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* InspIRCd -- Internet Relay Chat Daemon
* Copyright (C) 2013-2016, 2018 Attila Molnar <attilamolnar@hush.com>
* Copyright (C) 2012-2013, 2017-2020 Sadie Powell <sadie@witchery.services>
* Copyright (C) 2012 Robby <robby@chatbelgie.be>
* Copyright (C) 2009 Daniel De Graaf <danieldg@inspircd.org>
* Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Robin Burchell <robin+git@viroteck.net>
* Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Dennis Friis <peavey@inspircd.org>
* Copyright (C) 2003-2006, 2008, 2010 Craig Edwards <brain@inspircd.org>
* This file is part of InspIRCd. InspIRCd is free software: you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include "membership.h"
#include "mode.h"
#include "parammode.h"
/** Holds an entry for a ban list, exemption list, or invite list.
* This class contains a single element in a channel list, such as a banlist.
/** Holds all relevant information for a channel.
* This class represents a channel, and contains its name, modes, topic, topic set time,
* etc, and an instance of the BanList type.
class CoreExport Channel : public Extensible
/** A map of Memberships on a channel keyed by User pointers
typedef std::map<User*, insp::aligned_storage<Membership> > MemberMap;
/** Set default modes for the channel on creation
void SetDefaultModes();
/** Modes for the channel.
* It is a bitset where each item in it represents if a mode is set.
* To see if a mode is set, inspect modes[mh->modeid]
std::bitset<ModeParser::MODEID_MAX> modes;
/** Remove the given membership from the channel's internal map of
* memberships and destroy the Membership object.
* This function does not remove the channel from User::chanlist.
* Since the parameter is an iterator to the target, the complexity
* of this function is constant.
* @param membiter The MemberMap iterator to remove, must be valid
void DelUser(const MemberMap::iterator& membiter);
/** Creates a channel record and initialises it with default values
* @param name The name of the channel
* @param ts The creation time of the channel
* @throw CoreException if this channel name is in use
Channel(const std::string &name, time_t ts);
/** Checks whether the channel should be destroyed, and if yes, begins
* the teardown procedure.
* If there are users on the channel or a module vetoes the deletion
* (OnPreChannelDelete hook) then nothing else happens.
* Otherwise, first the OnChannelDelete event is fired, then the channel is
* removed from the channel list. All pending invites are destroyed and
* finally the channel is added to the cull list.
void CheckDestroy();
/** The channel's name.
std::string name;
/** Time that the object was instantiated (used for TS calculation etc)
time_t age;
/** User list.
MemberMap userlist;
/** Channel topic.
* If this is an empty string, no channel topic is set.
std::string topic;
/** Time topic was set.
* If no topic was ever set, this will be equal to Channel::created
time_t topicset = 0;
/** The last user to set the topic.
* If this member is an empty string, no topic was ever set.
std::string setby; /* 128 */
/** Sets or unsets a custom mode in the channels info
* @param mode The mode character to set or unset
* @param value True if you want to set the mode or false if you want to remove it
void SetMode(ModeHandler* mode, bool value);
/** Returns true if a mode is set on a channel
* @param mode The mode character you wish to query
* @return True if the custom mode is set, false if otherwise
bool IsModeSet(ModeHandler* mode) { return ((mode->GetId() != ModeParser::MODEID_MAX) && (modes[mode->GetId()])); }
bool IsModeSet(ModeHandler& mode) { return IsModeSet(&mode); }
bool IsModeSet(ChanModeReference& mode);
/** Returns the parameter for a custom mode on a channel.
* @param mode The mode character you wish to query
* For example if "+L #foo" is set, and you pass this method
* 'L', it will return '\#foo'. If the mode is not set on the
* channel, or the mode has no parameters associated with it,
* it will return an empty string.
* @return The parameter for this mode is returned, or an empty string
std::string GetModeParameter(ModeHandler* mode);
std::string GetModeParameter(ChanModeReference& mode);
std::string GetModeParameter(ParamModeBase* pm);
/** Sets the channel topic.
* @param user The user setting the topic.
* @param topic The topic to set it to.
* @param topicts Timestamp of the new topic.
* @param setter Setter string, may be used when the original setter is no longer online.
* If omitted or NULL, the setter string is obtained from the user.
void SetTopic(User* user, const std::string& topic, time_t topicts, const std::string* setter = NULL);
/** Obtain the channel "user counter"
* This returns the number of users on this channel
* @return The number of users on this channel
size_t GetUserCounter() const { return userlist.size(); }
/** Add a user pointer to the internal reference list
* @param user The user to add
* The data inserted into the reference list is a table as it is
* an arbitrary pointer compared to other users by its memory address,
* as this is a very fast 32 or 64 bit integer comparison.
Membership* AddUser(User* user);
/** Delete a user pointer to the internal reference list
* @param user The user to delete
void DelUser(User* user);
/** Obtain the internal reference list
* The internal reference list contains a list of User*.
* These are used for rapid comparison to determine
* channel membership for PRIVMSG, NOTICE, QUIT, PART etc.
