mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:49:02 -04:00
Don't change CWD into bin/ Remove path-resolution hacks from configuration Store pidfile and xline DBs in data, logs in logs. git-svn-id: http://svn.inspircd.org/repository/trunk/inspircd@11866 e03df62e-2008-0410-955e-edbf42e46eb7
606 lines
14 KiB
606 lines
14 KiB
# +------------------------------------+
# | Inspire Internet Relay Chat Daemon |
# +------------------------------------+
# InspIRCd: (C) 2002-2009 InspIRCd Development Team
# See: http://wiki.inspircd.org/Credits
# This program is free but copyrighted software; see
# the file COPYING for details.
# ---------------------------------------------------
use strict;
use POSIX;
use Fcntl;
my $basepath = "@BASE_DIR@";
my $confpath = "@CONFIG_DIR@/";
my $binpath = "@BINARY_DIR@";
my $runpath = "@BASE_DIR@";
my $valgrindlogpath = "$basepath/valgrindlogs";
my $executable = "@EXECUTABLE@";
my $version = "@VERSION@";
# Lets see what they want to do.. Set the variable (Cause i'm a lazy coder)
my $arg = shift(@ARGV);
my $conf;
for my $a (@ARGV)
if ($a =~ m/^--config=(.*)$/)
$conf = $1;
if (!defined $conf) {
$conf = $confpath . "inspircd.conf";
push @ARGV, '--config='.$conf;
# System for naming script command subs:
# cmd_<name> - Normal command for use by users.
# dev_<name> - Developer commands.
# hid_<name> - Hidden commands (ie Cheese-Sandwich)
# Ideally command subs shouldn't return.
my $subname = $arg;
$subname =~ s/-/_/g;
my $sub = main->can("cmd_$subname") || main->can("dev_$subname") || main->can("hid_$subname");
if (!defined($sub))
print STDERR "Invalid command or none given.\n";
exit 1;
exit 0;
sub cmd_help()
my @subs = grep { $_ =~ m/^(cmd|dev)_/ && defined(main->can($_)) } keys(%::);
my @cmds = grep /^cmd_/, @subs;
my @devs = grep /^dev_/, @subs;
local $_;
$_ =~ s/^(cmd|dev)_// foreach (@cmds, @devs);
$_ =~ s/_/-/g foreach (@cmds, @devs);
print STDERR "Usage: ./inspircd (" . join("|", @cmds) . ")\n";
print STDERR "Developer arguments: (" . join("|", @devs) . ")\n";
exit 0;
sub cmd_status()
if (getstatus() == 1) {
my $pid = getprocessid();
print "InspIRCd is running (PID: $pid)\n";
} else {
print "InspIRCd is not running. (Or PID File not found)\n";
sub cmd_rehash()
if (getstatus() == 1) {
my $pid = getprocessid();
system("kill -HUP $pid >/dev/null 2>&1");
print "InspIRCd rehashed (pid: $pid).\n";
} else {
print "InspIRCd is not running. (Or PID File not found)\n";
sub cmd_cron()
if (getstatus() == 0) { goto &cmd_start(); }
sub cmd_version()
print "InspIRCd version: $version\n";
sub cmd_restart(@)
unlink($pidfile) if (-e $pidfile);
goto &cmd_start;
sub hid_cheese_sandwich()
print "Creating Cheese Sandwich..\n";
print "Done.\n";
sub cmd_start(@)
# Check to see its not 'running' already.
if (getstatus() == 1) { print "InspIRCd is already running.\n"; return 0; }
# If we are still alive here.. Try starting the IRCd..
chdir $runpath;
print "$binpath/$executable doesn't exist\n" and return 0 unless(-e "$binpath/$executable");
print "$binpath/$executable is not executable\n" and return 0 unless(-f "$binpath/$executable" && -x "$binpath/$executable");
exec "$binpath/$executable", @_;
die "Failed to start IRCd: $!\n";
sub dev_debug(@)
