# ouch-relay ouchnets official relay client ## usage `./ouch-relay` will load config.json from current directory To specify config path use `./ouch-relay -cfg path/to/config` `./ouch-relay -h` to print the usage message ## config ``` { "networks": [ { "url": "irc.ouch.chat:6667", "nick": "Alpha", "channel": "#testing", "name": "TestNet", "monitor": true }, { "url": "irc.ouch.chat:6667", "nick": "Beta", "channel": "#test", "name": "OuchNet", "monitor": false }, { "url": "irc.ouch.chat:6667", "nick": "Charlie", "channel": "#taliban", "name": "TalibanNet", "monitor": false } ] } ``` - `url` is the domain or ip of server with :PORT - `nick` is the nickname you want the relay to use - `channel` is the channel you want the relay to occupy - `name` is the network Identifier for the relay - `monitor` set to `true` to make connection only recieve messages from relay chain, not send you may specify as many networks as you want under the json `"networks"` array. All networks will then have specified channels relayed across all networks