* The resulting pointer to the vector should be considered
* readonly and only modified via AddUser and DelUser.
* @return This function returns pointer to a map of User pointers (CUList*).
const MemberMap& GetUsers() const { return userlist; }
/** Returns true if the user given is on the given channel.
* @param user The user to look for
* @return True if the user is on this channel
bool HasUser(User* user);
Membership* GetUser(User* user);
/** Make src kick user from this channel with the given reason.
* @param src The source of the kick
* @param victimiter Iterator to the user being kicked, must be valid
* @param reason The reason for the kick
void KickUser(User* src, const MemberMap::iterator& victimiter, const std::string& reason);
/** Make src kick user from this channel with the given reason.
* @param src The source of the kick
* @param user The user being kicked
* @param reason The reason for the kick
void KickUser(User* src, User* user, const std::string& reason)
MemberMap::iterator it = userlist.find(user);
if (it != userlist.end())
KickUser(src, it, reason);
/** Part a user from this channel with the given reason.
* If the reason field is NULL, no reason will be sent.
* @param user The user who is parting (must be on this channel)
* @param reason The part reason
* @return True if the user was on the channel and left, false if they weren't and nothing happened
bool PartUser(User* user, const std::string& reason);
/** Join a local user to a channel, with or without permission checks. May be a channel that doesn't exist yet.
* @param user The user to join to the channel.
* @param channame The channel name to join to. Does not have to exist.
* @param key The key of the channel, if given
* @param override If true, override all join restrictions such as +bkil
* @return A pointer to the Channel the user was joined to. A new Channel may have
* been created if the channel did not exist before the user was joined to it.
* If the user could not be joined to a channel, the return value is NULL.
static Channel* JoinUser(LocalUser* user, std::string channame, bool override = false, const std::string& key = "");
/** Join a user to an existing channel, without doing any permission checks
* @param user The user to join to the channel
* @param privs Privileges (prefix mode letters) to give to this user, may be NULL
* @param bursting True if this join is the result of a netburst (passed to modules in the OnUserJoin hook)
* @param created_by_local True if this channel was just created by a local user (passed to modules in the OnUserJoin hook)
* @return A newly created Membership object, or NULL if the user was already inside the channel or if the user is a server user
Membership* ForceJoin(User* user, const std::string* privs = NULL, bool bursting = false, bool created_by_local = false);
/** Write to all users on a channel except some users
* @param protoev Event to send, may contain any number of messages.
* @param status The status of the users to write to, e.g. '@' or '%'. Use a value of 0 to write to everyone
* @param except_list List of users not to send to
void Write(ClientProtocol::Event& protoev, char status = 0, const CUList& except_list = CUList());
/** Write to all users on a channel except some users.
* @param protoevprov Protocol event provider for the message.
* @param msg Message to send.
* @param status The status of the users to write to, e.g. '@' or '%'. Use a value of 0 to write to everyone
* @param except_list List of users not to send to
void Write(ClientProtocol::EventProvider& protoevprov, ClientProtocol::Message& msg, char status = 0, const CUList& except_list = CUList());
/** Return the channel's modes with parameters.
* @param showsecret If this is set to true, the value of secret parameters
* are shown, otherwise they are replaced with '<name>'.
* @return The channel mode string
const char* ChanModes(bool showsecret);
/** Get the value of a users prefix on this channel.
* @param user The user to look up
* @return The module or core-defined value of the users prefix.
* The values for op, halfop and voice status are constants in
* mode.h, and are OP_VALUE, HALFOP_VALUE, and VOICE_VALUE respectively.
* If the value you are given does not match one of these three, it is
* a module-defined mode, and it should be compared in proportion to
* these three constants. For example a value greater than OP_VALUE
* is a prefix of greater 'worth' than ops, and a value less than
* VOICE_VALUE is of lesser 'worth' than a voice.
unsigned int GetPrefixValue(User* user);
/** Check if a user is banned on this channel
* @param user A user to check against the banlist
* @returns True if the user given is banned
bool IsBanned(User* user);
/** Check a single ban for match
bool CheckBan(User* user, const std::string& banmask);
/** Write a NOTICE to all local users on the channel
* @param text Text to send
* @param status The minimum status rank to send this message to.
void WriteNotice(const std::string& text, char status = 0);
void WriteRemoteNotice(const std::string& text, char status = 0);
inline bool Channel::HasUser(User* user)
return (userlist.find(user) != userlist.end());
inline std::string Channel::GetModeParameter(ChanModeReference& mode)
if (!mode)
return "";
return GetModeParameter(*mode);
inline std::string Channel::GetModeParameter(ModeHandler* mh)
std::string out;
ParamModeBase* pm = mh->IsParameterMode();
if (pm && this->IsModeSet(pm))
pm->GetParameter(this, out);
return out;
inline std::string Channel::GetModeParameter(ParamModeBase* pm)
std::string out;
if (this->IsModeSet(pm))
pm->GetParameter(this, out);
return out;
inline bool Channel::IsModeSet(ChanModeReference& mode)
if (!mode)
return false;
return IsModeSet(*mode);