# Check to see its not 'running' already.
if (getstatus() == 1) { print "InspIRCd is already running.\n"; return 0; }
chdir $runpath;
print "$binpath/$executable doesn't exist\n" and return 0 unless(-e "$binpath/$executable");
print "$binpath/$executable is not executable\n" and return 0 unless(-f "$binpath/$executable" && -x "$binpath/$executable");
# Check we have gdb
# If we are still alive here.. Try starting the IRCd..
exec 'gdb', "--command=$basepath/.gdbargs", '--args', "$binpath/$executable", qw(-nofork -debug), @_;
die "Failed to start GDB: $!\n";
sub dev_screendebug(@)
# Check to see its not 'running' already.
if (getstatus() == 1) { print "InspIRCd is already running.\n"; return 0; }
chdir $runpath;
print "$binpath/$executable doesn't exist\n" and return 0 unless(-e "$binpath/$executable");
#Check we have gdb
# If we are still alive here.. Try starting the IRCd..
print "Starting InspIRCd in `screen`, type `screen -r` when the ircd crashes to view the gdb output and get a backtrace.\n";
print "Once you're inside the screen session press ^C + d to re-detach from the session\n";
exec qw(screen -m -d gdb), "--comand=$basepath/.gdbargs", '-args', "$binpath/$executable", qw(-nofork -debug -nolog), @_;
die "Failed to start screen: $!\n";
sub dev_valdebug(@)
# Check to see its not 'running' already.
if (getstatus() == 1) { print "InspIRCd is already running.\n"; return 0; }
chdir $runpath;
print "$binpath/$executable doesn't exist\n" and return 0 unless(-e "$binpath/$executable");
print "$binpath/$executable is not executable\n" and return 0 unless(-f "$binpath/$executable" && -x "$binpath/$executable");
# Check we have valgrind and gdb
# If we are still alive here.. Try starting the IRCd..
# May want to do something with these args at some point: --suppressions=.inspircd.sup --gen-suppressions=yes
# Could be useful when we want to stop it complaining about things we're sure aren't issues.
exec qw(valgrind -v --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes --db-attach=yes --num-callers=10), "$binpath/$executable", qw(-nofork -debug -nolog), @_;
die "Failed to start valgrind: $!\n";
sub dev_valdebug_unattended(@)
# NOTE: To make sure valgrind generates coredumps, set soft core limit in /etc/security/limits.conf to unlimited
# Check to see its not 'running' already.
if (getstatus() == 1) { print "InspIRCd is already running.\n"; return 0; }
chdir $runpath;
print "$binpath/$executable doesn't exist\n" and return 0 unless(-e "$binpath/$executable");
print "$binpath/$executable is not executable\n" and return 0 unless(-f "$binpath/$executable" && -x "$binpath/$executable");
# Check we have valgrind and gdb
# If we are still alive here.. Try starting the IRCd..
# NOTE: Saving the debug log (redirected stdout), while useful, is a potential security risk AND one hell of a spacehog. DO NOT SAVE THIS WHERE EVERYONE HAS ACCESS!
# Redirect stdout to /dev/null if you're worried about the security.
my $pid = fork;
if ($pid == 0) {
-d $valgrindlogpath or mkdir $valgrindlogpath or die "Cannot create $valgrindlogpath: $!\n";
-e "$binpath/valgrind.sup" or do { open my $f, '>', "$binpath/valgrind.sup"; };
my $suffix = strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S", localtime(time)) . ".$$";
open STDIN, '<', '/dev/null' or die "Can't redirect STDIN to /dev/null: $!\n";
sysopen STDOUT, "$valgrindlogpath/out.$suffix", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_NOCTTY | O_APPEND, 0600 or die "Can't open $valgrindlogpath/out.$suffix: $!\n";
sysopen STDERR, "$valgrindlogpath/valdebug.$suffix", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_NOCTTY | O_APPEND, 0666 or die "Can't open $valgrindlogpath/valdebug.$suffix: $!\n";
