-type format arguments
void WriteTo(User *dest, const char *data, ...) CUSTOM_PRINTF(3, 4);
/** Write to all users that can see this user (including this user in the list), appending CR/LF
* @param text A std::string to send to the users
void WriteCommon(const std::string &text);
/** Write to all users that can see this user (including this user in the list), appending CR/LF
* @param text The format string for text to send to the users
* @param ... POD-type format arguments
void WriteCommon(const char* text, ...) CUSTOM_PRINTF(2, 3);
/** Write to all users that can see this user (not including this user in the list), appending CR/LF
* @param text The format string for text to send to the users
* @param ... POD-type format arguments
void WriteCommonExcept(const char* text, ...) CUSTOM_PRINTF(2, 3);
/** Write to all users that can see this user (not including this user in the list), appending CR/LF
* @param text A std::string to send to the users
void WriteCommonExcept(const std::string &text);
/** Write a quit message to all common users, as in User::WriteCommonExcept but with a specific
* quit message for opers only.
* @param normal_text Normal user quit message
* @param oper_text Oper only quit message
void WriteCommonQuit(const std::string &normal_text, const std::string &oper_text);
/** Write a WALLOPS message from this user to all local opers.
* If this user is not opered, the function will return without doing anything.
* @param text The format string to send in the WALLOPS message
* @param ... Format arguments
void WriteWallOps(const char* text, ...) CUSTOM_PRINTF(2, 3);
/** Write a WALLOPS message from this user to all local opers.
* If this user is not opered, the function will return without doing anything.
* @param text The text to send in the WALLOPS message
void WriteWallOps(const std::string &text);
/** Return true if the user shares at least one channel with another user
* @param other The other user to compare the channel list against
* @return True if the given user shares at least one channel with this user
bool SharesChannelWith(User *other);
/** Send fake quit/join messages for host or ident cycle.
* Run this after the item in question has changed.
* You should not need to use this function, call ChangeDisplayedHost instead
* @param The entire QUIT line, including the source using the old value
void DoHostCycle(const std::string &quitline);
/** Change the displayed host of a user.
* ALWAYS use this function, rather than writing User::dhost directly,
* as this triggers module events allowing the change to be syncronized to
* remote servers. This will also emulate a QUIT and rejoin (where configured)
* before setting their host field.
* @param host The new hostname to set
* @return True if the change succeeded, false if it didn't
bool ChangeDisplayedHost(const char* host);
/** Change the ident (username) of a user.
* ALWAYS use this function, rather than writing User::ident directly,
* as this correctly causes the user to seem to quit (where configured)
* before setting their ident field.
* @param host The new ident to set
* @return True if the change succeeded, false if it didn't
bool ChangeIdent(const char* newident);
/** Change a users realname field.
* ALWAYS use this function, rather than writing User::fullname directly,
* as this triggers module events allowing the change to be syncronized to
* remote servers.
* @param gecos The user's new realname
* @return True if the change succeeded, false if otherwise
bool ChangeName(const char* gecos);
/** Send a command to all local users from this user
* The command given must be able to send text with the
* first parameter as a servermask (e.g. $*), so basically
* you should use PRIVMSG or NOTICE.
* @param command the command to send
* @param text The text format string to send
* @param ... Format arguments
void SendAll(const char* command, const char* text, ...) CUSTOM_PRINTF(3, 4);
/** Compile a channel list for this user. Used internally by WHOIS
* @param source The user to prepare the channel list for
* @param spy Whether to return the spy channel list rather than the normal one
* @return This user's channel list
std::string ChannelList(User* source, bool spy);
/** Split the channel list in cl which came from dest, and spool it to this user
* Used internally by WHOIS
* @param dest The user the original channel list came from
* @param cl The channel list as a string obtained from User::ChannelList()
void SplitChanList(User* dest, const std::string &cl);
/** Remove this user from all channels they are on, and delete any that are now empty.
* This is used by QUIT, and will not send part messages!
void PurgeEmptyChannels();
/** Get the connect class which this user belongs to.
* @return A pointer to this user's connect class
ConnectClass *GetClass();
/** Set the connect class to which this user belongs to.
* @param explicit_name Set this string to tie the user to a specific class name. Otherwise, the class is fitted by checking <connect> tags from the configuration file.
* @return A reference to this user's current connect class.
ConnectClass *SetClass(const std::string &explicit_name = "");
/** Show the message of the day to this user
void ShowMOTD();
/** Show the server RULES file to this user
void ShowRULES();
/** Increases a user's command penalty by a set amount.
void IncreasePenalty(int increase);
/** Decreases a user's command penalty by a set amount.
void DecreasePenalty(int decrease);
void OnDataReady();
void OnError(BufferedSocketError error);
/** Default destructor
virtual ~User();
virtual void cull();
/** Derived from Resolver, and performs user forward/reverse lookups.
class CoreExport UserResolver : public Resolver
/** User this class is 'attached' to.
User* bound_user;
/** File descriptor teh lookup is bound to
int bound_fd;
/** True if the lookup is forward, false if is a reverse lookup
bool fwd;
/** Create a resolver.
* @param Instance The creating instance
* @param user The user to begin lookup on
* @param to_resolve The IP or host to resolve
* @param qt The query type
* @param cache Modified by the constructor if the result was cached
UserResolver(InspIRCd* Instance, User* user, std::string to_resolve, QueryType qt, bool &cache);
/** Called on successful lookup
* @param result Result string
* @param ttl Time to live for result
* @param cached True if the result was found in the cache
void OnLookupComplete(const std::string &result, unsigned int ttl, bool cached);
/** Called on failed lookup
* @param e Error code
* @param errormessage Error message string
void OnError(ResolverError e, const std::string &errormessage);