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Original Author: Dave Gamble Current Maintainer: Max Bruckner
- Ajay Bhargav
- Alper Akcan
- Anton Sergeev
- Bob Kocisko
- Christian Schulze
- Casperinous
- Debora Grosse
- dieyushi
- Dōngwén Huáng (黄东文)
- Eswar Yaganti
- Evan Todd
- Fabrice Fontaine
- Ian Mobley
- Irwan Djadjadi
- IvanVoid
- Jakub Wilk
- Jiri Zouhar
- Jonathan Fether
- Julián Vásquez
- Kevin Branigan
- Kyle Chisholm
- Linus Wallgren
- Mike Pontillo
- Mike Jerris
- Mike Robinson
- Paulo Antonio Alvarez
- Pawel Winogrodzki
- prefetchnta
- Rafael Leal Dias
- Robin Mallinson
- Rod Vagg
- Roland Meertens
- Romain Porte
- Simon Ricaldone
- Stephan Gatzka
- Weston Schmidt
- yangfl
- Zach Hindes
- Zhao Zhixu
And probably more people on SourceForge
Also thanks to all the people who reported bugs and suggested new features.