# May want to do something with these args at some point: --suppressions=.inspircd.sup --gen-suppressions=yes
# Could be useful when we want to stop it complaining about things we're sure aren't issues.
exec qw(valgrind -v --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --num-callers=15 --track-fds=yes),
"--suppressions=$binpath/valgrind.sup", qw(--gen-suppressions=all),
qw(--leak-resolution=med --time-stamp=yes --log-fd=2 --),
"$binpath/$executable", qw(-nofork -debug -nolog), @_;
die "Can't execute valgrind: $!\n";
sub dev_screenvaldebug(@)
# Check to see its not 'running' already.
if (getstatus() == 1) { print "InspIRCd is already running.\n"; return 0; }
chdir $runpath;
print "$binpath/$executable doesn't exist\n" and return 0 unless(-e "$binpath/$executable");
print "$binpath/$executable is not executable\n" and return 0 unless(-f "$binpath/$executable" && -x "$binpath/$executable");
#Check we have gdb
# If we are still alive here.. Try starting the IRCd..
print "Starting InspIRCd in `screen`, type `screen -r` when the ircd crashes to view the valgrind and gdb output and get a backtrace.\n";
print "Once you're inside the screen session press ^C + d to re-detach from the session\n";
exec qw(screen -m -d valgrind -v --tool=memcheck --leak-check=yes --db-attach=yes --num-callers=10), "$binpath/$executable", qw(-nofork -debug -nolog), @_;
die "Failed to start screen: $!\n";
sub cmd_stop()
if (getstatus() == 0) { print "InspIRCd is not running. (Or PID File not found)\n"; return 0; }
# Get to here, we have something to kill.
my $pid = getprocessid();
print "Stopping InspIRCd (pid: $pid)...\n";
my $maxwait = (`ps -o command $pid` =~ /valgrind/i) ? 90 : 5;
kill TERM => $pid or die "Cannot terminate IRCd: $!\n";
for (1..$maxwait) {
sleep 1;
if (getstatus() == 0) {
print "InspIRCd Stopped.\n";
print "InspIRCd not dying quietly -- forcing kill\n";
kill KILL => $pid;
return 0;
# Generic Helper Functions.
# GetPidfile Version 2 - Now With Include Support..
# I beg for months for include support in insp, then..
# when it is added, it comes around and BITES ME IN THE ASS,
# because i then have to code support into this script.. Evil.
# Craig got bitten in the ass again --
# in 1.1 beta the include file is manditory, therefore
# if we cant find it, default to %conf%/inspircd.pid.
# Note, this also contains a fix for when the pid file is
# defined, but defined in a comment (line starts with #)
# -- Brain
my %filesparsed;
sub getpidfile
my ($file) = @_;
# Before we start, do we have a PID already? (Should never occur)
if ($pid ne "") {
# Are We using a relative path?
if ($file !~ /^\//) {
# Convert it to a full path.
$file = $confpath . $file;
# Have we checked this file before?
return if $filesparsed{$file};
$filesparsed{$file} = 1;
# Open the File..
open INFILE, "< $file" or die "Unable to open file $file included in configuration\n";
# Grab entire file contents..
my(@lines) = <INFILE>;
# Close the file
close INFILE;
# remove trailing spaces
for my $i (@lines) {
# clean it up
$i =~ s/[^=]+=\s(.*)/\1/;
# Does this file have a pid?
if (($i =~ /<pid file=\"(\S+)\">/i) && ($i !~ /^#/))
# Set the PID file and return.
$pidfile = $1;
if (-f $pidfile)
if (-f $confpath . $pidfile)
$pidfile = $confpath . $pidfile;
# If we get here, NO PID FILE! -- Check for includes
for my $i (@lines) {
$i =~ s/[^=]+=\s(.*)/\1/;
if (($i =~ s/\<include file=\"(.+?)\"\>//i) && ($i !~ /^#/))
# Decend into that file, and check for PIDs.. (that sounds like an STD ;/)
# Was a PID found?
if (-f $pidfile)
if (-f $confpath . $pidfile)
$pidfile = $confpath . $pidfile;
if ($pidfile ne "") {
# Yes, Return.
# End of includes / No includes found. Using default.
$pidfile = $runpath . "/data/inspircd.pid";
sub getstatus {
my $pid = getprocessid();
return 0 if $pid == 0;
return kill 0, $pid;
sub getprocessid {
my $pid;
open PIDFILE, "< $pidfile" or return 0;
$pid = $_;
close PIDFILE;
return $pid;
sub checkvalgrind
unless(`valgrind --version`)
print "Couldn't start valgrind: $!\n";
sub checkgdb
unless(`gdb --version`)
print "Couldn't start gdb: $!\n";
sub checkscreen
unless(`screen --version`)
print "Couldn't start screen: $!\n";
sub checkxmllint
open(FH, "xmllint|") or die "Couldn't start xmllint: $!\n";
sub cmd_checkconf()
print "Config check complete\n";
exit 0;
my %filechecked;
sub validateconf
my ($file) = @_;
# Are We using a relative path?
if ($file !~ /^\//) {
# Convert it to a full path..
$file = $confpath . $file;
# Have we checked this file before?
return if $filechecked{$file};
$filechecked{$file} = 1;
# Open the File..
open INFILE, "< $file" or die "Unable to open file $file\n";
# Grab entire file contents..
my(@lines) = <INFILE>;
# Close the file
close INFILE;
# remove trailing spaces
my @newlines = ();
my @blanks = ();
my $conline;
push @newlines, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>";
# push @newlines, "<!DOCTYPE config SYSTEM \"".$confpath."inspircd.dtd\">";
push @newlines, "<config>";
for my $i (@lines)
# remove trailing newlines
# convert tabs to spaces
$i =~ s/\t/ /g;
# remove leading spaces
$i =~ s/^ *//;
# remove comments
$i =~ s/^#.*//;
# remove trailing #s
$i =~ s/(.*)#$/\1/;
# remove trailing comments
my $line = "";
my $quote = 0;
for (my $j = 0; $j < length($i); $j++)
if (substr($i,$j, 1) eq '"') { $quote = ($quote) ? 0 : 1; } elsif (substr($i,$j, 1) eq "#" && !$quote) { last; }
$line .= substr($i,$j, 1);
$i = $line;
# remove trailing spaces
$i =~ s/ *$//;
# setup incf for include check and clean it up, since this breaks parsing use local var
my $incf = $i;
$incf =~ s/[^=]+=\s(.*)/\1/;
# include file?
if (($incf =~ s/\<include file=\"(.+?)\"\>//i) && ($incf !~ /^#/))
# yes, process it
if ($i =~ /^<.*/ && $conline =~ /^<.*/)
push @newlines, $conline;
push @newlines, @blanks;
$conline = $i;
if ($i =~ /^<.*>$/)
$i =~ s/(.*)>$/\1 \/>/;
push @newlines, $i;
elsif ($i =~ /.*>$/)
$conline .= " $i";
$conline =~ s/(.*)>$/\1 \/>/;
push @blanks, "";
push @newlines, $conline;
push @newlines, @blanks;
$conline = "";
undef @blanks;
elsif ($i =~ /^<.*/)
$conline = $i;
elsif ($conline =~ /^<.*/ && $i)
$conline .= " $i";
push @blanks, "";
if ($conline)
push @blanks, $i;
push @newlines, $i;
if ($conline)
push @newlines, $conline;
push @newlines, @blanks;
push @newlines, "</config>";
my $tmpfile;
$tmpfile = tmpnam();
} until sysopen(TF, $tmpfile, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_NOFOLLOW, 0700);
for my $n (@newlines)
print TF "$n\n";
close TF;
my @result = `xmllint -noout $tmpfile 2>&1`;
my $skip = 0;
for my $n (@result)
if ($skip)
$skip = 0;
$n =~ s/$tmpfile\:\d*\: *//g;
if ($n =~ /.*config>.*/)
$n = "";
$skip = 1;
if ($n && !$skip)
if ($n =~ /line \d*/)
my $lineno = $n;
$lineno =~ s/.*line (\d*).*/\1/;
$lineno = $lineno-2;
$n =~ s/line (\d*)/line $lineno/;
print "$file : $n\n";